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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How did that get down there?  - Page 2 Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:34 am
Ita and Sai both watched as the fire consumed Sai’s first clone. There was a slight breezed caused by the release of energy caused by the dissipation of Ita’s fire ball technique. As the smoke cleared Ita could be seen with Kunai in hand. His shirt was partially torn so he gripped the collar of it with his left hand which was not holding a kunai and ripped it clean off his torso and allowed it to fall to the floor. Two clones stood before him and Ita had a clone as well. Ita smiled as the light caught the crimson color of his two tome sharingan. Ita could feel his power grouwing, but felt it was not enough. Ita wanted to test the capacity of his training and decided to dispel his crown clone. Ita then moved towards the two clones in quick fashion. As Ita moved in a blur of speed, Sai’s eyes widened as he took in the actions which were performed before him.
                Ita sprinted at max speed between the two clones. As the two clones observed Ita, it would appear as though he disappeared in a blur of speed and then reappeared between them in forward motion about a foot past them. Ita gripped the hilt of his kunai tightly and swung the kunai backwards towards the back of Sai’s second clone. The third clone made eye contact with Ita, but it was too late. Ita’s kunai pieced the back of the second clone and Ita quickly retracted it. The clone the kunai had just made contact with dispelled into a puff of white smoke and the third clone abruptly began to react in response to Ita’s action. Sai’s clone began to perform hand signs but was cut off by Ita bringing his foot down upon his wrist in a roung house swinging motion. Sai’s last clone was cought off guard, but was able to react quick enough to exchange a few blows with Ita, landing a punch towards Ita’s face causing him to fall backwards and barrel roll onto the ground. Ita falling and rolling had created a cloud of dust. Ita was also slightly bleeding from his lip where the punch hand landed and he was on just one knee. Ita’s cold red eyes squinted in anger, not that he had been hit, but he was not at the capacity he wished to be. It angered Ita that he was not stronger. Until he had acquired the power he sook he would not stop his pursuit for power. Ita stood up and now faced his opponent. Sai stood and watched quietly. Ita now moved at max speed towards his opponent making a hand seal while in movement. Ita and the clone both moved to exchange blows with their right hands. As they neared, Itas body dispersed into crows which caused clutter amongst Sai clone which halted his movement and covered his face to avoid getting his face pecked at by the 10 or so clones which had just dispersed in front of his face. The crows made contact with Sai’s clone as they passed, but only to cause friction, not to actually harm. The clones actually moved around the body and solidified once more a meter away from Sai I the form of Ita. Ita then drew his Kunai once more and thrusted it into the back of Sai’s clone.

                Upon making contact with Sai’s clones back with the kunai which was positioned in Ita’s right hand, it exploded into a white smoke and vanished into the air. Ita stood still for a moment and allowed his sharingan to deactivate, returning his eyes back to their distant, jet black selves. Ita retuned his kunai back to his ninja pouch and turned to Sai. He did not stop to talk to Sai, but moved past him towards his belongings. Sai stood as he was going to speak to Ita before he moved past, but decided it was no as option as the boy moved past him. Sai could sense something was different about Ita, but he wasn’t too sure what It was. Ita went into his belongings which laid in a small ball next to his bed on the floor and pulled out a neatly pressed white shirt and pulled it over his torso to replace the one he had just lost due to his battle with Sai’s clones. Sai spoke towards the boy, “You are learning quicker than I expected.” Ita shrugged off what the man had said and replied, “I’m not strong enough. I need to learn more. Teach me everything you can. If you can no longer aid me then I will be leaving.” Sai was silent for a few moments, but understood what Ita meant and did not contest it.
Claim: 800 towards crow clone, 4 stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How did that get down there?  - Page 2 Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:35 am
Ita moved from the side of his bed towards the middle of the sub-terrain training field once more. Walking past Sai without giving him as much as a notice once more. Ita then turned and spoke to him. “Again.” Ita spoke calmly. Sai then revealed a smirk. “If you wish.” Sai began performing hand signs and multiple clouds of smoke materialized around Sai. Sai had summoned 10 shadow clones, all at max power for Ita to fight. Ita blinked slowly, not flinching at the number of clones which stood before him. “Let us see how you do up against this boy.” As Ita blinked slowly, his eyes revealed a crimson sharingan which shimmered in the light. Ita studied the clones calmly and Sai studied Ita. Ita’s ocular powers were sure growing and soon he would activate his third tome sharingan. Sai couldn’t help, but smile. All was going as planned. Sai now stepped back and mobilized his clones towards the boy.

                Ita did not flinch once the clones began to rush him, but his pupils dilated then focused in. Ita then slipped his hand behind his back and revealed a kunai from his ninja pouch. Not one, but two; holding one in each hand, as the clones moved within a few meters of Ita, all being a meter apart moving in a pack. A clone pushed its foot off the ground and leaped towards Ita making a striking pose in an attempt to make contact with Ita’s face. Ita easily evaded the attack and thrusted the kunai into the passing victim returning it to wherest it came. Ita then was confronted by two more clones. Both jumping at him in an attempt to make contact, but were met by the same fate as the one before, at the end Ita’s kunais. Ita then now took the initiative and pushed his foot off the ground and moved at max speed towards the seven remaining clones. Ita easily made quick work of two more clones, grabbing one by the collar and spinning him, tossing him into the group and knocking a few down making space between himself and the rest of the clones. As Ita made his way towards the clones, his placed one of the kunai in his mouth and released the other one. The kunai sliced through the air and made contact with the chest of another clone. Four clones now remained and Ita was springing towards them creating hand signs. Abruptly a clone appeared before Ita and thrusted a Kunai through his gut. Sai’s eyes widened and he shook his head in disgust. Before Sai could begin to shake his head, Ita’s body began to morph and dispel into several black crows. The crows took flight and circled around the air above the clones. The crows then swooped down towards the clones at max speed, splitting up into two groups, one group reanimating themselves to form Ita’s body and the others morphing into shadow clone kunai and piecing two of the clones. Sai couldn’t believe his eyes at how quickly Ita had been able to master such a technique and bore witness to Ita’s next fatal actions against Sai’s clones. Ita then lodged the reaming kunai from his mouth and simple jumped towards the two remaining clones at full speed and took care of them, dodging a fury of hits and sticking one after another with his kunai reducing them to nothing, but white puffs of smoke. Sai began to wonder if his time was done here, he did not know what else he had to offer the boy and he figured it was time to check his nature affinity. Sai nodded towards the boy and Ita walked off in the distance thinking similar thoughts. Was his time done here? Was there anymore he could learn from this man? Ita was displeased with his abilities at the moment and grew hungry for more power. Ita blinked slowly and his sharingan returned back to normal.
Claim 600+65 words, crow clone 3 stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

How did that get down there?  - Page 2 Empty Re: How did that get down there?

Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:48 am
The time was 10 AM in the morning. Ita was sitting alone in his room on his bed in just a pair of black pants. The boys head was hung low and in his hand was an old picture. A tear rolled down the boy’s face and fell to the floor. Ita gripped the picture tightly. The picture was of his parents before his death. Ita felt a great pain in his chest as he thought about them. Sadness was written all over his face, but it shortly turned to anger. Why did they have to leave him all alone? Ita had never really been close to anyone, but his family. After they passed Ita had a hard time getting over it or making friends, often excluding himself. Other ninja children also knew about his parent’s death and a majority of their parents spoke ill about them. They would often speak of mutiny. Ita haten them for dieng and leaving him. Ita let the photo of them fall to the floor and the boy sat still on the bed for a few moments before raising his hand to his face and whipping the tears. He would no longer cry over the past, but would push himself to the limits, training, so that no one could ever defy him or question where he stood again. Ita had a new look about him. He carried himself differently from before. He was no longer a naïve little boy, but someone who bore a deep sorrow and sadness inside of him which burned like nothing else. It had taken the life from his eyes and made him dark, but deep down there still was life waiting to be discovered.
Ita stood up from his bed and got dressed, pulling on a white shirt and putting on sandals and attaching his ninja pouches. He stepped on the picture of his family as he exited the room and out the door. As he was leaving the front door of the house, Sai was entering at the same time, causing them to collide. “Ah Ita.” Sai said to the boy as Ita looked up towards him. “I was looking for you.” Sai continued to speak. Ita replied, “What for?” “Well, I’ve been thinking that we might be near the end of our training at this point unless there is something else I can teach you… but in order to determine that we must learn if you have a second nature affinity.” Sai continued to speak to the boy, “Now, you must understand that for someone of your rank it is extremely rare for you to possess a second nature, almost unheard of, but in the off chance you do then it is extremely important for me to know because I do not want to waste either of our times. Now I know wood release because of my nature affinities of water and earth, however those are all I know, so in the case that you possess one of the two I will be of use towards you, if not then we will make different arrangements. I see great promise in you Ita and I want you to succeed. It is rare talent like this arises and I have promised the Hokage that I would watch after your and make sure you make it to the upper ranks. Now let’s begin.
Ita was so excited he could almost not bare it. He wanted to know what other element he had access to and knew whatever it was he would master it and become proficient in it, reaching heights no other shinobi had reached before. At this point in Ita’s life, the only escape from the sadness he felt was getting stronger. Ita longed to be accepted and figured training alone in solitude would be his best bet for this point in his life. Using his sadness to motivate him to become stronger, it also provided the vitality Ita needed to become at extraordinary ninja, allowing it to push him to new limits like no one has ever seen.
Sai left and then returned back to Ita after a while. Sai asked Ita to step outside with them and they made their way behind Sai’s house near the opening near the small stream. This was one of Sai’s favorite places to be because of how beautiful the scenery was and how calm and quiet the area was. Ita and him often visited this place on their free time so they could think. It had been almost three months now since the two had meet and Ita has made such great gains, Sai couldn’t believe it. However, it was now time to see where their paths would go and what Ita’s second nature was, if he had one that is.
The two stood a few feet apart. The sun was high in the sky and Ita could feel the sun’s rays beating down against his pale complexion slowly burning his skin. The light breeze caused Ita’s growing hair to move in the wind. The two stood in silence for a few moments before Sai revealed small, square piece of paper from his pocket. The two of them both stared down at the small piece of paper and Ita’s eyes followed as Sai lifted the paper into the air to block out the sun’s rays from the path of Sai’s eyes. Ita inquired of Sai, “What is that piece of paper?” Sai answered, “What? This? This piece of paper is going to tell us what your second nature is, if you have one.” As Sai finished his sentence, Ita tensed up at the thought of not having a second nature. How would he be able to compete with stronger ninja when he could only utilize just one fire jutsu? Ita’s expression was bleak and he seemed down at the thought, but decided It was best to figure out the truth before sulking. Ita spoke to Sai, “So how does that piece of paper tell me what my nature is?” Sai responded, “Well this isn’t just an ordinary piece of paper. By touching this piece of paper and infusing it with the slightest amount of chakra, it will react a certain way based on which nature affinity you possess. For instance, let me show you. Sai focused his attention on the small piece of paper in his hand and began to infuse some of his chakra into it. As he did, the paper began damp and Sai allowed it to rest in the palm of his hand. As soon as it became damp before Ita’s eyes, Sai spoke. “The paper becoming damp is a sign of my water affinity, now watch.” As it became damp, the piece of paper also disinigrated into dust. Then sai turned his hand and allowed for the dust to fall to the earth’s surface. “Why did it just turn to dust then?” Ita asked. Sai responded, “That is a sign of my earth affinity.” Ita was now extremely eager to figure out if he had a second nature now and could not wait any longer to find out. Ita eagerly watched the remains fall to the floor as he thought to himself, what is my second nature? I hope I have one. Sai then put his hand in his pocket and revealed another piece of paper and held it in front of himself towards Ita to take from him. As Ita went to grab the piece of paper Sai retracted his hand just enough for Ita to miss. For a moment it was awkward, but then Sai began to laugh. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Sai spoke and then handed over the piece of paper to Ita.
Ita looked down at the piece of paper in his hand and his eyes shimmered in the light. Before Ita would proceed he thought to himself for a few moments and thought that the future of his shinobi path laid in his hands. For a moment he was nervous, but then is subsided and Ita was ready to know. Ita held the piece of paper up in the air and closed his eyes, focusing some of his chakra in to the small square piece of paper. As he did, he opened his eyes and the piece of paper began to burn up before him into ashes and then disappeared with the winds. As this happened, Ita’s heart dropped. Was fire his only nature? Could this be real? He had so many aspirations of all sorts of jutsu he would try and learn and even create for himself! Ita thought maybe the paper was wrong, maybe he should try again. Sai spoke to the boy because he could tell by the grim expression on his face he was displeased with what had just happened, even Sai was concerned. “Maybe it was a fluke, lets us try one more time.” Although Sai knew that the boy’s fate had been sealed, he decided that it might raise his spirits, or give him a little more time to cope with what had just happened. Ita nodded and prayed as he took another piece of paper from Sai’s hand.

Ita closed his eyes and clenched the small square piece of paper between his thumb and index finger tightly. Sai signed as the boy attempted one more time. Allowing chakra to flow through the piece of paper. Ita’s eyes remained shut as Sai hopelessly watched the boy. To the astonishment of the boy and Sai the paper did not ignite right away, but it split perfectly down the middle, releasing ITa’s grip and falling to the floor then igniting and burning to ashes. Sai could not believe what he had just saw, never has the paper been wrong before and for raition to be Ita’s second nature. Sai pulled out another piece of paper quickly and handed it to the boy and spoke in a very serious manner. Ita’s facial expression had changed and he was delighted. He took the piece of paper from Sai once more and held it up in the air between the both of them so they could both see it. Ita began to allow his chakra be infused with the paper. Just as before, the paper split right down the middle and and fell to the floor and ignited once more, turning to ash and blowing away in the wind. Sai thought as he watched the ashes float away, this phenomenon meant two things: That Sai was no longer any use to the boy because of he did not possess his nature and that he was no longer going to be his Sensai any longer, but luckily for Ita, he knew who was going to be. A former pupil of his.
Claim 1800 words, 9 stats, 1800 towards raiton
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