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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:56 pm
The tallest building in Tengakure, home of the Tenkage's office. Takeo had been here more times than he could possibly remember, and this was just one more visit to add to the list. He gave thanks to the elevator, the glorious device saving him the trouble of having to walk up multiple flights of stairs to ascend back to the top. The time was passed by tapping his foot in time with the beat in his head. This all ceased when the elevator shuddered to a halt, a quiet ding resounding to announce the arrival. The door slid open, Takeo hopping out of the elevator perhaps the fastest he's ever moved in his life. He wasn't a fan of being trapped in a small metal box that could plummet one hundred floors at any given moment. Next time, he'd just walk.

He gave a slight nod to Haru as he passed, seemed some things never changed. At this point Takeo would just waltz into the room at the other side of the hallway. One could never predict how Xyxer would react to things however. Takeo would examine the office, taking note of if the boy was actually inside or not. Regardless of if he was or not he would open the door and enter. One Way Road could be activated at a moment's notice, just in case of course. Though knowing Xyxer, it would need to be. "Finding the seat comfortable?" An opening question to the boy if he was in, he felt no need to bother with greetings anymore. Greetings didn't exactly suit either of their styles.

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Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:06 pm
Xyxer was sat upon the throne of all the Tenkage before him, gazing out of the tall window panels that made up the back of the Tenkage office. He could not tear his eyes away from the sight of this village.. A village that prospered still after ravishing the village that contained the most battle proud shinobi the nation had to offer.. What made them so superior to his own kin, that they were allowed to live? Regardless, Xyxer sensed a familiar chakra presence and rather light footsteps, rather fairy like, it must be Takeo. The voice when speaking only reaffirmed Xyxer's suspicions, who's red eye burned brightly in his skull. "I find that the butts of the previous Tenkages have made too much of an indentation for it to be comfortable." He was leaning forward, showing that he was currently in a moment of thought, "How did you find it, being Tenkage?"
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:41 pm
"Unsuprising, that chair has been sat in by around ten different people." Came Takeo's reponse, having gotten over the initial surprise of being allowed to walk in so easily. The boy at the other end of the room must have had something on his mind. Takeo made his way towards the window, thinking over the question Xyxer had asked. It was a difficult one for him to answer, he wasn't entirely sure of the answer honestly. There was a moment where the only noise was the light tapping of his feet against floor as he crossed the room. He would stop, resting his hands on the windowsill as he gazed out the window. He watched the people below, appearing as nothing but dots from this height, going about their days so carefree. "I found it difficult." He finally spoke, deciding he had stalled long enough. "Leading and protecting such a number of people, it isn't for me. Perhaps given more time I would have found it easier, though I didn't exactly have much choice in the matter. The people of this village are like lambs, blindly following anyone until they are slaughtered." Tearing his gaze away from the village he turned. "What of you Xyxer, how are you finding it?"

Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:51 pm
"I feel enlightened, from this position." He was speaking both of the Tenkage chambers and it's majestic view over it's subjects, as well as some information he had currently came across. "Tell me, Takeo.. Why did you not tell me what happened to Kirigakure because of this village?" As Xyxer spoke, he shifted his hand from his side, making the hand gun formation with his left hand and aimed it directly at the forehead of the male before turning his head towards him, his face entirely neutral. "I believed we were friends, Takeo. And you betrayed my trust. Why would I not execute you where you stand?" Naturally, as Xyxer was ever a calculating man, his passive buff as he had entered the topic would have been +25 health.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:50 pm
Right now there was only one thing Takeo was sure of, he would never be capable of getting used to Xyxer. The boy sure had a way of changing both the tone and topic of conversations in a matter of seconds. Takeo leant back against the windowsill, thinking over and trying to make sense of what Xyxer had just said. He frowned, was this some sort of test? "You believe we are friends yet you start throwing out accusations immediately. You have trust issues." Takeo shifted his gaze to the wall across the room, "Enlighten me on what happened, I never did know much about what happened to Kirigakure." He rubbed the back of his neck, the atmosphere had changed to become quite uncomfortable.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:56 pm
"One of the other Tenkage I believed to be a friend erased the life of the thing I cherished the most in the entire world. I can never trust my friends any more." Xyxer remained in that position for a while, feeling a grating inside of his body.. His soul, scratching at his conscience.. Perhaps this male truly was innocent and didn't know, after all, the documents were quite deep and this was near the bottom, and well.. He was unsure on if Takeo could read. Spinning around in the chair, he opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out a letter that was sealed by Zachariah, writing down the transaction that had happened between himself and Viper in regards to Kirigakure. Spinning around in the chair once more, he held his hand outstretched towards Takeo, the letter awaiting.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:28 pm
Xyxer's response was met with little sympathy. Takeo felt that now wasn't exactly the time or place to feel sorry for the boy. Before he could delve in the words further he was handed a letter that Xyxer had produced from the desk. Taking it in his hand he read through it quickly, his expression remaining neutral throughout. He took in the information and handed the letter back in silence. Not entirely sure how he should proceed he turned once more, returning his gaze to the outside. "I wasn't aware of this." Takeo felt a bit lost right now, not entirely sure how to react. "It seems like betrayal is within the nature of a Tenkage." Another pause, the room falling once more into an uncomfortable silence. "It's surprising you're still here though, I'd have thought you would be out trying to get revenge by now."
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:01 pm
Xyxer stared at the male, attempting to discern whether the male was a godly liar or whether this was the legitimate truth. There was usually a dialation of the pupils when somebody was lying, a flow of adrenaline.. None of this seemed to be occurring from Takeo, he was still as cool as ice. He frowned, looking back outside the window, "I'm getting my revenge. The Tenkage has been missing for a long time now, the village is all that is left." He paused a little before speaking a bit more openly, "I will bring this village to ruin and bring back the village which nurtured demigods. Do you wish to assist in this endeavor of justice?"
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:22 pm
Xyxer's response confirmed his suspicions. "I was born here you know. I used to like the place, up until recently. Perhaps if you had asked me sooner I would have bothered defending the place." Yet again he turned away, not wanting to look at the village any longer. He chewed idly on his bottom lip, leaning back against the glass as he thought of his response. "Trying to think of a reason to protest, honestly there's no one here I want to save. Except for family of course, simple task of getting them to leave of course." Another pause, he certainly was taking his time with thus, to brush his hair out if the way of his eyes. "I doubt I could bring myself to actively help in the ruining if this village. Then again, I would very much like to watch this place crumble for betraying me." The corners of his mouth curled upwards slightly, the thought of the village getting what it deserved for it's betrayal giving him some pleasure. Takeo was slowly regressing back to before he had taken the mantle of Kage. Back when he killed and maimed others for little to no reason, he'd almost managed to forget about it. Seems some things just wouldn't escape you.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P] Empty Re: Hail to the Lord of the Flies [P]

Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:25 pm
Xyxer shook his head a little, throwing his hand forwards before swaying it to the left hand side, gesturing towards the entire village outside of the window. "I do not plan on killing any of the shinobi or civilians here, of course, for the same reason I am not killing you where you stand.. They are not the ones whom have wronged me. Zachariah wronged me, why should his shortcomings affect the lives of innocent folk? No, instead.. They can live in the cold village of Kirigakure."
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