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War Preparations Empty War Preparations

Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:09 pm
Sora didn't know what to think. He had become a Genin, trained his ass off, and was now going to war with Maku Jemuzu or how he now referred to him as Slaneesh. He had to train, he couldn't die and leave Roxas and all of his other little siblings all alone, he needed to go to war and come back alive.

"S-Sora," Roxas muttered in a broken tone. Sora turned to him with a raised eyebrow, "Yeah, Roxas?" As he turned he'd see the little boy with tears streaming out of his eyes. The boy's eyes widened as he closed the distance between them and slammed into Sora. This time it wasn't in a painful way but in a way of desperation.

"Don't go, please, don't go," Roxas muttered into his shirt as he held onto his brother with all of his might. Sora's eyes softened as he rubbed his little brother's blonde hair, "I don't want you to go away forever, will you come back Sora? You're the only one I've got..." 

Sora kneeled down to his height and wrapped his arms around Roxas as if this was the last time, hell this could be the last time, "I'll come back to you Roxas. I promise, I won't die and I won't let anything happen to me or my teammates, I'll come back and we can eat sea-salt ice cream together, okay?"

As Sora questioned his brother he'd tilt his head so that their eyes would, both sets of blue eyes with tears in them, "O-okay, S-Sora..." Roxas trailed off before he slammed his head into his brother's chest and sobbed.

Sora wiped away his own tears before he patted Roxas, while he looked at Roxas he saw himself, he had seen everything he had seen in himself. Determination, stubbornness, and a love for everyone bigger than he could express. Sora hoped he could keep his promise, oh god how he wished he could, but Sora knew he couldn't. If there was anything to happen to his teammates he'd take the blow, he'd make sure everyone else came back alive, and he'd make sure that all of his friends came home.

Sora let go of Roxas and looked him in the eyes once again, "Can you go home, Roxas? I kind of need to train to keep my promise to you." Roxas nodded with a small smile and ran off wiping away a few stray tears.

"I'm so sorry, Roxas," Sora muttered as he looked at the ground. He'd turn to the wooden dummy in front of him. Without a word, he'd run backward and run through four hand seals. He'd then run forward towards the mannequin and slap his hand where someone's heart would be. The seal would backfire quickly and explode sending Sora backward in a back flip.

Wrong, try again. Sora repeated those three words in his mind as he went through the hand seals again and rushed forward, this time supporting his chakra to the jutsu in small bits just like he did with chakra suppression. The boy rushed forward and once again his palm into the dummy's stomach, but once again it evaporated and caused Sora to anger.

"Why isn't this working, damn it, I just need to learn this as fast as I can!" Sora yelled as he just rushed towards the dummy and punched it as hard as he could in its sternum. Sora specialized more in his chakra, he wasn't strong by any means, so the dummy just fell over causing Sora to deadpan.

Why wasn't he like other shinobi? Focusing only on Fuinjutsu and Ninjutsu, it seemed weird for shinobi who need to be great in close quarters combat, but maybe he could find some way to be able to do close combat and distance combat.

Sora groaned, annoyance feeling his very pores, as he picked up the poor thing that hadn't deserved to be attacked. The boy clenched his fist and eyes as he skimmed over the details of the war, of his friends, and of his family. He had to be strong, he didn't want to die, Iesada knew as much. No one ever wanted to die, no matter who they were, and Sora wouldn't want to kill anyone, but if the leaders of Kumogakure told them to he'd do it.

Sora had gained the respect of people, he has annoyed people, he has been liked by people, but Sora never thought someone would understand him. No one could understand Sora, no matter what he did, and it hurt. Do you know how hard it is to be all alone when you're with somebody?

WC: 819

TWC: 819
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:06 pm
Senshi arrived at the training grounds after his training at the medical center. He knew that he needed to work more on his new specialty and what better place to do that than at the training grounds where he could put the actual chakra based techniques to work against the shinobi of kumogakure. As such he found himself trolling the training grounds for anyone who had been injured. He figured that with the amount of shinobi Kumo had, and the new words on a war in the wind, that Senshi would be able to find plenty of shinobi around who were training and might need some healing. His chakra sensory was on full blast as he moved around searching through the grounds.
It was taking longer than he would like because each training ground was larger than his chakra sensory pulses, so he had to move through the grounds looking around with all of his senses. He didn’t quite mind since it was also giving him a good basic workout by allowing him to stretch his muscles. His stamina was such that he didn’t have any problem with long runs throughout the training grounds. They actually felt rather relaxing to the young Jounin. Well he really wasn’t so young anymore now that he had taken more age pills so that his physical age appeared to be in his early twenties.
As he continued on his chakra sense pinged off of multiple people, he turned in their direction heading that way. After only a few moments of traveling though he heard multiple yells of pain suddenly. He sped up breaking through the forest to find four bodies lying on the ground all four bleeding heavily, one even with a broken leg. There were three more shinobi with them, each had superficial wounds and were attempting to patch up the injured men. Senshi rose an eyebrow as he landed in a crouch not too far from the two squads that had apparently been fighting. As he landed one of the three walking wounded stood up giving a crisp salute before speaking quickly.
“Sir, can you assist us in transporting them to the hospital?” Senshi rose a slight eyebrow but shook his head in the negative. He could see anger suddenly blossoming in the man’s eyes but before he could speak rashly Senshi spoke first. “Calm down, I can do more than assist taking them to the hospital.” The man simmered down giving Senshi an odd look as he approached the most wounded man first. He had a broken arm and three deep stab wounds on his torso. Leaning over his body Senshi performed two hand seals and began to run his hand over the stab wounds watching as they began to close slowly. He focused his chakra into each wound thinking of them slowly closing and stitching together.
He didn’t have much sympathy for the man though and he didn’t bother to heal the man of a scar, even though he would be capable of such a thing. Instead he left a thing, knotted scar over the tissue. It would do the man well to learn from his mistakes that had left him in this position. As he continued to work on healing the man he finally spoke to the other shinobi who were not nearly as injured. “What happened to cause such grievous wounds?” One of the men blushed at the question looking down. While another looked away from Senshi, not wanting to answer the question.
It was the original man who finally started speaking, though his tone was halting and the shame in his voice was clear for the Jounin to hear. “We were conducting a large scale training exercise to prepare for the war, sir. It kind of got out of hand.” Senshi gave a nod to the Chuunin before responding, “That much I can see myself.” Another blush from the three walking wounded and Senshi stood up from the man, having finished healing his stab wounds. He moved over to the next man focusing his healing chakra into his stab wounds, ignoring the broken leg for now.
It was the stab wounds that had the potential to kill, not the broken limbs. Plus his C rank medical technique was not yet capable of healing someone with a limb that was as clearly shattered as the first two men. Senshi worked his way steadily through the four injured men before focusing on the three walking wounded. It didn’t take him long, even with the only slightly more advanced medical technique. The Jounin knew that he was going to need to work on a better healing technique if he wanted to be able to truly save people’s lives on the battle field. Though he imagined he wouldn’t have much time to truly use most of the techniques he was learning, it would behoove him to get better at his new specialty.
Once he had finished healing the men he had them help him gather some tough branches before he quickly splinted the three broken limbs that some of their victims had suffered. Once he had finished, he looked down at his hands not at all surprised by the amount of blood on them. Shrugging it off, he turned his attention to the three standing men and began speaking. “All right, now we can take them to the hospital. Each of you grab a man and lets move out.” He got nods all around as he lifted his wounded man up and began to lead the way towards the hospital. As they jogged towards it, each of them being careful with their wounded man so as not to jostle him, the Chuunin from earlier spoke up again.
“Thank you for your assistance, Sir. You probably saved their lives.” Senshi didn’t respond, he was rather irritated that the Chuunin had allowed the exercise to get so out of hand. When he did finally respond, his tone showed none of this however, retaining his normal neutral voice. “Just make sure next time you have an exercise like this, you use blunted weapons to ensure no injuries like this occur again.” All he got was nods from the three men, from there on they travelled in silence towards the hospital. Once there Senshi dropped his prisoner off before heading back towards the training grounds.
Once he arrived back in the training grounds, he was relatively surprised to have his chakra sensory tell him that Sora was out here. Turning his head slightly he debated hunting the boy down. He was still slightly irritated with him for his disrespect and attitude on their first team meeting. Deciding that he should hunt the boy down, mainly because he was a Jounin and this was his student, he headed towards him. It hadn’t occurred to him that he hadn’t interacted with his team since his recent promotion a few days ago. With a small leap he jumped from a tree branch landing next to Sora quietly. Looking down at the boy he raised an eyebrow, ignoring the blood on his hands.
“How goes the training Sora?” The boy would be able to see Senshi’s Jounin vest, marking his promotion to the next rank. Since he didn’t recall not telling his student’s this would be Sora’s first time seeing the newly promoted Jounin. Senshi knew he needed to make sure his students were prepared for the war, regardless if they would be with him on the campaigns he was set on. “Congratulations on passing the first Chuunin prelim, by the way.” He had heard through the grape vine that Sora had managed to secure the scroll. Such a feat deserved praise and as such Senshi would dish it out accordingly.


WC: 1292

Mystical Palm - 1292/3000

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Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:28 pm
Sora's eyes flickered to the blood on Senshi's hand. He'd raise an eyebrow but then mutter an 'ah' as if he actually knew what happened, "It looks like you've been training hard," Sora said looking Senshi in the eyes, his eyes would seem harder to his sensei, and his voice had no recognition of happiness in it, only determination and desperation from his encounter with his little brother, "I've noticed your hand. At least it wasn't as bad as last night. When I heard of the war I didn't know what to do. I was scared, shivering in broad daylight, and clenching my teeth hard. So I just trained, and trained, and trained, and the next morning I woke up with blood stains all over my clothes and my body all scratched up and cut from the wild animals I was attacking."

Sora laughed morbidly, wiping a tear from his eye that would've been produced from the humor, but sadly it wasn't even there, "I was just about to train today. Probably jump into the Black Forest and attack anything in my sight. That would've been my plan if I hadn't hurt Roxas so much when I stumbled home. He'd been scared to death and ran to his room crying as he seen all the blood. My caregivers are worried about me, I keep trying to tell them I'm okay, that I'm just training to survive the war for them, they just don't understand." Sora muttered as he looked at the ground and clenched his fists.

His eyes would travel down to Senshi's Jounin Vest, then his eyes traveling back to his thicker beard and older face, "I didn't know if I hurt my eyes or something when training but you look older. When did you get promoted to Jounin? Lucky bastard, you can now become way stronger than before, and you're already stronger than I imagined."

Sora chuckled once again dryly, wiped a non-existent tear again, and then his eyes turned back to Senshi, "Would you mind teaching me? Do you know of any Fuinjutsu of A-Rank or B-Rank, could you please teach me something god damn it!" Sora would totally lose his cool at the last second and smash his fist into the ground. One knee would be on the floor and the other would be raised.

"I don't want to die, damn it all! Who the hell is that man to tell all of us to go to war? Do you know what Roxas will be like if I'm dead, he never opens up to anyone else, he'll be a shell of a human being!" Sora screamed still looking at the ground. Tears would be streaming down his face. "How are you so strong? I need to get stronger, I have to get stronger, I must..." Sora trailed off in a whisper as his shoulders heaved.

Tears started to fall down his face. He looked up at Senshi, still kneeling on the ground. He'd look like a disheveled mess, his hair all dirty and not cared for, his skin with bruises and cuts which could be seen from his short sleeves, his eyes looked like he hadn't gotten sleep ever since that announcement which he hadn't.

"I don't know what to do Kobayashi-Sensei," Sora said looking back at the ground, "I have no idea what to do in this situation." The boy would just kneel there looking at the ground, not waiting for a response, he was hoping to get some training done but he had just let it all slip out.

WC: 625

TWC: 1444
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:20 pm
Senshi merely shrugged at Sora’s comment to the blood on his hands, while he hadn’t been training exceptionally hard himself he had done some small amount of work. Before Senshi could have commented anyways the boy had continued speaking going on some kind of odd rant. Senshi refrained from showing any emotion as the boy spoke, more because he didn’t have any emotion to feel towards it, other than confusion that was. Apparently Sora seemed to think that Senshi had injured himself, that the blood was his own. He saw no reason to correct the incorrect assumption, there was really no point. Plus it seemed as though Sora had no interest in what Senshi had to say about it anyways.
Seeing as he was pretty much complaining about his life right now. Senshi resisted to raise his eyebrow in confusion as Sora continued on about how terrible his life apparently was. When he made comment of heading to the Black Forest, Senshi however did raise his eyebrow. Why would you run, dozens of miles to another area of the Land of Lightning in order to train when you had perfectly good training grounds right here in the village. It wasn’t like there was any reports of bandits there right now, so what did Sora really expect to do at the Black Forest that he could do there. Before he could comment on the utter stupidity, and waste of time that, that idea was Sora had continued to ramble on.
At being called a Lucky Bastard, Senshi’s eyes hardened suddenly anger flickering through them and before Sora could continue Senshi stepped forwards threateningly. However it seemed that the boy was so caught up in his own woes that he was going to continue blabbering about his problems anyways. As Sora began to whine, an scream his frustrated complaints to the air, Senshi’s fist lashed out at a speed of 125 to punch Sora in the face with a strength of 50. He would knock some sense into the boy first, because clearly he wasn’t going to quite whining about his life.
“To start with, do not ever say that I was born out of wedlock again. My mother had been married to my father for several years well before I was ever born and to suggest otherwise is to cast doubts upon my paternity and honor.” Senshi’s voice was a low growl as he spoke, anger radiating off his form. “Secondly, I have strength because I do not waste time blabbering or belaboring about how terrible something is. Instead I sit down and work hard to improve. Whining and crying about something is not going to make you better. It will only make you weaker, and a liability to those around you.” Senshi paused, his tone had not risen, it was still a low growl as he spoke.

“You are a Genin of Kumogakure, act like it Uzumaki Sora.” Senshi would not way for Sora to respond to what Senshi had said. He would hear the boy out and refute anything he said that he did not agree with. Now it was on to the training part of this. “Tell me what B and A rank seals you know. Before I can assist you in learning anything I need to know your skill set better.”

WC: 554
TWC: 1846

Mystical Palm - 1846/3000

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Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:52 pm
Sora didn't even see the fist coming until he was on the floor and there was fresh blood running out of his nose. The boy cursed as he wiped the trail of red liquid off of his upper lip. He looked towards Senshi with a scowl, "You know I didn't mean it like that, damn it Senshi. Just like I hadn't meant my statement during the mission or anything that I've said to offend you lately!" Sora spat as he pushed himself off the ground.

The Uzumaki Genin listened to Senshi as he continued to scold him for him saying something he hadn't meant literally, at least the Jounin answered his question, the boy froze and his eyes widened, the scowl on his face grew, "I feel as if, no, I know that you don't like people like me Senshi. The people who cry and complain about not being able to do something, the people who make too many jokes and are annoying, I know you don't understand people who are not just like you." The boy said, sniffling has blood still rushed out from his nose, though, now it was drying.

The boy growled as his voice raised, probably going to get him knocked on the floor again but right now he couldn't care, "Maybe I am acting like a Genin, Kobayashi Senshi. Have you ever thought of that? Literally everybody else I know, Genin and Chuunin included still are like me, take Komori and Komon. No offense to them but they bicker and argue just as much as a whine and cry. Even though there is a difference in our actions as those two actual love each other."

Sora would take a step forwards towards his sensei, "I don't know anyone like you! No one is as commanding, self-reliant, and focused as you are! I don't know if a perfect world in your eyes is just everyone without any emotions and just power, maybe just emotions when they are needed, but we are freaking human beings! Just how do you do it!?!"

The boy would begin panting, running out of breath from yelling so much, his voice would start to get more hoarse as he stepped closer to Senshi where he'd be now up to his face if they were the same height, "Instead of what's wrong with me, what the hell is wrong with you?"

(OOC: Uh... try not to hurt Sora to much, please?)

WC: 413

TWC: 1857
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:19 pm
Senshi blinked as Sora started to rant, did the kid not understand that his words were taken as they were said. One should not speak words that they did not mean. If he didn’t mean it then he damn well shouldn’t have said it. Senshi never spoke a word he did not intend to say. Nor did he ever speak in a way that would allow someone to confuse what he was saying. That was how he was raised, and in his mind, how everyone was and should be raised. As Sora stood back up, Senshi had to consider whether he would force the boy to stay down.
But he wasn’t one to do something of the sort, so he allowed Sora to push himself up. Well win for Sora. He had a basic skill in observation, congratulations that was something they taught every Genin. To be honest Senshi, didn’t understand most people period. The books he read gave him a basic understanding, but the true nature of people evaded him. Giving a slight roll of his eyes Senshi reached forwards at a speed of 125 and healed Sora’s bleeding nose. He wasn’t his father and he wouldn’t abuse a child.
But he would discipline them as needed to be done. As Sora continued to speak Senshi merely raised an eyebrow at his words. He had never seen Komon or Komori whine, cry, or bicker in any sense. Senshi leaned forwards as Sora continued, His face only inches from the boy when he finished yelling. He rose his hand and flicked Sora in the forehead with his full speed. His intent was merely to knock him back down to the ground. He wanted to see if Sora would continue to try and get up from the ground. If Sora was truly determined than he would get back up.

“There is nothing wrong with me. As there is nothing wrong with you, barring your immaturity. Grow up, you’re a shinobi now.” Senshi paused to allow the information to sink into his students mind before he continued speaking. “Now. What B and A ranks do you know, or are you so centered on your own weakness that you do not wish to improve yourself?”

WC: 372
TWC: 2218

Mystical Palm - 2218/3000

((25% Discount on training techs from Max stats))
Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:47 pm
Sora had been knocked down once again, this time just an irritating pain where Senshi flicked him. The boy would continue to get up, he'd want to keep yelling at his sensei, to let out all of the anger he had built up all at once. Though the boy didn't, he breathed in and out, he had to get work done with Senshi instead of yelling at him the whole time.

The boy clenched his fists and closed his eyes in anger at Senshi's last question to him, "I-I know two A-Rank jutsu. The first one I had learned, a Fuinjutsu, was Chakra Barrier. It allows the user to condense their chakra around them as a defensive perimeter. Then there's Adamantine Chakra Chains, one of my bloodline jutsu, if it comes in contact with someone they're no longer able to use any jutsu because their stamina and chakra are sapped from them just like that."

Sora cerulean-blue eyes opened to stare into Senshi's hard hazel colored eyes, "The B-Rank I know is called Uzumaki Style: Blades of Chaos. My blood-red chakra chains wrap around my arm and create two blades that I can wield. They're stronger than my chakra chains by a little because of the fact that the chakra chains are condensed together."

The boy rubbed his forehead subconsciously, "If you want I wouldn't mind teaching you Chakra Barrier if you are able to learn Fuinjutsu of this high of a level." Sora stated. His tone wasn't anything but serious, the Uzumaki wasn't trying to be condescending. 

The boy's tone would soften as he finally asked Senshi something, "Could you teach me the Telepathy Seal? I'm hoping to be able to contact with my teammate during the raid on these villages."

The boy would yawn with a stretch as he backed away from Senshi a bit, he was still mad at Senshi but there was no reason in yelling at him for no resolve, the Jounin pissed him off beyond ends, but he was his sensei and he also looked up to him like an annoying older brother that said things that were meant to help but still ticked Sora off.

He'd stop five meters away from the boy.

WC: 390

TWC: 2247
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:13 pm
Senshi nodded as Sora finally got to the point of this entire meeting. Which was good because Senshi was quite tired of his whining and complaining. It was pointless, served no purpose, and got them no where. Best to get down to the training and improve oneself so that you didn’t have as much to worry about. Sora would learn that, hopefully. Senshi would attempt to beat it into his head, it was his duty at least. Senshi rose a single eyebrow at Sora, as though to say who did he think he was talking to. He was a Jounin, who specialized in fuuinjutsu, why would he not be able to learn an A rank technique.
Especially when he already knew an A rank technique of Fuuinjutsu. Sora really needed to learn to think before he spoke. As Sora started backing away, Senshi allowed him, his point having been made. “You need to learn to think before you speak. You already know that I can do the A rank Telepathy seal.” Senshi paused to let his words sink into Sora’s thick skull. “Perception is reality, Sora. This means that how someone perceives what you say is the reality of the situation. Just because you do not intend for something to come across one way, does not mean that someone else couldn’t perceive it as being that.”
He paused again, to let Sora think over what Senshi was saying. It seemed to Senshi that he needed to take breaks to let Sora really go over what he was being told, because he didn’t seem to learn any other way. “By suggesting that I can’t learn a fuuinjutsu of that level you come across as condescending, especially because you already know I have completed fuuinjutsu at that level. Whether you mean to do so or not, that is how you present yourself.” Another pause, it seemed that he had to do such things more often, and it annoyed him. But he was teaching and he had learned through a lot of practice on how to do so.
He had taught so many people at this point that really, he should be considered a master teacher. “As for the telepathy seal, as I have told you, it is up to you. I would suggest you didn’t learn it because I can always perform it for you right now and you could focus on other techniques but if you wish to learn it, I will teach you.” Senshi would wait for Sora to make his decision. He didn’t intend to teach the Telepathy seal first anyways. He had other things that would be better for Sora to learn first anyways. “As for B rank seals, I know several that will be useful to you. Have you heard of the barrier canopy method or the rainbow fort seal? Also the seal of suppression, though it may be better to focus on other B ranks, as that one has its uses but there are better techniques to learn.”
Senshi drew one of his tantos and slit his palm open with it, absent mindedly healing it. He repeated the process several times, letting Sora think over what he said and to decide what he wanted to do. He needed to increase his healing abilities and learn this next technique so that he could heal people better. The best way to do that was to continually use the healing technique to get more used to the healing chakra. Senshi than placed his tanto back into its sheath and grabbing his wrist with one quick turn he snapped it. The loud cracking of it echoing throughout the training ground.
He then made a modified ox seal, and then a tiger seal with some difficulty due to his now broken wrist. Then his hand lit up with the life healing chakra he was learning, and then he ran it over his wrist. Another loud snap and then the wrist was back into place. Senshi looked up from his task staring at Sora quietly before he began to speak again. “I apologize, I got distracted with the new specialty that I am learning. Yes, I would be interested in learning the Chakra barrier. If you could explain it.” Senshi then formed hand seals and from his storage displacement several reams of paper, ink, and two brushes slowly appeared in front of the two on the ground.

He always carried the equipment for sealing with him in case he needed to form seals. Looking at Sora, Senshi spoke again. “You are the teacher her now Sora, after you explain I’ll show you what seals I know that you’re interested in. I also have another plan for your training today, to assist you for the war.” Senshi then crossed his arms and made a slight wave of his hand as though to tell Sora that he was free to take charge and learn to teach someone seals. He may have taught others things, but he hadn’t taught Senshi yet and Senshi would be evaluating his teaching style in order to help him improve at it as well.

WC: 854
 TWC: 3072

Mystical Palm - 3000/3000

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Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:04 am
"I didn't!" Sora began to yell before he closed his eyes, took a deep intake of air through his nose, and exhaled before he calmed down, "I didn't mean to sound condescending. With your rank upgrade to Jounin, all the commission with the war, I didn't know if you were focusing on something else or sticking with the same choices you've made throughout your career of Academy Student to newly promoted Jounin."

The boy wouldn't apologize, there was no need for apologizing. He assumed Senshi didn't care for apologies, and Sora knew that he hadn't meant it the way he had, the boy had adapted to thinking it'd just be better to not speak a word in front of his sensei, everything that came out of his mouth was apparently wrong. He pinched the bridge of his nose harder than before, he was really stressed out and he'd hope that Senshi would calm him down, but the Jounin seemed to be making it worse.

As Senshi explained himself Sora would nod, there was only so much a Genin could do with their chakra, and there was only so much they could develop. Say, if he learned this A-Rank, then he might not be able to learn another until he ranked up and took some aging pills. "Okay, it makes sense. What other jutsu do you recommend?" The boy questioned his sensei with a raised eyebrow.

As they continued further into the conversation he started to explain what other techniques he could learn. The boy continued to nod, he'd heard of almost every Fuinjutsu in the book, what could he say? The boy was as obsessed with Fuinjutsu as Naruto was obsessed with ramen noodles.

"I've heard of the Barrier: Canopy Method. When the technique is being performed you have to remain still for a better concentration while performing it. Then expanding your chakra outwards from the seal and the barrier spreads until it becomes a twenty-meter-wide sphere. If I remember correctly if there is any movement of any speed you can be detected inside the barrier. Another good thing about the Barrier: Canopy Method is that the barrier would only be visible to those with some sort of chakra vision, like Komon with his Byakugan." Sora finished.

He took a quick break and continued, "I'm actually planning to learn Rainbow Fort Seal for my second Chuunin Exam that has been held off because of the fact that there will be the war going on. I'm pretty close to learning it so there's no need for you to teach it to me, thank you, though, your advice has helped a lot. For the sake of being true, I'll tell you about my information on the Fuinjutsu. To perform the Rainbow Fort Seal you need to perform the hand seals, like every other jutsu, and extend your hand. You then will be able to erect an invisible seal barrier capable of stopping most attacks if you have high enough chakra. After you use the hand seals you only need to extend your hand and your chakra will do the rest to perform the jutsu, making the invisible barrier. The barrier is a rectangle of any size up to 5 meters wide and tall," Sora said running out of breath at the last sentence. 

Still, he felt the need to go on, "The Seal of Suppression is a simple seal that is similar to the actual skill of suppressing your chakra. Once the jutsu is used it makes anyone within the range of the seal undetectable of chakra sensory from the outside. It generates a dome which blocks what you could say the flow of chakra and allows one to hide their chakra in a without actually suppressing it,  which in turn allows them to cast any jutsu without revealing their position! which is awesome because in the fight with Niran I used Chakra Suppression and my Chakra Chains which didn't end so well." 

Sora trailed off before continuing again, "Even if we cast a jutsu inside the Seal of Suppression, it will still not be detected unless it flys out of the range of the barrier, at which point it becomes visible, same happens if we step outside of the Seal of Suppression. If somebody from the outside of the Seal of Suppression and steps inside, they become able to sense us or the jutsu/chakra we had used inside the field like they normally would. The dome is invisible, but transparent to any kind of vision and doesn't block anything else but chakra sensory." 

Sora took a break for the chance to breathe, he really wanted Senshi to be proud of him instead of angry at him, or else would he think all of this information he had just told him be conceding? The boy didn't know, he didn't know what to think of Senshi, and he never knew what he was thinking, but the boy would continue otherwise, "The Fuinjutsu seal can be placed on a person or an object like the ground and be used as the central point for the jutsu. I wouldn't suggest using it on a person because the Seal of Suppression cannot be moved once it is set up due to its delicate nature which would make the suppression unstable, and if it was on someone they'd need to stand still for the whole duration."

He'd been rapid firing his speaking, making sure Senshi could hear what he was saying, but finishing his statements as fast as he could, he really wanted to get to training and prove that he knew this stuff to Senshi. He then blushed a bright red, "Of course you probably know that once again you're a better specialist in Fuinjutsu." The boy chuckled awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

He shook his head getting rid of the blush and embarrassment before he looked back at Senshi, "Could you teach me Seal of Suppression? I'm lacking on B-Rank techniques but I have three A-Rank techniques. The one I've been currently working on is a BL technique one."

As time went on the boy would just stare at Senshi as he slit his palm and took to healing it again. He'd look up to Senshi's eyes and then down back at his hand constantly, why was he doing this again-

Oh! He was just training with his new medical techniques. When he said he'd be interested in learning Chakra Barrier the boy lets a small smile come onto his face, "Okay, sensei. What you have to do for this jutsu is after you use the hand seals focus the chakra around your body, keep in mind this skill will not be able to condense over your armor or weapons, but it will condense over your skin as an extra armor really. If anything else fails." After the requirements, he'd explain the jutsu more, "Once the chakra appears around your body you can soon start to strengthen it and start to bring it back towards your body till it appears glowing on your skin, it is literally like having one more layer of skin."

The boy nodded towards Senshi as he continued speaking, "If you need any help just ask for assistance, but I don't think you'll have any trouble with the jutsu." 

The boy would grab the paper and ink, even though he had his own he didn't want to disrespect Senshi by just blatantly telling him he didn't need it. He sat down criss-cross applesauce as he delicately trailed the brush over the paper with just the right amount of pressure. He hadn't looked at Senshi since he started, this was where he was really in his element. If he messed up he'd just start over again, and keep going until he got the Fuinjutsu down, the boy was overly obsessed.

During the time he'd take breaks and show Senshi how far he had gone before he went back to the paper. Over and over again he had followed the same rule of work and then explain and show, and then when it was finally over he showed Senshi all of it.

"The calligraphy was really hard for me the first time since this was my first A-Rank Jutsu and I wasn't used to using so much chakra," The boy explained as the paper faintly started to glow blue, "When I did this I messed up so many times, it's funny really, but, yeah, this is the final seal of the Fuinjutsu. It's swirling arrays that resemble a shield woven into this seal, I think the design is beautiful."

The boy said gazing at his handiwork. He'd turn to Senshi immediately, "Do you want to try now Senshi-sensei?"

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Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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War Preparations Empty Re: War Preparations

Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:40 pm
Sora's eyes widened in a large margin as he grabbed all of his stuff and put it back in sealing scrolls.

"Senshi, I'm late, I'm supposed to be going to war, our departure was the earliest, we can continue 
this training session after I'm back!" Sora screamed as he grabbed all of his stuff and ran.


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