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Togirama Hyuuga <3
Togirama Hyuuga <3
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A speedy delivery Empty A speedy delivery

Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:56 am
Mission details:

Togi was slowly getting used to the routine of being a Genin of Sunagakure, most days he would spend training himself to improve his abilities making sure to take atleast one day off a week, while every few days he would perform a low ranked solo mission or complete a shift at Sunagakure Hospital. If there was one thing the young Hyuuga was disappointed about it was the fact that he had not yet been assigned a Sensei to teach him or a team to work with. He at least occasional got to train with Ryu Reinhard or Yumi Yoshinaga so that was something atleast. 'I wonder if Yoshi-chan or Ryu-senpai have been assigned to teams yet...' Togi thought to himself as he slowly strolled towards ninja HQ to collect another mission.

It did not take Togi long and soon he was outside the large stone building. Reaching out with his chakra senses Togi detected the familiar presence of the Chuunin sitting behind the mission desk as he always seemed to be. Heading inside Togi then stood to attention as soon as he was infront of the mission desk. "Genin Togirama Hyuuga reporting for mission assignment..." Togi declared by way of greeting.

"Ah Togirama... Yes I had a simple solo mission here somewhere..." the Chuunin declared as he began to shuffle through scrolls. "Nope, nope, nope, ah yes here it is!" the Chuunin continued as he looked at one scroll after the other. "There's a simple delivery that needs to be made, Sazari Yoshinaga has ordered some materials for a new puppet. The materials are not from Suna and the caravan will not be stopping in the village. You therefore need to collect the delivery from just outside the village gates where the caravan will be briefly stopping and return the materials to Sazari's workshop in the artisan district" the Chuunin explained. "Oh and the caravan will not be stopping long  and is due to arrive any moment now so I would suggest that you get there as fast as you can. That is all dismissed!" The Ninja then declared.

'Yoshinaga and he works with puppets... I wonder if he is a relation of Yoshi-chan' Togi wondered as soon as the mission was described to him. 'And I don not understand why this puppet maker can not meet the caravan himself it would be a lot less expensive than hiring a ninja to do it...' Togi thought to himself.

"Now?" Togi questioned in surprise. For once forgetting all thoughts of decorum Togi quickly formed a ram hand seal while still inside, quickly moulding and filling his body with chakra the young Hyuuga sped out of the room in a blur leaving a small wind that threw up the scrolls tossing several off the the desk.

The Chuunin meanwhile sighed as he got up and prepared to pick up the scrolls. "If I knew he could move that quickly I never would have told him to move as quickly as he possibly could." the man grumbled. "Genin these days... You have to be incredibly careful what you say to him..." he then added slightly shaking his head.

Togi by this point was already a dozen or so streets away and was only just coming out of the body flicker. 'I can't stop, if I miss the caravan then the mission is as good as failed and if I fail a mission as simple as this I will never be trusted with anything more important!' Togi thought to himself. Determined not to be late Togi once again flooded his system with chakra and activated at the body flicker jutsu moving at an incredible speed as he blurred through the streets. Togi had been so preoccupied with not missing the caravan that he did not realise this time he had instinctually flooded his body with chakra and activated the jutsu without the use of a hand seal.

The young Genin's body however could only take so much strain and by the time he came out of the second flicker he was only half way to the gate so he was forced to run at more traditional speeds. Well... for a ninja atleast...

Togi soon found that the number of people in the streets was slowing him down and he was spending far too much time dodging and weaving to avoid them. 'I am a ninja now I should start thinking like one...' Togi thought to himself as he changed course and ran straight up the side of the wall of a nearby building and on to the roof. 'I hope people don't take offence to me using their roof tops as a walkway but I have seen plenty of ninja do this in the past and I am in a rush...' Togi thought to himself. 

Once on the roof tops the path to the village gates was a lot less obstructed and Togi decided to risk body flickering once again. The young ninja raised his hands up and was just about to form the ram seal when he came to a sudden realisation. 'I didn't use a seal last time... I was able to go back in to a body flicker completely seal free....' Togi thought to himself in surprise.  'I wonder if I can do that again?' Togi silently questioned as he slowly lowered his hands back down. Attempting to flood his body with chakra Togi was pleasantly surprised as his chakra responded, the young Hyuuga now knew a fair few jutsu that did not require hand seals and it seemed that channelling chakra directly was becoming more natural.

With his body infused with chakra Togi surged forward body flickering from roof top to roof top and in no time at all he was nearing the edge of the village. Moving under the power of only his own legs now Togi leapt down from the last building and surged towards the gates. Before he could surge from them however he was set upon by two ninja who rushed out with weapons drawn and surrounded him from either side.

Skidding to a sudden stop Togi thrust his hands up in to the air as his face went deathly pale. 'Ohdear I forgot about the gate guards I was supposed to inform them that I'm leaving the village. I hope they don't attack...' Togi worried. However as soon as the Hyuuga Genin had skidded to a stop the guards had spotted the Sunagakure forehead protector and relaxed slightly. 

"Where you going in such a hurry kid?" one of the sentries questioned as he pointed a Kunai in the boy's direction.

"My humblest apologies, I am in a hurry due to being on a mission and I forgot the protocol of having to sign out of the village... It will not happen again" Togi apologised as he bowed to the guards.

"A mission on your own? What rank are you kid?" the guard questioned seemingly skeptical.

"I am a Genin sir but it is only a delivery mission, I merely need to collect supplies from a caravan that will be passing close to the village and then immediately return." Togi respectfully replied.

"Ahh the old D and E ranks I remember those..." the guard declared with a far away look. "What are you on about you idiot were on a D rank mission!" the other guard interrupted shaking his head. "What's your name kid, we'll right it down and then you can go through..." The second guard questioned. 

"Togirama Hyuuga..." Togi replied "He was tempted to follow it up with 'Genin of Sunagakure and on a mission for the village but since they now already knew that it seemed a little redundant to say anymore. 

"Hyuuga huh? What's a Hyuuga doing in Suna? Oh well Nevermind you can go through now just make sure you stop and let us know when you want to come back in the more sensible guard declared.

"Hai!" Togi answered as his body was once again energised with chakra. The grey robed shinobi then vanished in a blur as he sped of to intercept the caravan. It was only a sort sprint across the desert and then there it was. The caravan consisted of a long line of camels and a number of individuals milling about since the caravan had stopped. Togi's Hansho Byakugan immediately alerted him to the fact that the majority of these people were civilians as they did not posses any significant chakra reserves. There were however four chakra signatures that most certainly ninja. Three of these signatures were somewhat on the smallish side most like being a team of Genin while the fourth had a much stronger and brighter chakra signature. While the man's chakra signature... somehow Togi just knew it was a man... was not significantly larger than his own. It had a dense and more powerful feel to it, it felt like a compacted spring coiled and ready to explode at any moment. Slowing to a stop Togi slowly approached what he assumed was a much more experienced. 

"Greetings I am Genin Togirama Hyuuga of Sunagakure and I am here to collect supplies on behalf of Salzari Yoshinaga" Togi called out from a fair distance away not wanting to invade the other ninjas space.

"Yaa want tha guy three camels back..." the foreign ninja declared lazily not even looking in Togi's direction apparently not considering him a threat in the slightest. 

"Oh Thankyou..." Togi replied slightly taken aback by the other ninja's reaction. 'I guess meeting a Genin from another village is just not that exciting to an experienced ninja' Togi thought to himself as he made his way over to the indicated person. As Togi approached he noted that the man was short and squat with the barest hint of chakra. "Greetings I am Genin Togirama Hyuuga of Sunagakure and I am here to collect supplies on behalf of Salzari Yoshinaga" Togi repeated as as he walked out up to the man.

"About time..." the man grumbled as he began unloading a large number of baskets from the camels back each filled with a different material whether it be wood, metal or even animal fur. "Well here ya are, sign here!" the man then grunted as he shoved a slip of paper under Togi's nose.

"All of them?" Togi questioned as he reached out and absent mindedly scribbled something on the paper.

"Yeah all of! Why is that a problem?" the man shot back.

"No not at all, I was just a little surprised" Togi replied as he reached in to his robes and pulled out a scroll. The young ninja then carefully unrolled the scroll before carefully unfurling it and placing it on the sandy ground. With that done Togi then crouched down and began drawing a collection of symbols on the parchment. Once he was satisfied that he had done enough Togi placed the palm of his hand on the scroll and channelled a small amount of chakra. In a puff of smoke all the supplies vanished as the symbols on the scroll began to glow. "There all done!" Togi then declared with a smile as he carefully rolled the scroll back up and placed it back inside his robes.

"Well Thankyou merchant-san but I have a delivery to make!" Togi declared as he focussed on flooding his system with chakra an action that was becoming easier and easier to do. Then in a swirl of sand the young ninja vanished.

Remembering what the gate guards had said Togi skidded to a stop just before the gates and headed over to speak with them once again.

"Back already? Well go through we'll sign you back in..." one of the guards declared.

"Thankyou" Togi declared with a small smile before speeding back in to the village.

Travelling in this way it did not take Togi long to reach his destination, a small workshop at the edge of the artisan district. Extended his chakra senses Togi noted that there was a lone man inside... again Togi wasn't quite sure how he knew it was a man but it certainly was. The distribution of his chakra suggested he was tall and thin, almost wiry. The man's chakra signature was moderate in strength but had a strange energy to it. 'Well I guess this is Salzari Yoshinaga...' Togi thought to himself as he raised a fist and gently knocked on the door.

"Oh hello there young one, what can I do for you?" the man exclaimed in a thin raspy voice as he answer the door.

"I am Genin Togirama Hyuuga and I have a delivery for Salzari Yoshinaga" Togi replied politely.

"Oh is that so? WellI I am he" the man answered with a smile. "Well where is it then the man questioned as he began to glance about as of looking for the supplies.

Togi smiled and reached in to his robes and pulled out a scroll. Recognising a storage scroll the man took a step back to allow Togi to lay out the scroll. Togi then once again placed the palm of his hand to the scroll and in a puff of chakra all of the supplies reappeared.

"Marvellous!" the man declared clapping his hands together. "Here let me give you this as proof of your delivery..." the man added handing over a slip of signed paper. "Well run along now sonny, I am sure you have plenty of other things to do today the man declared jovially.

"Thankyou Yoshinaga-san" Togi replied with a slight bow before speeding off heading back to ninja HQ.

When Togi got back to HQ the same Chuunin was still behind the counter neatly arranging his scrolls. Togi had considered body flickering straight in to the room but decided that it would be politer to body flicker outside and then walk in. "Togirama Hyuuga reporting mission complete" Togi declared handing over the signed slip of paper before standing to attention.

"Already?" the Chuunin questioned as he glanced at the note before shrugging his shoulders. "Ohwell here's you pay now get out of here!" the man declared shooing the young ninja out.

Togi however was quite content to be shooed away, despite his concerns the mission had gone rather smoothly and there was now another successfully completed mission in his records. 'Now what to do for the rest of the day?' Togi thought to himself as he headed out of the building.


(Claiming mission complete: E Rank mission: Delivery (1000 words( (+500 Ryo +1ap)
(Claiming mastery of body flicker (1000 words) and 1446 words towards chakra reading.)
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Akihana Akari
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A speedy delivery Empty Re: A speedy delivery

Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:21 am
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