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Korai Nazar
Korai Nazar
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Fri May 13, 2016 2:53 pm
The overview requested for Korai to quickly head to the clan house and wait patiently. As told Korai returned, waiting. Within an hour the overview returned to the clan house, determined, in his hands a wooden box, and on top a box, small, but more refined. ‘Korai please sit in the meeting room I have a final parting gift.’ Korai sat down with the overview moving across from him. Setting the smaller box aside, the overview opened the larger box revealing adult Nazar clan gear, a long dark crimson shirt with one long sleeve and long loose white pants. ‘This is the first gift, traditional Nazar shinobi outfit, and the second I want you to promise this to the clan you will keep it safe, the decision to have you become the keeper of knowledge for the Nazar was not an easy one…’ Opening the second box revealed a small scroll on top marked the Nazar symbol.’ Short on time the overview explained that the boat leaving for Suna was in one hour and that Korai had a ticket for it, he revealed how to access the scroll. Finishing by wishing a long and safe journey. With tears rolling down Korai’s face he hugged the overview unsure if this will be the last time he sees him. With that Korai departed for Suna.

It would be nearly 12 hours later when the boat arrived at the Wind country dock and it was quite the sandy place. Korai had never seen so much sand in his life, it was so different from never ending waves and black skies of smoke. He picked up his backpack and set northeast in the direction he believed Suna was in. It would take an hour to arrive but, when Korai arrived he was at a lost for words there were enormous sand walls surrounding the village, and there was so many shinobi and people here. Korai was stuck standing in awe. People entering and leaving the village at such a rapid rate, Korai was having such trouble grasping this. 

He stumbled forward finding his way walking through the giant walls as he emerged on the other side. He sought out the directory and asked where the training grounds were. Upon being set on the proper direction Korai set out. After stumbling through the village and making a few new “friends” he managed to find the training grounds. Korai could tell upon immediate arrival something was different here, from what he could see there were no shinobi training. It didn't take long to find why in the far side of the training ground stood what seemed like a large wolf behind a sand shinobi. Not wanting to get involved Korai kept to himself. Finding a nice section with a table Korai placed the clan scroll down, carefully keeping an eye on the large wolf and the shinobi. After a moment of consideration he found them to not even acknowledge his existence and stared downward at the scroll.

Korai stood silently staring down at the small scroll. As he could remember he weaved the handsign (Bird) nothing happened… Korai grew slightly concerned, if he could not get the scroll to open then there would be no way for Korai to learn in the ways of his clan. Beginning to feel a slight panic arising Korai weaved (Bird) this time applying chakra, for a moment nothing occurred and as Korai was about to give up when there was a puff of smoke. *poof* 

In place of where the smaller scroll lay was now a much, much larger scroll. On the center laid the symbol of the Nazar, excitement begin to fill Korai. Moving his hand it reached for the scroll his hand began to shake he couldn’t contain himself from this level of success. Stopping his hand Korai closed his eyes. Mentally he began to think of the point of a pen and acted as if it is his balance, he focused more and more on the pen point until he was calm. Opening his eyes and taking a deep breath Korai reach for the scroll. His hand lay gently on top as he stood staring down at it. The level of responsibility held for being the holder of the scroll began to hit Korai, all the secrets of the Nazar lay before him, with this he can build the clan far stronger than ever before. Carefully scoping around he could see that no one had an interest in the scroll, this gave a small form of comfort to Korai. He unclicked the button holding the scroll together and began to slowly unroll. This felt as nostalgia, the page had a faint glow to it from the Suna sun and the first part labeled ‘ This scroll holds the Nazar’s legacy, history and way of life, only true Nazar can continue further…’ Laid next to the text was a small diamond with no further detail. Korai stood staring at it confused as to what its purpose was, checking to see if he missed anything he read back through the text. Nothing there was no direction as to what to do. This road block will be a major one, Korai wondered if the overview had said anything about this, thinking back he remembered something very basic that the overview had taught him. ‘Korai sometime in your future should you come across certain types of locks it’s important to know how to bypass them. For example here is this empty square, one might stare at it for eternity and never know how to open it, however this lock is quite simple for an informed shinobi these are like a coloring packet for a child.’ The overview sent of surge of Chakra through his hand and the Square filled with a marking. There this unlocks the lock and now whatever it was sealing can be revealed.’ Hmm that could work, standing up he looked down at the paper slowly glinting from the sunlight. The wind has came to a slow breeze, there was what seemed like a deep level of knowledge within this scroll. Korai slowly outstretched his hand above the diamond. Slowly lowering his hand onto the seal he inhaled hoping this would work. Sending a surge of chakra the seal began to open creating a large vacuum effect. Within sending a larger surge the seal stopping the vacuum effect and within that Korai felt a new sense of being a Nazar. A new level of calm came over Korai as he slowly began to unroll the scroll until stopping at a new lock. The new accessible text only said the following, ‘What lay before our feet is the power to make the crumble of will…’ Lay next to the text was a seal with the symbol labeled ‘Earth’ or in better known as Doton. Korai looked down upon this seal remembering back to his first time training with the overview. Lost in distant memories Korai awoke back to reality. Korai slowly moved forward to this new scroll placing his left hand down upon the seal. Korai stood silent, the wind rolled through picking up some pace, before acting any further Korai looked around, no one was in the training grounds any further. Accepting the fact that there was no one around Korai sent a strong surge of chakra upon the seal. There was no vacuum effect and with a poof of smoke a scroll similar to the original size of the Nazar scroll appeared on top of the seal. The scroll was dark brown in color with the symbol of Earth marked upon it. Korai stood lost in thought again back to the moments of when the overview used this to teach him his first jutsu. It would be several moments standing quietly. Looking up, strong and determined Korai picked up the scroll, unrolling it to where he saw the first jutsu Earth Release: Mud Spore, next to the text of how to use this jutsu lay a single checkmark. Opening the scroll further Korai came to the jutsu called Earth release:Moving Earth Core, skimming through the text Korai quickly thought of several ways this jutsu could be used. Korai looked carefully at the application of chakra to make sure that no unintended accidents may occur. Korai looked for any handsigns but from what was described there were none. ‘The user claps then slamming their hands on the ground to shifts the earth beneath them.’ Was the closest text leading to some possibility of hand sign use. Practicing the simplicity of the clap and slam seemed irrelevant however, Korai wanting to be careful went through the practice twice to make sure it was as simple as it sounded. Korai then stood closing his eyes quietly he thought to himself for a moment. Opening his eyes, after looking around now, he saw one critical flaw… There was no earth there was only sand. “Ohhhh well that is slightly problematic.” Korai again thought for a moment then realized what he could do. Moving through the hands signs Ram>Ox>Boar and applying his chakra the ground beneath his feet began to shake for a few moments as then suddenly a large mud river erupted beneath his feet. The mud river flowed for two minutes or so, exhausting Korai slightly. After seeing the mud begin to flow across much of the training ground Korai judged that he had brought forth more than enough needed mud. The mud river began to slow coming to a stop, with much of this portion of the training grounds was now covered in an ample layer of mud. Korai shifted to above the highest level of concentrated mud waiting for it to seep into the sand well enough. It was after three or four minutes, breaking through the silence in the air came a loud clap followed by hands slamming into the ground. What followed was a large cylinder of muddy sand lifted around 10 meters above the ground but Korai could not hold it, the cylinder at a rapid rate began to fall apart. Korai landed on his feet, out of breath the rest of the cylinder broke apart now laid about was a mush of mud and sand. Even with the mud it clearly was not syncing well with the sand and this caused issues trying to hold the jutsu together. He rested for a moment waiting for the mud to move into further and hoping it would dry somewhat to become more stable. Slightly rested he went in for another attempt choosing a much dryer spot of mud. Again clapping loudly and slamming his hands onto the new earth Korai rose many meters above the ground he estimated 20 at least. Though it was still slightly difficult to maintain the cylinder s he felt part of it seeping out he could hold. He considered this jutsu learnt and lowered the earth back with the rest of the ground. Korai managed to reach the table before collapsing, he was starting to fade, holding the earth cores with that sand was too much of a strain and before he knew it the light faded and he was unconcious.

Last edited by Korai Nazar on Tue May 17, 2016 10:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED] Empty Re: Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED]

Fri May 13, 2016 9:04 pm
Sakaiza had been situated in the training grounds, watching all that came to practice and spar today. He had given himself the day off considering the massive amount of training he had persisted in the last several weeks. However as much as he wanted to rest and relax for a night, he found himself at the training grounds still. He couldn't shake the thought of another genin surpassing him while he relaxed, therefore he figured he would just relax in the training grounds, that way he could keep a close eye on the other sand shinobi practicing. It seemed like it was becoming an addiction, maybe even an obsession at this point. 

Nevertheless, he relaxed at the training grounds. Truth be told, he didn't even keep an eye on the competition. Instead he just rested with his eyes shut, listening to the sounds of the shinobi around him and feeling the stray breeze of the night wind. Everything seemed quite normal. However, he heard pretty consistent sounds from one person the entire day. It seemed as if that person had been training vigorously all day, for as other shinobi had left, he remained. 

He remained training until Sakaiza's ears would detect an obvious sound resembling a body falling. At this time of day, there was likely only one shinobi training, so the sound of a body collapsing would be indicative of a shinobi passing out. Sakaiza immediately leaned forward and opened his eyes. He did a quick scan on the training grounds as his eyes fell upon a body that laid face first upon the floor. Dropping down from the wall he was on and sprinting over to the fallen shinobi, he turned him over.

This was no Sunaga sand shinobi.

Instead, this shinobi had a Funkagakure headband across his forehead. Curious of the shinobi's identity, Sakaiza figured the only way to ask questions was by waking the boy up. Thus, he focused a small amount of chakra to his palm and delivered a swift Palm Bottom to the sleeping shinobi's stomach. There was only enough power in this technique to force a tingling sensation in the shinobi's stomach which would likely surge through the rest of his body and force him to wake up.

When Sakaiza would see his eyes beginning to open, he would let out a, "Hey....wake up."
Korai Nazar
Korai Nazar
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Fri May 13, 2016 10:08 pm
Korai was left stuck in a repeated cycle of the final moments playing up to his moments of his departure of Funkagakure when suddenly, he felt a surge on himself pushing him to what was assumed consciousness. Korai awoke to darkness, night, above him was a strange sand nin that Korai had never seen before. Alerted Korai began to move, "Who are you?, What happened?" It was clear Korai did not understand what had happened. Korai could feel beneath him the dry earth from earlier and his senses began to come back, one concern came to mind [How long had I been out?...]
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Fri May 13, 2016 10:18 pm
(short post cuz I'm in a rush, sorry man)

Giving the foreign ninja time to recover, it seemed to take a moment for him to get to his feet. When he would, he seemed dazed and confused. Whatever had caused the shinobi to lose his consciousness must have required him to exert an excess amount of chakra. Either he had just executed a large scale, chakra consuming, conscious stealing jutsu and he was really powerful, or he was learning a new jutsu as a lower ranked shinobi. Sakaiza new the latter all to well.

"You passed out, probably pushed yourself to hard. The name's Sakaiza, what are you doing on this side of the world?" Sakaiza let out rather bluntly. He did not know much about Funkagakure, but he was sure that they were not necessarily allied with Sunaga. Simultaneously, he had never met a ninja from the village until now. The shinboi's intentions were likely not harmful, otherwise he wouldn't have been alive and walking in the sand village, but Sakaiza could only wonder why he was here. And why he was training here.
Korai Nazar
Korai Nazar
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Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED] Empty Re: Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED]

Fri May 13, 2016 10:38 pm
Korai reached his feet dazed for a moment but became fixated on one thing the safety of the Nazar scroll. Barely able to walk he stumbled over to the table rolling up the earth scroll and resealing it quickly. Feeling a sense of new comfort that at least some secrets were kept Korai turned to the shinobi that had helped him. It was clear from the quick dialogue the shinobi had made he had never seen a ninja from Funkagakure. "Thank you Sakaiza for doing whatever that was to bring me back to this realm..." Carefully evaluating if this ninja was trustworthy Korai lowered what little guard he had. "...Sorry just a bit confused, my name is Korai... I am uh from Funkagakure probably never heard of the place its quite small now a days. Heck we don't even know much of our own Kazankage now a days. Well in return for your kindness to a stranger I will answer anything you want, well put simply I am on my way to find a powerful man from my clan, I need his help in becoming stronger."
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

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Sat May 14, 2016 11:45 am
Sakaiza noted that as soon as Korai could gather the strength to walk, he sloppily made his way over to one of the nearby resting tables. There he began to roll up a scroll and sealed it. It seemed as if Korai was overly paranoid, considering the fact that the first thing he did upon getting up was hiding away information on a scroll. But Sakaiza did not care, he was not interested in the scroll or whatever content it may have. It was none of his business and was likely a secret jutsu from his clan that he didn't want anyone else to read, and for good reason. The shinobi thanked Sakaiza, almost as if Sakaiza had saved his life when actuality all he did was wake the sleeping ninja up. He would have awoken on his own in due time, Sakaiza knew from experience. But perhaps he did not want to sleep and he wanted to push his body harder and so falling unconscious prevented that. Perhaps that's why he thanked Sakaiza. 

His name was Korai. And he seemed to be here on what Sakaiza would call business. "So he's looking for someone? Korai, eh?....Korai's looking for someone powerful, but why would he be looking for this member of his clan here in Sunaga? Perhaps this clan member of his is a hermit, or maybe he doesn't even live here in Sunaga."

Sakaiza continued thinking to himself, trying to decipher the intentions of this new shinobi. Korai did state that Sakaiza could basically ask him whatever he desired and he would answer. And so, Sakaiza would do just that. 

"Funkagakure huh? You're right, I'm told it is small. A village so small would only posses few what clan would that make yours?" Sakaiza asked starting off. However just as he got one question out, the next seemed to just roll off his tongue, "And who is this man you're looking for, is he from Sunaga?"
Korai Nazar
Korai Nazar
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Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED] Empty Re: Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED]

Sun May 15, 2016 2:09 pm
Korai was slightly off on all fronts, and as he assumed from a logical point this shinobi was curious as to what his intentions were, it was shown from what he asked next. Standing silently Korai held his breath for a moment calculating what he could say without wanting to shine light on Funkagakure. 

Secretly Korai loved this thrill of conversation with new shinobi, in a sense it was like chess. 

The sand shinobi rolled two questions to Korai and as such promised Korai answered, to a degree. 

"To give you a thought Funkagakure is out east in the sea, next to the large volcano. The very small village is home to the Nazar of which I hail from, very small, unheard, to my knowledge there are only three shinobi currently in the world from it. Myself, the man I am looking for and one other. Identity's are concealed well and it is hard to figure out much in the Nazar. To assure you of peace, violence is a last resort in my clan I have no ill intentions. However a tragedy occurred and the only way to restore my clan is to find this other that is significantly more trained than I." Korai thought deeply for a moment, curious as to why this shinobi cared. Continuing on "His Lucian...he is not from Suna in fact he was born in Funka but left rather soon after his training was completed and went to what I have figured to be Hoshigakure." Korai trailed off quietly observing as the shinobi felt less in threat and now seemed like something else...
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

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Sun May 15, 2016 2:42 pm
Sakaiza had already been aware of Funkagakure's geographic location, as he had studied and became aware of the different villages during his days in the academy. He knew Funkagakure was a small one and never really posed a threat to Sunagakure, or at least he didn't think so. But then again he had never come across a shinobi from the Volcano Country, and he had never been to this land either. Such a thought forced Sakaiza to begin thinking. He wondered what the land was like, what kind of customs it had and how the people were. This shinobi that he had just met could possibly provide insight on all of these questions but it was still no comparison to the real experience .He continued thinking to himself and then even debated on asking the new shinobi about this place. However, he figured that now was not the time for a history lesson on Funkagakure. He wanted to learn more about this Korai.

He stated that his clan was a small one and rather peaceful, so Sakaiza slightly got off edge. However, he still was unsure of this shinobi. There was no telling what he could do and what his true intentions were. But for the time, it seemed as if he had really just wanted to meet his fellow clan member wherever he might be. Lucian was his name, yet Sakaiza did not recognize it. And for good reason, the man was from Hoshigakure, another place where Sakaiza had yet to venture to.

"Can't say that I've heard of him. So if he's in Hoshigakure, I'm guessing you're just stopping by here to rest up and train?" he asked while taking a pause for Korai to respond.

"So then what were you working on here just before you passed out?" Sakaiza inquired with a light laugh.
Korai Nazar
Korai Nazar
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Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED] Empty Re: Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED]

Sun May 15, 2016 3:42 pm
Korai was at ease, he felt that there was nothing for him to conceal. With some of his strength returning Korai internally began to ease the balance within himself so his chakra can be restored. Korai wished to return to completing his training but with his chakra nearly deplenished he knew it would be a few hours before he could even attempt such work. 

In response to the sand nin "Yeah that was the plan..." Giving a small laugh at the fact of how his training had ended. Korai had to recall the moments of his training for the next question as it was difficult to remember. "To me its a strong value that one masters their element well before moving on to the next, so in doing so I was working on my Earth release, I think I overdid it a little though..." Korai gave a smile.
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED] Empty Re: Second Private training (P.)[FINISHED]

Sun May 15, 2016 4:14 pm
Sakaiza, noting that Korai still seemed a bit drained, analyzed the shinobi. He quickly activated his Byakugan. When he did, Korai could likely see the veins protruding from Sakaiza's temples and the strain imposed on his eyes as his irises began to transcend to a pearly white. Upon a swift analysis of Korai's chakra network, Sakaiza noticed that Korai's reserves of chakra were scattered all around his body. There was no even distribution throughout his body, which would likely be the reason why he would be unable to continue and thus would feel fatigued. 

Detecting this, Sakaiza was now put in awkward position. He still wasn't sure if Korai was a friend or foe, yet he could sense no great threat from him. He began to wonder to himself if Korai could actually be some threat, which was a thought quickly dismissed as Sakaiza began to shake his head slightly and think to himself. "Besides, a shinobi with a high degree of power wouldn't likely faint from training, he had to have been a new genin. But even at that, he could be a spy set up with one hell of an excuse. I'm not sure, but I might as well help this guy. He needs it."

Sakaiza took a moment to listen to Korai's agenda of training and the purpose of it and nodded in agreement. When he would finish, Sakaiza would offer a piece of advice:

"Hey, you'd probably get more out of your training if you had better chakra control and chakra channeling. I know a thing or two about it if you want some pointers."
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