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buying stuff yooo (solo) Empty buying stuff yooo (solo)

Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:13 pm
Hysterio wandered through the streets, thinking over a number of things in his mind. One was what disguise he should get. Another was how should he kill the people he had been assigned too, given that the little girl was supposed to be left alive, probably to spread the tale. The third is that he had wanted to learn about the medical stuff, so he was juggling human anatomy at the same time. Hopefully he could mix all of these together at some point.

He made sure nobody was tailing him, and then walked into a large crowded mall. Going into the quietest bathroom he could find, he used the Art of Transformation to change his appearance into an entirely fictional person, an older version of one ninja he had killed during a mission before, a bland face and average stature making it less likely that anybody would notice him.

Walking out again, after waiting for the entire line of those at the bathroom after him to come and go back out, he was unrecognized. He should be. After all, nobody had seen him go in and out. Walking through the mall, he stopped by one of the Ninja Shops. He felt slightly bad at what he was about to do, but at the same time, an illicit thrill erupted in his chest. He was going to do some deeds, like a Ninja version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, his two sides internally struggled, before coming to an agreement – the normal persona would make sure the evil persona stuck to the mission. The evil persona would take as long as necessary to do what he wanted, while avoiding detection. They would have to be careful though.

Fortunately, the ninja shop had a huge amount of disguises, probably cause ninjas do stuff like this all the time yo. Hysterio surreptitiously checked to make sure nobody was following him, and then walked in. He grabbed a series of disguises, so that in case anyone was watching him it would be hard to pin down which one he would be using. Of course, he bought the one he intended to use as well, but it was somewhere in the middle of the pile and it was likely anyone would be able to watch for all of the different outfits. Once purchased, he walked back out of the shop, and stored all the items in a scroll. Those were never really traced so it would be easy for those to avoid detection.

After wandering around randomly in the mall fro a while, checking to make sure nobody was watching him closely, he eventually tried the bathroom maneuver again, emerging as himself, and hopefully still unrecognized. Leaving the mall, he made a left at the library, and spent some time reading up on the medical arts. They were quite interesting really, he just had to understand the human body a little better. He probably would when this mission was through.


ttl wc: 496 putting towards Medical Spec just in case (not gonna bother with stats though)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

buying stuff yooo (solo) Empty Re: buying stuff yooo (solo)

Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:18 pm
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