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Iesada Saito
Iesada Saito
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Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:29 pm
It had been an hour since Iesada noticed the change; the flat tundra that surrounded Yukigakure began to give way to foothills and these foothills gave way to mountains. In a matter of hours the Yukigakure native found himself trekking through the famed mountains of the village hidden in the clouds. All around him the earth seemed to reach in vain for the sky with only the highest of these peaks piercing the low overcast sky.

So, this is why dad never liked coming to Kumogakure, Iesada mused silently.

The path Iesada walked often had fallen trees and remants of rock slides that made his progress slow; it was clear not many people came this way. On either side of him were sloping walls of rock that served as the base of immense mountains. It was all quit humbling and the young man could not help but hope it did not rain as the ravine he was in looked more like an old riverbed than a path with the way it was maintained.

Unsurprisingly, he had yet to encounter any travelers either coming or going and even if he did he doubted they would not be much of a hassle. The man was clothed in a tattered brown travel cloak accented by his reindeer hide boots and carried a large pack on his back. These details coupled with his messy hair told his story at a glance, a weary traveler on a long journey. It had been a week since he left the far side of the land of snow.

Luckily I've had the wind at my back, he thought as he went about mantling a fallen tree that stood in his way.

Kumogakure was close.

Answers were close.
Iesada Saito
Iesada Saito
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Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:07 pm
Then the wind changed; then everything changed.

Fifteen years ago Iesada had been traveling with his father. It was a day like any other perhaps a bit sunnier than most however. The two were on their way home from Amegakure after a markedly profitable business trip when the two passed a farm. The farm looked normal right down to the perfectly shingled barn, but then there was the smell and screams. It sounded as if people were being killed in the small unassuming farm. Rightfully flustered young Iesada turned to his father who quickly explained it was slaughter day.

The smell that rode on the changing winds which hit Iesada like a ton of bricks and made him gag was about one hundred times worse than the smell fifteen years ago. The strength of the smell was undeniable, but its origin was not. It smelled like death and as Iesada came over a rise and out of the canyon he saw why.

Where the thriving village of Kumogakure should have been there was instead a scar. From his mountain promontory he could see the path forward would bring him right into what could only be described as a hell on earth. The distance blurred the details, but his nose told him the whole village was rotting.

This was where anyone in their right mind would turn around.

Iesada started down the steep trail leading to the sea of rot below.
Iesada Saito
Iesada Saito
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Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 10:32 am
Even the seemingly insane have moments of clairvoyance; Iesada's moment came when he descended to the foot of the mountain on which he once stood. The smell had been bad enough from his perch, but now it was almost unbearable. The smell of putrefaction and death was everywhere and was bound to linger. However, it got worse, there was a sound. At first Iesada believed it to be the wind, but as he got closer it became clear it was not the wail of the wind but rather humans.

Perhaps I shouldn't be here...

Standing fifty meters back from the start of what appeared to be a swamp of god-only-knew-what Iesada found himself unable to take another step. It was not fear he felt, well, maybe a little; no, it was disgust. He could now clearly see the there were human figures hanging from spikes ringing the village. The last time Iesada had seen such carnage was when he cradled Yui's cold body in his arms. Yet this was on a whole different level.

Finally overcome by the smells and sights the Yukigakure native felt bile rise up the back of his throat and into his mouth. Unable to hold it back the young man lost his lunch and his appetite for the next couple days on the ground next to him.

There were no words. Even the water he swished around in his mouth tasted like the air and made him gag a bit more. This was not the Kumogakure he knew. This was something different, something awful, and yet he could not avert his gaze. He had come too far, the sweat on his brow was evidence enough; traversing mountains was not an easy task.

But where do I go from here?
Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:13 pm
The fields stank of the weak.  The bodies postulated in inhuman ways as the puss oozed and erupted from the various pockmarks of infection.  As for Taios he walked through the fields uninhibited.  His body cloaked in red hot heat burning away the infection with each step.  A sort of road was carved out wherever he walked, though after a few moments the rotted field would reconsume any progress he made.  He had taken several tours of the fields.  Intrigued by them, sometimes he talked with the unfortunate souls, sometimes he put them out of their misery.  Sometimes he added to their woes.  In the field of torment, he played God dishing out pain and ease on nothing but a whim.  Overall, it was really just to escape the boredom of village life.

As he exited the fields he saw a man retching.  It was far off, but he still recognized the motion.  Stepping off of the plague lands, the lava melted off his body revealing the man.  Closer to 8 feet tall now, his hair wild.  It had been braided but the excessive heat had caused what held it to melt away leaving his hair to its own devices.  His canines sharp like that of an ape, his eyes all pupil leaving no iris of color to be seen.  All these attributed to the monster not the man, only amplified by his chakra.  His very aura secreting hate and violence as the fields excreted plague and pestilence.

His sword was strapped across his back, his armor only covering his lower body. Beneath the plated steal his muscles tightened for a brief moment as he kicked off the ground.  The dirt wet from the plague oozed and bubbled as his body hurtled from it.  Stopping a few feet from the sickened individual he would look down on the man.  He had never been one for conversation, though he had been trying more of late.  His boredom getting the best of him.  "Your business?"  He would say, his voice full of gristle and gravel.  Well, the conversation was still in the works.  
Iesada Saito
Iesada Saito
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Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:05 pm
Gulping down the last bit of water in his canteen Iesada re-affixed it to his pack and returned his gaze to fields of torment in front of him. For a while his gaze drifted from body to body with a morbid fascination. Every once and a while a few of the bodies would convulse in what could only be pain bringing a grimace to the Yukigakure native's face. Then he saw it or was it someone? Iesada couldn't be too sure.

Whoever or whatever it was had an otherworldly glow and seemed able to move through the muck with ease. It became quite clear that whatever it was had seen Iesada and was headed towards him. Of course the man's first instinct was to run, but instinct was not often to be trusted so Iesada stood his ground. Where would he have gone anyway? Back up the steep mountain path that took roughly an hour to come down? No, the only option was to wait.

Then it happened the glowing substance appeared to melt away and reveal a hulk of a man. Standing two roughly two feet taller than himself Iesada could not suppress the unconscious gulp that went down his throat. The man looked like something out of myths. With long hair going every which way and clad in armor the impressively muscled man made his way towards Iesada yet still he did not yield a single foot. In his experience as a diplomat it was unwise to show weakness though the pool of vomit to his left did not do much for his image.

Then he, for it was clearly was a he, spoke though it could be mistaken for grunting.

"I am a traveler from Yukigakure," Iesada replied calmly, inclining his head slightly to look up at the man. "I was hoping to stop by Kumogakure before going on my way."

Perhaps a younger more arrogant Iesada would have replied with 'my business is my own', but time had tempered him. When in doubt he found a levelheaded response was the best bet. Though he could not help but wonder if the man even understood him. It was not that he looked dull, no, he just looked...what was the word...vacant.
Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:37 pm
As the man gave his business Taios could feel his eyes slide in and out of focus.  What a dull affair.  Another traveler another day, how long would it take for this one to end up on a pike.  He let out an outward sigh...."Just kill him...."  A voice said in his head.  The demon bred of Funka violence and malic was a bored as he.  Yet, we're was the fun in that.  His chakra signature wasn't anything to write home about, it would be dull.  Hardly worth the energy it took to draw his sword.  "Kumo is a different place from what you may know."  He would say, his voice still full of gravel.  

Though now that he seemed to open conversation he was a bit more articulate.  Though it was far from hidden this whole thing wasn't holding his interest.  "Why would you want to come here?  Don't say tourism, they said tourism..."  He would say pointing behind him to a patch that looked fresher than others.  He leaned down taking the man more in his sights.  The lack of iris plainly seen.  "Tell me the truth, and then we can barter for entry."  He would say.

He would wait and watch the man.  He was looking him up and down trying to garner what he could.  Took a look at the pack, looked behind him for his path.  Trying to learn as much as he could without the necessary words.  
Iesada Saito
Iesada Saito
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Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:10 pm
There it was again. The behemoth's voice rumbled from deep within his chest and sounded not unlike the moan of a freezing lake as it cracked repeatedly in protest against its transformation from liquid to solid. However, there was some kind of warmth-or maybe darkness-to the man's voice which made Iesada a bit uneasy. The figure's words about bartering also served to make Iesada acutely aware of his lack of value. Perhaps the one thing worth anything on him was the ring that graced his left hand, but he would never part with that.


"Truthfully?" Iesada asked rhetorically before continuing. "I don't know if you are aware, but Yukigakure has been razed to the ground. Not a souls remains there. Someone came and destroyed my home, killed my people and murdered those closest to me. I am here looking for answers."

And justice,he thought to himself.

Perhaps, dear reader, you now think Iesada a brave man for talking so easily with the monster before him, but that is far from the truth. Like anyone with an once of sense fear coursed through his veins as he talked. However, for twenty years of his life Iesada had made his living from talking and he had become quite the actor along the way when need be.

"Now," He said inflecting his voice sharply. "I have told you the truth; what do I have to do to gain admittance to your,"

Iesada had to force the next couple words out against his will and with feigned honesty.

"Your fine village?"

While he waited the man's right hand slipped to his ring on the left. It was a bad habit of his when stressed; thoughts of his late wife and daughter were a calming influence.
Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:46 pm
Taking in the mans fierce words Taios get himself yawn.  There had been a time he'd have killed the man, just for the simple pleasure of it.  He guessed all he'd have to do was send chakra to his blade and turn the area into a sauna of sorts.  Though, then what?  That time had passed, his hatred hadn't died, but went into hibernation.  Waiting to awaken in the summer of his discontent.  The dark God was a distant memory, and now it seemed like he'd never return.

"Perhaps you'll find answers here, perhaps not...."  He said standing back up tall.  Eclipsing the smaller shinobi.  Watching his hand dart to his finger he caught the glimpse of some kind of jewelry.  He had no care in the world for material objects.  Money meant little to him, only what it could buy him in weapons and women.  Even that was growing boring.  "I haven't heard of this Yukigakure.  Razed you say?  Sounds interesting...."  He would say thinking on it.  Perhaps there was some kind of enjoyment there.  To find the culprit and go to war, it didn't matter what for as long as war was made.

"Whatever you have of value, it must equal entry, unless you want to take the walk..." He would say with the first smile revealing the canines.  It quickly faded however. "Surely you have something, a skill a trinket......just keep my interest."  He would said, his eyes still dead.  His mind was moving to war and killing, his aura mirroring his thoughts.  The bijuu chakra slinking into his aura only making it all the more vicious.  
Iesada Saito
Iesada Saito
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Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:08 pm
The behemoth's smile seemed almost out of place, almost. In fact, it was the unnaturalness of the smile that made it all the more unsettling and sent a tingle down Iesada's spine. However, the young man did not allow fear to govern his response and instead paused for a moment to consider what he had to offer.

"You are right," Iesada conceded. "I may not find answers there."

He gestured vaguely behind the behemoth.

"However, I have to start somewhere and here is a good a place as any."

Another pause as Iesada's mind raced and his heart skipped a few more beats than was probably healthy.

"Unfortunately, I have nothing of physical or monetary value I can in good conscience give you. Though, have you perchance heard of the shinobi art called genjutsu? I am reasonably proficient in this art and could show you a few things if it piques your fancy."

It wasn't much, but it was what Iesada had. Initially he had considered offering stories of his travels across the shinobi world, but he rather doubted the behemoth would care one way or the other. From the minimal interactions with the monster in front of him Iesada could only assume power interested him. Power was tangible and it would be his offer for in the world of shinobi knowledge could be converted into power. This much Iesada knew, hopefully the man across from him did as well.

Once again his hand slipped to the ring.
Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Land of Earthen Daggers [Open] Empty Re: Land of Earthen Daggers [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:11 pm
Listening to the man he could appreciate the condition, and admire the forethought.  Not wanting to step back he was moving forward, this was the way of the shinobi....of a warrior.  "Tricks and petty puffs of smoke?" He would say to the man who offered him the skills of genjutsu.  He had heard of the tactic, but had never used it, or rather even seen it.  He only knew what he did from what any one brought up in the shinobi verse would know.  "A fair trade I suppose.  If you prove its use.  Show me this, make it seem valuable, and we can enter Kumogakure.  Perhaps even find your answers."

His voice rumbled to a close as he clearly watched the man.  While Taios looked like a beast, he was actually a quick study with Jutsu.  Perhaps it was the demons chakra bathing his own, he was more than muscle.  He had picked up the lava Jutsu, and even some forbidden shadow Jutsu from the darkened God.  His arms and shoulders moved in a slow methodical movement until he had them crossed.  Clearly waiting for the Yuki nin to perform.

"Why not kill him?  These tricks, how will they help us really?  We do not fight in the shadows, we enter to the roars of crowds.  This seems foolish...." The entity grumbled inside.  He sighed outwardly which could be mistaken as impatience to his new "friend".  "It doesn't hurt to watch.  It doesn't hurt to learn.  We have time, what else do we have?"  His minds voice would retort. This cause a hurmph from the bijuu and it went silent.  
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