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Roxio Utuma
Roxio Utuma
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Learning to put a thing(s) into a thing (P,NK) Empty Learning to put a thing(s) into a thing (P,NK)

Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:25 am
Roxio walked up to a very large and beautiful building known in the country as "Kozai Yuki National Archives." Arguably the largest library in the known world where information on almost any general subject can be found. Named after its beloved late Chief Librarian. It was a very beautiful building. Walking into the building you were greeted by a large found hollowed out circle in the middle of the room. This is where the front of the house librarians worked. Looking up there were books everywhere of everything you could possibly imagine. Though there were some restricted sections, but that would be for later.

He walked into the library and headed straight to the Funinjutsu section of the library. Everything was marked and categorized so it was easy to find. He searched through the books for a technique that he had wanted to learn for awhile. He found the book he needed and sat down at a table. Librarians walking around along with regular people. The book he grabbed was to teach him a generic sealing technique. Roxio read the book for awhile reading the background of the technique and its origins. To best describe the technique it was defined as such "Allows the user to seal objects away in scroll, the user can seal no more than 20 objects away inside a scroll.  The user cannot seal people, bijuu, or jutsu in the scrolls, this is simply to make storage scrolls for weapons and the like. In order to seal an object within the scroll it must be placed upon the scroll then the palm placed upon it to put it in the array." He examined the array careful, and began to memorize it. It was not complicated what so ever and seemed to be a very simple Funinjutsu. He looked around and was disappointed that he had no scroll. A librarian walked up to Roxio and asked "Did you find what you were looking for young one?" Roxio nodded and said "Yes sir. The only thing keeping me from doing a physical application of it is that i do not have a blank scroll." The librarian laughed, walked over to the counter, and brought Roxio a blank scroll. The librarian stated "I will give you this scroll if you show me what you have learned today." Roxio smiled nodded and said "Thank you very much sir. By all means watch since i will be pulling out a weapon to seal." Roxio opened the blank scroll and drew the array taught to him in the book perfectly. He then pulled out a collapsed fuma shuriken and placed it in the middle of the array. Placing his palm over the fuma shuriken and applying a small amount of chakra a poof of smoke appeared. The meaning the storing of the fuma shuriken was successful and was within the scroll which was now closed and tied shut. The librarian smiled and said "Good job young one I hope you keep coming over and learning. If you need help by all means let us know." Roxio smiled and said "Thank you sir you will be seeing me more."

(526/500 words needed to learn Generic Sealing Technique, along with Roxio's Fuma Shuriken now inside of a scroll, +2 stats)


Last edited by Roxio Utuma on Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Learning to put a thing(s) into a thing (P,NK) Empty Re: Learning to put a thing(s) into a thing (P,NK)

Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:32 am

You can also claim 2 stats with this. <3
Roxio Utuma
Roxio Utuma
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Learning to put a thing(s) into a thing (P,NK) Empty Re: Learning to put a thing(s) into a thing (P,NK)

Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:35 am
Akihana Akari wrote:
You can also claim 2 stats with this. <3

It was such a short post guess i didn't think about it. Thank you for the reminder


Last edited by Roxio Utuma on Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Learning to put a thing(s) into a thing (P,NK) Empty Re: Learning to put a thing(s) into a thing (P,NK)

Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:35 am

Approved <3
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