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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

New element training (Haruki) Empty New element training (Haruki)

Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:27 pm
Ryou was doing what he normally does, reading. But this time he was reading at the training grounds. His aunt kicked him out to find some friends. The reason Ryou didn't go out to find friends was cause he was still kinda shy from his academy days. So he did what he did back then, read and train.

The puts down his book and the gets up from sitting for about a hour. With all this time he went over to a training dummy to throw some kicks and punches. With the quiet it made his mind wonder. Would people like me? Can I make friends or can I just get stronger on my own?He kept asking himself. If Ryou was saying these thing to his aunt, she would just say "Of course, your great and amazing." He rolled his eyes and smiled. Don't worry I'll make her proud anyway friends or not.
Haruki Akari
Haruki Akari
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New element training (Haruki) Empty Re: New element training (Haruki)

Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:41 pm
Dynamic entrance time for Haruki! He would quickly fire off a barrage of fireballs into the air with his mouth, sending up the barrage before launching a kunai knife through one of them. It would explode nearby all of the others in the air, causing a chain reaction before eventually causing all of the fireballs near it to explode in the same fashion. All above the training ground before Haruki zipped in on the scene, clamping his feet against the ground with his wheels. He was now trying to get used to fighting on a pair of rollerblades. Tough, but a lot of fun. Perhaps a lack of control, but why exactly should he care? As long as he was getting some entertainment value out of it, then nothing should be wrong. That would be when he entered the training ground area where he just set off a decent amount of flames. It was all for a show, practice, and just fun overall. That was just the type of person that the Akari was. Weeeeeeeeeee! The happy child would exclaim as they launched around the training grounds in a circle, running laps with his skates as if it was inside of a skating rink. Should he be doing this? Probably not. But who cares? It was just some kid skating. If they were not so concerned about the fire show, why bother?

WC: 233
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

New element training (Haruki) Empty Re: New element training (Haruki)

Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:31 pm
Ryou didn't see the light show from the fire balls but the loud sound that came out of the exploding made him jump. His first thought was that it was an attack. So, naturally in a fight he pulled out and kunai knife and jumped back at looked at the user. He noticed the Haruki's age, he was just a boy like him. Ryou didn't see any head band. Who is this guy? He thought to himself. He was still alert but started to think this was some kind of game. "Woah, Cool it with a sounds." He finally said after thinking all this up.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

New element training (Haruki) Empty Re: New element training (Haruki)

Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:18 pm
( Is it alright to void this topic?)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

New element training (Haruki) Empty Re: New element training (Haruki)

Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:20 pm

If all parties agree, yes. <3
Haruki Akari
Haruki Akari
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New element training (Haruki) Empty Re: New element training (Haruki)

Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:22 pm
Confirming the above, voiding thread.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

New element training (Haruki) Empty Re: New element training (Haruki)

Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:23 pm

Voided <3
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