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Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business Empty Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:22 pm
Tank walks into the traing grounds, but not as his usual calm relaxed self. Today he has a single mission on his mind. That being Kenshin Uchiha. After several training sessions Tank is ready to challenge Kenshin again and test himself. He walks out into the middle of the training grounds and begins looking for Kenshin ready to challenge him as soon as he finds finds the Uchiha and prove that he has gotten stronger than he was last time.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:16 pm
Kenshin would stand within the training grounds with his held low as if he was looking at the grass below him, his hair fluttering down to cover his face to make seeing his face incredibly difficult. His katana held firmly at the hilts tip as it was jabbed into the ground he seemed to be leaning on it for support as if it was a cane, his cloak loosely fitting his form and hiding his body and arms from sight with only his right hand visible, poking out from under the fabric. It was when he heard the loud and obvious foot steps of what seemed to be a rather large individual that he raised his head and peered up at the hulking man he had met some time ago "Tank was his name, right?" he thought as he tried to recall all of the information he could about him in the short time he had met him. Slowly pulling his katana from the earth he would sheathe it on his lower back and straighten his back before he stepped forward to try and meet with Tank before he reached his position. Looking over Tank's demeanor and facial expression he seemed far more serious than the first time they had met and they way he focused on Kenshin easily gave away his intentions of fighting him and so with a slow motion he would raise his left hand to try and cue Tank to shake his hand as a formal greeting. "So why have you come here today, Tank?" he questioned to see if his assumptions were correct and if they were he would simply nod and take two steps backwards to try and put a little distance between them so he could not attack him swiftly before he had time to defend himself.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:33 pm
Tank looked around for a bit before seeing Kenshin heading right for him with his hand out. Making a straight line towaqrd Kenshin he would reach out and shake his hand answering in a firm tone "I've come to challenge you again. Last time didn't go so well for me and I've made sure to get better. Now I want to see how far I've come from then. Do you accept my challenge?" Staring deeply into Kenshin's eyes he would give his best intimidating glare possible.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:57 pm
Kenshin would slowly nod in acceptance as he took two quick steps backwards, he meant to accept the challenge but did not think much would come of it in terms of Tank's experience and power. His left hand slowly moving up to grip the collar of his cloak he would quickly rip it from his body and toss it to his side and let it flutter off some distance in the wind to reveal his all black high collard short sleeved T-shirt presenting the uchiha clan crest largely on his back. His eyes starring deeply into Tank's own as the larger man attempted to intimidate him he would seem to release a presence of blood lust that would be very surprising for such a young ninja, of course there was no real motive behind it as Kenshin himself did not wish to kill Tank at all. Reaching into a large puch held on the right side of his hip he would grip a single shuriken and toss it towards Tank at a surprisingly slow pace, something even the slowest of ninja could easily avoid. This of course was simply an attempt at probing his opponents physical ability to see just how much he had improved in the rather long period they had not seen each other. It was after he tossed the shuriken that Kenshin would reach into his pouch once again to pull out a single kunai and throw it high into the air directly above both of them for far later use.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:16 pm
Tank watched as Kenshin nodded his head and took two quick steps backward. Soon enough the shuriken from Kenshin's hand was being tossed right at Tank. As fast as Tank could he side stepped the shuriken and wached as it went by him. Not noticing the kunai that was thrown into the air because he was preoccupied by the shuriken. Tanked turned toward Kenshin after dodging the shuriken and rushed toward Kenshin showing off that he had gotten exactly zero percent faster since they last met. With this completeley underwhelming speed of his he would rush right at Kenshin and throw a punch aiming for Kenshin's face. If he reached Kenshin and had time to throw the punch it would look like his fist was sliding off course and down toward Kenshin's right hip. Then with a quick twist of Tank's hips his body would go into a forward summersault bringing his right leg up and over into a hatchet kick coming down towards the top of Kenshin's head.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:27 pm
Kenshin would watch Tank very closely as he seemed to be very occupied with the single shuriken he had tossed at him and to his surprise he didn't seem to have gotten much faster if not at all. It was when Tank charged forward that Kenshin's expression became rather sour as his speed could only be described as pathetic and Kenshin actually seemed to be upset by the big game the man had talked to him before now that he sees how little her improved. Not even positioning his feet for defense he would watch as Tank swirled around into a somersault and attempted to bring his foot down onto his skull to do what he assumed would be little to no damage to himself. Quickly raising his right hand into the air he would easily bring Tank's entire body to an abrupt halt as he gripped his ankle very tightly in frustration with how weak all the shinobi around here seemed to be lately. It was only after releasing a deep breath that he calmed his nerves and proceeded with this little fight and with a simple twist of his upper body he would twirl Tank's huge frame around and throw him towards the far off brush of the surrounding forest with little effort. It was after Tank had actually entered the forest that Kenshin would quickly rush after him and assuming he had come to a stop he would quickly leap into the air to strike Tank with a powerful kick to the face. Assuming his hit had landed he would grab Tank by his wrist and quickly toss him once again but towards the center of the training grounds at a much higher speed than before. An obviously annoyed look on his face could be seen as he slowly exited the forest and began moving towards Tank again very slowly, barely anything more than a brisk walk.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:51 pm
Tank was caught off guard as Kenshin fully caught him in mid kick. Being thrown across the training feild he would think Crashing through several bushes and sliding across the ground scratched him up pretty good. Then before he could even get up Kenshin's foot landed right onto his face smashing his head into the ground and bloodying his face quite a bit. Then yet again Tank was grabbed up and tossed out of the forest and back into the training grounds. This time sliding even farther across the ground even skipping it a few times like a pebble on across still water. Landing hard on his side Tank's clothes were already ruined being torn in multiple areas. Pulling himself up onto all fours felt like he was lifting the heaviest weights in the world, but he fought his way all the way up to his feet. Watching as Kenshin walked slowly and bored out of the tree line made Tank more mad than he had ever been in his entire life. Tank would watch Kenshin as he walked and catch his breathe a bit before using his right hand to grab ahold of his shirt and finish ripping it off, tossing it to his side. Underneath his shirt were too many bruises and scratches to count and blood was running down his face dripping onto his massive chest. Tank would then reach up and wipe the blood from his face off and flick it off of his hand.

Now that he had gathered himself a bit Tank again charged right at Kenshin again. Running a bit slower than before as he had taken a lot of damage rather quickly. Still he looked determined, a lot different han last time he had fought Kenshin. Before he looked weak and defeated pittying himself and relying on desperation as motivation. Now he was determined to fight to the end and not show any sort of demoralization. By the time Tank was about ten meters away from Kenshin he would flood his body with chakra increasing his speed by nearly four times using his taijutsu shunshin technique. With this burst of speed from a rather close distance he hoped to surprise Kenshin enough that he could land his next few attacks and get back into this fight. He would throw several punches in quick succession as he reached Kenshin and then finshing with a leg sweep to try and throw him off balance.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:07 pm
Kenshin would look upon Tank's visage, easily being able to understand his determination, the man obviously seemed to care greatly about the outcome of this battle as he refused to stay down for long and forced himself to his feet. It was when Tank suddenly burst forward at a far greater speed than before that Kenshin was delightfully surprised by what Tank had learned in the last few months. By a simple glance it would seem to be a normal body flicker technique but through rapid analysis it was obvious that this technique was far different than the original technique. Based off of the muscle inflation it showed in his body for a short burst it seemed to use the shinobi's physical strength in a quick burst of agility, easily fitting the strengths and weaknesses of Tank properly. It was only a fraction of a second before Tank's strike landed that Kenshin fully decided he would allow the strike to land and test the true physical strength of the inflated super human of a man. It was the moment Tank's fist made contact that Kenshin was yet again disappointed, it was obvious that Tank had gotten quite a bit stronger but still a far cry from his own, though he could not particularly blame him considering he had already started off well above Tank's strength. Only being forced back maybe an inch as Kenshin dug his feet into the ground it was obvious that Tank had did little to no damage to Kenshin and that this battle would go far differently than he had assumed. Instantly deciding against taking anymore strikes as Tank prepared another strike he would send a swift knee towards the mans stomach to try and force him to bend over and quickly pivoting on his other foot he would extend the leg he used to knee Tank and send his heel into the side of Tank's skull to hopefully send him tumbling off to the side. Before Tank had a chance to even maneuver and get back on his feet, Kenshin would move quickly into Tank's path and send another kick towards his chest this time to try and make him land perfectly where Kenshin had stood at the start of the fight. It was then that Kenshin would move forward and leap high into the air to grip the kunai he had tossed so high earlier in the battle and begin plummeting down towards Tank in an attempt to pierce his chest with the kunai. However if Tank was unable to move Kenshin would quickly move the blade from its intended path and deep into the dirt next to Tank before quickly leaping off of him and five meters away.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:29 pm
Tank could feel the power of his strike land against Kenshin's face and for a slight mooment he thought he had a chance to get back into this fight. However within a fraction of second that thought was shattered. He then felt the force of Kenshin resisting his attack and he could tell that the attack done almost nothing to the much smaller Uchiha. Then before his next attack could land Kenshin's knee burried itself into Tank's abs forcing all of the air out of his lungs and crumpling him over in pain. In a quick flash Kenshin's foot would strike Tank in the head sending him sliding across the ground yet again. It was now clear to Tank that wining this fight was not an option the goal now was just to survive it. As he slid across the ground he could hardly feel anything anymore. His body was going numb from all the punishment. It was similar to how hew felt after an intense weight lifting sesion, but he knew it was a bad thing this time. Kenshin's foot stopped Tank dead in his tracks and Tank watched as Kenshin flew high up into the air grabbing a kunai that had seemed to appear out of nowhere. Watching the glint of the kunai in the sunlight Tank was mesmorised, that was until his brain seemed to click back into reality and he realised he was about to be possibly stabbed. Tank used all the strength he could  to throw himself out of the path of the kunai rolling to his right several times before stopping on his stomach and pushing himself back up onto all fours. He would turn and watch Kenshin land only a few feet away from him and he knew he had little to no time to defend himself from another attack. Throwing up both arms into a sort of boxing defense while still on his knees Tank prepared for the next attack that would land hopefully blocking and soaking up some of the damage.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Getting down to business Empty Re: Getting down to business

Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:43 pm
Kenshin would simply stare at Tank for a short moment trying to read his posture and facial expression to get a feel for what he was currently thinking and it was quite obvious at this point. Tank had obviously understood the difference in their strengths in the short exchange they had and he was much more worried about keeping himself from getting badly injured as he did not even attempt to stand this time and instead simply intended to defend against as much damage as possible. A disappointed look being held on his face he would quickly whip the hand holding the kunai towards Tank and release the projectile, aimed simply to scratch Tank's cheek to make it even more obvious that he could end this battle whenever he pleased but intended to let this drag out simply to practice his technique on Tank. Moving towards him at the speed of a slow walk he would stop himself only two feet away from Tank and assuming he was still on his knees in a defensive position he would place his hands in his own pockets and stare down at Tank. "Get up" he said in a flat tone to try and instigate Tank into continuing their battle and after waiting a few seconds he would send a harsh thrust kick towards the mans arms to try and force him onto the ground once again assuming he didn't stand and attempt to attack Kenshin. His hands still firmly within his pockets he would slowly roll his neck to try and stretch himself out to show that Tank had not even warmed up yet, another tactic to try and infuriate Tank and force him into another fruitless attack. "You seemed so set on defeating me when you first noticed me. So tell me, where did all of that confidence go? Did it sit on its knees as I beat it just as you have been doing?" an obvious smirk now stretching across his face he seemed to be enjoying his time with Tank, not because he was beating him or because he was stronger, simply because he was more interesting than most of the bland faces hes seen lately.
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