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How did that get down there?  Empty How did that get down there?

Sat Aug 22, 2015 4:31 pm
It was 6:30 AM in the morning on a fine summer day. The sunlight broke the shades of the window in Ita's room like they do every morning; causing him to awaken. Ita let out a yawn and raised his hand to his face and started to rub his eyes. Upon retrieving the gunk from his eyes, Ita ran his hand through his jet black hair in order to make some sense of it, although it was no use. He then pulled back the covers sand swung his legs around to the side of the bed, placing them on the cold, hard wooden floor. Ita stood up and walked over to his desk where he grabbed some medical tape and began to bandage his body. He rapped up his arms, from bellow his shoulder to his wrist, then from bellow his knee, to his ankle. He then threw on his black shorts; which had two ninja pouches strapped to them. After, he put on his white shirt and wandered into the kitchen where Sai was waiting for him casually drinking a cup of coffee with his leg resting over the other. "Ahh-, Ita. You're awake! Good. Are you ready to begin the day? I have something special planned for you.." Sai said. Ita nodded, fixing his garments and wrapping once more to make sure it was perfect. "We arn't going to the ninja academy again are we...?" Ita said gloomily. Sai grinned. Upon further examination, Ita noticed Sai seemed to be a little upbeat today, excited about something. Then he spoke, "I'm glad you brought that up! We are not." Ita's face seemed re-leaved0, he had spend so much time in the past few years there he wanted a different atmosphere. "Good, I was starting to get sick of that place. So where are we going exactly?" Sai's grin now became very serious as he directed Ita to take a seat. "Ita, we don't have much time. There is a reason as to why I brought you here. I understand you are still young, and you don't have to do this if you don't want to. For a months time, we will be leaving to train, rigorously that is. Do you think you are up to the challenge?" Ita was interested, and concerned. A months time? to do what? to go where? these were some of the thoughts that were circling through Ita's head as he sat down and listened to what Sai was saying. Ita was only a genin and was not even in the race to be considered the strongest either, so he decided it would be in his benefit to adhere to Sai's training; whatever it may be. Ita spoke, "Well, considering I have nothing better to do and I want to get as strong as possible.. How could I say no? Where are we going exactly?" Sai paused a moment before answering Ita's inquiry, then a grin fell over his face once more. "Why my boy, we are already here. Follow me, and gather any belongings you believe you can not part with for more than a month." Ita went to his room and gathered what he figured would be a months worth of clothing and bathing products, placing them in a bag then returning to Sai in the kitchen once more. He looked Sai over and realized he was bringing nothing on a trip which was said to be a months time. 

"Arn't you bringing anything?" Sai chuckled, "Don't worry all my belongings are already there, now lets stop wasting time. I hope you are ready for this." The two neared a small door in the kitchen which bore a lock and a piece of parchment that bore what seemed to be a symbol. Ita had figured, due to the doors small size, it was used for food storage or something similar. Sai placed his hand on the parchment and closed his eyes. His hand began to flow with chakra and the symbol on the parchment changed. The door did not open like a regular door, but completely pushed back into the wall revealed a hole in the floor about 2 meters wide. Upon further examination, about 1 foot into the hole, it was completely sealed by wood, making the hole; not so much a hole anymore. Just a circular indentation into the floor.  "Hurry boy, we only have a few seconds before the wall closes." Sai and Ita entered the hole in the wall and steped on the lowered wooden platform. Sai made a hand sign and to Ita's astonishment, the wood began to retract, lowering them into the earth. Once the two were a body's length underground, the light began to disappear from above them, the wall closing once more; locking them in there. The wood now passed through the ceiling and light shimmered once more. The two now entered, what appeared to Ita, a massive sub-terrain facility underneath Sai's home. The large area was surrounded by wooden walls, and contained a rocky terrain. The wooden pillar lowered to the floor and fused in with the ground leaving a circular wooden imprint in the rocky terrain. 
Day 1
   Ita and Sai now stood on the ground of an enormous room. Sai could tell Ita had some question and was confused as to what this room was doing underneath Sai's house. Sai spoke in hopes to alleviate some concern and to get on with their purpose. "I see you have some concerns, but rest assure this will all make sense in time. This place is a work of my creation; my wood style release. It took me a few years to fully complete, but once I did I trained her day and night for extended periods of time. It is the ideal location to practice dangerous level techniques in the peace and safety of your own home. There is a months rations here so we will not be leaving. If you do not complete this training, then you will surely die here. We have a month to turn you into the most powerful weapon this village has ever seen and I plan on teaching you all I can. If you do not accept these conditions, you may leave now or else we begin right this second. What is your answer, Ita Uchiha? Will you stay and gain power beyond most minds could even fathom? Or will you leave and pursue your own destiny? The choice is yours..." Ita pondered what he had said for a moment and clenched his fists shaking. He knew this is what he had been waiting for, a chance to bring his power to the next level and he would train his hardest and not let Sai down. He was ready. "What are we waiting for? Lets begin." Sai smiled. "Great. The first thing I will be teaching you is a technique keen to Konohagakure. The Shadow Clone jutsu. Let me know when you are ready, I'll be over there." Ita sat down his bag next to a small twin sized mattress on the floor. That contained a blanket and one pillow. Ita stretched and fixed his clothing once more. He then made his way back over to Sai. "So how do we go about learning this technique?" "This technique is similar to the clone technique, but unlike that technique, this one is completely tangible. The clones once created act on their own will, being able to fight and use their own actions. The clones are fully solid and take damage, but if dealt a fatal blow the clone will dispel in a puff of smoke. You are able to dispel these clones at anytime, and the clones and dispel themselves. Any knowledge gained by these clones are returned to the user upon dispelling them. Now focus on doing the clone technique, but this time allow almost half of your power to flow into the clone, making it tangible."

   Ita stood still absorbing all the information that Sai had provided him with trying to make sense of all of it. Ita then nodded and created the clone hand sign and he focused on creating a perfect picture of himself in his mind. Chakra then began to flow from Ita and a white puff of smoke materialized next to him. Sai watched curiously, to see what the out come would be. The smoke cleared and what had manifested as a sad attempt at even a normal clone. Sai raised his voice, "Again." Ita dispelled the jutsu. The boy closed his eye lids, shading his deep black eyes. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the musky air of the sub-terrain of Sai's house and exhaled slowly; concentrating at the task at hand. He tried to clear his mind, leaving nothing but empty thought. He began to examine himself in his mind; making sure to correct every small detail. Ita now attempted to perform the shadow clone jutsu once more. 

   In a puff of white smoke, a figure appeared. After the white smoke had dissipated, the only thing that was left was a clone of Ita Uchiha. Perfectly Ita had replicated his own appearance and transmitted it into an exact clone of himself. The clone stood directly to the left of Ita, facing the same direction as Ita towards Sai. Ita the nodded awaiting further instruction from his Sensai. Sai smiled at how fast Ita was able to produce such an accurate looking clone. He then took a few steps towards his pupil and his pupil's clone. He examined Ita's clone up and down, prodding it a bit. "Yep, it sure is solid good job. Now to test its ability. You need to be able to control how much power you give your clone, along with being able to work along side with it in battle. You must channel your thoughts and devise a strategy and you will be doing all this against me." "I'm going to fight y-you?" Ita said feeling a little shook after having a small flashback to the academy when he sensed Sai's enormous chakra radiating from his body. "Oh don't look so worried. You won't be fighting me, not yet, well you will be - just never mind. Listen, I will be creating a clone capable of utilizing only 30 percent of my total power. You will have to battle along side your shadow clone until I am confident you are able to control it and are able to work along side it effectively as a team. Now get ready, because here I come." Sai created the shadow clone sign and a white cloud of smoke appeared next to him. Once the smoke cleared there was a shadow clone of himself. Sai now stepped back to observe the fight and critique his student. He spoke before sending the clone after him, "Ita you two must work in unison, create openings by utilizing combination attacks. Don't be foolish. Give it all you have, you won't be able to accomplish anything if you are unable to perfect such a simple technique known to most jounin, now go." Ita and his clone sprinted towards the clone of Sai. the two took the same path side by side, not branching out at all. Ita jumped high, drawing a kunai from his pouch on his side and thrusting it towards Sai's clone's neck. Mean time, Ita's clone ducked and also acquired a kunai from his weapon pouch and attempted to thrust it into Sai's clone's stomach. Sai's clone moved his head to the side effortlessly dodging Ita's first attack. Then he simply raised his foot with such speed, meeting Ita's clones face and completely decimating him with a single blow reducing him to a cloud of white smoke. "But how? How could he move so fast and dodge my attack..?" Ita thought to himself. Ita had moved passed Sai's clone and turned to face him once more. He made the shadow clone hand sign once more and created another spitting image of himself. "I have to find an opening, I can' just run into there.." Ita thought once more. Ita and his clone were now facing towards Sai's back.

    "Lets go!" Ita shouted. "Right!", said Ita's clone. They shared confident looks between each other then began to move towards their enemy. Ita's clone jumped towards Sai's clone, when it came into 5 feet of Sai's clone, it then redirected it's direction to the side of Sai. Ita, once he was 10 feet away, disappeared in a blur of speed; utilizing the body flicker technique. It was now behind Sai, while Ita's clone was moving in on him from his left side. At the last moment, Sai's clone had become aware of Ita behind him due to his chakra sensory. He was also now aware of Ita's shadow clone closing in at him towards his right side as well. The clone took out another kunai and released it towards the side of the clones head. Sai's clone merely turned, sweeping his leg and kicking Ita up into the air. Sai leaned his head back and the kunai that Ita's shadow clone had released at him almost made connection with Ita and clipped a bit of hair off of his hair off. A beat of sweat formulated on Ita's brow as the Kunai wizzed past him, almost connecting with him. "That was close...", Ita thought to himself. Ita's body was now connected by another blow to the stomach by the elbow of Sai's clone, causing Ita's body to smash into the ground. Ita's clone now was to the right of Sai's clone. Ita's clone thrusted his hand into his ninja pouch and revealed yet again another kunai, in an attempt to inflict death upon the clone, the two clones went at it; only to result in Sai's clone quickly finishing off Ita's. Ita was now face down on the ground in pain.  

   Ita coughed up a little bit of blood, then sat up and whipped away the excess. He now stood up and made eye contact with Sai and then Sai's clone. "He's so fast.. I need to try something a little bit different or I'm going to lose this battle." Sai had now lost interest in the battle and decided to read a book while he ate an apple, not even paying attention to what was going on. This kind of made Ita upset, but at any rate, Ita would win this fight. It now made space between him and Sai's clone. He was standing a good 5 meters away now. Ita weaved a hand sign, creating another perfect replica of himself, a shadow clone. The two looked at each other once more and back at Sai's clone. Ita disappeared in a blur of speed, by using the body flicker technique. He then reappeared about 5 meters to the left of the clone and used shadow clone technique again before body flickering out of sight, to Sai, Ita would have appeared to only use the clone jutsu once and was unaware of the second, or Ita's ability to even conjure another, and Ita figured Sai would not deliver a deathly blow to the original, so he decided he would take full advantage. All he had to do was work in unison right? Finish the task, not how he did it mattered. The clone in front of Sai now reached into his pocket and revealed a kunai and 2 shuriken, releasing the shuriken at Sai, then sprinting towards him with the kunai in his hand. The other clone to the left of Sai now was charging as well releasing several shuriken at Sai's clone alogn with drawing a kunai as well. Both of them now made attempts to stab Sai's clone, one attacking from his front and one attacking from his side in unison. The clone in front thrusted his shuriken towards the mans chest making sure to duck his sholder, causing Ita to lose heigh, but gain speed and protection. The second clone now released the kunai at Sai's head. Sai had dodged the shuriken from before skillfully only to be met by the clone in front of him thrusting the kunai at his chest. Sai grabbed the first clone by the wrist, redirecting the clones weight and making it so the kunai was redirected not at his chest, but to pass by Sai's head. Now he had to worry about the second clone coming to the right. The Kunai now brushed past Sai's head who he was able to dodge, ignoring where it went off to, only focusing on the clone to the right of him, which he though to be the true Ita. That clone now was making an attempt again with the kunai in his hand. Sai, again, was able to take hold of this clone's wrist as well. Sai's clone chuckled, just as the normal one does, "looks like you've got no where to go Ita, maybe I've put a little too much faith in you. You're nothing more than a weak child." "Think again." Said Ita's clone to Sai's. Ita had now body flickered behind Sai, in the moments before the Kunai hard almost hit Sai's clone before. Ita had actually plucked the Kunai from the air and gripped it firmly. Sai's clones eyes widened as he now realized Ita had created two clones, both of which he was grabbing, to not be the real Ita. The real Sai looked up from his book and noticed Ita that Ita had been able to not just summon the power of two shadow clones, bu actually use them in unison and be able to deliver a final blow to one of his shadow clones. He smiled once more then pondered why he was smiling so much, why did this boy's success bring him joy? Ita now thrusted the kunai that he had snatched from the air and allowed it to dig into the neck of the clone. Upon contact, the clone dissipated into a cloud of smoke. Ita stood up straight, dropping the kunai allowing that to disappear into smoke as well. Ita then released his shadow clones and was panting. He had some spots of blood on his white shirt along with some dirt. 

   "The first day of training is over Ita. Good job, you were able to create not just one, but two shadow clones and work along side them to set up a perfect opening for an attack. You are learning quickly and becoming more powerful. Now lets get some rest and eat something before starting to train the next technique." Ita nodded and followed his Sensai.
WC: 3000+122 
Claim:15 stats, Shadow Clone 
Akihana Akari
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How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:28 pm
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How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:10 pm
Day 2
   Ita had awoken from a brisk nap after learning the the his latest ninjutsu. He couldn't help but sense he was getting stronger and wanted to continue to learn as much as possible. Ita examined Sai standing over him, but not looking at him. Instead he was looking off into the distance for reasons unknown to Ita. Ita was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of black pants, along with a pair of ninja sandals. He stood up and stretched before letting out a yawn and rubbing his eyes. Sai had snapped out of his day dream and gone on to explain to Ita what their next move was. Ita waited patiently and then Sai spoke to him, "Okay, now that you've learned how to create a shadow clone, next time going to show you a few techniques you can use which derive from the shadow clone technique it self. Now it's up to you to decide which one you want to do first as both are extremely deadly and dangerous." Ita spoke, "I want to learn both, it dosn't matter which we do first, but what are they exactly?", Ita inquired. "Alright lets play a game", Sai began as he put two hands behind his back. Ita figured he must pick a hand and the one he choose decided which technique he was going to learn first. Ita motioned for the right arm and Sai smiled. Ita said, "The right one." As he pointed with his index finger, his eyes wide and eager. "Ahh", Sai continued, "This jutsu is one of my absolute favorites", "The Shuriken Shadow Clone technique." Sai revealed his right arm from behind his back and he was holding a shurriken. He spun the hilt around the metal wring and allowed it so snap into his hand, gripping it firmly. "I'm gonna show you one of the most powerful jutsu in my arsenal." Sai said. "This technique relies on using only one real shuriken or kunai. The user releases the Kunai in the direction he or she pleases and then weaves the hand signs 'Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger'. Once the user finishes the seals, the object then splits into a thousand replicas, all tangible", Sai continued, "That is what makes this jutsu so deadly, you have to be an extremely experienced shinobi in order to successfully evade a thousand kunai raining over you. And that is not all" "if any equipment is attached to the original kunai or shuriken, then the equipment would multiply as well, any ideas what might be a good idea to attach to one of these" Sai said. Sai flipped the kunai in his hand at the end of his question. "Woah! Thats so cool!" Ita said and then he pulled from his pocket a kunai along with an exploding tag. "Exactly!" Sai congratulated Ita on his deductive skills and continued his lecture. "Now imagine a thousand shuriken attached to exploding tags raining down on you, its so dangerous I'm forbidding you from using the exploding tags whilst in here to prevent you from damaging my training site or our house." Sai laughed. "Okay now lets get to business." Sai said. "Start by throwing a kunai and kneeding your energy to replicate shuriken. It is very simple, just picture the shuriken in your head then release it with the correct amount of chakra. If performed right it should split into a thousand shuriken of the same sharpness and weight, along with speed." Practice over there away from me so you don't, you know, kill me. Let me know once you're finished. Oh and I know you're not going to be used to performing this types of techniques since they are technically considered to be an 'A Rank jutsu'.". "You're going to need this. I'm going to give you some of my chakra." Sai placed his hand on Ita's forehead, his fingers in his hair and put his left hand on the sinde of his right forearm that was extended. Sai began lending Ita some of his chakra, when he was done Sai walked off to a part of the facility where there was actually some foliage; just a tree and some grass. Sai leaned up against the tree and peered into a book, while Ita walked a good distance away from him holding a few shuriken in his hand. 
   "Alright, Lets do this." Ita thought to him self. He felt determined. He was ready to continue to progress. Ita was now striving to the best he could be. He came to a spot in the sub terrain environment where there was a few stone pillars about 3 meters from Ita. He pocketed the rest of the kunai and kept out one. He fiddled with it in his hands for a few moments before continuing to close his eyes. In his eyes he pictured the kunai, rubbing his hand over the smooth sharp edges of the blade and feeling out the handle, ending in a loop. He now pictured the kunai in his head perfectly, getting the measurements down. He then kneading chakra within himself and to his surprise, a kunai appeared in his hand in a small puff of smoke. Ita smiled and laughed, his laugh getting a little sinister. Ita had never felt such power since he's been alive. Sai's enormous amount of chakra allowed for him to lend Ita an amount he had never ever possessed and it was beginning to go to his head. "This power.. It's incredible." Ita thought to himself. Ita released the shadow shuriken and then retracted the kunai, holding it back then flinging his hand in a quick motion, allowing the kunai to speed off in the distance towards one of the rock pilars. Ita then began to quickly make hand seals, 'Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger'. Upon finishing the seals the kunai flickered in the distance and spread into several kunai. All hitting the stone pillar almost in unison. Ita released the shadow shuriken and removed another kunai from his pouch. He flicked the kunai and then performed the hand seals again, 'Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger'. Upon finishing the signs, the kunai now split into double the amount before. Ita was impressed with this new jutsu and could tell he could do some real damage if he needed to with it. Again he released the jutsu and revealed another kunai once again. He flicked his right wrist in a thrusting motion and allowed the kunai to fly from his hand towards the stone pillar. After releasing the kunai Ita began to weave hand signs quickly, 'Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger' The kunai split into about two hundred shadow shuriken, all swiftly cutting through the air making a sort of whistling sound. The kunai all pierced the stone pillars effectively, and were mostly concentrated in the same place. "Almost there... I have about three more kunai left." Ita said. Ita now released the kunai once more then performed a string of hand signs, 'Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger'. Once finishing the seals, the kunai flew and split into at least five hundred kunai, showering upon the now brittle stone pillar which was crumbling from the constant battering. He repeated this once more and about the same effect, but a little bit more kunai then the previous time. Ita now held his last kunai in his hand. He flicked his wrist and allowed the kunai to fly towards the stone pillar. He performed a string of hand signs, 'Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger'. Upon finishing the kunai split into almost one thousand kunai. It blocked out the light as the kunai made their way, finally crippling the stone pillar reducing it to a bunch of smaller stones. Ita stood straight looking at all the kunai scattering the training field. He thing released the kunai and allowed the shadow shuriken to disappear. Ita figured he should go tell Sai the progress he had made and see what he had to say. Ita walked from the spot he was training over to the spot where there was some foliage. Ita found Sai, passed out with his head laid back against the tree and the book flat on his face. Ita then prodded Sai with his foot, "Hey, wake up I'm done." Sai's eyes sprung open and he jumped up a little startled. "Hey, don't sneak up on me like that I was having a nice dream!" Once Sai calmed down he then continued to say, Now, you arn't done yet you're just done with the first half of that training. We got to get you good at using the technique so I've deciding I'm going to give you a little target practice, try and have some control of the trajectory of the throw and allow you to get the most damage out of your attack. Ita smiled because he was skilled in kunai throwing, he had used to practice with his father all the time when he was still alive. Sai followed Ita to where he was just training and informed Ita to try and hit the pieces of wood he is going to be throwing every which way. Sai created some hand signs and a few clones appeared. Those clones including him began to form more hand seals, eventually producing atleast 50 small wooden disks, flinging them 60 feet into the air in front of Ita.

   Ita reacted quickly. He thrust his hand inside his kunai pouch and released one towards the center of the wood disks. He then produced a string of hand seals, 'Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger'. Upon Ita finishing the hand seals, the kunai split into a thousand different kunai all moving in the same direction. The sheer amount of kunai was enough to completely hit every wooden disk, some being hit multiple times, leaving the training field scattered with shattered pieces and fragments of wood. "Nice, now let’s try a few more." Sai said. His clones performed a string of hand seals and he and the clones now released about 500 small wooden disks towards Ita now, who was standing 20 feet away from Sai. Ita's eyes widened, watching the wooden disks in sheer amounts fly towards him. Ita formed a string of hand seals. 'Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger' after releasing his last kunai towards the pieces of wood that were being flung towards him. Upon finishing the hand seals, the kunai split into a thousand copies of it self and pierced each piece of wood effectivelyrespectfully missing a few here and there; but enough were hit that none of the pieces of wood touched Ita. Dust filled the area and the shadow kunai returned from where they came in a cloud of smoke. Ita was panting from the exhaustion of his chakra; even with Sai lending Ita some of his chakra, the level of the jutsu he had been attempting had caused him to become exhausted. Ita walked over to where the stone pillars once stood and began to gather his kunai, and clean them. 

   Sai suggested to Ita, "Alright, good job. It looks like you have made some lee way on this technique, and I am very impressed. I didn't think you had it in you. Now lets get some rest why don't we?" Ita nodded and the both of them walked off into the distance where most of their belongings were. 

Wc:1878+122(previous post)= 2000 towards Shuriken Shadow Clone, +10 stats
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How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:16 am
Day 3
Today, unlike before the training began, Ita woke up on his own occasion. He looked over from his cot on the floor at Sai. Sai happened to still be sleeping and Ita couldn’t help, but wonder how; because the beds where so stiff and uncomfortable. Ita yawned and rubbed his eyes and upon doing so, to his surprise Sai had awoken and done the same. Sai spoke to Ita, “Ahh, I’ve been waiting for you to wake up; you just have been training so hard I thought I’d let you sleep a bit later than usual.” Not that it mattered to Ita, because due to being underground, he had no idea what time of day it was or what the date was for that matter. Sai spoke to Ita once more, “Hey, get ready we are returning to the land of the living today for a special misson.” He chuckled at his joke, referencing that they had been stuck down in this place for a few days and Ita was probably missing the outside world. Sai didn’t seem to care so much, if Ita had to really think about it; he figured Sai was a sentimental type of guy and actually enjoyed this little excursion and sleeping on this old, lumpy bed. Anyways, Sai instructed Ita to get dressed, not in his normal attire, but something a little more conspicuous. Ita thought about his clothing and sulked for a moment before thinking to himself, “How much more conspicuous could I get”, as he thought about his bland and boring attire. He then noticed his head band and figured that is what Sai was referring to. Now that Ita was thinking about his headband, he couldn’t help but realized that Sai had never worn his. Ita inquired upon his thought, “Hey Sensai, why don’t you ever where your Konohagakure headband?” Ita figured that ANBU don’t have to abide by such standards, but he thought he would ask anyways. Sai paused for a moment and thought, “What?.. Oh that old thing, I lost it sometime ago, Hidden leaf Anbu aren’t typically required to wear a headband, and I believe I lost mine some time ago. I haven’t seen it in ages. Anyways, let’s go we are running late. What time is it anyways?”
The two proceeded to get ready. Once they were finally finished, Ita examined Sai’s attire. He noticed Sai was wearing pretty casual attire and if he had to guess, he looked just like a normal person. “Are you ready Ita?” asked Sai. “I think so, let me check.” Ita rummaged in side of his shirt where he had strapped his pouch which contained his headband and the rest of his equipment and made sure it was easily noticeable then responded, “Yeah, I’m ready let us go.” The two walked over from where the living quarters where, which were quiet sad looking to say the least, to the wooden circle that was perfectly leveled into the ground. The two stepped upon the platform and Sai weaved a hand sign. Upon releasing the hand sign the ground made a ‘creaking’ sound and began to vibrate before moving. Sai and Ita now stood next to each other as the wooden pillar lifted them towards to ceiling of the wooden sub terrain dome. In the middle of the ceiling was the small opening which lead to the top. Upon entering the hole in the ceiling, the light ceased to exist and it was very day, Sai weaved another hand sign and the wall overhead which was blocking the exit and entrance of the dome pushed backwards and revealed light once more which was shining through the windows of Sai’s kitchen. Ita figured it must be early due to the sunlight seeping into the hole. Once at the top, the wood settled into place, locking and sealing off the entrance to the underground dome and the two stepped off the circular platform into the kitchen, allowing the wooden wall to push back into place. Sai shut the door to what a normal human would perceive to be a pantry or a small closet and the two walked through the kitchen towards the front door.
                Upon exiting their home, Ita felt the warm rays of the sun beating upon his skin. He fully embraced it after being locked in the dome for a few days and concluded that he was now getting pale due to the lack of sunlight down there. The two made their way towards the gates to the village. Upon their traveling a crow had flown down from the sky and perched itself onto one of Sai’s shoulders. It began to speak, “Sai, Sai. I brought to you your orders straight from the Hokage’s office. Here you go.” “Ahh, thank you. Sai said.” While this incedent was all taking place, Ita was extremely caught off guard due to the fact that a crow had just spoken to Sai. “I-It can speak? How?” Sai ignored Ita’s question and continued to thank the bird. The bird then turned towards Ita, who was clearly spooked out by the fact he was talking and then spoke once more, now directing his tone towards Ita. “What, you’ve never heard a talking bird.” The bird seemed to look Ita over then directed its attention towards Sai once more. “So, this is your pupil. He doesn’t look like what I expected. A little skinny don’t you think?” Sai laughed before responding, “Well, he doesn’t look it, but he is learning quite fast I would say, much faster than I could at that age, anyways we will be visiting you shortly; I’ll let you know when I need you.” The bird ‘squaked’ and then flapped its wings a few times before it took flight. It spoke once more, “You really do remind me of that boy, anyways, until we meet again ‘Uchiha, Ita’. Funny, you almost have his name.” The bird then took flight and vanished into the skyline. Sai opened the envelop that the bird had supplied him with and examined it closely while listening to Ita ask him more questions. “What was that about, and what did he give you?” Sai didn’t bother looking at Ita when he spoke, as he was captivated by the contents of the message. “Didn’t you listen to anything he said? It’s a letter from the Hokage’s office informing us what our mission will be.” Ita’s face seemed to sulk a bit, “I was just so thrown off by the bird, I forgot. Sorry.” “Its okay” Sai responded. Ita asked a question once more, “So, where are we going exactly?” “Come on, I’ll tell you on the way. Like I said, we are running a little bit behind schedule.” The two continued to walk towards the gates of the Hidden Lead village.
                “First things first, we are traveling to where the ferry’s dock on the border of the fire nation to receive a young boy named ‘Hirozaki’. He is from the Land of Tea. Although he is young, the boy is the prince of that nation and it is up to us to escort him to the fire nation.” Sai said. Ita then asked, “So why did they pick us for this mission and shouldn’t we be going with more people than just you and I if he is so important?” Sai’s eyes shifted for a moment after listening to Ita’s inquiry. Sai couldn’t risk giving up to much information for Ita’s sake so he decided to be as vague as possible. “Hey, orders are orders. Now this is your first mission and its B-Rank, so I hope you’re ready. Anything could happen.” Sai stopped for a moment, causing Ita to bump into him. Ita then looked up at Sai’s face who was now extremely serious. Sai was staring down into Ita’s eyes. “No matter what, you must not let anything happen to this boy. Even if that means risking your life. Do you got that?” Ita nodded and Sai turned once more and continued walking, his face returning to his usual chipped self. For a while the two walked in silence before reaching the gates. The two shinobi working the gate bowed for some reason when Sai approached and then opened the gate. Ita noticed their reaction when they saw Sai, and wondered why he had been shown such respect, no one had ever done that to Ita when he would roam past the gates, anyhow Ita decided it was best to not pay much attention to it.
                The two walked past the gates where there was a horse drawn cart waiting for them. Sai spoke to the conductor for a moment before thanking him and climbing into the cart. Ita followed Sai in. As the cart began to move, and the horse’s hooves made ‘clicking noises against the ground’ Ita watched the gates of the Leaf Village disappear into the distance. After a while it began to rain. Sai reached into his backpack and supplied Ita with a throw over that had a hood on it. Ita quickly put it on then pulled the hood over his head, shading him from the rain. For a majority of the ride the two sat in silence. They had been traveling forever it seemed. Sai had noticed Ita had become restless and eventually had fallen asleep. Sai smiled and buried his head into a book for the rest of the journey.
                Sai looked up from his book. He could see the outline of the harbor in the horizon. One could see the flags of large ships poking over the hills. The closer they got the more sounds and smells they became accustomed too. They were now zoning in on their destination. Ita had finally awoken from his nap and rubbed his eyes. He could smell the salt in the air and the smell of fish. He took a deep breath and savored it. This was the first time Ita had traveled this far from the village and he seemed excited to be seeing a change in scenery. The light breeze also felt good, since the rain had ceased and the sun was now blearing down upon them. The cart came to a halt and the two of them got out, Sai thanked the conductor of the cart and the two made their way into the ‘buzzing’ harbor town towards the docks.
                Sai and Ita came to a beautiful ship. It easily was the most magnificent of all the other ships which crowded the harbor. Upon the ship where many crates which were being loaded and off loaded into the harbor onto carts and other ships. The ship bore the flag of the ‘Land of Tea’. Sai opened the letter once more and examined it, taking a few looks at the ship then the letter. “Yep. This looks like the one, flag and all” Sai said. Upon finishing his sentence, the two were meet by a rather slender boy, who was dressed in extremely fancy clothing. “I’m guessing you two are from the Leaf I presume. I thought they would send at least more than two of you.” The boy said then spoke once more, “I am Hirozaki, the Prince of the Land of Tea. I have come to discuss trade agreements with the Hokage of your village.” Sai smiled and seemed a bit bashful at the face the young boy suggested he wasn’t enough to take care of him. Sai thought to himself for a brief moment. This was all a part of Sai’s plan. Ita stood quietly listening to the young boy and his supervisor speak to Sai about the boys safe return and how he must be returned within the next 4 days or they were going to send for help and assume something had happened. The boy’s supervisor bowed to them both and went back aboard the ship to attend to other duties leaving the boy with Ita and Sai. Sai looked Hirozaki down and spoke, “If you are going to be traveling with us, I suggest you put on something a little- uh, less flashy. It will draw less attention. You don’t want to be kid napped and help for ransom do you?” The boy seemed insulted and decided to agree to the conditions and got changed into something a little more casual, although it was still more fancier than anything in Ita’s possession. After talking a bit with the boy, Ita had already assumed they were complete opposites. Ita was quiet and calm, while they were both smart, the boy was obviously a spoiled brat and would not stop complaining all the way to the horse drawn cart. The three boarded the cart and Sai conversed with the conductor once more before thanking him and allowing them to start because the boy was complaining that it was taking him too long. Ita could even tell by the expression upon Sai’s face that he too was beginning to become annoyed by the boys constant complaining before speaking to him sternly, “Listen kid. Shut up and stay put. My only job here is to not get you killed. You got that?” Upon hearing the words killed, the boy’s face plummeted and he stopped talking. Sai spoke to Ita next. “Listen Ita, don’t fall asleep again. We must keep ourselves on high alert incase anything peculiar were to happen.” Sai staired into Ita’s dark eyes for a moment thinking in his mind and then turned his attention ahead, towards the front of the cart. “I think it would be best for you to keep a look out from the back and I’ll watch the the front” Sai said. Hirozaki then spoke, “What about me what can I do?” Sai replied, “Nothing. Just shut up and stay still.” The young prince sulked and did what he was told.
                Sai began to think, “The way this training has been going.. It is time to awaken those eyes of his.” This was a mission alright, but Sai knew something Ita didn’t. He had been tracking a rouge ninja for the weeks prior to Ita training and knew that he would try and make a move on the prince to hold him for ransom. He just didn’t know when it would happen. This mission wasn’t so much a mission regarding the prince, but Ita. Sai knew he was capable of delivering this boy alone if he wanted, but he needed to awaken Ita’s eyes. He needed to put Ita in a position where he faced real danger, danger that would awaken his sharingan and advance it. Sai was sure that Ita did not know much about his clans past, but boy, he was about to learn. “Now just where are these guys…” Sai thought to himself.
                The cart ride was extremely bumpy, as it rolled over many rocks upon the long a seemingly endless dirt path. They were now in an area where there was foliage on both sides. Sai caught Ita dozing off and Hirozaki continued to complain. To reiterate, Sai and Ita were dressed in normal civilian attire, making it almost impossible for an enemy to spot them without knowing in advance. Just a little gift from Sai, who had given them an anonymous tip a week prior. Sai knew the two men’ capability. One being a rouge chuunin from the Leaf that defected for reasons revolving around greed, and another chuunin, who was also a rouge ninja, who was his subordinate. Their names were Taki and Toku. Misfits of Sai’s generation. Taki was much stronger than Toku, but the both of them were still a bit much for a genin to take on alone. They specialized in taijutsu and weaponry. You could have guessed they were twins based on the way they dressed, besides the fact they shared no blood relation. The perfect situation to bring out Ita’s eyes, Sai thought. Sai figured Taki, would go for the boy, not knowing that Sai was one of the body gaurds based on his disguise. Sai would wait a few moments allowing for him to get away just long enough for Ita to be left alone with Toku. Sai would then dispose of Taki and watch from the distance incase things got a little out of hand. All he had to worry about really was keeping Hirozaki’s mouth shut and hopping Ita wouldn’t get killed in the time he was gone.
                The cart trudged on through the winding dirt road in the forest. A few moments later the cart jerked hard. The front left wheel had been completely shattered due to a wire trap set. Sai smiled at this exact moment because he knew it was time. The wheel shattered and the cart caved in forward causing the back, where Hirozaki and Ita were sitting to be pushed upwards, causing Ita to lose his balance and for Hirozaki to be tossed effortlessly from the cart onto the rough ground. “Ahh what the f-“, before Hirozaki could finish his sentence a brown cloaked figure entered the scene and snatched the boy up off the ground throwing him over his sholder. Sai pulled up his hood over his face to mask his face, to keep his identity a secrete for the time being. “Hey! What is the meaning of this! Put me down!” Hirozaki yelled, while attempting to break free by hitting the man repeatedly in the back, but it failed. Taki snickered and then spoke, “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll be taking the boy.” He then moved at his max speed off into the distance. Sai counted in his head allowing the man to gain some distance and then followed him making sure he was out of sight of Ita.
                Ita, who had lost his balance due to the cart crashing now regained his balance after watching what had just went down. Now another brown cloaked man entered the scene. “W-who are you?” Ita asked. “I am Toku, a rouge ninja from the Leaf. We are capturing this boy to hold him ransom and I’m here to stop you from pursuing him. “A rouge ninja eh?” Ita spoke, regaining his confidence and allowing a smirk to even reveal itself. “This is where you die boy” Toku said. Ita replied, “If you are a rouge ninja, then I have no choice, but to not hold back.” Ita blinked slowly, and then opened his eyes revealing his one tome sharingan. “Get ready to die boy, here I come.”
                Upon finishing his sentence Toku, who was standing at a distance of 5 meters away from Ita, began to rush him. He reached into his back poket, revealing several sanbon and released them towards Ita. Ita whos pupils keened it, revealed a kunai from inside his shirt, moving fast enough to just avoid being hit by 4 of 5 of the sanbon, one lodging into his left arm. “Gah!” Ita shrieked as one of the sanbon pierced his skin. “This guy is fast. I sense no disturbing amount of chakra from this guy, meaning his must specialize is taijutsu.” The man continued to run towards Ita, laughing upon seeing the sight of blood. “Shit” Ita thought “Here he comes.” The man thrusted his right arm forward in hopes of making contact with Ita’s face. Ita was able to react just in time to miss it, ducking and moving past his opponent. The man, whos back was now to Ita, snickered once more before speaking, “You’re not too bad kid, although I don’t think those tricks are going to work against me.” The man turned, revealing he now had about 10 shuriken; 5 in each hand. Ita had made distance between the two of them. Ita then noticed the man was holding what appeared to be kunai in his hand. “This isn’t good.” Ita thought to himself. The man then released all 10 shuriken towards Ita, who was able to react just in time to dodge or reflect with his kunai only 8 or 10. One of the shuriken grazing his other arm leaving a deep cut; causing blood to spew out. The other sticking into his right thigh. Ita let out another yell for pain. “I-I’m just not fast enough. How am I going to keep up with this guy? At this rate.. I’m going to die.” He fell to one knee. The man stopped and starred as he thought he was about to finish off his opponent. “No. I will not die here”, Ita thought to himself then spoke aloud, “I will not die here!” Ita’s eyes closed and then opened as he stared straight at the man making eye contact. Something had changed in Ita’s eyes, his 1 tome seemed to shift angularly around his pupil. Another black tome manifested itself in Ita’s eyes. Ita’s chakra was now flowing rapidly and the man could sense there was a change in Ita’s demeanor. “W-what are you doing?” The man said. Ita had a sinister look on his face as he kept eye contact with the man, blood spewing from his open wounds.
                Ita thought to himself, “What is this power? What is happening to me?” The man spoke, “That is enough! Time to finish you!” The man charged Ita, now unsheathing a sword that he had strapped to his back in an attempt to end Ita’s life. The man got within a few feet of Ita before swinging down on him. As the man approached Ita, Ita’s eyes squinted and he thought to himself oncemore, “What is this.. why can I see this mans every movement; it’s as though he has slowed down.” Ita smiled sinisterly as he tightened his grip on his kunai. As the man swung Ita was able to guess his movement even before it happened dodging it effortlessly, slipping past the mans missed attack to the right, ducking, and making eye contact with the man as Ita’s head was now at his chest level. The man had enough time to notice the Kunai in Ita’s hand and be astonished by how fast he was able to react. “B-But how? How did you dodge my attack? Those eyes… what is wrong with your eyes!” Ita then thrusted his hand, making a swift cutting movement to the man’s abdominal section allowing for blood to squirt out and splash onto Ita’s face and clothes. This time the blood on him was not his own. Ita pressed forward, moving away from his target allowing blood to continue to spew from both of their wounds. The man turned to him. “I don’t know how you did that or what is wrong with your eyes, but you’re a freak! Now witness my jutsu!” Upon hearing those words, Ita felt disgusted. He hated this man’s arrogance and he wanted to put an end to it quickly, along with test his new powers. The man revealed a medium sized scroll, that Ita had not noticed that was strapped to his lower back. “What is that” Ita thought to himself as the man continued to reveal it. The parchment contained a symbol on it and when the man held it towards Ita and tapped the back of it, a sea of shuriken seemed to flow out. “I got to act fast, whatever he is about to do won’t be good. This technique will use almost all my chakra, but I must use it” Ita thought. Ita quickly moved back just as the man began to unravel the scroll before releasing the shuriken. Once a good amount of space was between them Ita thrusted his hand into one of the pouches in his shirt and revealed a Kunai he had, which had an exploding tag strapped to it. Ita released the Kunai bearing the tag towards the man just as he had held the scroll towards him about Ita quickly made a string of hand signs ‘Ram-Rat-Bird-Boar-Tiger’ Ita had now noticed that a wave of thousands of shuriken now were spewing out of the scroll towards Ita only a few feet from the kunai he had just thrown, but just as Ita’s hand seals finished, the Kunai multiplied and now thousands of kunai were colliding with shuriken from within feet of Toku. The explosion tags set off on first contact creating a string of explosions. The world then went completely dark to Ita.
                Ita awoke the next day in a hospital bed in the Hidden Leaf Village. He was confused as to what happened, but upon realizing Sai was in the room with him and that he was alive he decided that was good enough for him. Sai was next to his bed and Ita turned his head to speak to him. “W-What happened? How did I get here? What happened to Horizuki?!” Ita demanded answers, but was only meet by a smile upon Sai’s face. “Relax don’t get all worked up Horizuki is already in the village, safe and sound, thanks to you that is. I had taken care of the kid napped quickly and decided to watch you fight, to you know, asses you.” Ita was now furious. “I almost died! And you just watched!” “Ahh-, but you didn’t. but what did I tell you about using that technique? If I hadn’t been watching you would have died due to that explosion, you’re lucky I was able to save you. Sai thought back to the explosion, as he was evading the attack he had watched the body of the man become completely obliterated. “So, did I kill him?” Ita inquired. “Let’s just say we won’t be seeing the two of them ever again. Anyways, get some rest and heal up. I will be back tomorrow to check on you. Goodbye.”

                Sai exited the hospital and Ita rolled over in his hospital bed and went back to sleep. Sai smiled to himself as he exited the building because everything he had planned happened accordingly. Ita had to rely on his sharingan abilities in order to save himself and that brought him to the next level. It is only a matter of time before Ita would begin to question Sai about his ocular powers. Everything was happening according as planned. Sai figured he should go to the Hokage and explain to him the details while Ita got the chance to rest.
WC: 4000+400(extra)
Claim: 2 tome sharingan, Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu, 10 stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:55 am

Approved <3
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:25 pm
The time was 10:45 AM. Sai could be seen making his way towards the hospital of Konohagakure. In his possession was a small box in his right hand and a drink in his left. The sun was shining bright although Sai could tell due to the decrease in temperature and a slight breeze the seasons were beginning to show signs of change. It had been a few days since Ita’s mission with Sai and Sai figured he had gotten enough rest and should check up on him.
As Sai walked, he couldn’t help but think about how quickly Ita had been progressing with his training and also of the events which unfolded on their last mission. Sai smiled at the outcome, but was perplexed by Ita’s calm and calculating actions while in the midst of battle. He wondered how Ita could deliver such lethal blows without feeling as much as an ounce of remorse. The boy was smart, but what was he capable of? What was his intentions? Sai shook off his thoughts and approached the doors of the hospital.
Sai made his way towards Ita’s room to find the boy already out of bed and dressed as though he was about to leave. “Hey! Just in time. I was about to come look for you.” Said Ita. Sai couldn’t help but feel pleased that the boy looked fine and seemed rested, he couldn’t help but like his enthusiasm as well. He couldn’t put his finger on as to why he behaved as such, but he had a clue, never the less, Sai was just happy to finally start making some more progress with Ita’s training since they only had less than a months’ time.
The two exited the hospital. Sai was wearing typical konohagakure shinobi attire which was unusual to him because he had gotten so use to wearing either civilian clothes or his ANBU cloak. Sai was equipped with a green flask jacket and normal jounin pants along with black sandals. However, Sai did not wear a leaf headband which was peculiar to Ita, although Ita did pickup on a tattoo on Sai’s arm that was similar to those on the arms of other ANBU.
Ita gave it no more thought. Ita was wearing black pants and a blue shirt, along with a pair of black sandals. On his hip and back was a ninja weapon pouch containing some kunai and various other items. Sai turned to Ita as they made their way towards a location unknown to Ita. Sai said, “You don’t happened to know the fire ball jutsu do you?” Ita shook his head and thought for a second before responding. “Well, my father was supposed to teach me before…” Ita did not continue the sentence and there was a moment of silence between the two briefly before Sai spoke once more. “Well, you are going to learn today. We will make a quick pit stop before arriving to our final destination. I have a friend I want you to meet.” Sai finished speaking. Ita did not bother to question the location of their final destination, but was more concentrated on learning a new jutsu, making him a little more powerful. Ita could feel the gains he had been recently making and only wanted to continue. He also noticed he felt a little differently since awakening his sharingan. Ita felt a little depressed that he had to rely on such a technique so heavily in his last fights. He also felt some pain from his past starting to reemerge, he tried to not think about them any longer as he shook his ducking head and followed behind Sai.
Ita followed Sai to an area near their home. Behind Sai’s house was a few trees and if you continued to walk past them a small open area next to a brook with a small stream flowing, one too shallow to be home to fish. Ita could tell Sai was growing ever impatient and Ita himself only care to learn more at this point, knowing in the back of his mind their time together would end shortly.
                The two now stood a good distance apart. Sai, wearing his normal attire and Ita, in a white shirt and black pants. Ita seemed to be very focused and content with beginning to start training again. Ita was looking off into the distance, appearing to be thinking and Sai had noticed and studied him. Sai thought to himself how much Ita’s demeanor had changed in their short time together, he figured it was either from not accepting greif and ignoring it, or this kid was so good at keeping his composure that it was weird. Regardless, Sai studied the boy in an attempt to wonder what he was thinking for a few more moments then shrugged it off. He began to speak to the boy, “Are you ready? Ita nodded and continued to listen. “I’m not a user of fire style but luckily I know that hand seals because they are simple. They consist of the horse and tiger seals.” Sai finished and made the seals to show Ita, without resulting in an jutsu. Ita nodded. Sai spoke once more, “Okay, I’m going to go sit over there and read, let me know when you are finished.” Sai walked away and left Ita to train.
                Ita now stood looking at his hands for a few moments before making the hand signs and attempting to cast the jutsu. This would be Ita’s first elemental jutsu and he was excited to progress. Ita thought about the endless possibilities that awaited him in the future and how he would use such power to influence his desires. Ita made the horse, then the tiger hand seals. Upon finishing, with great finesse and speed, Ita then attempted to build chakra up in his chest and release it in the form of fire. His first attempt was meet by failure. He could feel the changing of chakra in his chest which made him feel a little bit comfortable, but however it was still not good enough, he would need to practice more if he wanted to be able to perform such a jutsu. Ita then made the hand signs again and attempted to release the ball of fire from his mouth. His second attempt, to his surprise, resulted in the exertion of some flames but not in the form of a ball and the flames were miniscule. Ita repeated the process a decent amount of times, putting in a few hours of continual work without rest. Sai had dozed off once more and Ita was now able to produce large balls of flame from his mouth with ease.
                Ita now felt satisfied with himself and decided to wake up Sai. He walked over to the border of the clearing where Sai was posted up underneath a tree. Ita shook his shoulder lightly and Sai woke up, without jumping. Sai stood up and walked with ita over to the clearing. He performed a few hand signs and produced a clone of himself. Sai then spoke, “Great, now practice what you’ve learned pupil.”
                Ita nodded and began to run at the clone, with his right hand positioned behind his back inside his weapon pouch. He produced a kunai in his left hand and retracted it, moving it back to the front of his body. He attempted to swipe at Sai’s clone, but it was no use. Sai’s clone easily dodge the attack by taking a step to the side out of the attacks range and attempted to bring his fist down on Ita’s back. Sai only created a low powered clone in order to test the volume of Ita’s fighting ability, not to test his max power at the moment, he watched in silence.

                The fist of Sai’s clone only brazed Ita’s shirt. Before the clones eyes, Ita was able to dodge the attack and position himself to the side of the clone standing straight forward, Ita’s two tome sharingan was now active and Sai was calmly observing the exchange and was pleased to see Ita using his ocular powers. Ita now formed a string of hand signs and created a shadow clone of himself. Ita’s clone also removed a kunai from his pouch and held it in his right hand. Ita and his clone now moved towards Sai’s clone as the same time in parallel formation, the two only being within a meter of Sai’s clone. Ita’s clone was to the left of Sai’s clone, and Ita was to the right. Sai’s clone had enough time to fully face forwards towards the moving bodies. Ita’s clone attempting to swing his right hand bearing the kunai at Sai’s clones neck in a peculiar fashion. Sai’s clone was easily able to dodge the attack allowing for Ita’s clones hand to move past Sai’s clones head and follow through with his movement allowing for Ita’s clone to now be positioned in a forward motion moving past Sai’s clone towards his back side. Sai’s clone was then distracted by Ita’s attempt to make connection with his kunai which was held in his right hand. Sai’s clone was barely able to dodge Ita’s attack, but dodging the attack allowed Ita to perform a kick on the man’s chest, powerful enough to push him back. Sai’s clone felt the pressure of Ita’s foot against his chest then arms wrapping around his torso, which caught him off guard. The force from the kick allowed for Ita to propel himself away from Sai’s clone while allowing for his own clone to take ahold of Sai’s. Ita was now about two meters away from Sai’s restricted clone before performing two hand signs. Ita performed the ‘Great Fireball jutsu’, emitting a ball of flame two meters in length towards Ita’s clone and Sai’s clone. The ball of fire engulfed both clones, both letting out shrills, and returning them from where they came. Ita’s feet landed on the floor and created a small cloud of dust. Ita scratched his head and then spoke, “I think I might have over did it.” Then he laughed. Sai was impressed how well he was able to work in unison with his own clone and set up attacks at such a high caliber, even though they have only been training together for a short amount of time. Sai had no doubt that he had taken on the right student and was pleased for the time being. He then thought about how they would now travel to the land of the crows to meet a friend. Sai spoke towards Ita, “Good Job, let’s go. Someone wants to meet you.” Ita nodded at him and Sai turned and walked off and Ita followed behind him.
Claim: 1800+200 extra= 2000+200 left over, 10 stats, Great Fireball jutsu
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:29 pm

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How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:35 am
It was the same day. The time was around 2:30 PM. The day had progressed and Ita and Sai have now been walking for some time now down a dirt road towards a destination proclaimed to Ita by Sai, to be of a friend who was interested in meeting the boy. Ita was wearing a lose white shirt which was collard close towards his chin and a pair of black shorts. Along with that he wore a pair of sandals and two ninja weapon pouches. Sai, who was walking next to the boy, was wearing a green flask vest, and long black pants along with sandals. Ita wore his head band attached to the belt his ninja pouches were attached. Sai wore no symbol of allegiance.
                The two continued on their way to a distant location. Sai decided it would be a good time to let Ita in on his plans. Sai spoke to the boy in a calm voice while he continued to walk, “Where we are going, is home to a friend of mine. He is a crow, a talking crow, at that. You do know what a summoning is, correct?” Ita had never truly seen someone utilize a summoning before so he was unsure, but he was taught in the academy that some shinobi did call upon the help of summoning’s in battle or to use for other reasons. He shared what he knew with Sai, and then Sai continued to speak. “Don’t question me on this, but I have a feeling this summon is right for you.” Sai finished talking and Ita and him continued walking. The longer the two kept moving, Ita felt as though they were being followed. This feeling lingered for some time, then he realized that the more they progressed, the more crows flew overhead. Ita figured that must be a sign they were close.
                The two moved off of the dirt path they had been following onto a path, which was clearly worn down, but was also rarely used. Upon following the path for about fifteen minutes the two came to an open field. Here the two stood and Ita eventually asked a question to break the silence. “Are we almost there yet?” Asked Ita. Sai nodded and spoke, “We actually are already here.” “Really?” Ita questioned. Sai responded by saying, “Yes.” The two stood still for a few more minutes, Ita studying Sai’s expression. Ita concluded that Sai was waiting for someone and decided to wait in silence too.
                The silence was broken again by the sound of flapping wings. A rather larger black bird circled overhead, blocking the sunlight for a brief moment when in the right position overhead Ita. The bird made its decent towards the two, increasingly flapping its wings as it neared the Earth’s surface in order to slow its momentum and stop. The bird was now landed and in between the two. The bird completely ignored Ita’s presence at first and focused its attention towards Sai. Sai seemed to be very pleased by seeing the bird, as though they were long lost friends. The two conversed for a while then the bird eventually motioned its attention to the boy who stood beside them. Upon seeing him the bird’s eyes widened and it perched up as it looked him over. It spoke once more, which didn’t seem to be too unusual to Ita, “Boy what is your name? Speak up.” The voice of the bird was that of a man’s. It was also stern and deep. Ita spoke calmly to the bird, “My name is Ita. Ita, Uchiha.” Upon finishing the sentence the bird began to ruffle its feathers and peck at itself.
                “An Uchiha you say?” the bird spoke once more towards the boy, now completely ignoring the presence of Sai. The bird seemed completely captivated by Ita and Ita was unsure why, but was able to pick up on the birds body language. Ita stayed quiet. “I don’t know much about my clan so I’m afraid I would be unable to comment on that.” It was true, Ita did not know much about his own clan and was curious to learn more about their past and his own ocular powers and their extent. A little too curious, he thought. The bird spoke once more, “Well a long time ago there was an Uchiha with the same deep, dark eyes as you that sought after the help of us crows, but he is just a memory now.” There was a silence for a few moments and the bird broke it by speaking once more to the boy, “You look just like him, you really do, do you know that?” The bird continued, “I wonder…” “I wonder if you’ll be anything like him. It would be a blessing to be compared to someone as such, anyways, your last name is proof enough and that fact Sai brought you here and labeled you his student is more than enough for me.” Upon finishing the sentence the bird flew into the sky until it was out of sight of the two.
                Sai seemed a bit baffled and then reclaimed his cool as he then motioned his attention towards ITa to speak to him. “Wow that went a lot better than planned. You really must be something special, aren’t you boy?” “So what now? And who was that bird referring to when he said that I looked like someone?” Ita asked Sai. Sai responded by saying, “I’m not too sure, it would probably be best if we didn’t ask either.
                The bird was gone for some time. Ita and Sai conversed as they waited. Ita picked as Sai’s brain, asking him more questions about the ninja the bird had spoken off and other things about his clan. Sai told him about an Uchiha who possessed very powerful ocular powers and was one of the strongest Uchihas to ever live. However, Sai did not reveal all the information he knew and was relieved when the sight of the large bird came into sight in the sky once again.
                The bird descended once more. Once it came within a two meters of the two, it continued to flap its wings, allowing the bird to stay ascended just a few feet off of the ground. The bird held a large, old looking scroll in its large talons. The crow loosened its grip on the scroll and allowed to fall to the floor. The rather large scroll made a ‘thud’ sound as it hit the ground. Conveniently, the scroll began to unravel right after opening up to a blank area. The crow focused its attention towards Ita and began to speak to the boy, “Do you know what this is boy?”, The bird asked Ita. Ita remembered what he had learned at the academy, and after analyzing and understanding the situation he was in, it obviously had to be the summoning contract scroll. Ita responded to the bird and informed him what he had knew about the scroll and the crow agreed with him. The bird continued to inform Ita about the scroll. “You are required to sign the scroll using your own blood. You must first sign your name and then provide a hand print. Sai look at Ita, who was looking at his hand. Ita then motioned his attention towards Sai, and he motioned for Ita to draw a kunai from his weapon pouch. Ita then drew a kunai from the pouch located on his back waist and made eye contact with the crow. “So all I have to do his sign this scroll in my own blood and then I will have formed a contract with the crows?” Ita inquired. The bird nodded its head and ruffled its feathers and then spoke towards the boy to answer his question, “Yes, that is all. Go on now.” Ita stared at the scroll and his hand for another moment then pushed the kunai, which was held in his left hand, against the palm of his right hand. He pressed enough to cut his own skin and draw blood, created a shallow cut. Blood began to run down Ita’s hand, some dripping off his hand and onto the ground. Ita got on his knees in front of contract scroll and read some of the writing. Ita allowed the blood to run down his index finger, and then he began to write his name in blood on the parchment. Ita wrote out the name ‘Ita Uchiha’. Then boy then pressed his blood soaked hand against the old parchment. He held his hand firmly against the parchment long enough until he was satisfied his bloody hand had left a sufficient hand print on the contract.
                The boy looked up from the parchment and realized the crow and Sai were both staring directly at him. As soon as the contract was signed, it seemed to roll itself up. The crow, which was flapping its wings so that it was levitated above the ground now stopped and allowed itself to land on the ground. The bird spoke towards Ita, “Now that the contract has been sealed you must practice the summoning jutsu and work with the crows before you may summon anything else. You are limited to summoning only a normal crow; once you have made some progress you may then begin to create a bond with some of the more notoriously known crows.” Ita nodded and the crow continued to speak to the boy, “Well, it has been a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to tracking your success, you never know, you may be the one.” The bird ended its sentence and began to flap its wings, it hopped over to the scroll, snatched it up with its large talons and prepared to take off. Before the bird took flight Ita proclaimed his gratitude to the large crow, “Thank you for everything.” The crow then took flight, flying off into the sunset with the scroll in its claws.
                Ita then nodded towards Sai and began to form the hand signs stated in the contract scroll. Upon finishing the signs, with blood dripping down his hands, Ita thrusted his hand down towards the surface of the Earth. Upon contact, a puff of smoke appeared and Ita retracted his hand towards his body and stood in an upright position awaiting the outcome. Once the smoke cleared, a black crow stood before Ita. This bird was unlike the one he had just come in contact with, Ita was much smaller and it seemed to fidget like a regular bird, pecking at the ground. Ita also assumed it could not talk based on its appearance, regardless Ita had finished his task and waited for Sai to be ready to leave.

Claim: 1801+200(above)=2000 words, 10 stats, crow contract/crow summon
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:10 am

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How did that get down there?  Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:32 am
After Ita and Sai traveled to the land of the crows, the two made their way back to Sai’s home. For the next week, Ita and Sai spent most of their time at their home. Ita spent a majority of his time in the underground sub-terrain training facility apart from Sai. Sai had also done his fair share of adventuring, going off on a few secret missions which he withheld the contents from Ita. Often Sai would spend time with Ita. Sai would bring Ita meals while he was training or provide a shadow clone or two for him to test his skills against.
                It was some time during the middle of the day. The sun was still high in the sky and Ita was underground, so he did not really have any recollection of what time it was, or the day for that matter. Ita had taken a break from training and was sitting down and eating some rice balls that Sai had brought for him earlier. While Ita sat and ate, he pondered and reflected on what he had learned over the course of the past few weeks. Ita thought about himself and his goals. Ita wanted to achieve a unique fighting style and needed to continue to add to his arsenal. For a moment he thought about his crow contract summoning. He hadn’t bothered to use the summoning since he signed the contract, but Ita was trying to figure a way to incorporate it into his fighting style. He pondered for a few moments more and decided to get to work on his ideas.
                Ita stood up and disposed of his trash accordingly. He then removed his white shirt and placed it next to one of the cots on the floor. Itas jet black hair had grown slightly longer in the time he had been there and his muscles have seemed to be more defined. Ita was wearing no shirt, just pants which were equipped with his weapon pouches and sandals. Ita walked towards an opening in the rocks and stood still, some dust was being unsettled from Ita’s motions. Ita bit his finger, drawing out his own blood and then thrusted his hand onto the ground. There was a puff of smoke and several crows appeared after the cloud of smoke dissipated. The crows began to flap their wings and take flight above Ita in the domed arena. The crows circled Ita at a good distance away. If one were to observe the phenomenon, it would appear as if the crows were being controlled by the motionless boy standing beneath them. Ita made the ‘ram’ hand signal with his hands and something weird began to happen amongst the crows, they actually began to multiply. If one were to observe this phenomenon as well, then it would appear as though the birds were splitting in half and multiplying like a-sexual organisms. Once there was about 15 crows in the air, some clones, some real; the crows began to fly faster and changed the direction of their travel towards the same point on the ground. The crows began to mesh together on the ground until they formed the silhouette of a figure. Once fully formed, which only took a matter of moments, the individual that stood before Ita was a clone exactly of himself. Ita had been able to create a clone of himself just out of crows. Ita thought for a moment while observing his spectacle and he decided that such a technique would prove very useful to him in the future.
                Ita practiced dispersing his crow clone into crows once more and continued to practice maneuvering the birds and allowing them to conjoin to create a clone of himself. Ita even spent some time battling with his own clone to fully understand its capabilities and how he could utilize such a technique in the future. Ita was not fully content with his training and decided it was time to request Sai to spawn some clones for him to battle against to challenge himself and measure the extent of his training. Ita went to find out what it was Sai was doing. When he finally was able to maneuver out of the dome and back into the house, he found Sai had just been returning from somewhere. Ita asked Sai, “Hey, any chance you could test me again? If you aren’t busy that is.” Sai smiled while looking over the boy who had seemed to mature greatly during their time together. Sai was pleased to see how eager Ita was about training and could tell by just how he held himself that he was getting stronger, and he could also tell that Ita knew that as well. Sai was unsure to think about his pupil, he knew his intentions were good; for now anyways, but he was unsure how he would react to acquiring an even greater amount of power. Sai spoke to Ita in a joyful voice, “Sure thing! Let me just change, I just got done doing a top secret mission.” In reality, Sai had just done his daily routine and went out to eat with a few buddies, but he could not help at teasing at Ita’s curiosity because he knew how curious the boy was. Ita waited and made something to eat while Sai changed into some comfortable clothing. The two made it past the doorway in the kitchen and down the hole into the sub terrain training area. The two were now standing directly underneath the small hole in the ceiling on the ground in an area that was cleared of most rocky terrain, there was even some grass that had begun to grow due to a small amount of sunlight it was receiving. Ita was ready to showcase his new technique and show his progression to Sai. Sai spoke, “Alright, let’s see what you got kid.” Sai performed a few hand signs and spawned not one, but three shadow clones at half strength. Ita had only delt with two of this nature, but Sai decided it was time to see what the boy truly had going for him.
                Sai stepped back so he could observe the battle. Ita cracked his neck and then his knuckles preparing for the fight. The boy also removed his loose white shirt and let it fall to the ground, placing his hand in his back weapon pouch and pulling out a kunai with his right hand. Ita said, “Right, let’s go.” Upon finishing his sentence, Ita was ready to fight. Ita then pushing off the ground with his right foot, disturbing the dust on the ground and sprinted towards the three clones at max speed. Sai was impressed by how fast Ita was moving. Sai thought to himself that the boy sure was fast and that he seemed to be getting incredibly faster during their time together. Sai was truly interested to see how this fight carried out. Ita was now sprinting towards Sai’s three clones at full speed, holding a kunai in his right hand. Ita was now about 6 yards out when he placed his kunai in his mouth with his right hands and then created the ram hand seal, upon creating the hand seal, Ita disappeared in a blurr of speed, right in front of Sai’s clones. Ita then reappeared before the clones, in the middle of them, in a squatting position with kunai in mouth still. Ita then grabbed the kunai from his mouth with his right hand, spinning it around his index finger about the loop and then grasping it firmly in a down position. Sai’s clones were now realizing Ita had spawned before them and attempted to attack in a fury of taijutsu. Ita traded blows with the clones for some time; dodging kicks and punchs left and right, allowing not a single blow to lay a hit on him while trading stab attempts and blocks. Sai was impressed by how much Ita had improved in hand to hand combat and was excited to see the fight progress.
                During the fighting, Ita was able to push himself off the ground, using his hands, to propel him towards one of the clones. His feet made contact with the chest of the first clone and sent it backwards, using the momentum to propel himself once more towards the second clone, placing his hand on his shoulder, and then flipping over him to be facing his back. During this motion, Ita was able to perform the ram seal and upon landing on the backside of the second clone, Ita was meet by a kunai being held sternly to his back by the third clone. Ita smiled as Sai had begun to speak, “The fights over.” Sai sai. Ita replied, “Not quite yet.” Ita’s body began to morph and dispel into about 15 crows which fluttered around in chaos around the opponents clones. The clones then smashed into the ground in unison the create two figures, a crow clone, and the real Ita; behind Sai’s third clone. Ita and his clone double teamed Sai’s third clone, dealing multiple taijutsu blows to Sai’s third clones torso and back area. As the first and second clone were advancing to back the third one up, Ita’s crown clone made two hand signs and used the ‘Great Fireball’ jutsu, emitting a large ball of fire from two of Sai’s clones which only stood about 2 meters away. The fireball completely consumed Sai’s first clone, the second making it out of the way just in time to dodge it.

Claim: 1600 towards crow clone, 8 stats
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