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Storage & Swordz (P,NK) Empty Storage & Swordz (P,NK)

Sun Nov 15, 2015 1:45 am
Just not too long ago, Logic had finished training the generic sealing technique and then realized that there was another jutsu of similar use that seemed more ideal for him. Now, he sat once more on his bed this time just gazing straight ahead into his wall. “That jutsu would be called storage displacement. It is a space time technique used to store up to fifteen items away that can be retrieved at any time. Though not at an insane speed, they can be retrieved with relative ease.”

 Being a technique of space-time, he expected for the training to come easy to him without that much effort as say a taijutsu tech. “Firstly, I need some items to actually store and I don’t want to lose anything while doing this so I should pick something that I don’t need.” He lunged his hands out for a few more of the rusty dull and useless daggers that he had found earlier. Three would be enough. Dashing out his room, down the stairs, and back into the backyard of his home, he put down all of his supplies. That would be three rusty old daggers and just himself. “Before being able to train this properly, I need to get a good mental understanding of how it is supposed to look.”

 Logic stuck his right hand into his right pocket and dug around until feeling a paper. He pulled out and unfolded it. It read “Note – This technique’s visual appearance is that of items fading into many various particles as if just shattering from reality.” “There’s a decent reminder. Now to simulate it to engrave it into my memory.” Logic sat down beside his few items and prepared to use his mind’s eye like he had always done. His mental view was that of a 3D blank world that just held a few items here and there that were miscellaneous such as rocks, socks, and a few small boxes. 

The closest thing that he could imagine was glass being shattered along with large dust particles rising off of that with them all falling to the sky as if the glass was reversed of its normal gravity. This would prove to be a difficult effect to simulate mentally. It required a shift of the person’s approach to normal properties and physics. Though, that’s why it was space time in the first place. Logic focused in on one of the boxes to his left. It was cardboard and seemed rather empty. “The first step I should take in the shattering method is to visualize slicing the box into many shards.” Logic thought to himself. He did as so imagining tons of chefs cutting lines through the box at all and any angles possible. 

There would need to be a small gap in between each cut as if this were done, the box would be reduced to nothing more than dust. The box now was broken into small pieces of cardboard in the shape of little triangles. “Now to reverse the gravity before the material gets to fall.” As he said this, the cardboard triangles were already beginning to fall but he countered this by slowing their time and then reversing the gravity. The cardboard began to slowly float upward like the world was pulling itself down was the triangles stayed in place. He was thinking on his feet at this point as his hold on the triangle’s speed began to loosen. Instead of creating the new particles around it all, it made more sense to have the triangles shrink and glow in reflectivity until seeming like they were glowing sharply.

 This resulted in a visual simulation of something vanishing like it was shattered from reality. “Now to make sure my brain fully shows the transportation as well.” Almost as if opening a second view of his mind’s eye, he sees something materialize in view. It is the box moving through a purple rift or dimension with nothing but purple all around seeming like an endless void. Here it would remain waiting to be called on by the person who stored it. The retrieval within the mind was easily done as well. The box worked just like it had in the first mental world. The retrieval brought it back to its prior position in the first world. “Perfect.” Logic returned to his physical realm with eyes slightly feeling strained. Thinking about and visualizing a new concept or move always benefited him in his training exercise. It was the trait of a visual learner. Logic grabbed out to one of the rusty daggers and held it in his hand. Now… unlike the display in his mind, he must grab a solid hold of his item before trying to make it go to his alternate storage facility. He tightened his firm grip and began to focus deeply with a death stare into the core of the rusty dagger. He would have seen a soul if there was one within it at this point. 

That’s when Logic noticed his mistake. He had forgot that the hand signs were a requirement when doing it in the physical plane. It wasn’t hard to remember them being that there were only two. Rat and Dog. Logic performed them and now focused into his item of shifting once more. This time, the visual effects that he remembered in his mental eyes occurred right before him. The dagger seemed to be getting sliced at multiple angles with perfect straight lines that should have been impossible going through the metallic material despite its rust. The glow began to emerge earlier now giving the dagger a bright white tint as it lifted out of his hand somewhat shrinking with the triangles of the weapon shrinking in the air too. It rose slightly higher and then simply vanished as if never existing at all. Though, he could feel that he held some tether to an item. Just as he had sent it to the world, he could bring it back into his hand though at a much slower speed. This was likely since he couldn’t see the object in question that he was calling and merely had to go by visual remembrance. The item reappeared in his hand and he could feel the weight of it once more. “Well now, that’s a success. But as usual, I have more time to fill up with anything that I like. And of course, that will be dedicated to more training because we’ve all got to start with a strong foundation. 

If I recall, I was planning on this other space time tech…. What was the name of that thing? Ahh. Space Time Art: Immaterial Sword. Welp, I guess it’s right into the explanation. The technique is used to create a reality shifted sword of space sorts that holds some special properties depending on how you use it such as fading or passing through obstacles even to reappearing in your hand if it goes out of range from you.” Logic had solidified what he would be prioritizing now. First step up was the mental training that could then be translated to the physical world. Logic put all the rusty daggers to his side as of now, they were obsolete to his next. It was time to get to work on his next project. Now, with all the steps somewhat ran through in his mind. It was time to examine what they appeared to look like mentally and see if the translation was correct. This was pivotal in Logic’s method of learning jutsu. He sat down as he had down before and got into a legs crossed position as he guided himself with physical eyes closed into his mental world. Here he materialized the same old white blank #D world that he had previously used for his displacement testing. Here, he would create and craft the blade bit by bit. Since the appearance wasn’t too descriptive, he presumed that anyone’s blade or sword could take on a different design but it would still have to follow the model of a normal sword without increasing in its size or decreasing. He began his work by making a clone of himself within his mental plane. 

This clone would be used to somewhat imagine how he’d looking while practicing or using any of these. The first step was making the sword within the mind which wouldn’t be much of a difficult task while here in the mind’s eye. Logic’s clone reached forward and stretched his right arm out and held its hand in a position that seemed of someone holding a sword by the hilt grip as if it was just waiting for the creation of the sacred blade to lay waste to all of its enemies. Logic began to think of a design in his mind, he already knew the correct measurements of the blade so those would be directly accurate. He decided that his color would be a light blue of sorts. It would shimmer like the soul of the sea itself. The blade began materializing similar to how most of his details creation did, starting from the base and rising up until reaching the other end. Starting from the handle proved to be especially helpful to replicate the accurate blade measurements. “Seems like I’m finally getting somewhere here. It’s about time anyway.” He continued forming the blade followed his mental design that he wanted to be executed. Nearing the midpoint of the blade’s length, he began to see for himself just how large the blade actually was. 

It was nearly if not actually taller than himself which was an oddity for a bladed weapon that didn’t purely rely on strength. Though a problem began to arise that reminded him of his prior training with body flicker. Just as he had to focus on stabilization for his body flicker to not throw him completely out of balance, he needed to focus on the stabilization of the parts of the sword not currently being edited. When he did not, the sword would begin fading as if it was affected by the storage displacement technique. It would go from the earliest parts and up normally forming around the hilt. This was especially problematic as he was, in his own words, horrible at forming anything downwards opposed to his normal from bottom to stop style. The fix was simple though. He had to restart with the blade all together to get it. His clone turned his hand that was preparing to grab the hilt to the side. This was done so the blade could be formed on its side.

 This allowed for easier examination of the blade at all times so that the stabilization practice could begin. It was like streaming chakra into a water balloon but having needles pierce it at random times. You would need to shift the chakra and water into a hold at the position of the holes as to remain the stability of the whole balloon. “Here we go with attempt number two. Sideways sword creation!” This time, he formed the craft much faster and reached the midpoint in the blade’s length with much greater speed than he did before. Once he reached this point however, the hilt began to chip away into the shattering reality bits that he had known from the storage displacement method. “Alright here we go. I need to funnel my editing focus into two different points at once. Haven’t tried this before. But, let’s see how it turns out.” It was like crossing your eyes to look at two different things at once. It was unnatural and made little sense when actually done. 

The hilt continued to be gnawed away by the fading material evaporation seeming property. Maybe it wasn’t stabilization but rather reality creating. Where you accept something as being fully completed opposed to a creation in the making. The more you found something real in space-time, the more the actual effect would take place wherever you wanted it to. This was a sort of mental want that was interlocked with the chakra system. “Now time for another method. I’m sure this one will work.” Logic began not focusing but instead realizing fully that that part, the hilt, was already a reality and couldn’t simply waver away into the nothingness abyss of a grasping void. The hilt switched in its leaving voyage and began returning with intense speed. Once completed again, it no longer shattered while in the making of the sword. It simply remained like the normal hilt of any weapon when wielded. “Phew.” 

Logic could now continue on with the rest of his sword creation. Within a minute or so, he managed to fully finish the large and long bright blue blade of space and time? He didn’t quite know the material hence the name. Logic’s clone wielded the massive majestic blade and swung it around to get it a feeling test. The blade felt light as if it didn’t even exist whatsoever. How could something this powerful be so abstract to the world yet right on top of it? “This will prove useful in my future encounters. Won’t it?” Logic thought to himself. It was time though to return to the physical plane and to attempt it for himself. With the mental training and visualization practice already completed, the task now would be much easier than if he had started in the reverse order going physical and then mental for perfection. Logic sat of from the dirty ground of his backyard and stood straight. Mimicking what his clone had done, he stretched his arm out again before nearly forgetting the fact that he would have to do the actual hand seals to practice it here. “Now what were they…. Ahh I remember. Boar, Ram, Rat.” Logic said. As saying them, he performed them in perfect sync as well. Right after doing so, he stretched his right arm out to his side. 

And looked over to see if the weapon had formed. It had formed though it was without a hilt or grip. It simply floated off of his hand. “How could it be? Don’t all weapons require a grip? Ahh….. This must be why the grip repeatedly shattered when I attempted to create one within my mind’s eye view. How foolish of me. This does mean one thing however. This blade is now tethered to this position on my body meaning that no one or anything for that matter can pry it off of me no matter how hard they try. Then again, that effort would just be futile in most cases. Grabbing a blade isn’t the best idea unless you have gloves of steel.” Logic examined the large blade that extended from his arm. Just like his mental eye’s assumptions, the sword was very light as if it was just his fist being there. He would need to test its chopping power though. Logic quickly looked around until grabbing a few larger rocks and returning to the center of his backyard. He threw one of the rocks high into the sky and awaited its descent to sync a finely made slice right into the rock splitting it down the middle. “Isn’t that something? It’s already sharp enough to cut rocks. What an oddity. Though, I’m not complaining.” Logic continued this practice in attempts to make his sword work better as he wasn’t the most skilled with bladed tools. After around twelve or so rock tosses and slices, he came to a few conclusions. “Firstly, this blade is very resistance to friction and seems to simply glide on a different plane of reality as it is. It also has other abilities which I must test right now.” The second one seemed pivotal. Testing the retrieval or respawning of the item if it was out of his bounds of 10 meters, Logic hurled the sword into the air. It was odd as he couldn’t technically let go but the blade understood his will and flew upwards. Once it reached some great distance, the sword disappeared only to reappear in Logic’s hand without even noticing it happening.

 Now there was another test that should have wrapped everything together. It was the test of whether or not this weapon could pass through other surfaces in some sort of a phasing ability. Logic gathered the rocks up from before and placed them perfectly to create a mini wall of them. Behind them was a tree that has definitely been battered in the past likely from Logic’s training. “Now. If I’m not mistaken, this blade should be able to pass through a substance albeit much slower than its normal movement speed that occurs when swung or thrown. This, in conjunction with other abilities and very smart tactics, could prove highly useful on the battlefield. Logic now held the sword in his left hand. It found it was possible to swap easily just by connecting the fist and then turning the one that wasn’t going to wield into a palm.

 Faking a strong grip by clenching his fist, Logic reeled back with the sword and catapulted it forward with all of his nonexistent physical strength. The blade sped onward and was aimed finely for the center of the rocks. If it passed through, it would create a direct hit with the tree. If it didn’t it would clash with the rocks and knock them over. He had also positioned himself in a range from the tree that was just within his 10 meters so the blade would not disappear and reappear upon impact. It was fool proof testing at its finest. The sword moved forward not turning in its direction until it neared the rocks. “Now’s the time.” Said Logic feeling the space time energy resonating in him to shift the sword’s position of realms. The blade seemed to disappear into the rocks as he heard a loud thud like sound as if a sharp weapon puncturing the side of a tree. Surely enough, the sword was stuck into the unhappy tree. Logic dispelled the blade and noted to himself. “Mission Accomplished.” That was enough for one day as he still had strategy homework to finish. 

[WC: 3039 = + 15 Stat Points]
[Learned: Storage Displacement & Space Time Art: Immaterial Sword
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Storage & Swordz (P,NK) Empty Re: Storage & Swordz (P,NK)

Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:58 am

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