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Grinding Empty Grinding

Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:50 pm
Tenzo opened his eyes looking up at the top of tunnel he called home.Silently he lay there mentally preparing himself for the day ahead of him.Today he would become a genin today he would master five jutsus.He  got out of bed and did his usual morning ritual before running off to the training grounds.The Genin test wouldn't start till 12 midday.It was currently 6 in the morning.As Tenzo would enter the training area he would find one that was secluded and empty.It wasn't the best looking training field but he cared little.He immediately started to warm up a bit.First he would start with stretching then some light workout.Tenzo's first agenda today was to master the clone jutsu.He immediately put his hands through the motion of the seals before silently whispering the name of the jutsu.Before him was a clone of himself except that the hair and eyes were the wrong color.The were red instead of pink and green.Tenzo would huff before running several laps around the training ground then coming back to try the jutsu.He went through the hand seals once more this time it worked but he wasn’t satisfied.While it looked like him it didn’t feel like him.Tenzo ran around the field a few more times while pondering why the jutsu wasn’t working  properly.While most academy students and genin would be satisfied by the clone looking like them he was not,he wanted the clone to feel like him.The clone jutsu creates a clone of oneself that looks like the original except for the fact that it wasn’t tangable.While Tenzo was thinking about it he suddenly had an idea.Most people look at the clone as if it were a different person that looked like them,but it isn't the clone is you.It is an exact copy of you not a different person with the same looks.After figuring this out he stopped running and went through the seals for the jutsu.Before him soundlessly a clone appeared that had his same demeanor his same aura and same attitude.Tenzo was overjoyed by this but still wished to improve his jutsu.The  clone had taken more than a second to appear tenzo needed for it to appear under a second.Tenzo closed his eyes and after sometime reopened them again.He was a jonin being hunted by an enemy nin only enough chakra to use three D-rank jutsus.He ran silently through the treetops.The enemy silently chasing him.He would turn around and kick the ninja with his superior speed,but he missed since the enemy who's perception was greater than his would move out of the way and kick him to the ground.Dust would rise out of the air and he would use this opportunity to use the make an intangible copy of himself before silently running away using the dust as his cover.The enemy nin would see what looked like him lying on the ground in great pain,he would go down to finish the job,but just as he kills tenzo the clone dissapears.The nin would realize he had been tricked but it would to late since Tenzo would be gone by then.tenzo would come back to his senses and he would be in a different place than the training field.If anyone had seen tenzo during this period it would look like he was playing alone.And had slight mental problems.Tenzo would murmur Need to take a small break before walking to the training ground and sitting under a tree.He felt good he had mastered one jutsu.The time was 6:30

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Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:47 pm
It was 6:40.Tenzo got up from his break and started to stretch and do some light workouts before starting on his next jutsu.The transformation jutsu.The jutsus purpose was infiltration and camoflage.Thinking back to his previous attempt at mastering a jutsu he started to run around the field while pondering on what the essence of the jutsu actually was.After a while he came to the conclusion that he needed to try the jutsu ,master it to what people deemed acceptable before analyzing it.He stopped running and quickly went through the hand seals for the transformation jutsu.A cloud of smoke appeared and a small puff of noise was heard as Tenzo attempted the jutsu.He walked over to a small puddle and looked at the reflection within the puddle.What he saw was an exact copy of the genin he had killed yesterday(see character creation).Tenzo was confused why he looked like this but Danzo said he shouldn’t think about it so he didn’t(this makes no sense if you don’t read character creation).Tenzo was proud of the fact that he got the jutsu on his first try but was upset because of the unnecessary noise and smoke.He did a few more laps around the field.His muscles started to ache a bit from all the workout.He ignored them for now since it wasn’t to serious .He went through the hand seals one more time,while making sure there was no excess chakra.The transformation happened and there was no noise and smoke.But like the last jutsu it took more than a second totake effect.It took 1.2 seconds to appear.That .2 seconds could mean life and death in a ninja fight.He immediately did what he did last time he closed his eyes and imagined a situation.When he opened his eyes he was a missing nin running away from village nin.He was stronger than two who were chasing him but their team work was outstanding.He grabbed an explosive tag and slapped it onto his kunai jumped onto a tree and threw the kunai smack dab in the middle of the two nin.They saw the kunai coming but were to slow to fully dodge and both got thrown in opposite direction because of the following explosion.Tenzo used this oppurtunity to make a clone,which would treehop in one direction while he ran in another direction.The two nin would only see the clone running away and would chase it for quite a while until on of them realized that this clone didn’t have a shadow there for it was fake.They immediately stopped chasing the clone and started to track Tenzo again.They would search for thirty minutes before seeing tenzo just about to Enter a civilian village.They would rush towards tenzo one them would sink through the ground while the other would move at incredible speeds out of nowhere and arrive behind Tenzo.Tenzo would react immediately and kick him in the stomach from the side,the kick would land but the chuunin would hold onto his leg while the other nin would come out of the ground behind Tenzo and slashed at his neck.Tenzo would use his full strength to swing the ninja who was holding onto his foot towards his comrade,stopping the attack and throwing them a few feet away.He would use this opportunity to run into the civilian village and blend into the crowd.The shinobi followed closely behind him but once he went into the crowd they lost track of him .If Tenzo had been even .1 second late they would have seen him. Tenzo closed his eyes and reopened them once more he was not at the training field he ran back to the field before taking a break.It was 7:10

585+609=1194 words
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
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Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:39 pm
Hikaru was walking through the training grounds when he saw a strange looking boy with his eyes closed  in the middle of the field. Hikaru smirked to himself, weakling. Hikaru was not in a good mood today, he had finally mastered the transformation technique but all his classmates had laughed at him when he had messed up trying the technique for the first time.

He walked up the boy and said hello to him. Much to his annoyance the boy had completely ignored him. He was to lost in his own world, Hikaru was going to teach him for not paying attention to his surroundings. Hikaru decided he was going to wait and watch the boy. He retreated into the tree's and began his silent observation.

He watched the boy jump through the tree's, still in his imaginary world. After a while the boy stopped, blinked, then headed back to the training grounds. He watched the boy lay down to rest, he was going to fight this boy, teach him a lesson.

He jumped out onto the field and walked up to the boy and stood in front of him. The boy's eyes glistened with innocence, but there was something else. Solitude was in the boy's eyes, Hikaru knew the look, he had seen himself in the mirror plenty of times. Hikaru walked up the the boy.

"I challenge you to a fight." Hikaru sneered. He got into his stance and looked at the boy expectantly.
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Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:03 pm
Tenzo had been about to go back into his imaginary training when he heard and sensed someone coming.Being of the Chassuer clan he despised unnecessary noise and having good sense helped you survive in the streets.It would not be hard at all for Tenzo to sense this guy who wasn’t even trying to hide his presence.The guy would try to talk to Tenzo by saying “Hey” but Tenzo would ignore him since he didn’t want to stop his training now.Tenzo would go through with his training while making sure the guy who was currently ontop of the tree he usually sat under didn’t attack him.After going though his training Tenzo would open his eyes and walk to the tree and sit under it.Tenzo would momentarily look like he was about to fall asleep before Danzo would take over.Tenzo would then see the guy jumping down the tree 2 feet away from him.Tenzo would look at the guy and recognise him as Hikaru the kid that was always staring out the window during class.This kid would most likely would not recognize him since only a select few talented individuals notice Tenzo.Tenzo would look at the guy curiosly wondering why he was here.He would have an innocent look that would hide his calculating look,only someone who had been through solitude would notice.Tenzo would prepare his body to move into battle when he hears “I challenge you to a fight”He would then smile widely and innocently at Hikaru before saying “Taijutsu only” he would then quickly kick hikarus leg from under him before jumping away.If the kicked failed he would still jump away.He would then smile and say lets begin.Fight!

Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:16 pm
Using his superior speed Hikaru dodged the leg kick, just barely, and jumped backwards at the same time as the boy. Hikaru looked at the boy, he seemed familiar. Hikaru realised that the boy was someone in his class, he could not remember his name because he was boring and was weak. Hikaru only remembered the strong.

Hikaru pumped chakra into his legs and ran up to the boy. Just as he was about to reach him he disappeared from sight and reappeared behind the boy. Hikaru did a quick chop at the exposed area of his neck. Hikaru knew his speed was superior, no one in the academy could match him in a speed match.

If his chop failed he would run just beyond the boy's reach.
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Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:32 pm
Tenzo would be suprised when hikaru dodged the attack.he would watch as hikaru jumped backwards before rushing towards tenzo.Tenzo would also be suprised when hikaru appeared behind his back but he would use his superior stamina while reinforcing his neck.This would make hikarus chop useless.At the same time that chop was being executed he would turn around and kick hikaru in his stomach.If this didnt work he would jump towards hikaru before slamming his body right into hikaru's.this would knock the wind out of him.Either way Tenzo would go on the offensive making sure hikaru didnt use his superior speed.

Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:05 am
Hikaru's eyes widened when his chop seemed to have no effect. They widened even more when the boys foot connected with Hikaru's stomach. Hikaru's grunted in surprise, it hadn't been been a hard kick, but it had still thrown him of balance. Hikaru grabbed the boys leg and pulled it towards him sharply, throwing the boy of balance. As he did this he closed his fist and put all his strength and speed into the punching the boys stomach. If this didn't work he would quickly sweep his leg underneath the boys legs, knocking him over.

(Ap remaining= 90)
(Also that chop should have done some damage, stamina is not your defence, health is. The chop wouldn't have done much damage but you would still feel the pain from it.Example:Someone with 100 strength punches someone with 90 health, the punch would do a lot of damage.mSomeone with 100 strength punches someone with 30 health and 100 stamina, that punch would probably kill them. You don't have to change the post but just remember for next time :P)
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Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:33 am
Only one word could be used to describe how Tenzo felt right now.Exhilirated.His blood and soul were roaring for more.Tenzo grinned as his kick landed but was disappointed by how little effect it seemed to have.He felt Hikaru grab his leg and pull tenzo sharply towards himself.This was meant to make tenzo unbalanced ,which it accomplished but it also gave tenzo momentum.Tenzo would use this momentum to punch hikari’s nose breaking it while also getting punched in the gut.Tenzo would be seen with a crazy grin as he was enjoying himself.


Thanks for remainder sorry bout that.:P
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:43 am
Hikaru, with an equally crazy grin, clutched his nose. For the first time he was actually having a fight where he didn't easily win. Blood flowed down into his mouth, but he didn't care. He could see the boy was in equally bad shape after his punch to the gut.

"What's your name?" Hikaru asked the boy. Hikaru stood straight, looking at the boy expectantly. To the untrained eye it looked like Hikaru was relaxing but to any ninja they could see his stance was not relaxed but on high alert with no openings in the defense.
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Grinding Empty Re: Grinding

Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:55 am
Tenzo stomach ached from where hikaru had hit him.Damn that was one powerful punch.Tenzo like.Tenzo was stil grinning crazily at hikaru as he was asked for his name.He calmed down a bit and noticed that hikaru was also not relaxed.My name is Danzo,the actual tenzo is to innocent to do any of this.Tenzo new if this fight continued he would have only a 10% chance of winning.And there was only one possible way to win.Tenzo would stare at Hikaru with a serious face as he entered what he liked to call the last stand.Come on lets go a few more rounds talk later.I know you still want to fight.


This last stand isnt actuall a jutsu its just when i get serios while roleplaying so get ready for some awesome posts.
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