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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Beast Hunt in the City Square Empty Beast Hunt in the City Square

Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:11 pm
As the small group ran trough the main district of the village, Ayato began to slow down, finding trail of the beast they were tailing, with  a surprised gasp the rest of the group came to a halt as well. "This is the fourth a day" Ayato let out with a sight as he watched the broken fruit stall. "He was big, grey, ugly as sin and twice as bad!! Crushed my property, stole my fruits, like he was the true leader of the fookin village" The merchant lashed out to them. "Have the gods truly forsaken me? or is our Kage who did? More likely the latter, sending two Academy students and a hundred year old genin to deal with this calamity." He continued. 

They could sent Denkiteki Hayato in our place and that geezer would still complain. Ayato thought as he examined the scene  for traces of the beast. Genin Rikichi instantly moved to reassure the apple-seller that progress had been made. Terrible with the kunai but a master of words this one. Rikichi could tell the lie to a hundred more merchants and even convince them like he did the previous three; still they were going wrong about this, Ayato knew. Running around the village for hours  looking for a scene took them nowhere. We have to narrow down our options and catch him before he acts. Ayato ran his hand amidst broken wood and crushed apples Crushed, not bitten. It was the same the other two times as well. I see...This chimpanzee is not a voracious eater, he... 

Ayato stood up and clapped his hands together to wipe any dust and apple juice, they still felt a lot sticky. It didn't matter, he might have just established a pattern. "Oi, Azusa what type of food did the previous places serve?" His classmate turned around to face Ayato, her green eyes shining brightly. She  considered for a moment "Mmm..I think it was fish, bread and ramen. Why do you ask Naru-chan?" Ayato clenched his fists "I've told you not to call me that!" Azusa danced around "But you are such a big narcissistic Naru-chan. Always so serious, trying to look Naru-chan, is your new name. Pooh..." her auburn hair styled in a long ponytail moved like a whip following her smooth but sharp movements. Better than called bastard.. he thought "What nonsense logic is that?" he said.  His voice cracking a bit as he and his classmate exchanged looks of malice with each other. Rikichi interrupted them just then "Both of ya get along so well makes me feels like the third wheel of the wagon here." he commented with a sly smile resting his arm on Ayato's shoulder "Why are you getting so friendly with me old man?" The Genin angrily responded "Shut up!" He pulled both his arms in front of his large stomach "I ain't no old man! I'm only 28!!" Rikichi declared hotly  A 28 year old Genin, with a belly of a glutton Ayato might have added yet that would be uncalled for, their assignment was top priority at the moment, not fooling around. 

Ayato began searching within him for his father's voice. He might have found it "Back to our initial purpose I think there is a way to predict the beast's next strike." He had their attention then he was amused to see, it worked. "We knew it was after food and the numerous attacks gave us the assumption it had quite an appetite. Two things did not add up though, why such a long distance between the targets and the different varieties in food." He pointed at the crushed apples behind him with his index"I realized just now, the mess it made every time was the key. It is not only food that is after but rather satisfaction from it. It makes a mess because none of what it has tried so far seems to satisfy it." " Amazing! Naru-chan you are so smart!" Azusa responded in amazement clapping her hands together and for a moment Ayato could swore her eyes were star-shaped, like comic relief characters a manga."Still, I ain't seeing how this helps us, we still have no clue who the beast might attack next. " Rikichi added, more skeptical Careful now AyatoHe did not need the Byakugan to tell Rikichi did not share Azusa's enthusiasm. You do not want to insult him, he may be a shinobi who never made it past the Chuunin exams, yet he is still your superior.  Insulting his age was one thing, but his ninja pride should best be left alone, to avoid any unnecessary conflict.Having already claimed the largest piece of the pie for himself he saw no harm leaving a few scrubs there for the hungry for glory Genin. Besides that may turn in his favor, Rikichi was more likely to put word around town of how Ayato helped him figure this out rather than how he stood there doing nothing while the Academy Student did all the thinking. "I was hoping you might help us figure it out Rikichi-san.  You know you way around the village better than anyone." Ayato said the words as innocent as he could. Last part was true at least, no village administration was near mad enough to deploy a man like Rikichi on the field. 

Rikichi took the bait easily "Uh..yeah I suppose..Lets see.." He said puffing his chest "Fish tavern..bakery..fruit stall...none of them did it for him...where would I go..hmm." he thought out loud scrathing his chin Quickly, we may run out of time. A full minute later he widened his eyes taking a serious face Took you long enough "I know where's that rascal at, he gonna steal sweets this time. The nearest place who sells em is a dango stand 80 meters to that direction." he pointed northeast. "Impressive."  Ayato lied "Been training my mind as well. I'm going to make it past Chunnin exams this time around, I feel it! Besides can't let you guys pass me this easily ya know?" Rikichi proudly declared scratching his head before reverting back to his serious face "Let's go!" Rikichi started running, Ayato followed passing by Azusa who was staring at him coldly, her green eyes no longer shining. She was not amused, Ayato did not fail to see. forgot about her, could it be? She saw through my act? Ayato realized it would be wisest to avoid any further eye contact with Azusa for now Well, no matter all pieces are in place. As long as we succeed, we can put this behind us.

[WC: 1107]

Last edited by Ayato Hyuuga <3 on Sat Sep 17, 2016 1:03 pm; edited 4 times in total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Beast Hunt in the City Square Empty Re: Beast Hunt in the City Square

Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:22 pm
As they reached their destination they halted their sprint again. "Stop!! thief!!" Someone shouted, he sounded just like a dango store owner would if someone did a dine and dash at his store. Yes! I was right! Ayato thought in relief, any doubt that remained vanishing from his mind. On the top of a long wooden pole, the predator was sitting with five dango dumplings on each hand, placed between him fingers."Ugly as sin and twice as bad" The words of the previous merchant echoed in Ayato's mind. The black hairy six feet tall humanoid monkey opened his mouth wide and with a single bite ate all the dumplings from his right hand, as he did the look of enjoyment in his face gave the word ugly a whole new meaning. It finally found something it liked, good that meant they would not have to deal with another mess. 

"Gotcha now you rascal!" Rikichi screamed throwing a kunai towards the chimpanzee. The beast evaded it by jumping down from the pole, losing his grip, the remaining dango on his hand fell on the ground. "We are supposed to capture it not kill it!" Ayato reminded to the careless Genin, if the kunai had connected it might have caused serious damage. The chimpanzee was an under protection specie that belonged to a troop of actos visiting Hoshigakure "Shut up! I know what I'm doing." The genin yelled at Ayato and turned his attention towards the pissed monkey  "What are you glaring at me for you damn monkey, mad that I ruined yer dinner?"Rikichi widened his stance and put his fingers together as to perform a hand seal, his eyes looking sharper than ever. "I don't have the luxury to waste my on how a small fry may feel. To me this whole thing ain't anything but a stepping stone; the grand stage I'm aiming, the Chuunin Exams is far out of reach for the likes of you. Consider yourself unlucky for crossing my pat-" Rikichi's dramatic monologue was interrupted by the Chimpanzee's fist, square in his jaw sending him flying and crushing with his back through the wooden wall of the dango shop. So much for not having to deal with another mess. He did not have the luxury to worry about his teammate or even joke about the comic relief, the Genin let his guard down nothing to do about it. 

Still, Ayato somewhat counted on the three vs one advantage to take down the beast. "Damn it Rikichi, what are underestimating an enemy for...We need to regroup."  Technically they still had the advantage in numbers. Two Academy students against a mindless beast did not sound so bad in theory. "Oi Azusa, we need to surround it, then time our attacks accordingly.." "NO!"was Azusa's immediate reaction "I'm not fighting." "Whyyy..." Ayato let out in despair "Because...monkey-chan is so cute!~~" she reasoned in excitement; her eyes giving the impression they were two pinks hearts "Damn you all.." Ayato mumbled under his breath "Fine, I will capture him myself!" he vexed attempting to compose himself the same time. 

He turned to face the chimpanzee. Think...Rikichi might have been caught by surprise but the beast packs quite a punch. The angry chimpanzee came swinging at Ayato with his right "Still.." Ayato followed the arc of the punch pivoting with his right foot, the beast hitting thin air A telegraphed punch like that will never reach me, and... Ayato right straight punch landed on the ape's temple It leaves just enough space for a counter to connect. Ayato smirked, fazing the chimpanzee briefly before he took a swing at Ayato this time with his left, Ayato repeated the same motion, pivoting with his opposite foot, landing a sharp left jab this time. Ayato took his distance taking three steps back.  He could have added one more hit, but the risk was too great those swings were pretty dangerous. "Your movements are all over the place!" He mocked the chimpanzee. The beast yelled back at him, seemingly understanding what Ayato said. Good. The angrier the better.  they kept dancing like that for a while, Ayato being sure the repeated counters would wear the beast down eventually, after all Ayato never failed to connect once. He should be getting tired by now Ayato reassured himself as his fists were burning, yet with every moment that landed, the beast was not getting any slower .

This isn't right. I'm doing everything right, I've landed everything why? Ayato though as he landed yet another right only to be interrupted by sudden stabbing pain at his shoulder "What!?" Ayato did not understand, a second later he did. Since the first strike the ape kept using it's hard forehead to block Ayato's right counter, dislocating his shoulder in the process." So, it was my body that gave up first?" he barely had the time to say before the beast punched his stomach driving Ayato to his knees. He never saw the second blow coming, or the third, yet the taste of iron exploded in his mouth. Next moment he was looking at the beautiful grey sky and the orange clouds, as he laid with his back on the ground. Yet even that was taken away from him by the chimpanzee and his ugly mug. "No intent to let pass me out in peace, huh?" The chimpanzee now on top of him punched Ayato again knocking a few of his teeth away in a spay of blood. Doesn't matter anymore... "Enough!" Ayato faintly heard Azusa's voice, yet it somewhat brought him back to reality. It was not her voice though that caught the chimpanzee's attention but rather the smell of three small rice flour balls pierced by a stick on her hand. The beast began walking towards her.

"Azu..don'" He struggled to say, the world was upside down, he tried to stand up but he did not feel his legs any more. Damn it, I have to protect her. Stand up damn it.   Igroring Ayato, her playful words directed at the chimpanzee as she pointed the hand holding the dango stick at him. "Monkey-chan, I love you are so cute but..." Her face darkened and her words were playful no more. "I won't let you harm Naru any longer!" Her eyes began to water "I mean Naru-chan is always suffering don't you see! Sitting alone with no friends, he smiles but there is only loneliness behind his smile. Even now he had to lie for someone to accept him. " She tearfully explained to the ape. Or not, her words most likely were directed at Ayato or to herself."Why no one accepts him...Naru-chan..he is...kind."  The beast crept closer. Now Ayato finally understood why she glared at him the way she did back then. 

"Azus...please...just..esc-" before he managed to finish his sentence, Azusa interrupted him."It's ok Naru chan.." She wiped her tears off using her sleeve. "I'm going to protect you!" Her reassuring words came with a soft smile and she let go of the dango stick;  the chimpanzee charged at her screaming in rage "NO" Ayato closed his eyes. The dango stick was pinned to the ground, just before the beast connected with his strike. That moment, Ayato expected to hear the sound of young's girl head cracking, her brains spilling out but all he heard was the swishing sound of an empty swing. He opened his eyes immediately “So high.." Azusa had jumped over the monkey who was frozen in place. She began spinning while air bone "I'm sorry monkey-chan. I have to put you to sleep now." she apologized as she came crushing down at the ape, landing a powerful heel drop at his head, knocking him out cold.

Azusa Uzumaki. Ayato remembered, watching in amazement her bright red hair moving with the wind. With a single hit... She rushed to his aid "Naru-chan are you ok?" He still laid on his back, lacking the strength to answer her question, or comment on her power I'm not even bothered by that annoying nick any more. An orange red shade enveloped everything around them as the sun began to set. I'm no match for her...anywhere He began losing consciousnesses Damn it, everything about me is small. These were his final thoughts before passing out, amidst blood and salty tears.

Exit -

[WC: 1106 + 1381 = 2487 ]

Claiming 12 stat points for 2400 words

Last edited by The White Flame on Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Beast Hunt in the City Square Empty Re: Beast Hunt in the City Square

Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:40 am

Okay, this looks good except your character shouldnt have knowledge of Viper Uchiha, not even as a throwaway figure of speech. Some of our local Hoshi legends are Hogokage Denkiteki Hayato, Royal Prince Arashi Tekiatsu and Captain Meryn. Feel free to use any of those or none of them.

Also you have to claim things for your words at the end of your topics. <3
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Beast Hunt in the City Square Empty Re: Beast Hunt in the City Square

Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:54 am
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Beast Hunt in the City Square Empty Re: Beast Hunt in the City Square

Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:02 am
Approved <3
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