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A Trip Down Memory Lane Empty A Trip Down Memory Lane

Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:41 pm
hen Kirino was young her parents took a more active role in her development mainly when it came to understanding her kekkei genkei. Although her father was less of a fighter and more of a business man Kirino’s mother had trained many years to use her bones as weapons against would be attackers. To this end her mother also wanted Kirino to learn these skills, sure she would be protected in the mansion with all of the guards and hidden passageways to escape, but it was always a good thing to learn none the less. Taking the young girls hand Kirino and her mothe began to travel to an open area outside of the small town so that no one would see or interrupt their training. At the field Kirino’s mother stopped and turned towards the young girl. ”Alright Kirino, as a member of the Kaguya clan you have the ability to use your bones as weapons and then rapidly replace them, with new ones.” The young girl tried to follow along with the words, but she didn’t quite understand what that meant, like what did that really mean to replace bones. Seeing the confusion on the girls face Ritsako Kaguya (Kirino’s mother) began to have bones come from beneath her skin. “This is our kekkei genkei, we can freely manipulate our osteoblasts and osteoclasts to force old bones out and rapidly put new ones into their place.” Kirino turned away while hugging her teddy bear as her mother removed her bones and began explaining how her body worked. Its gross, but can I do that too? Mommy thinks I can anyway. ”This kekkei genkei, also makes our bodies extremely durable. Which is why you will likely never end up with a broken arm or ankle.” So I can’t break, is that what she means? Kirino gripped her bear tighter as her mother’s bones began to retract into her body.
Looking at Kirino, Ritsuko made her daughter watch as she began to remove her own spine. The process was quick and didn’t look too painful, it looked pretty natural for the woman to do actually. After her spine was removed Ritsuko approached her daughter and had her feel the area the bone was removed from. To the young girls surprise there was a new bone that had took the place of the old one. “Mommy I can do that too?” She asked while feeling the smooth bone that was still sort of wet with fluid from its recent removal. Ritsuko nodded and patted her daughter on the head. ”Of course you can honey, but you’ll have to get a better understanding of chakra first.” The women said smiling. Approaching a training dummy spine whip in hand Ritsuko used her spine as a chain and dragged the dummy toward herself then attempted to wrap it around the things neck, once secure she pulled back hard pulling the thing towards her before she flicked her wrist causing the dummy to fly back in the direction it had come from. ”That was one half of the clematis dance: vine. I will show you how to do this after you have succeeded at many easier jutsu.” After a moment the spine whip crumbled to ash and Kirino was ready to start her training in ninja 101.
The first lesson was on chakra control. Ritsuko approached a tree and made a tiger hand-seal. Kirino watched as a blue aura flowed to her mother’s feet. Once ready the former ninja placed one foot onto the tree and began to ascend upward until she had reached the top. She then drew a knife and marked the tree at the top. Jumping back down Ritsuko handed her daughter the blade and had her begin to build chakra. ”Feel your chakra withing your body, before you climb.””That was a good first attempt, but I think you should try again. I will be right here if you fall.”“How do I get down mommy, I’m scared?” Looking up Ritsuko ascended the tree to retrieve her daughter once safely on the ground she began lesson two of basic jutsu.
Lesson two was on the transformation technique a jutsu which allowed someone to alter their basic form into something of similar size. Ritsuko demonstrated the jutsu as Kirino watched. First Kirino’s mother took the form of a large dog, followed by a bush, and then lastly her father. It was fascinating to watch actually. Not only was it fun, but it could also have practical applications such as, disguising oneself to avoid kidnappers or even to avoid people you didn’t want to talk to. After being shown the appropriate seals Kirino went to work on changing her appearance, she couldn’t turn into her teddy bear, but maybe she could turn into a life sized version. Focusing hard on that image she began to take what she had learned about chakra control and apply it to this technique. After a minute of concentration enough to make the poor girl sweat she began to see herself become fuzzier and more teddy like. After finishing the jutsu she looked like a bigger version of her bear. Kirino’s mother smiled after seeing that she had learned the technique so quickly, but there were still improvements to be made. Ritsuko wanted Kirino to transform into a person this time and she would then inspect every detail. With the image of her mother this time in mind she began to grow into the woman, height and all. Walking around the transformed girl Ritsuko pointed out the error of her not having any ears. Which if someone were looking for a person transformed it would be something that they looked for. Kirino quickly fixed the problem by adjusting her mental image of her mother.
For lesson three Kirino’s mother started by making some seals and making copies of herself. The clones approached the girl with their hands raised. “Mommy what are you doing?” Kirino flinched holding her bear tighter as the fists flew towards her. To her surprise though the attacks didn’t hurt they just passed through her, as every other clone would. This is the clone jutsu. Although the clones look real, they can’t effect the physical world. They can be made to look like they are doing so however.””You can command the clone to do certain things, give it a try.”“Walk over there!” Without hesitation the clone walked to the tree when it got there it stopped and waited for new orders. “Come back!” The clone walked over returning to its previous position next to Kirino. To pop the clone the girl pressed her finger into it and a moment after the thing disappeared. ”You can also use mental commands to control your clone, that way people won’t hear you giving it orders.”
”Alright, the final lesson before you learn how to use your bones is the substitution technique. To use the jutsu imagine what you want to trade places with, then use your chakra to activate the technique.”“Waah, mommy left me.” As she started to shed tears she felt her mother’s hand on her back. ”Honey I would never leave you.”
After being tricked into thinking her mother had fled, she felt relieved as she felt her mother’s touch and the sound of her voice. It was the girl’s turn to dodge this time though. Kirino readied herself as her mother threw the ball, it lightly thunked the girl on the head. The first attempt was not a success this time it would seem, so she tried again this time the girl was replaced by her teddy bear which ended up taking the hit. ”Try something a little further away, if someone had a widespread attack it could still hit you.”“Where are we going mommy?” Kirino asked her mother as they headed back towards their home. ”To get you a treat for your good work.”
Once at the mansion, Ritzuko ordered one of the servants to get Kirino a bowl of ice cream. The butler returned a few moments later with the frozen desert in hand. He placed it before the girl who then went to town like any kid does on ice cream. She had dairy all over her face by the time she had finished. Which Ritsuko wiped off before taking her daughters hands once more and heading back to the training field. Once there her mother went on a review about all of the things the girl had learned that day. From how osteoblasts and osteoclasts create bone to how to use the substitution technique. With each review there was a demonstration followed by Kirino repeating the jutsu. After each one had finished and Ritsuko determined Kirino was ready to learn her family’s jutsu. She once more removed her own spine. ”I think you are ready to try this now, Kirino. Go ahead and give it a try.”
The girl felt her spine as she drug her finger across every bump in an attempt to memorize the feel. So, I just pull it out like mommy did, huh. I wonder if it hurts, it didn’t really seem to. Reaching into her body the girl pulled hard and removed a single vertebrae along the sacral area. She looked at the substance and felt around the place she had removed it. A new one had already filled into its place at this point. The feel of the bone was smooth, but it didn’t seem fully developed like her mother’s did. Was it because she was still young, that her bone had an odd shape to it. That was probably the case as Ritsuko did not seem worried about how the thing looked. Looking to her mother’s bone whip, it seemed there would need to be a bunch of work to do before the jutsu was finished. Her mother’s spine seemed to be a few feet long with multiple vertebrae with spaces in between each one filled by a yellowish substance. Trying again the young girl reached into her back and pulled out a different part of her spine this one seemed much bigger than the one she grabbed before, but it was still only one. She felt her back making sure one more time that it had been replaced. She tossed her failed attempt at the jutsu onto the ground before attempting it again. With more effort and more strain to her chakra the girl began to slowly inch out her spine starting from the top. The skin moved out of the way as the bone began to protrude and be replaced, she continued to pull the bone slowly. The more she gently moved the bone the more thankful she was that it was being replaced, because it aided the girl by lifting what had already been removed. After five minutes the whole spine had been removed and Kirino was panting heavily from the exhaustion. “That was hard mommy, why did it look so easy for you?” As she said that her hard work began to crumble into dust as her mothers had done a few moments before hand. Kirino was still proud that she was able to remove her entire spine, but the technique had left her exhausted beyond belief. She wouldn’t take or ask for a break though, not until she was told to.  Instead she began another attempt at removing the bone it was slightly easier this time as the pure white substance began to detach from her body, removing the muscles, veins, skin and other things covering it. The attempt had still been too slow though, because almost as soon as the thing had been removed it began to crumble and blow away into the wind.
”Maybe a short break sweetie, then you will have your energy back. You already have a good grasp of the technique though.”
Hovering her hand over her spine Kirino began to move her palm into the base of her neck where the spine meets the skull at the atlus. Once there she began to pull hard as she moved her hand down her spine feeling every bump as it slid across her little palm. She stopped pulling once she was beyond her tailbone and was holding onto her entire spine. This one would not fade in mere seconds as the other one did and Ritsuko clapped as she began to demonstrate how to hold the whip and how to use it for that matter.  With a flick of the wrist Kirino sent the whip crackling through the air at the dummy it hit the thing in the side, but it remained unaffected and didn’t budge. She sent the whip over once more to the thing giving it a slight wobble, once the dummy stopped moving, Ritsuko removed her own spine and demonstrated how to grip around the things neck. Apparently the motion for the whip was natural, because something about gravity and how the whip wants to ensnare and how you only have to let it. Aiming for the neck she cracked the whip back and then forward watching as the bone landed on the shoulder and began to spin until the thing was trapped in bone. She pulled which knocked the thing over, had she been equipped with more strength it would have flew forwards and would have probably knocked the girl over. Ritsuko picked up the dummy, so that Kirino could do it again and this time instead of knocking the thing over she would release the mannequin from the bone trap. Once more she cracked the whip and once more the tailbone spun until it hit one of the spines where it locked in place securing the dummy to the whip and by extension Kirino. The process for removing the hold was simple, instead of pulling and tightening the whip, go forward and give it some slack. Once the girl moved her wrist forward the whip loosened itself and dropped from the dummies neck. Kirino pulled on the whip so that it rushed back to her and caught the top before it could hit her in the face. The girl dropped the whip and fell over, all of the exhaustion she had felt before had returned and it was time for a nap.
Ritsuko picked up her daughter from the ground and carried her on her back until they had arrived back at their mansion. Once inside she took her daughter upstairs and gave her a bath. She had become filthy from laying on the ground and running up the trees, there was dirt all over her face, she almost looked homeless to be honest. After the bath Ritsuko changed her and put her into bed. Once in bed she began to tell her daughter a story one about ninja and dragons. When the story reached the end the girls eyes were closed and her chest rose and fell slowly, which were clear definitive signs of someone who was asleep. When Ritsuko rose to leave the room she noticed that Kirino was gripping her shirt tightly and that she couldn’t get away without waking up her little girl. So instead of removing the hand she climbed into bed next to her and rubbed the girls head until she fell asleep. The two slept peacefully throughout the night with nothing disturbing them.

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