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Daichi Takayama
Daichi Takayama
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A Beginning Empty A Beginning

Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:18 am
After Daichi had successfully disposed of the body in the fields. He walked back to into the village. He sought out the inner circle of the village and waited there. 

There wasn't much to do with as the whole village was in ruins. And most of the people killed or taken in as slaves to rebuild for the damn devil. Plus Daichi knew most of his friends were probably killed in the fight or executed anyway. So he didn't even try to look for them. He grabbed a bloody kunai off the ground and started to twirl it in his hands until night finally fell over the village. 

He was sitting against some rubble, and had his eyes closed as he had nodded off for a little bit. He just didn't care anymore. He was going to become the dog of this demon and have to do it's work. So my not get used to it for now. The only reason he didn't flee from the village or go look for survivors. Was because he knew that that man would try and find him. Or just kill him before he could even reach the next town over. So he really had no other choice except obey the man. 
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:43 am
A Beginning Tumblr_m6lbkiphQJ1rn3utno1_500

As night fell on Kumogakure once more and the wind howled through the barren land and broken buildings people were all around bussing building supplies and equipment to others. The inner walls were being built to cut off middle class from the impoverished lower class dwellers. The area they would be focusing on building in the coming weeks was for the ones that had laid down their lives without confrontation and saw Youka's ideal for this world as unique and ones to be seen through. However they were simply...weak, they would do anything he said even if it meant taking their own lives without question.

While yes they were needed, they weren't his ideal, but none the less they still put their trust in him. During this time he would be walking with a group of these civilians to the build site. It would be a different side of Youka that Daichi would see as he was laughing and talking to these people instead of oppressing them. He even would see Youka's hand on one of the civilians shoulders while they shared a brief bit of conversation in smiles before going their separate ways. Striding towards the male sitting he would offer him his hand to stand up before also handing him a drink.

"I'm glad to see you have made it, I hope I didn't keep you waiting. Tonight is going to be a fun night and so will the weeks it takes for this to be done. We will be building the homes of all these fine people with our bare hands. As one unit, body, and mind."

Reaching into his armor he would pull blueprints that marked how the walls and homes would be built and handed it to Daichi to allow him to familiarize the concepts. Simplistic in nature the homes were basic shacks and two story cabins that one would see in the basic villages. Patting Daichi on the shoulders he would look of into the distance where some workers had already gotten started.

"You and I with a group of others will start on the homes tonight while the other group does the walls. Stay next to me and regale me of your life stories and where you have been. Also I assume I will need to know your name soon, so lets start there."
Daichi Takayama
Daichi Takayama
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A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:32 pm
Daichi was awoken by sudden movement of a larger group approaching. He looked up and saw the man that said he would meet him here. But Daichi was surprised. The man looked humble, happy, and above all else treating those men like they actually meant something to him. Just a couple hours ago he could have cared less about Daichi or anyone and could kill them without batting an eye. 

When he walked over he extended out an hand to help Daichi up which Daichi did. He stood up with the help of the man. Daichi looked over the man with his cold eyes. He couldn't get a grip on the man. One moment he was about to kill Daichi, the next, he seems like a gracious host. Daichi sighed as he took the drink. He just nodded to what he said before. 

He started to sip on the drink as the man continued to speak. He grabbed the blueprints and looked at them. By the way they are building the wall, seems like the poor will be cut off from the rich. Bastard. That's not a good way to rule a city...Thats how uprises happen. he thought to himself as he rolled the blueprints back up and handed it back to the man. 

"It's Daichi." he said as he looked at the workers starting to work..."And I assume we are going to be as in, me and other while you stand and watch and bark out orders." he added as he looked at the man with this dead eyes. Why would a self proclaimed ruler who did over throw the Kage and the rest who fought back...actually help and build. To Daichi that just sounded stupid. He looked around and saw most people started to get ready to help and start rebuilding...
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:27 pm
Taking off and laying down his weapons Youka would begin reaching into the tools grabbing nails and other things needed to begin working on the frames of the houses. He heard the males name and put it to memory to ensure he never forgot the name or face. Looking at the males face as he read the blueprints he could tell he was slightly disturbed that they were walling off sections of the village. However since he didn't speak on it Youka chose not to answer why this must be so.

"Why would I ask you to do something that I would't do myself? I told you we all move as one, including myself. I can't rule if I'm not in the middle to understand what the needs are and how to meet them. I'll be by your side helping till we get all of this done."

Starting to work on the foundations of the buildings while the others did the same on different sections he would look towards Daichi.

"So again, tell me about yourself, where do you come from, why were you not here to defend the village as I destroyed it?"
Daichi Takayama
Daichi Takayama
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A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:50 pm
Daichi was actually surprised, the man put down his weapon and got out working tools...Who is this man. Where was the man Daichi had met just a few hours ago? Where was the man that just radiated death. Where? He sighed once more as he dug into the bag and got out a the necessary tools.

"Y'know you're offaly modest for a dictator...and for a person who killed many." Daichi said to the man as he started to help the man. His black hair moving with every swing of the hammer as the band that was keeping his hair in a pony tail broke and his hair fell over his shoulders as he kept wailing on the nail. 

He stopped as he took another hair tie from his pocket, and grabbed his hair in the back and put it back in a pony tail. "Well lets see, I was out on mission of my own to gather herbs and sell some stock for my foster parents. Along with getting some things for my sensei." he said as that was were he was during the attack. 

"As for my life story...I grew up in the village, slacked off a lot as I am...or was only a genin and still 19 years old. I didn't care for ranks to be honest. I just liked the freedom of being able to do anything I wanted until a mission came up." he said as he he started to work again. 

"I usually used my free time to read. Read most of the books and scrolls that were offered to the public. Or my free time was sleeping under a tree...Sometimes training." he said as he was just being honest. He barely trained. He liked being a ninja, he truly did. But he saw no use in working hard when he had no real natural talent. He look at these spec ops or Kages, they all have natural talent along with hard work. Daichi was one of those that knew if you worked hard but didn't have the natural talent, you wouldn't get very far.

"So, what's your name? And why did you decide to destroy my home? if you don't mind me asking" he asked the man. He was curious on why he did kill and destroy Kumo. 
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:52 pm
Youka could tell that the male was actually very suprised that he was going to work besides them instead of yelling orders from on high. Sure he would be commanding and barking orders if he wanted to be the same useless leader that Kumo had become accustomed to leading from on high neber gracing the civilians with their presence unless they needed something made. No, Youka would bein the thick of it with them.

"A dictator is only as strong as the ones that follow him. If I do not show that I am strong and that I am willing to work then how can I expect them to work for me? What I do is out of necessity to ensure a stable empire."

Moving on to another foundation that was laid and the walls being put up Youka would begin working on the frame work pressing everything in and nailing it to ensure it remained stable. He also payed attention to Daichi ensuring the male was following the directions he read on the blueprints exactly as written.

"I see, so you were out on a mission for your village when I came. That's better than being here and hiding the whole time. I would have been very displeased with that answer."

Still working on the homes and listening to the sound of metal on metal and wood being dropped in place Youka would listen without speaking till Daichi was done with his monologue. He had the perfect answer for the males last question as well and it was all based on what Daichi had said.

"Well first and foremost my name is Youka, you don't need to know anything else, like where I was from or how I came to be the person you see now. The past is the past. As for why Kumo, you answered your own question with how you described yourself. Kumo had grown lazy, and drunk in their own power, completely satisfied with sitting behind their walls without trying to change the world. The same laziness that you exude now is what Kumo's perpetual state was on my arrival."

Youka sighed as he stopped working for a moment with his hands and allowed the red and black appendages to flow from his armor grabbing the tools with all ten arms and began working for him while he spoke directly to the male in front of him.

"When things become stagnant, you must destroy it in order for it to not spread to what is still salvageable. Unfortunately I made it too late to Kumo and the disease had spread to the entire body. When that happens the entire thing needs to be destroyed so that new growth can happen. That's what I'm doing."
Daichi Takayama
Daichi Takayama
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A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:11 pm
As he listened to Youka, he did notice that around the village many were staying back inside the walls even experienced jounin that had a full genin squad didn't rake many missions as of late. As he heard him reference to the higher ups and people being the disease that spread around the body of Kumo and made it lazy and sluggish and weak. 

"Well Youka...So what your essentially saying, is your the one big white blood cell killing the virus...and the ones you spared...are the healthy read blood cells. If so, then why didn't you just let the virus kill the host. And you take over...You wouldn't have needed to spend as much time killing, and or time wasted with killing." he was saying as he essentially understood what Youka was saying. But like Daichi said, he could have just waited it out and swooped in them and took over? He need not have wasted so much to to gain so little as they had to rebuild. All he is doing is ruling by fear right near. 

"eh, never mind. Forget what I said." he was saying as he fallowed the blueprints to point as he worked. To Daichi he sounded like an idiot just now trying to sound smart. Bu in realilty that was he was, in his mind, a white blood cell riding the virus so the body could become healthy and rebuild itself. 

"Well, even if I was in village. I prob would have died with my sensei...Just saying." he said to the man. As it was true. Daichi probably would have died an honorable death fighting. But as of now. Daichi's really only real reason to live is to kill the man he was having a pleasant talk with.  After a pause of talking. 

"So, Youka, Mind sharing what your plans are with this city other than you ruling it?" he asked. He wasn't that afraid of the man anymore. If he killed Daichi, he killed him. There wasn't stopping it. But Daichi did want to know what would come of his home. 

"Plus I am wondering what you would have me do after 'we' rebuild this hell hole." he added as he wanted to know what he would have to do. Be a house slave to him? Kill? be his punching bag? who knew.  
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:17 pm
They had been working for what seemed like hours on the buildings as they spoke to each other and the civilians were heard at work as well. Looking off into the distance he would admire the work they had done, this quadrant was almost complete and if all was going according to plan and the others were not slacking then the inner section should be finishing before sun up. he heard what Daichi was saying and an amused yet slightly confused expression appeared on his face taking in what was being said.

"Ok, think of me as the doctor, because the doctor sees that something is incurable does that mean he does not operate? Is it not better to attempt to save the cancerous sections as well if something is worth being saved? Not all of Kumo was worthless, so instead of seeing the good be eaten by the bad whole, I've saved both portions and will weed out the rest myself like any good doctor would."

Pausing a moment to think on his own words he hoped it was not too much for the male and he understood what he was attempting to say.

"You wouldn't have died, well ok maybe you would have. I'm sure you would have acted more on emotion than cold logic seeing your teacher struck down in front of you. Sad actually as I'm enjoying our conversations, if how you think is any indication of how your late teach was she must have truly been a shining light, I'm sorry for murdering her."

Stepping away from all the work Youka would look once more at the finished product of all their toils as even the walls were being finished.

"My plans eh? Well it is to turn this village into what it should have been when I came here, a force to be reckoned with. I want everyone to work together for a greater tomorrow, even if that means being the starting point of a worldwide destruction for everyone to start over."

Turning once more and walking closer to the male that he had worked beside through the night with he would smile briefly before answering his questions about what was next for him.

"Hmm well I figured you could take some time for yourself, maybe get some training done in your free time. I still have to rebuild two more sections of Kumo and I will need your help for the last part which is building the inner sanctum where the kage office will reside."
Daichi Takayama
Daichi Takayama
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A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:23 pm
Daichi was hard at work like the rest, as you could see some sweat was running down his face. And parts of his hair were wet. Like any other worker he did conjure up some sweat as they were working pretty hard to get all this done by sunrise. He took a deep breath and backed away with Youka as they looked at the house. 

"No, I understand exactly what your saying. I was just putting into words I understand." he said with a slight laugh as some humanity came back to the lost soul. 

"I probably would have died along with my sensei with emotion...but you know what. Now I see the world for it truly is. A fucked up hell. A hell that needs to be changed someone. And maybe that someone is standing in front of me..." he said as he paused for a second. 

"But I do not agree with your methods. There are other ways were you don't have to kil-" he was saying before he stopped and looked at the man then back to the building. "eh, no matter what method there is always going to be death." he corrected himself as most ways lead to either war which brings death or assassination cause politics never work out.

"Well, I have really no one to train with. You killed my sensei, and most ninja here." he said as he looked around. "Plus I have no idea what my clan is, where I was born. I was left at the gates of Kumo when I was baby. I have no idea if i can learn any other than the basics." he said with a sigh. It was true he had no idea if he could learn anything cool or more powerful than the basics he already knew. It was almost pointless to train. The only thing he would be training is his body and hand to hand.  
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

A Beginning Empty Re: A Beginning

Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:31 pm
Work had finally finished with all of the buildings done. Wiping the sweat from his face Youka would smile as he saw all the workers patting each other on the back at a job well done. It was amazing at how much work could be done in one night. Of course they hadn't built the entire section in one night, that only happened in tv shows and those to lazy to type*cough*. The foundation and most work had been done over the course of weeks.

Listening to Daichi speak Youka listened to see if there was anything he could do to make it better. If he could make it better that was.

"Hmm, tell me your last name, I'll attempt to look into your family history and maybe the information I have in my head would be able to help you somehow. I would say I can train you but I think you should find someone more of your speed before attempting to fight with me. I have another ninja by the name of Fenris around here two would make good sparring partners. I'll call for him after we leave here and introduce you two."

Youka began walking towards a cluster of civilians who were standing around instead of helping clean up for the new day. In one swift chop each of their heads left their shoulders with one chop of his hand. Flicking the blood of of his arm and hand he would motion for the bodies to be taken out to the fields.

"As I was saying, Your name does seem familiar now that I think about it. If I remember your affinity is lightning, there are a lot of lightning techniques in Kumogakure that I have seen. Maybe once I've become Kage of this village I can teach you some of the locked away ones, However I do know some of the normal ones you can train on your own."
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