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Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:37 pm
Akane had been sitting in the training grounds for hours on end, waiting and waiting but it looked like nobody was going to show up. Instead of waiting any longer, Akane would perform the hand seals for the Summoning Jutsu and would slam her hand into the ground in an attempt to summon Haruki. Hopefully, he was free and he'd be able to teach her a thing or two today. It hadn't been long since they had met, but Akane felt a connection with Haruki. She felt as if Haruki was her little brother, a member of the family that she never had. He obviously wasn't though as he was part of the Akari clan and she was part of no clan at all, she was merely a wanderer in the Shinobi world. 

After she slammed her palm down on the ground, she would wait for the white smoke to clear so that she could make sure that Haruki was there and once she made sure that he was she would say, "Hello!" with a large smile painted across her face. She hoped to get the same greeting in return, but couldn't expect it since she could've pulled him out of something extremely important, like a mission.
Haruki Akari
Haruki Akari
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:49 pm
He was using his rollerblade to travel through the village, mainly by using the top of the buildings. The Akari was having fun, going from one roof to the next before he would then end up finding himself being covered in clouds? Yeah, he has yet to get used to the fact that he could be summoned. While in the middle of a jump, his body would then be teleported over towards the Training ground, and he would end up landing on the ground, rolling a little bit due to the momentum before he would stop, turn the rollerblades around to see what happened, only to see Akane. That was when his confused "o" on his lips would form into a happy smile. Akane! Yay! What do you need from me? Haruki would ask, placing his hands in his pockets. She was one of the few adults that he felt very close to, mainly because of how nice she was. And to reward her for that, he became a summon of hers. She was pretty much his older sister figure in his life, except she does not know his motherly figure. That could change soon, maybe if he pressed her hard enough for it, but not right now. Haruki did notice that this was the training grounds, so he would tilt his head to the side before proceeding to the next question. Need some help, Akane? Name the Jutsu, and I'll do my best to help you! Or I could just be someone to test it out on, I got a strong figure!
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:09 pm
After Haruki appeared, he'd ask her what she needed before he noticed that they were in the training grounds and would proceed to ask her if she needed him to teach her anything or if she needed to test anything out on him. She would reply to him simply saying, "I was wondering if you could teach me the Fire Element and if you could teach me the Great Fireball technique!" Akane had wanted to learn the Fire Element for quite a while as the techniques are quite offensive, which makes up for her lack of knowledge in Ninjutsu. Although, she couldn't just stick with learning the Fire Element. Akane needed to learn a Jutsu to go along with her newly learned element and that's why she asked Haruki to teach her one of the most basic techniques of all. What's the purpose of learning an element and not learning any techniques to go along with it anyways? 

Akane would then walk a couple of steps away and would sit down, making sure that she left plenty of room for Haruki to show her how to learn Fire Release and would pay close attention to everything he said and did. She needed to make sure she caught all of his tips as they were often quite useful little tips that she'd be able to use day to day in the Shinobi world. Akane just loved getting tips anyways, it made her feel as if she was more experienced and it was a reminder that she had been a real shinobi.
Haruki Akari
Haruki Akari
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:47 pm
She would ask him if she could learn the fire element from him, and if he was also able to teach her the Great Fireball technique. And to that he says... Sure! Not a problem! This will take a little bit of time though, so don't expect to get everything down on the first shot. The Akari would explain, and with that, Akane would give him a little bit of space so that he could carry out any performance that he needed to. It was like she was able to read his mind! So he would begin to skate around in circles ofr a little bit while explaining the situation better. It helped clear his mind when he was on his Rollerblades. See, Fire Relesae often deals with really hot Chakra. So, since you are in a Desert Village, that will make things a lot easier. So no Water pouches for you until we get the Chakra in you. Haruki would explain before he would stop in place, holding up the Tiger Hand Sign next. The Chakra was already beginning to feel hot in his lungs already, he needed to make sure that he did not accidentally release it, especially with Akane right in front of him. The Tiger Sing tends to be the most commonly used sign, so remember it well when using Fire! He would explain before then tilting his head to the side. So tell me, what might you need to do in order to heat yourself up? After all, the Chakra is very hot, and you can't have a fire without a starting spark.
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:35 pm
Akane would listen to Haruki as he spoke while he skated in circles on his rollerblades and after he told her she wouldn't be getting any water pouches until she had both the Fire Element and Great Fireball Jutsu down pat yelled out, "Seems fair enough to me!" She really didn't need the water anyway, she had already drunk plenty of water before she began to train. It was a small price to pay to learn from him. Akane would then stare at him once he stopped in place and performed the Tiger hand seal, and watched as his chest started to puff up. Although, his chest suddenly seemed to decompress which was fine since she understood the risks of her getting burned by the fireball. 

Soon after he stopped himself from performing the technique, he would tell her that the tiger hand seal was the basis of almost every technique and that she should remember it well. Then he asked her if she knew what she needed to do to build up the heat in her chest before releasing the fireball and she'd answer with, "You have to build up chakra in your chest and compress the chakra and.. imagine the chakra heating up?"
Haruki Akari
Haruki Akari
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:42 pm
The Akari would nod his head with approval before placing his palms against his hips. She had the right idea, the mentality was one thing, and having the air pressure increase was another. But what if there was no heat to start off with? Not a bad answer actually. But tell me this, if you were in a devastating blizzard where there seems to be nothing, and your body heat is dropping, what might you do to warm yourself up? Of course, your Chakra would be much too cold, and you would need to do something to change that. He would explain before placing his hands in his palms. See, the reason why he was doing this was so that she could use fire jutsu's whenever she felt like it, and in any case, rather than ones that she is limited to. It was true, because if she were stranded out in the arctic, that Chakra alone will not build up. One thing that she may have noticed was him rollerblading a little bit before he had the Chakra compressed. If she was unable to get the answer, he will tell her. But the Akari wanted to her to reach all the way to the back of her mind if she needed to. Of course, it would not be fair for her to find it on her own, a few hints have been given. And so he would await her answer.
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:01 pm
As Haruki gave her the scenario about her being in the arctic with no heat at all she would think and would try her best to come up with an answer. Although Haruki's constant movement would flip a switch and, she would almost scream the answer at him, "Movement! Movement warms your body up and your chakra is able to heat up through your body heat!" The answer was so simple and it was right in front of her yet she missed it and failed to come up with the right answer. It didn't matter if she got this answer right or not, though, what really mattered was if she was able to put what she had just learned to use. Only thinking about how to do it wouldn't be of any help to her. 

After Akane spoke she would rise from her position and would look at Haruki, waiting for him to tell her if her answer was right or wrong. Hopefully, this time, it was right and she was able to prove that she was fairly smart. She didn't want a younger person to think lowly of her after all especially if that person was like a little brother to her. She instead wanted to be a role model for him to look up to, even though she was weak and frail in her current state. She wanted to prove to him that even if you're nothing you can become something one day and hoped that he'd raise his ambitions as a ninja and would attempt to become one of the strongest.
Haruki Akari
Haruki Akari
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:12 pm
That was the EXACT answer that he wanted to hear from her. Movement was designed to help the body heat up. Even if the worst of the colds struck onto someone, they would be able to recover using their own body heat and movement. With that, he would nod his head and stick out his right thumb, pointing upwards of course. Exactly! It does not even have to be too much movement either, just a little bit of heat to show off that spark that I have mentioned a little while ago. So what you are going to do is run around in circles, a minute will probably do you some good. Once you do that, I will show you how to focus your Chakra. The Akari would explain before sitting down, crossing his legs as he would watch her. This was now the chance for her to ask any questions if she had any for him. If not, she should do the task to warm up her body. In reality, if an experienced fire element user were to try the trick out, they would be able to move for about a second or two and be ready. But those who are learning should try to take it slowly, which is why he set her up to be running around for a whole minute rather than just a few seconds.
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:35 pm
Once Haruki told her that was the correct answer Akane would grin and continue listening to Haruki speak listening to his instruction carefully so that she didn't risk making a mistake. Once he was finished she'd say, "Okay, I think I've got it! Time to get started!" She'd then begin running in circles and would continually do so for a minute before stopping and performing the tiger hand seal. Once she performed the tiger hand seal she would then start to build up chakra in her chest and would take a deep breath before releasing the small amount of heat that she had built up in her chest. Sadly she'd let out nothing more than a minuscule fireball and would laugh at herself for not being able to let out anything bigger than that.

"That didn't really work out well now did it?", she'd say with a sarcastic tone in her voice while scratching the back of her head. What she had let out was quite pathetic, but at least it was something. It was something that she'd be able to continually build on until she was finally able to perform a basic Fire Release technique. Well, hopefully, it was something to build on and that she didn't get lucky with that minuscule fireball.
Haruki Akari
Haruki Akari
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Bring the Heat! [Haruki] Empty Re: Bring the Heat! [Haruki]

Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:44 pm
That's okay though! Haruki would tell her, trying to cheer her up before getting back up, then he would skate over to where she was. Placing his arms over to her, he would attempt to gently hold onto her wrists. Remember, you don't want to have the fire activated too early. When you put up the sign, you lock your Chakra in place. That is NOT what you want until you know you are ready. He would explain before trying to place the hands back apart. If successful, he would continue on with his explanation of what she should do instead. It felt great to be a teacher, even if it was to the one that he looked up to like an older sister. It was like he was teacher her how to protect him. When you breathe, you must let the air compress. That means to exhaling for a bit, but inhaling for a little while. The pressure of the air increases, and you will feel it mix with your Chakra when you feel a burning sensation in your body. When you start to feel that, lock it in with Tiger, and the let it out! The boy would explain before then stepping back and away from her. It was important for him not to be in her way. Don't go for the Fireball so quickly quite yet, I will teach you the Jutsu later. Just try to get that burning sensation in your lungs, the release by exhaling. It won't be a fireball, but a mess of flames. That will show you learned how to make fire Chakra.
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