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Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:59 pm
Tank sat on his knees waiting for the next attack to come, but instead he felt a sharp pain on his cheek as the kunai Kenshin had thrown slid across Tank's cheek releasing a stream of blood down his face. Then he could hear Kenshin say "Get up" to him in a bland flat tone showing he wasn't even amused with Tank's effort so far. A rush of adrenaline hit Tank and he burts out in anger attempting to grab Kenshin up by both of his ankles and pull him off balance. Even though Kenshin was stronger than Tank he certainly didn't weigh too much for Tank to throw around easily. If Tank got ahold of Kenshin's ankles with his giant hands he would try and pick him up and slam him down onto the ground head first. Then he would try and toss Kenshin away from him following up with another taijutsu shunshin to catch up to Kenshin's body in mid flight and drop an elbow in the middle of his back slamming him into the ground.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Getting down to business - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:11 pm
Kenshin would grin widely as Tank suddenly grabbed hold of his ankles and began lifting him off the ground, not even slightly worried about the possible damage he could take, simply enjoying the fact Tank had not given up quite yet. Being slammed onto the ground the dirt around his body seemed to cave in slightly and even with Tank's rather low strength compared to his own durability the attack was able to force the air from his lungs and make him gasp slightly to try and recover. It was then that he was tossed some distance, his interest in the man growing ever so slightly with ever move he made, it was obvious that Tank was not much of a shinobi as of now, but he most definitely had promise if he could manage to keep himself alive long enough. It was when Tank appeared off to the side that Kenshin would finally react to Tank's movement and plant his left hand onto the ground rather hard to begin skidding to a stop but before it came to a complete stop he would have to get Tank away from him so he could not land another blow. Twisting his hand on the ground he would begin contorting his body in the air to twist his left leg towards the side of Tank's head in an attempt to knock him away so that he could come to a complete stop and flip back onto his feet. Dust now coating his white pants and a large red mark on his back that was not visible it was obvious that Tank may have not caused any lasting damage but he was definitely able to cause Kenshin slight pain and if he was actually able to continue beating on Kenshin like that for an extended time then he could likely cause some actual damage. His smile slowly disappearing he would seem to give off a more serious aura as he simply stared towards Tank, he intended to wait for Tank's next move rather than charging at him and simply beating him, he was having too much fun seeing what this monster of a shinobi could do.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting down to business

Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:25 pm
Tank felt himself lift Kenshin off the ground and was excited he had actually gotten ahold of the Uchiha. Even better was the sensation of hearing Kenshin gasp for a breathe after smacking against the ground. After tossing Kenshin and bursting toward him to drop an elbow on him he realized Kenshin had gathered himself already and was planting his hand in the dirt slowing himself down. Tank however had already over commited to his taijutsu shunshin and had too much momentum to stop himself and counter Kenshin's next move. As Tank slid next to Kenshin trying his best to stop and stay with him he would catch another kick right to his face tossing him past Kenshin by several meters and tumbling him over onto the ground. Tank rolled through his fall and back up onto his feet turning to face Kenshin seeing that he was already facing him. At that moment Tank felt like he was just drained of all his energy. The adrenaline rush had worn off and now Tank felt like he had one thousand pound weights on each of his limbs. His head dropped and he even felt a bit light headed. Another thing that began to factor in was his pain was returning. Every single cut and bruise on Tanks body felt as if it were throbbing and burning causing him even more discomfort. Trying his best to still look ready to fight Tank raised his head back up and took a single deep breathe before running at Kenshin one more time. This time however he didn't pull back for a punch he would just rush right at Kenshin not even sure what his plan was, but he was going to put every last bit of energy he had into whatever he decided on.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Getting down to business - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting down to business

Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:41 pm
Kenshin would face Tank as he seemed to be wearing himself out and taking far too much damage to continue fighting appropriately. Studying his body and expression he could easily tell that Tank had little to nothing left in him to even attempt a win and he was simply running on adrenaline alone. His expression becoming dull and lifeless he decided upon ending the battle as soon as possible, likely with his next action. It was when Tank began charging him that he slowly raised his left hand to form a seal, only his index and middle finger being raised to show he was focusing chakra. Energizing his body internally with his chakra he would burst forward at a speed Tank couldn't even visually comprehend and as he past by he would raise his right hand to grip the larger mans face, holding it firmly in his palm as he continued forward a mere two more meters. It was then that his body swung forward and his right hand was thrust down at the ground to slam Tank's skull into the ground, purposely holding back quite a bit of his strength to assure he neither killed nor knocked Tank unconscious but simply made it too difficult to proceed. Still holding onto Tank's face he would release him slowly before stood, towering over Tank's visage, easily triumphant over his opponent. "You definitely have gotten a bit stronger since last time, but you surely have not reached the same level as me yet, though you do seem to have potential if given time" he said softly but with profound meaning. Slowly stepping over Tank he would walk some distance away to grab his cloak that he had thrown to the side some time ago and quickly wrap it around his body once again before he walked back to Tank. Reaching out a hand to help the much larger shinobi off the ground it was rather obvious he no longer pitted him but respected his efforts to get stronger, something a younger Kenshin would never do. It was after Kenshin had helped him up that he began slowly walking off, his frame growing smaller as the distance between them continued to grow until he reached the edge of the treeline and came to an abrupt halt, waiting for any last words to be spoken by Tank, not wanting to leave before his opponent got his last words in about either what he thought of the fight or possibly even Kenshin as a person. Of course if this was the case then Kenshin would simply ignore his words, completely unphased by any slander the weaker shinobi had to speak of him.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting down to business

Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:22 pm
Tank's last bit of energy was draining almost instantly as soon as he started charging. Barely able to see Kenshin to begin with he completely lost track of the Uchiha until his face was in Kenshin's palm. Feeling a force against him his legs completely shut down and buckled under the pressure from Kenshin. Tank could feel himself being dragged backwards and then driven into the ground. However the impact wasn't as hard as he had assumed it would be. He wasn't knocked unconscious, but his entire world was spinning for a bit. His body layed limp on the ground a massive heap of muscle that had just been beaten like it was about to be cooked. Tank layed on his back staring up at the spinning sky as it slowly came back into focus he could see Kenshin standing over him. Listening to Kenshin's word he heard a some kindness in his vioce something he thought perhaps he had imagined last time they met. Tank relaxed for the first time in a whilw and decided he would just lay ther on the ground until he gathered himself enough to leave the training grounds. Before Kenshin was out of sight Tank did say "I'll catch up to you some day." and left it at that.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Getting down to business - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting down to business

Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:43 pm
Kenshin would nod slowly as Tank spoke and began walking through the dense brush that surrounded the training grounds. Rays of light piercing the canopy could be seen all over the area as the partially cloudy sky seemed to open up into a bright and vivid display of light blue, a soothing tone to end the harshness that had just occurred only moments ago. Taking no longer than a few minutes Kenshin would reach the urban like structure of the village once again and slowly walk through the streets, his eyes focused and trained on several different aspects of his surroundings as if he was expecting something, however the relaxed look on his face told otherwise. Returning home he would head inside, kicking his sandals off to the side he would simply proceed into the kitchen where he began cooking lunch for himself to assure he regained his full energy for the training he was likely going to do later. His expression was bland and emotionless but inside his mind swirled with emotions, the power hungry, anger driven boy had seemed to become softer and more gentle with those around him, the rough edges of his social skills being smoothed by those he had come into contact with recently. It seemed his wish for immense power and revenge for his father was nearly fading out of sight as the village and the bonds he wished to form with others were now taking priority. Could this possibly be the end of the curse of hatred for Kenshin, something that has haunted the uchiha since their founding? It would definitely take more time to tell, but it was surely true that he was moving closer to a path of friendship and loyalty to his friends and village.

(WC: 2,805)
+14 stats
2805 words towards learning rain tiger at will (2805/4000)
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting down to business

Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:06 am
As Tank layed there in the middle of the training grounds surrounded by a feeling of peace he would stare calmly into the sky. Watching the pure white clouds float by in the endlessly blue sky Tank thought of nothing at all. His body still bruised and bleeding a bit, but the tranquility of his surroundings drowned out the pain he was feeling earlier. Letting his body rest for several minutes before trying to move Tank began readying himself to move. After about ten minutes Tank sits up slowly flexing his incredibly ripped abs and reminding his body of the pain he'll be in for at least a few days. It was awful, but not unbearable. Feeling all of the cuts on his back open back up and begin bleeding again. With dirt covering his entire back it was hard to see, but he back was rather damaged from being flung across the ground multiple times throughout the fight. Tank most definitely wanted to get home and treat his wounds as quickly as he could. As Tank finished standing up he brushed himself off again reopening several wounds and started walking toward the village to his home. While walking home Tank began feeling very hungry which of course would be fixed as soon as he got home. Being an Akimichi meant he almost always had a house full of food.
(WC 2006)
(10+ stats)
2000 words toward human boulder technique (2000/2000)

Last edited by Tank Akimichi on Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Getting down to business - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting down to business

Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:24 pm
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