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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P) Empty Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:29 am
Mako woke the next morning and stepped outside taking in all that was his home village of Konoha, after training with Cole for a while he realized exactly how little he was
  Honestly he admitted he was a chump, all talk no action. Well time for that to change he had decided.  His typical workout routines usually included muscle building, sculpting and molding, some cardio and some jutsu practice.  This regent would be fine for an Academy student but now he not only had to step up his game he needed to find an entirely new level.

Mako decided that it was time to push the limits. To destroy the limitations currently holding him back.  How would he manage that however?  He would have to find his current breaking point, and tear it down. 

His training with Cole had been fortuitous, he had pinpointed what he needed to work on to unlock his clan's ash release and would have to delegate about 8 hours of the next 24 hours of the hardest training of his life to just unlocking earth element and increasing his chakra stores to be able to use more powerful Sarutobi ninjutsu.  However the remaining 16 hours would go to increasing the remainder of his skills.  He knew he needed to be better in every area he could improve upon and today this training would be the culmination of that ideal.

Mako stepped out of his apartment and locked it behind him stuffing the key in his pocket.  He turned and he made the decision to run as hard as he could all the way to the training field.  This would be a 15 kilometer journey which was easily a great test of his stamina.  In addition he would dedicate his body to rigorous and dangerous workouts to build his resilience and do some high speed tests to increase his cognitive response time making for finer tuned reflexes.  If he ever hoped to reach Chuunin or Jounin he would have to make himself much better than he currently is.

He began his long run toward the training ground where he had done a spar with another Genin in the village who had showed him the basics of change in chakra nature.  He ran with his legs pumping as powerfully beneath him as he could.  He happened to come upon a very crowded street market area, the area was full of peddlers trying to sell their wares and people milling about closely in tight quarters.  It honestly would be impossible to go through this crowd without touching a single individual but that was just the sort of Challenge that Mako was trying to find.  He decided he would try to dodge through all of this hustle and bustle and he put particular limitations on himself which included any time he came in contact with another human being he would have to dedicate an additional hour at the end of his 24 hour training session to do 10x the number of his old everyday training regiment.  This particular training had to be as hardcore as he could make it.

He entered the crowded street still moving at maximum speed and not stopping for any sort of break he drove into the bustling crowd there were loud noises, flailing arms and a plethora of other hazards occuring and at the speed in which he was currently traveling any sudden movements would not only mean he would fail his hopeful purpose, he could potentially be hurt and set back another couple days.  As he entered he put all his weight on his right foot and leaped doing a cartwheel in the air over a mother scolding her young child. Landing on both feet Mako wheeled about and kept up his training of wheeling through this crowd.  Almost immediately after landing there was a food cart in front of him with a man swinging a large wok over a coal fire.  The was very little distance or opportunity to dodge the cart and in addition the chef was swinging and shaking the massive steel wok.  The wok came up about a half an inch from his face and he rolled right around the cart so close to the coals he actually kicked up several of them warranting a yell from the man who's cart it belonged to. However Mako wasn't in the clear because making such a hasty and forced move had forced him to lose balance and he started to trip but to keep his momentum he let himself fall forward and started a roll placing his hands under him with his neck flat on the ground and pushed off when his body was on the ground sliding along the ground kicking up some dust.  He arched his knees and bought himself back up.  Still moving directly in front him he tried his hardest to keep at maximum velocity.  His next trial was that his only entry point through the myriad of people was a small hole that would be very difficult to fit through, but he had to what was necessary to keep from failing. he dove forward and started a barrell roll directly through the hole and landing on his shoulder and starting another roll.  After tumbling following the barrel roll he noticed that the end was in sight he crouched and launched himself over the last line of people and landed in the clear.  Mako looked back and saw the trail of chaos he left in his wake and chuckled to himself, when all of a sudden he felt as if he had ran into a brick wall, by the the time he had recovered he noticed a larger ninja who hadnt seen before staring at him angrily with an ice cream cone smashed into his face. 

"What the hell you ruined my ice cream" the man said angrily raising his right hand to smash Makos face in while he laid on his back on the ground.  Mako thought quickly and rolled to the left and flipped himself up to his feet.  The man hit the ground so hard that his hand had become stuck in the ground, Mako threw a leg out and hit him in the back of the knee he watched the guy lose all of his balance and fall on his face. Mako tossed a couple of Ryo at the fallen man and said "Im so sorry" Mako apologized as he ran off into the woods to continue his training.  With only 23 hours left he knew he still had alot of work to do and couldnt afford another setback....

WC 1106
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P) Empty Re: Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:25 am
As he entered a wooded area to get to the training ground he felt an odd urge as he leapt up to the trees at a low branch. He felt the urge to swing like a monkey through the trees, why he felt that urge he didn't know. He dropped down when leaping to the next branch and grappled it. He held himself amidst the trees, he reached into his backpack and produced a small amount  of chalk, something that he typically uses when training in weaponry, and covered his hands. He was still panting for breath. He did need a breather and took the moment. 

He flashed back to a time when his father had told him of his ancestors and ancestors of the Leaf village stories of old prior to the apocalypse about one of the greatest of his clan and how his lineage was in our blood, his father told him this story whenever Mako climbed trees he would call him monkey blood or spider monkey, because this man was the Monkey Sage. 

He started to swing with both arms holding the branch forward and then back using his legs to build momentum.  He focused chakra to his arms so that he wouldn't worry as much about falling. Then whenMako had gained the proper momentum he swung forward and let go seeing another branch on a different tree and grabbing it using his forward momentum to swing on to the next one.  He could feel mules in his upper body that he didn't even know existed. 

He laughed thinking that there must be some form of Tai jutsu inspired by this training regiment.  He continued swinging by his as and his arms tart in wearing out to the point of not being able to support his wright but he knew he couldn't stop so he focused chakra to his feet and decided to add in some feet grabs he would swing off one branch and catch the next one with his legs until he was almost like a monkey nimbly guiding through the woods. What an amazing workout every inch of his body was burning every part of his body thumping he was so exhilarated by the workout that by the the he made it to the grounds he just circled around it pushing his physical strength to absolute brink until he couldn't do it anymore and went to grab the next branch with his hand slipping off and falling on his back.  Knocking what wind he had left in his system out of him. He had lost a little training time by what he would now call Ape Mode Travel but it was more  effective than he thought would ever be possible.  He laid on the ground gasping other training ninja waching him his lungs trying to pull in as much air as they could with each inhale.  

He couldn't stop he decided he must continue. He pulled himself upwards using will alone. Standing up with his legs shaky and arm just dangling in front of his body.  Chakra nearly depleted he just stood there for a moment and then fell back.

Wc 526
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P) Empty Re: Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:44 pm
He stood panting, holding himself up with his will.  That monkey training was the most intense thing he'd ever done, But now that he had finished he could feel himself catching a second wind. He focused his chakra he recently learned about a new jutsu , Fire Release : Fire stream, and he knew he had to something to make it happen. His Fire element needed channeled.  He had used up alot of his chakra in Monkey training, but he felt it coming back.  

He stood there panting his legs about shoulder length apart his arms hanging directly down. He lifted is right hand up to his chest and formed a half tiger seal. He forced his chakra to his lungs and breathed in he could feel the heat forming there.  He kept focus drawing upon his energy.  He continude breathing in, forcing the chakra to mix with his oxygen until he felt a red hot heat form.  He brought his hand forming the tiger sign up to his mouth and held it below his mouth he uttered the words Fire Release; Fire Stream and blew the chakra in his lungs out onto the ground in front of him a stream of fire dancing about the ground but the stream wasn't very thick. He knew he had succeeded at the jutsu for the most part but it wasn't combat ready it looked more like spraying lighter fluid out of a bottle as opposed to a true working stream. 

He gasped for air taking a moment to concentrate on what he did wrong. He knew that he needed to focus more chakra and focus it more intensely into an aggravated state to to make the stream more intense like a flamethrower.  He caught his breath for a moment and tightened his stance up somewhat.  Locked his knees and made the sign again. He focused his chakra into his lungs much more intense this time focusing more anger into it, he thought of the Uchiha and how simply they could focus fire chakra, how arrogant and gifted they were,  he knew that would suffice.  The fire formed in his chest he knew this would be the mastering however he knew in his heart that just because he did it successfully this time didn't mean he would be able to replicate these results every time. He would have to perfect it make it second nature weld it perfectly. This was his first step to.mastering fire style jutsus and he would be happy to have done it.  He exhaled forcing the chakra intro a stream just as the jutsu called for. It ignited as it exited his mouth forming a perfect stream looking akin to the flamethrower he wanted it to look like. Scorching the ground and everything in its path.  He was able to hold it there and keep the flames steady.  The flames lasted long enough to scorch any victim.  He continued this training for another hour until he found the perfect tempo and medium he had depleted more of his chakra stores making continuing his training even more intense.  20 hours down he wondered if he could continue til the end 24 hours of intense training. 24 hours to make himself greater than his new team.  Even greater than Captain Risako and especially greater than Ryugia.  This wouldn't be what  did it for him but even the best ninja had to start somewhere.  He Finished and the entire area was sitting smoking. It was ash and flames he smiled and collapsed back where he was laying and smiled.

Wc 596
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P) Empty Re: Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:45 pm
He stood panting, holding himself up with his will.  That monkey training was the most intense thing he'd ever done, But now that he had finished he could feel himself catching a second wind. He focused his chakra he recently learned about a new jutsu , Fire Release : Fire stream, and he knew he had to something to make it happen. His Fire element needed channeled.  He had used up alot of his chakra in Monkey training, but he felt it coming back.  

He stood there panting his legs about shoulder length apart his arms hanging directly down. He lifted is right hand up to his chest and formed a half tiger seal. He forced his chakra to his lungs and breathed in he could feel the heat forming there.  He kept focus drawing upon his energy.  He continude breathing in, forcing the chakra to mix with his oxygen until he felt a red hot heat form.  He brought his hand forming the tiger sign up to his mouth and held it below his mouth he uttered the words Fire Release; Fire Stream and blew the chakra in his lungs out onto the ground in front of him a stream of fire dancing about the ground but the stream wasn't very thick. He knew he had succeeded at the jutsu for the most part but it wasn't combat ready it looked more like spraying lighter fluid out of a bottle as opposed to a true working stream. 

He gasped for air taking a moment to concentrate on what he did wrong. He knew that he needed to focus more chakra and focus it more intensely into an aggravated state to to make the stream more intense like a flamethrower.  He caught his breath for a moment and tightened his stance up somewhat.  Locked his knees and made the sign again. He focused his chakra into his lungs much more intense this time focusing more anger into it, he thought of the Uchiha and how simply they could focus fire chakra, how arrogant and gifted they were,  he knew that would suffice.  The fire formed in his chest he knew this would be the mastering however he knew in his heart that just because he did it successfully this time didn't mean he would be able to replicate these results every time. He would have to perfect it make it second nature weld it perfectly. This was his first step to.mastering fire style jutsus and he would be happy to have done it.  He exhaled forcing the chakra intro a stream just as the jutsu called for. It ignited as it exited his mouth forming a perfect stream looking akin to the flamethrower he wanted it to look like. Scorching the ground and everything in its path.  He was able to hold it there and keep the flames steady.  The flames lasted long enough to scorch any victim.  He continued this training for another hour until he found the perfect tempo and medium he had depleted more of his chakra stores making continuing his training even more intense.  20 hours down he wondered if he could continue til the end 24 hours of intense training. 24 hours to make himself greater than his new team.  Even greater than Captain Risako and especially greater than Ryugia.  This wouldn't be what  did it for him but even the best ninja had to start somewhere.  He Finished and the entire area was sitting smoking. It was ash and flames he smiled and collapsed back where he was laying and smiled.

Wc 596
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P) Empty Re: Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:46 pm
Claiming 11 stats and 500/ 500 for Fire Release Fire stream E rank
Twc 2228
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P) Empty Re: Shaun T is a wimp Insanity Mak 1 (P)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:32 am
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