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Mitsui goes back, number 3(Private) Empty Mitsui goes back, number 3(Private)

Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:16 am
Mitsui determined, that he could do the wind pop by himself, so he decided to go and practice it some more, until he can prove that he would be able to do it consistently well. He would try again, as he was able to make the jutsu work. Mitsui would try again. However, before that, he would first make 4 clones. Mitsui would station them all 400 meters away from him so that they would not be killed by the jutsu when it would be used. Obviously, such a jutsu could easily kill things that would be soft and squishy like shadow clones would be. It seemed that the clones were not really willing to risk much, as all of them hid behind some kind of cover, whether it would be a rock, maybe a tree, one even found a little abandoned hut that he could hide behind. Mitsui would eventually do the explosion, and would find that the clones were still alive. He would also notice, that there were really, quite a lot of things that were still alive even inside the explosion. Mitsui could tell that there was really something wrong about what he did, and he was sure that he had the answer. Mitsui could see that the shockwave went out unevenly, and the parts that had a lesser concentration were often ok, and did not get hit hard enough to actually take a lot of damage. He could see that there was a tree that was still standing, although a few branches had been broken off. However, there was still a huge crater where Mitsui was in a few other places. He thought that maybe, he should try doing what he did a long time ago for rasengan training. It seemed, that the idea of doing the water balloons would work. Mitsui would go into his bag, and the closest thing to a water balloon that he could find, was a ball. Specifically, a rubber ball, that must have fallen in some time, when he put his bag down. Mitsui would start practicing expanding the rubber ball. This would be a hard exercise, but it would probably end up paying off, as it would enable a lot better concentrations of this. Since Mitsui had a lot of chakra, it seemed quite easy to expand it at first, but it became more and more difficult to make this work correctly, as it seemed quite obvious, that the ball was quite stretchy. He would try more and more, but the ball would seem to continue to stretch. After a long time, Mitsui would finally stop this exercise, and would take a break to rest. Something really seemed wrong about his technique. When Mitsui would proceed to go ahead and re analyze the technique, it seemed, that the rubber was somehow obstructing the flow of chakra, thus making the pressure much harder to achieve. Mitsui would wonder, if maybe, also, he was actually not getting the air ready, as he was just trying to put more air into the ball, rather than trying to make the ball actually pop. he would think about holding the air together more, and basically making the wind denser first, before doing that same explosion. It seemed like a viable idea, and maybe a very good one at that. Mitsui however, would go and get some food first. It seemed a little bit difficult to find food, but it really was not too bad. Mitsui would look around to see what he would be able to find. He would look, and would find another bunch of wild cherrys growing on a bush that was a few meters away. It seemed funny, but these looked exactly like real cherrys. This was refreshing, as the cherrys were not the wierd tasting and probably poisonous ones that he tried before. Thank god that he did not go and eat them, he simply spit them out, and rinsed his mouth off in a nearby waterfall. This was quite the relief for Mitsui, or he would simply die because of eating a weird cherry. That did not seem fun, nor to be honest, it did not seem fair either. But that was besides the point. Mitsui would learn why one has to eat them carefully, as he would find out quite soon, that there was a problem with just chomping down on the cherrry. That was that the seed was rather willing to go and resist the bite, and probably damage a tooth that was unlucky and had to hit the cherry seed. Such a seed was really quite annoying, so eventually, he had to go and bite around the seed, and knaw off most of the meat of the cherry. That was annoying, sine Mitsui probably had to have hundreds of cherrys, so most of the cherrys in the bush, and he had to do it by way of knawing around the seed which made it worse. Eventually, Mitsui would finish eating all the cherrys, and he would finally go back to training his jutsu. It really was not that hard to do, but it seemed, that Mitsui would need some practice doing it. He would start by continuing the exercise that he was doing by getting his ball again, and this time, he would compress the air inside the ball, without expanding the ball. This would give both the rubber and the ball momentum to be able to help blow it up. Mitsui made note to himself, that this was a one time use, as the ball would be completely broken and thus unusable. It really seemed quite strange, that he would have to do something so weird, but well, he had to do what he had to do, so thus he did not really get much a choice on that matter. Never the less, Mitsui would continue this exercise, and this time, after a couple minutes of compressing, Mitsui would release the air, and the rubber ball would pop. Not only that, Mitsui would also fly backwards a couple meters. That really hurt, and did not seem anything that could be considered close to pleasant. Mitsui would get up afterwards, and he would see that he was rather blown away literally about this jutsu. That small amount of chakra, had so much power. Mitsui now inspired, would go back, and he would decide to set off trying to make it stronger. Mitsui would try again, and this time, it worked perfectly. It seemed really nice to see that there was a huge 100 meter radius explosion that would actually do what it was supposed to do. Mitsui however, notice that there was a slight problem. Nobody could analyze it as he killed his clones. What a shame that was not possible to collect observations on the jutsu. Mitsui would decide that he would go to his next idea, which was to practice the jutsu while it was boosted. To do this, Mitsui would first go and start by activating cell optimization. Mitsui would do his appropriate hand seals, and he would attempt the jutsu. Mitsui would have much more chakra to work with, and it did not quite go as well as expected. Mitsui had easily solved the safety issue, so Mitsui was not in danger of anything, but the power was not controlled. It seemed, that Mitsui had managed to make a huge divot in the ground. That was great that the jutsu was so strong, but it was not good that he did not have control of such a technique. This was something Mitsui was not totally sure why he had to suddenly get problems with. It really seemed quite not obvious that he would not be able to control it. He suddenly, had the thought, that maybe, he was trying to make the jutsu come out too quickly, and it was causing problems. Mitsui would think about that. It was definitely possible that he was pushing chakra out too quickly. Mitsui would try slowing the chakra flow a bit, when Mitsui would try again, and it was still a little bit better, but there was something he was not doing right, because he started finding problems with the technique not going out evenly. Mitsui would also notice, that there was no downwards force all of the sudden. It became clear, that he has to think about literally what is all around him. This was not fun, but it would work, so he had to do it. Mitsui would think about this jutsu, and he would see that he would have some ability to make a few adjustments. Mitsui would proceed to try again, this time making sure that the jutsu was actually going out evenly. In this next time, Mitsui would see that he was flying all of the sudden. He suddenly saw that he was 100 meters into the air. He would proceed to land but not without having to increase the health. If he did not do that, Mitsui probably would have managed to hurt himself as the fall speed would be really quite fast. He was glad that he landed on his feet, so he would be able to be ready to land on the ground. When he landed, he noticed just how powerful this technique was. Mitsui however, needed to get some more food. He was really quite happy that he had some ability to make another technique that was so powerful. He would go and look at his cherries, and found that there were probably not enough of them, so he thought that he would probably want to go and find more food. He would look around, and after about another hour of searching, he would actually find that there was a bunch of fruit. Mitsui wished that he could not have so many of these things to worry about, but that was no big deal. After a lot of work, he managed to get all the fruit from that tree. He would then go back to where he was before. He would see that he would now have enough food. He would proceed to start eating, and after a few minutes, he would be done. Mitsui would think about what he had to do next. It seemed, that he would try one more time. It was quite powerful, and he should see what full power would look like. He would proceed to think about how to make this work. He would go about 350 meters away from where he put his stuff, to prevent destroying it. He would also not be in the huge ass crater that he made earlier. Mitsui would do his hand seals, and be ready. He would re activate cell optimization, as he had managed to run it out earlier. He would do the jutsu one more time, and he would see what power this technique had. Mitsui would make the hugely powerful shockwave blast out in every direction. He would look, as the ground was 100 meters down. He never saw that coming. Again, he would do the same change to health move because otherwise, he would probably die at the end of it all. Mitsui would look, and see that the power of the shock wave was definitely not felt for just 100 meters. He would see that stuff got thrown hundreds of meters away. He never expected to see such a hugely powerful explosion, and just how far he could throw these things. He would find his stuff was ok, but was simply covered by a huge rock, that was hiding it all, from all the stuff that went flying in all directions. Mitsui would find it amazing as he had managed to make such a powerful jutsu, that he finally figured out how to use. It really was quite surprising, that he would be able to make the technique so strong. It was quite the accomplishment, and it was amazing.

(exit, 2000 words towards, thus finishing learning the technique, as I already did 4000 for it, and I am taking the 25% discount for max stat people)
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Mitsui goes back, number 3(Private) Empty Re: Mitsui goes back, number 3(Private)

Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:25 am
Denied word counter said you did 2001 words

it's actually Approved though
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Mitsui goes back, number 3(Private) Empty Re: Mitsui goes back, number 3(Private)

Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:41 am
Hey, can I also claim finished Soul Amethyst bonding?
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Mitsui goes back, number 3(Private) Empty Re: Mitsui goes back, number 3(Private)

Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:07 am
Approved x 2
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