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Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:48 pm
It was a day she had anticipated and feared all the same. She was now walking through the halls she had walked in for days. She and her fellow students and herself had learned a lot sitting inside this class rooms and listened to their teachers. Today could be the day when she roamed her for the last time as an academy student and she could emerge from this as Genin. A Genin that could be part of a team, go on missions and finally earn her own money. She would still be part of her family and would have a home there so she could save up for things she liked to get them herself without bothering her parents about it. Also she was a little bit closer to full fill her aim at finally getting to master her Clans Jutsus of bone manipulation. Finally doing what her father could do, maybe growing further into a Chuunin and especially making a good name for her bloodthirsty clan and maybe lower the distrust against shinobi amongst the humans that lived in Hoshi no Sato. It was time they saw what was going on with countless shinobi that were always fighting to protect them, sometimes risking their lives for it. As she thought about it she walked further to the classroom in which she thought the exams were held.

wc: 228
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

One step closer Empty Re: One step closer

Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:58 pm
The day was young, as the teenage Akari sat behind her desk as another genin tried to do the Transformation jutsu and the attempt was.... well...

The boy attempting his exam obviously was attempting to turn into Hikari.. and the clothes were right... but the body... The person inside of the clothes was obviously not human, it looked like a 5 foot tall green troll.... Nothing like the young girl.

Hikari would take a few notes to put on the boys file, but then would look over and say, "I am sorry, but I don't feel like your explanation and jutsu use was good enough to become a genin. I'm going to have to fail you.... Also... as per usual, if you fail, I am required to ask you to do 3 laps around the village... please return when you are done....."

Anger could be seen in the boys eyes... prehaps the thought of exploding and striking at the Chunin was in his mind... but no, the boy thought better of it and would instead storm off, his anger boiling over and able to be seen through him stomping his feet. Hikari would sigh and ask for the next person to enter.

"Can the next examine enter the class room?" Presuming the girl did... Hikari would look over and say, "For the official record, could you please state your name? Also, can you please preform the the transformation and clone jutsu, as well as give a short explanation of what each jutsu can be used for."

(OOC: Congratulations on making it this far! Now, all you have to do to become a genin ins make your next post 800 words or more, along with preforming the technique, and telling Hikari what each jutsu is useful for. Also... small side note, if you fail, you have to make a 2k WC Thread of your character running around the village, that you don't get any stats for..... Best of luck! )
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One step closer Empty Re: One step closer

Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:40 pm
While Sanae was waiting for her time to enter the door was pushed open by the young man who just failed his exam. She did not know that, but the angry look on his face just told her, that he was not happy about what just happened. She tilted her head, as he stormed off almost hitting her with the door and watched him leave. A voice which called for the next one to enter reached her ears as she looked inside again. From her point of view this meant her so she slowly stepped inside closing the door behind her in a soft and silent way. "Kaguya Sanae", she bowed down before the pretty woman who was conducting the exam,"I hope you will be satisfied with my presentation." This was just something she had learned to say in advance. Maybe to confirm that she was really giving it all she had? Then she listened in silence what the Task she was about to conduct was all about. The Jutsus that she had learned from Kazu just some days ago would come in handy, since those were the ones she was to conduct to finish this exam and she was to state for what they would be used, this should be something she was able to do since she listened.
Standing up straight like she was used to when reporting to her father about things she had done or learned she rested her Hands against the sides of her legs and smiled. Only lightly not too wide she did not want to leave the impression of her being not serious about the exam."I will start off with explaining the use of the Clone Technique", she stated before she took a deep breath in. "The Clone Technique creates about two mirror images of me. They do not really exist, so one cannot touch them and they cannot lift up or throw things even if they mirror me doing things like that. They still can be used as a distraction to confuse an enemy to from where the attack is to be expected. Also it can turn out to be an useful cover for yourself if your opponent does not know which one to attack", she thinks a brief moment about other uses of the technique she could come up with another way then she smiled. "One could also use this to make it appear as if one was not alone since if one does the clone Technique first and then transforms himself the clone might stay the same, because he is not infused with chakra and therefore not able to adapt himself with the look of the changing shinobi. So a Genin could make it seem like he was not a single target but two even if he has not mastered the art of creating an element infused clone jet. But there are lots of weaknesses to this as well, since they are just mirror images, the chance of them fooling someone over a long time is quite small, but it can make for a good surprise."
This was then the time when she started to do the signs that were required to the cloning. First the ram, then followed the snake and then the tiger. As she was focusing on her chakra and the flow within it she took deep breaths. As her hands were folded to show the snake and then raised thumb and pointing finger into the tiger a light dust cloud was covering her and the duplicates appeared. They looked good enough at least this was what she thought as she looked how good they resembled her. Then the tree of them bowed to the chuunin in front of them and with one voice, since the duplicates did not have one Sanae said: "I shall then continue with the explanation of the other technique in question", then clearing her throat as she released the other justsu making her clones disappear into nothing.
"The transformation technique does what her name implies. She gives the shinobi another shape and another voice. It can be used for disguising oneself either for hiding ones identity or even taking on another ones identity. This can be used to infiltrate quite well if you have studied your victim of identity theft good enough you will be able to fool others into thinking you were with them", she said with calm voice. "This can lead you to deeper insight and easier information gathering especially if the ones you are trying to fool are non shinobi that would not suspect such a thing. Also it can be a necessary precaution while having a stealth mission for simply hiding ones identity by simply looking like a commoner or someone from another cultural background", this seemed about it, but as she thought about it, there was even more to tell about it. "Even a sex change can be conducted or an age change. So that if I wanted to gather information in a place where minors were not allowed to go like a place for gabling I could use that justsu to make myself appear as an adult. I have also been told that it can be used to make oneself look more pleasing to the eye of the aimed person so that through the persuasion of charm and appealing appearance benefits could be the result, but this would require a better understanding of what was appealing to the targeted person."
She then took a deep breath again raising her hands, "It is said, that posing as an animal is also an option, which can be a better way to listen to conversations, because animals are less often suspected of collecting information, but it is hard as well because the justsu is limited to human size which practically means that an animal that is too small, like a bird for example or an animal that is too big, like a horse would not really be a possible option especially regarding that their physical features are quite different from ours and physical traits cannot be altered by this simple jutsu. So even if I transform myself in my older more experienced father, I will not gain his strength nor his understanding of Jutsu or insight in his mind", she explains while her hands for the signs she was used to do for the technique to work and as she ended she was sticking her fingers over one another to activate her chakra and make the jutsu work she turned into the tall standing wide shouldered shinobi. The long dreadlocks falling into her face she looked down at her chuunin. Green eyes glowing like poison and an all in all more pale appearance made her feel strong and fierce, although she was not.
With her hand she was pulling the hair back, wrapping one strand of it around all others tying them into a tail. Then she looked back at her instructor: "This is how he looks like pretty well but...", she holds in, maybe it was better to transform in something she could rate instead. "Please forgive me, I will do something judge able instead, my head was in some clouds", she shook her head softly. It sounded strange hearing her father's voice talking in her soft and sometimes kind of shy manner. As she formed the jutsu again, now appearing as the woman in front of her. Obvious features like her eyes, the hair colour were right, even the clothes seemed to be the right ones taking away the shoes they were staying the same, since she did not see them at all the whole time trough. Now she stood there, a little anxious about what would happen next. Did she pass or was it now a fail because of her fail with the transformation?

wc: 1310
twc: 1538
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

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Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:40 am

Hikari would slightly be taken aback when she heard the girl's name.


Like... Shiro Kaguya? The famous chunin that went MIA recently? Looking at the girl however... the chunin shook her head... the two looked nothing alike, it had to just be a coincidence.

Anyways, putting away these thoughts for later... Hikari would focus on the pale girls words.

Her presentation of the Clone techinque appeared to be flawless, Hikari would give the girl a 10/10 for that. As for her annaylsis of the technique... Hikari wished the girl would of talked more about how one could of spoted the difference between the two, but brought up more than the points she needed in order to pass the exam. For that Hikari would give the girl a 9/10.

Continueing on to her Transformation technique, the girl brought up something that was wrong. The pale Kaguya said that the shinobi had the ability to transform into animals. Hikari would mark a 2/10 on her paper... but then she realized something. Why couldn't they transform into animals that was the same size as a human. In the Chunin's head, she felt like it was 100 percent possible....

This Girl....

She had pointed out something that the bookworm herself didn't realize was possible! Surely this phenomenal feat that was beyond the level of any genin, heck, even most chunin and Jounin would have a problem matching Hikari's jutsu knowlege. Thinking about it... Hikari herself got an 11/10 for her answer when she had done the exam, so this girl deserved more than that for her amazing answer. With a single movement of her pen, Hikari put a line in front of the 2 that she had given the girl, making her new result a 12 out of 10. With that, The Akari would prepare to do couldn't tell who the girl was attempting to turn into, but because of that, she didn't really have a way to mark her because she didn't know what she was trying to grade the other person on. As much as the girl hated to say it because it felt kind of cheap, that was actually.... incredibly smart. Because of that, Hikari could only mark the girl based on the fact she had transformed herself.... And with that, Hikari would give her a 10/10 for that.

Before the girl would offer Hikari a chance to do a redo, the chestnut haired girl would count up the points, The girl had scored a 41/40, above a 100 percent. She would smile and look at the girl, saying
"Well, you did wonderfully, I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be made to stay at the accademy, so you pass! Congratulations! So... take this headband and show it to the instructor outside and he will set you up with the paper work you need to do to make this rank up official. Once again.. Congraluations!"

Handing over the headband to the girl on her side, Hikari would call in the next student to attempt the exam.

WC: 809
8 AP:

Granting Sanae Genin rank and one One Hoshi Headband.

OOC note: Congratulations! You have made it to Genin, good job!
At the end of your next post, please make the following claims.
15 stats, Genin rank, all free jutsu that comes with it, and a hoshi headband.

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One step closer Empty Re: One step closer

Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:09 am
For a while she stood idly by as she was graded. A little shiver went through her spine and then she let the transformation fall off her. Curious she looked at what the other one was writing, but couldn't quite get the picture of it. So she waited patiently until she was done. As their eyes met again she did not dare to breath. Standing straight up and waiting for the judgment that was to pass onto her. It was then when everything she knew came raining down on her. She could have said this and that. Made that comparison and she could have demonstrated the combination of both jutsu she mentioned earlier. For her it was clear she had fail miserably and now she had to go home and tell her father about it. Then she saw the Chunin smiling at her, was she happy, that she failed at the attempt or...
Did she just say she passed? Blinking her eyes she tilted her head sideways and then rose it back up again, she passed. There was no mistaking it, she had congratulated her twice as for now and then presented her with a headband. Slowly she reached out taking it in her own hands smiling softly. Her hands folding around the headband and then bowing again: "Thank you very much!", she said as the Chunin already called in another student. To not hold back other students she went outside in an orderly fashion where she got instructions about how to deal with the following and only after she left the building she made a leap into the air gladly showing off her headband: "I did it!", then rushing home to tell her parents all about it.

wc 288
twc: 1826

Claiming 15 stats
Substitution Technique
Tree Climbing/Surface Walking
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

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Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:50 am

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