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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Insanity MAK 2 Empty Insanity MAK 2

Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:14 am
Mako woke in the training field scorched earth surrounding him.  He had mastered the Fire Jutsu Fire stream and this was a pleasant thought it had been years since he had experienced such a degree of training.  Not since the year he had graduated the academy when he had failed and spent hours tirelessly working to pass the following year.  Why this new sense of determination, Why this fresh and harsh training regiment?  It was simple he needed to be better not only for the village but for himself.  Respect is not given for free it must be earned, and he very well intended to earn it. 

His shirt crisp with blackened soot from his training he knew that to one day wear the Monkey mask as an ANBU he would need to master his weapons, and the first step was to learn chakra infusion.  The chakra infusion technique was a very difficult technique and many nin cant do it even at the chunin level.  It was similar to the medical jutsu in the way that you must focus your chakra intensely to one location on your body. and that focus must be extremely intense.  On a similar intensity as a chakra scalpel.  As a genin he was very aware that this technique would be extremely difficult and he highly doubted he could complete this skill in a day much less the 20 hours he had allotted himself for his Insanity Chunin training.  At the same time though Mako knew that even at his age he should be on par with jounin and he just simply wasn't and the only way to become so was to master this technique.

He drew his tanto knowing that this struggle would be quite difficult and he didnt have anyone to help him with such a complicated technique but if he did this he would be able to match even the greatest swordsman in the Leaf and hopefully the world.  He thought back to a time when his father showed him the chakra infusion technique.  His father was a master at weaopnry and medical jutsu his use of chakra was on par with top med nin and even the Hyuuga clan of his home village.  He displayed how starting the infusion looked sloppy like a handful of chakra floating around the blade it wasnt focused and when he struck something with it the chakra dispersed actually weakening the attack because the chakra blocked the full strike that couldve been had.  Father explained how the flow had to be perfect showing a diagram of how instead of the chakra flow coming from the center then to the hand and back to the chakra center ti had to go through the blade and make its way back to the center meaning that the wielder of the jutsu must make the weapon a part of his body.  The chakra must flow as naturally through the weapon in his hand as it did through the rest of his body.  His father then did the infusion technique placing his hand in front of him channeling the chakra into the very same Tanto that Mako held in his hand at this very moment.  Sharpening the blade and then slicing the training dummy in their yard.  The chakra seemed to enhance the very edge of the sword making it slice through the wooden dummy similar to how a hot knife slices butter.  It was an impressive feat and Mako as a child stared in amazement and knew it was something he wanted to learn.  His father said " It is very difficult with one weapon, and ive never seen it done on two maybe you will be the first to impress me" his father smiled showing his admiration of his son.

He stared at the tanto in his right hand, rememebring when his father gave him this sword when he graduated the academy, he said to him "If you can master the chakra infusion it you will finally be a true ninja, and you can learn the flying swallow..."  He smiled and said " Alright pops lets see if i got it in me."  He held the tanto outright. and began focusing his chakra into the blade,  as the chakra flowed to his hand he could feel it forming, but it hadn't entered the blade, feeiling frustrated he focused more and more chakra into his hand. However he still hadnt managed to make it cross from his hand into the blade.  He then immediately realised there was far to much chakra in his hand, and he couldn't control it properly he tried to rechannel the chakra back into himself but it was too late his hand gleamed red and the tanto flew out of his hand and blasted into the side of a tree nearby his fire chakra had caused the excess chakra to burn his hand.  It burnt him fairly bad and he ended up using far too much chakra to successfully even come close.  Mako was extremely disappointed but he had made a great realization that the infusion technique had nothing to do with the amount of chakra he used in fact the less chakra he used the better because it would mean he had mastered an even flow of it.  Solidifying in his mind he was ready to try again, because isnt that what training was all about trial and error? he was ready before he moved on with his training he would master chakra infusion at the genin level. He smiled and walked toward the blade.  He could feel the burnt ground crunching beneath him from the burnt scorched earth.  He had to stop and kneel lifting the carbonized rock he reached down with his right hand scooped up a pile wiping it on his bare hands.  He would be able to create, control and form this soot one day as was his birthright however in the meantime he would need to at least master the chakra infusion technique.  He covered both hands in the soot and walked towards the tree drawing out the tanto, which was no easy task, it was embedded in the tree to the hilt.  His chakra had blasted the tanto extremely hard it was a good thing there wasn't anyone nearby they would definately been hurt if they were anywhere near the vicinity of that blast.

He grabbed the blade with both hands and placed his foot on the tree and yanked, The blade would not budge it was stuck, almost as if a Senju had erected the tree and forcefully disarmed him. He knew that wasnt the case even though it was a very real possibility that this trees existence was caused by a mokuton user.  He couldnt leave this blade here it was a graduation gift and he could burn the tree down but it was a rule in the training grounds that you could not cause intentional damage to the grounds themselves so he knew the only way he was getting the blade back was to master the ability he was there to learn.  He sat down resting his back against the tree the hilt of the blade sticking out of the tree above him he reached into his bag, he needed to cool his head.  He pulled out a cigarette it had been slightly bent from his training earlier, he placed it into his mouth and lit a match against the tree, it was his last match, and lit the cigarette.  He inhaled deeply taking a huge drag and breathed out. He could feel his nerves calming and the tension flow from his body he knew the only way to master the jutsu was to be relaxed and before this he was anything but.  The stress of the training and many personal stresses were weighing him down.  He closed his eyes and locked his hand in front of him he had an idea he needed to learn how to channel his chakra in a circular never ending flow before he ever learned how to channel it into an inanimate object.

He closed his eyes and focused his chakra into his hands he could feel it running down his arms and as they reached his hands the y seemed to connect with one another but instead of melding it pressed against itself forming what seemed like two opposing forces as opposed to one synchronous flow.  He had no idea how he would make that happen when the chakras continued to fight within his hands as if being two opposing forces.  He released hands and sighed he could not figure it out.  He reached down and pulled out another cigarette and pulled the old one out of his mouth.  He put the fresh one in his mouth and chain lit the old one and it was at the moment his eyes grew wide and it all seemed to fall together within his mind.  He may not have ever figured it out if he had never ran out of matches, or if he wasn't of the Sarutobi clan, and had natural fire chakra but it all was in place. Just in the same way that heat transferred to the tobacco and formed a continuous form of heat transfer that could continuously be used to light whatever was needed but the heat had to be even.  He couldn't use this cigarette to light a tree on fire he needed more heat but the heat of this old cigarette was just the perfect amount to light a new one and that was exactly what he needed to do.

He locked his hands and started to channel the chakra except instead of forcing it down both arms he just channeled down his right then when it reached the palm of his hand he channeled the exact same amount of chakra down his left and opened up a channel through his left hand. It was very difficult but he could feel the chakra connect and as they did there was an intense rush as the chakra seemed to intensify greatly as the rotation through his body and it continued to grow and grow and grow and grow seemingly exponentially until it far too great to hold  and it blasted his hands apart and knocking the wind out of him. He needed to control the flow. He wasn't ready to pull the Tanto out yet he needed to control the flow between his arms and control how it flowed knowing it was an essential second step to flowing it through the blade. 

Mako pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and and chain lit a new one.  Mako chuckled thinking about how he had come to the realization.  He clasped his hands together starting the rotation, much less difficult this time in comparison to the first, this time when the rotation started he knew to try to maintain the chakra control through his arms and keep it steady he started very small and when it started rising he forced it to a normal rotation.  He struggled to maintain it there, it taxed him to do so,  even though he wasnt using the chakra externally it was still weakening him to do this.  He took a breath and visualized the flow.  He noticed that his arms were not being held naturally he relaxed himself, he relaxed his arms and the chakra seemed to flow more smoothly and he held it there.  The excitement welled up inside of him and broke the grasp on his arms. 

He stood up and faced the tree with his embedded blade in it. He took the nearly extinguished cigarette in his mouth and pulled out a new one relighted it with what was left of the old one he took a deep breath and  took drags off his cigarette he was hoping that channeling the chakra into a weapon would be simple.  He found it ironic that the same ability used to heal hurt nincould be used to make a blade sharper and cause injuries that would need this infusion done to heal them.  He smiled and stepped up to the blade. he wrapped his hand around the hilt.  He closed his eyes and began channeling his chakra into his arm and on down to the blade.  The handle was cold now from the blast it had taken earlier and he could feel the wrap on the hilt and as the chakra hit the blade he focused it tightly into the handle and could feel it hitting the blade like a wall, instead of pushing and focusing more chakra down he decided he would try to engulf it.  The chakra surged onto the blade and enhanced it making it sharper, allowing for it to move freely within the hole in the tree.  He could feel the chakra hit the end of the blade and channel it back into his body he had done it, and with much more ease than he had thought.  He yanked the blade free from the tree, it was glowing blue with chakra.  As a test he slashed a low hanging branch and the branch fell to the ground cleanly cut.

WC 2204
2000/2000 Chakra infusion
200/3000 Flying Swallow
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Insanity MAK 2 Empty Re: Insanity MAK 2

Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:15 am
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Insanity MAK 2 Empty Re: Insanity MAK 2

Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:11 am
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