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Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Lost (travel to waterfall) Empty Lost (travel to waterfall)

Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:28 pm
Kasai awoke on the edge of what was now ashes and ruin. Head spinning, body hurting, he managed to pull himself up. 
No buildings remained. The people no where to be seen. The smoke of ash and destruction were at their last breaths. The village was dead.
He looked at the damage done, and knew there were no survivors, still unsure of how he had survived himself. Perhaps it was the fact that the over worldly creator of him had been away, though of course he didn't know that. 
He looked at it all, and wondered what had befallen the city, until a thought hit him. 
He searched the field of chakra inside his mind, but could find nothing. The spark which he had always seen through the mark seal was no more. Makussu was truly dead this time. 
Kasai did not know how to feel. Once before, he had thought that he had killed the boy, forced by another hand, but now, the deed truly was done.
"Friend," Kasai said, looking in vain, before collapsing to his knees in exhaustion. 
With his clothes completely ripped to shreds, all that remained in tact was the mask that he wore. 
He would need new clothes. He would need time. Time to repair himself, and recuperate from the destruction, and the world that was finals. 
Turning his inward eye towards the other mark seal, he would go to Tatsuya. He knew not what land his friend lay in, but only which direction it was.
Pulling himself up once more, Kasai forced one foot in front of the other, slowly making his way towards his only living friend. 
He hoped that his friend was safe, and not in danger of death. 
"Stay friend -let the light guide you- ," Kasai said to himself, feeling the second voice within him speak to him once again. It was a strange thing, and Kasai wished it to go away. He did not know where it came from, or why it spoke, but it was there, the voice inside his head. Though, it was comforting, urging him onward, urging him to live. To leave the land. And so he would.
Step after step, pain after pain, inch by inch, Kasai slowly made his way towards the mark seal, and away from the wasteland that lay behind him. 
"-Into the light, you must go-  and go I will. -it will not harm, only help- then I will follow."
(exiting earth country and moving to waterfall country, 410/400 words required)
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