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Sei Yuki <3
Sei Yuki <3
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Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK) Empty Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK)

Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:15 pm
It was a nice and cold winter morning for Sei Yuki as he began his usual stretching routines, his auburn locks pushed against his new Konoha headband. Ever since he'd learned his first Ice Release jutsu Sei has found himself more nad more comfortable with colder environments, staying outside and stargazing when others would hurriedly hide inside their warm homes. He could only guess it was his lineage. It was because of the cold weather that Sei found an empty training ground. Usually he found it difficult to even find one with any free space at all so this was a nice change. He'd have to do his most intense training in the winter.

Right now he was practising his first Ice Release technique: Ice Breaking Fist. To practice the control of this technique he'd been letting the ice he'd created trabvel throughout his body, simply to get used to the sensation of his family's element. Even though he'd been training non-stop since he was pronounced Genin a few days ago he couldn't help but feel he was unprepared for any vaguely dangerous mission. He needed live training. A training partner or instructor. So far his attempts to get a partner had resulted in being ignored or simply left alone. it was beyond frustrating. Yes, he was a kid just out of the academy but he prided himself on his maturity.

Sei let out a frustrated sigh as he dispelled the Ice. He was weak. He knew it. His control of his Ice was amateur in comparison to his predecessors but he refused to let that stop him. Sei Yuki would not stop until he was either dead or legend.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK) Empty Re: Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK)

Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:38 am
Extreme cold, extreme heat, and extreme pain; Ashi had experienced it all in her tenure as a shinobi of Konohagakure. Yet, despite it all, she still often struggled to get out of bed on a cool morning. There was just something about leaving the warmth of the sheets only to be greeted by an unbearably cold floor that wasn't appealing to the young woman. Thankfully, she had an unrelenting alarm clock in the form of Chairomaru. The large dog would tug at the sheets, lick her face and paw at her until she got it up, Chai was good like that.

Today, as it turned out, was no different. Chai dragged Ashi out of bed and the two prepared for their day. It had been a while since the two had gotten some time off and the Inuzuka wanted to make the most of it. So, what does an off duty anbu do? Train, of course. Operative Parrot had always joked that Ashi should find herself a boyfriend, but the thought had never once entered her mind. After all, how could she? She hardly had any time to cultivate meaningful relationships outside of fellow operatives, where intimate relationships could get messy, and, naturally, Chai who was like her brother. No, she liked to think it was probably better for all involved that she kept to herself.

A half an hour and a blueberry muffin later, Ashi and Chai left the anbu barracks for the training grounds. She very well could've trained at the barracks, but that was no fun. Plus, she figured some fresh air would do both her and Chai some good. The streets were mercifully empty save for a few people scurrying in and out of the cold leaving Ashi and Chai to their own devices, which entailed Chai running ahead excitingly only to backtrack to Ashi and do it all over again.

In no time at all the duo had arrived at what appeared to be an empty training ground. Given all the free space, Ashi pulled a red ball about the size of an apple from her pocket and threw it as far as she could into the grassy field in front of her. Chai was off like a bullet; some called it fetch, Ashi called it training. Tomato, tamato.

She didn't even notice the younger boy, but a huge brown dog and his long haired companion would no doubt be hard to miss.
Sei Yuki <3
Sei Yuki <3
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Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:56 pm
Sei seemed to perk up at the sudden noise coming from the training ground's entrance. With almost complete silence beforehand the two new arrivals were detected quickly. Being at a far end of the area and not really channelling that much chakra, Sei figured he went unnoticed to the new arrivals and would have simply continued his training until he noticed the fact that one of the new arrivals was a canine...a canine that could only be an Inuzuka's. This of course piqued Sei's interest.

Sei let out a breath as he came to approach the now confirmed Inuzuka. ANBU AND a member of a prominent clan. In the back of his mind the boy was terrified of such a presence but squashed his fear, this woman was of course to be respected, not feared. Few ever got to ANBU after all. There was a moment that the Genin felt too insignificant for her to care about but frankly, he was reaching the end of his rope. Even with his clan name not even a chunin would take him seriously.

"Excuse me, pardon me for asking but are you ANBU?"
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Ryo : 27500

Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK) Empty Re: Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK)

Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:44 pm
It was rare Ashi that found herself identified as an anbu operative. After all, she wore none of the trappings of her trade, no mask, no armor, nothing when not on the job. She liked to think she looked almost normal with the brown wool sweater and black sweats she wore that day. How had she been identified then? Oh, the tattoo. Yes, that must have been it. When she threw the ball for Chai her loose sweater must've fallen for a brief moment revealing the telltale sign on her upper left shoulder.

"I wish," Ashi retorted wistfully, lying had become second nature to her and she didn't even bat an eye. "I'm just a jounin."

A pause as Chai returned and she threw the ball for him again.

"I got the tattoo on a dare, poor choice on my part, I suppose. It could've been worse, though. Why do you ask?"

Perhaps the boy was in need of an anbu? If so, well, then the situation became more than a bit sticky; as one might expect the special ops of Konoha held their identities a closely guarded secret from the public. This prevented any misguided attempts of retribution on the part of those targeted by the anbu themselves. Such was life in the shadows.
Sei Yuki <3
Sei Yuki <3
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Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK) Empty Re: Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK)

Mon Feb 27, 2017 4:23 pm
Sei raised an eyebrow to her response, Just a jounin? Sei mentally scolded himself for jumping to a conclusion like that. Such behaviour would lead to his death one day. Still, besides this being recognised as in need of help was a step up from before.

"Ah, i apologise. Well, even for a jounin my problem isn't that significant..."

The Yuki paused, breifly questioning if he indeed should be troubling an active jounin with this.

"You see, since i've yet to find a team for myself i've been having trouble finding a sparring partner or teacher. You wouldn't happen to know anyone who'd be willing to at least spar with me, would you?"

It felt strange, Sei was usually so composed. Perhaps it was the fact that he was in the presence of a season veteran of the village or that he was beginning to realise just how far he had to go. The Genin hid his feelings well though, any Yuki would be expected to if his mother's journal was right. Maybe if she was around he'd- no. Don't go there Sei....Sei.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet! My name is Sei Yuki."
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK) Empty Re: Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK)

Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:17 pm
Ranks, Ashi never really understood the significance. Sure, she understood that they helped to keep the village running and provide a hierarchy for war, but beyond that, well, it didn't make much sense. A jounin and genin were often not all that different. Yes, a jounin was usually older, but they were both human beings like anyone else. Why people ascribed importance to rank in casual conversations was beyond her, but, sadly, she had grown used to it.

"It's nice to meet you Sei," She gave a shallow bow; she'd never met a Yuki before. "You can call me Ashi."

She wasn't one for formalities when they weren't needed and it was probably pretty obvious what her surname was given the large hound and red facial markings.

"As for a sparring partner," She paused and glanced across the grassy field at Chai as he ran about. "I wouldn't mind helping you out there if you'd allow me. Teaching is actually a specialty of mine, I used to work as an academy teacher and it'd be my pleasure to show you the ropes. What do you think? Sound good?"

In an ideal world, the Inuzuka woman would have still been a teacher. She'd still teach a class every day and gossip at lunch with the other teachers and she'd not have to kill for a living. Alas, fate seemed to have something else in mind for her and she could not ignore the call to protect the village she so loved. Perhaps it was inevitable that she'd be inducted into the anbu, who was to say?
Sei Yuki <3
Sei Yuki <3
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Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK) Empty Re: Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK)

Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:35 pm
Sei felt a wave of relief wash over him. Finally, someone was taking him seriously, an unfortunate rarity for newly graduated Genin. Once he found his usual calm once more he held a hand to his chin briefly, pondering the proposal for a second. A Jounin like Ashi would be impossible for him to beat now but frankly the mere experience of being beaten by a Jounin was valuable. He was sure he'd learn plenty even if it was a straight up fight.

With a nod, the Yuki smiled. He had a chance to prove himself as something more than an average Genin if he surprised her even slightly. 

"Perfect. Thank you for this. This will be my first genuine spar since the academy."

It was instantaneous. There was a distinct change in his demeanour. Focused. Calm. He turned, walking about 20 meters away, lowering into a low crouch with a blank, focused expression on his face.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK) Empty Re: Just Another Step Closer to Power (Open, NK)

Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:59 pm
Pursing her lips together, Ashi gave a shrill whistle to her partner. Chai responded with a half-hearted bark as if to say 'yeah, yeah, whatever' before slinking off into the woods no doubt intent on terrorizing the forest animals therein. It would hardly be a fair match for the genin to face down against both Ashi and Chai. Plus, it gave the large dog to do what he loved to do, wander, while Ashi did what she loved, teach. It all worked out quite nicely.

"Please, be my guest," Ashi said once Sei had taken his position, the first move would be his. "Feel free to use whatever jutsu you feel you must."

She formed the customary seal of confrontation—manners are important in combat.

"Best of luck."

Nothing else need be said. Any more talking would probably just be stalling and Ashi was not one to stall. Hopefully, Sei had some fight in him or the spar would be over rather quickly.
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