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Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Janitorial Task of Doom Empty Janitorial Task of Doom

Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:18 am
Mission Link: Mission 5

Mission Details:

Senshi jogged to the mission office, rather disappointed in himself for running behind schedule today. He had spent a bit too long at the training grounds keeping himself in shape an ensuring that he didn’t slip in his training. He hadn’t been able to learn too many new techniques lately, thanks to how busy he was with everything else and so he hated the fact that he felt like he was slipping and not continuing with his studies enough. Though he had been rather busy with all the tasks that he was being assigned. He had even managed to be tasked to proctor some of the new Academy Student’s Genin exam. That had been a truly historic moment for the young man since he felt like it meant his superiors trusted him enough.
He found the most boring tasks to be sitting at the mission desk handing out missions to people, or even guarding the gates. Even though he knew they were important missions, they were still boring and did not offer him the chance to train himself in new skills. In fact he had yet to even learn a second specialty or give himself more combat abilities. Though he was honestly working towards it as diligently as he possibly could. He had added several more C ranks to his abilities making him a far more effective ninjutsu and taijutsu fighter than he had been before. They were not be all end all techniques but they did make him even more versatile which meant he was a greater threat to those around him.
He arrived at the mission office slipping into the door, but was surprised when a Jounin flagged him over. Only one Jounin sat in the mission office at any given time, managing and observing the Chuunin that worked for him and handling the S rank mission hand outs as well. Senshi approached him cautiously, saluting sharply as he did so. The man simply waved him off before offering him a scroll, that Senshi recognized as a D rank scoll from all his time in here. He held back a sigh, mainly because he didn’t want to seem ungrateful or rude to his superior. “Chuunin Kobayashi, I know you need more team leader experience but this is urgent. There’s a mass execution that was just completed and the higher ups are annoyed that it hadn’t been cleaned up yet. Head to the Prison grounds, take the bodies to be incinerated, and clean the blood and other bodily fluids off the floor.”
Senshi blinked in slight surprise, while this was clearly a menial task it was something that would turn most people’s stomachs. He wasn’t too surprised that he had drawn this mission after the slew of other dirty jobs he had already completed for his village. He gave a stiff nod before responding to the Jounin, “Yes sir, I’ll be back soon with a completed mission report sir.” Senshi then saluted and turned sharply on his heel heading back out of the mission office, unsealing the scroll as he walked. It was clear that there wasn’t much more information in the scroll, simply that he needed to complete it quickly because it was giving the village a bad image and the residents were beginning to act out in annoyance at the mess.
Senshi knew mass executions were generally rare since the Raikage and the executioners generally enjoyed making a show out of slaughtering people for their crimes in the most public way possible. He wondered what these prisoners had done to earn such a quick death, not that it would affect him in anyway. He’d still believe that they generally deserved it for breaking the laws of the village. No one, not even the Raikage was above the law. That was what they had been taught in the academy and what Senshi lived by. Granted they were a dictatorship so Senshi figured the Raikage could just make a law as he wished. Not that the people would take kindly to that. Senshi would never allow such a thing to happen if he could prevent it though.
Shrugging this off Senshi headed towards the Prison yard at his best pace wanting to complete this mission as quickly as possible so he could go back to his own training. Training was after all his favorite hobby, something that relaxed him to the utmost. He got to feel like he was doing his duty, his life’s mission, and at the same time he genuinely enjoyed working out and learning new things. Maybe he’d take the time to sit down and complete some more fuuinjutsu training, he hadn’t really been working on his logic based skills and it was something that he enjoyed more than anything else. Senshi finally arrived in the prison yards and one of his eyebrows rose in mild surprise at the utter mess that was around him.
The execution area was covered in blood, piss, and poop. The prisoners bowels had released and they had defecated where they had died. As if having your head removed after the torture they had been through wasn’t humiliating enough. Even in death they couldn’t have any honor since they had soiled themselves. The stench was over powering and Senshi had to spend several minutes letting himself adjust to the smell. Despite his previous missions he had never really seen this much carnage and it was rather shocking to him. He would have thought that Akihana-sama would have tried to convince Raikage-sama to end such acts.
She had seemed highly against them in their talk after all, even going so far as to almost reprimand him for killing a thief. Granted the thief’s punishment would not have ultimately been death, but he still may have died from complications of having his hand removed or something. And plus it wasn’t like Senshi had, had someone to teach him when he had first started doing missions and he did genuinely regret that first kill. Not that he hadn’t wracked up quite the kill list in his subsequent missions. The second Chuunin Exam after all did require the prospective Chuunin’s to kill prisoners on death row.
Senshi finally felt that he could approach the execution area without the risk of puking and bent down picking up two of the bodies and their heads walking towards the cremation center. He made sure to hold the bodies away from his own so that they wouldn’t get their filth all over him. He didn’t want to ruin his nice new clothing after all, as he didn’t have his mother to rely on any longer to do his laundry. A task that he found was actually incredibly hard. Once he reached the cremation center he threw both bodies into the weird fire pit thing before heading back to the prison grounds to collect two more bodies and transport them back.
They weren’t heavy and it wasn’t even a taxing task, but the act of carrying severed heads and soiled bodies would get to anyone. It seemed that these new missions he had completed recently had been specifically made to get a shinobi, specifically new Genin level shinobi, accustomed to blood, gore, filth, and death. Senshi could understand why this was important, shinobi would be required to deal with all of those things. It was better to have them in a safe environment on a simple D rank mission learning how to handle it than to be surprised in a life or death scenario and get themselves or others killed.
Senshi couldn’t believe the amount of thought and care the Raikage must have put into the village and its shinobi to work on assisting them in becoming better like this and ensuring they learned in a safe environment. It made him feel glad to be working for such a man that would be dedicated to his shinobi as they were to him. Something that he was relatively unfamiliar with in most of the higher ranking shinobi that he had encountered in his entire life. Finally it seemed that he had managed to transport all of the bodies from the mass execution to the kiln. Taking a moment to look over the controls he figured out how to turn it on, watching as an impossibly hot flame sunddenly encased all the bodies.
The smell of not only burning flesh but also burning hair caused the young Chuunin to gag. He felt his chest heave and he turned quickly leaving the room and walking outside, taking huge gulps of air to clear his lungs. This was not something he had ever thought he would experience, and it immediately turned him off from ever learning the fire element. Doing that to a live opponent just seemed wrong, and like it would represent Kumo as a bunch of murderous bastards instead of the dedicated, loyal shinobi that they were. After taking several moments to clear his sinus’s he decided to go clean the blood and filth up before turning off the kiln. He didn’t think he could spend too much time in the tiny room and not vomit every where.
As he walked he mentally reviewed another wind technique that he had been meaning to learn. It was also a ninjutsu, and it would allow him to target multiple opponents at the same time. The technique would be beneficial to helping him move the excessively large amounts of blood and filth into a pile and into the conviently placed drainage system without him having to do much work at all. The technique was known as the wind release: air bullets technique, and much like the Lighting: Rat Violent Quake technique it could create up to four small balls of chakra that would then cut and push at an opponent. It would afford Senshi more long range ninjutsu capabilities so he wouldn’t always have to rely on his weapons.
The technique only required the bird seal and then with an intake of breath he would infuse the air in his lungs with wind chakra and then send it flying at his targets. He would be sure to limit the amount of sharpness he focused into the technique, just so he didn’t scratch the very nice white granite of the execution grounds. Like seriously whose idea was it to have white granite were blood, piss, and poop would be. Very bad planning mr. execution grounds architecture person. Senshi made the bird seal holding it as he breathed in chakra and focused on creating two small balls of wind chakra. He blew out and watched as the two balls flew in front of him blowing the blood and other filth violently in the direction of the drainage arease.
Senshi blinked in surprise before trying the technique again, this time making four balls and watching as the blood and other filth was whipped up in a storm and sent flying into the drainage area. He used less chakra this time to weaken the power of the technique and performed it again, his hands flashing into the bird seal as he watched the wind chakra pushing all the disgusting filth into the drains. He walked back and forth in a line blowing all of the filth into the drain and once he had completed his first pass of the execution grounds he started a third. He was pleased with how easy it was to use the technique, it seemed all of his training was paying off quite well.
As he completed his second pass of blowng wind chakra he went and retrieved a brush and some bleach and began to scrub the ground beneath him until it was a shining white. He was strong and fast so the cleaning did not take that long, it was more of a tedious task than anything else. He was also careful to ensure that he did not get blood on his clothing since, as mentioned before, he found laundry an odd and difficult task. Once he had completed scrubbing the ground he packed away the cleaning supplies and taking a deep breath headed into the pit of hell itself.

Otherwise known as the cremation chamber. The stench of burning flesh and hair was over power and he could feel his chest jumping as he dry heaved. He pushed through it turning off the fire and waiting several moments for it to cool off before he quickly scrapped out the ashes and threw them away. He worked slowly because he felt like it was his duty to try and adjust himself to the smell, even though he knew he would never like it. When he finally completed cleaning the kiln out he left and headed towards the mission office filling out his report as he did so. Once he was there he could see that it was far busier than normal and so merely quickly dropped his mission report and scroll off before heading out to get some more training in. It wasn’t easy to maintain his level of physical fitness and as such he found himself working extra hard on it so that he didn’t slip anywhere. Not to mention the focus he had on learning more C rank techniques lately.

WC: 2209
D rank Mission Complete
1000 Ryo

Wind Release: Air Bullets
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Janitorial Task of Doom Empty Re: Janitorial Task of Doom

Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:29 am

Approved <3
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