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Welcoming Committee Empty Welcoming Committee

Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:23 am


Damon swung his legs over the side of the bed and quickly hopped up. It did not take him long to change his clothes, putting on a more appropriate outfit that he would be able to walk around freely in the village with, as opposed to pajamas. He darted downstairs to the shop, where he slowed his pace as to not disturb his busy father. It did not seem to matter, as his name was still called nonetheless. “Damon, do you mind fetching something for me?” He hung his head in resignation as he succumbed to the will of his parent. “Yes, father, what do you need me to do?” His father then simply asked for the boy to fetch a book out of the storage floor, to which he hurried to do so. Since he was out of the way of prying eyes, Damon pulled a smuggled scroll out of his bag and began to practice using it. It was called storage dimension, and it would let him send things into a pocket dimension for safe keeping. It only took the Rat → Boar handseals, but Damon was sure that one day he could probably reduce the need for those entirely if he increased his chakra proficiency enough. He used the technique before extended his arm out, still holding the scroll. It began to dematerialize as the raveled piece of paper broke down into a slew of particles that majestically floated off of the boy’s hand and into the air. He grabbed the book and used the same technique on it, Rat → Boar breaking it down into particles before heading downstairs. Upon arrival, he approached his father.

“Where is the book, Damon?” The genin shone with pride before he performed the Rat → Boar handseals again, this time managing to call forth the book into the palm of his hand. His father’s face was an expression of suppressed fear before he turned to his client and handed him the book. “Thank you for your business, just take the book and go. Don’t talk about this. Please.” He was practically pleading with the man. The door closed behind the man, the bell above the door ringing out as his father turned his attention towards him. “Damon!” His voice was intense despite being low. His father never yelled at him, but this did not mean that he was not stern. “We’ve talked about this. You cannot do jutsu in front of customers.” He held the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. “We’re lucky that that man was purchasing a book based on shinobi. He’s a practicer of ninjutsu and knows that I can keep a secret. He gave a loving look at the boy. “I know how to keep a secret. Just be careful, Damon. Please.” The boy simply nodded and headed towards the door.

Despite what had occurred in the shop, he was eager to see what his shinobi tasks were to be today, and arrived outside of his shop just in time to see a messenger ninja. Upon seeing the genin, the boy, who was roughly the same age as Damon, maybe younger, frantically scurried to retrieve something from his unorganized bag. After a period of time that felt like an eternity to the eager new shinobi, he was handed a mission scroll. At first he was excited, as his first mission had been a B rank. He seemed to have jumped immediately into things, almost as if he was already used to the shinobi world. Upon opening it, his expression faltered.

Well this was boring. Damon the unaware Uchiha had been assigned to be a tour guide. Not that it was particularly a terrible job, but he had thought that, with his first mission being a B rank and all, that he would get to skip the boring ones. But alas, that was not it at all. “The cathedral is down that street to your right. You can see the massive stained glass window right there,” the strapping young lad said, pointing in the direction of what was obviously a cathedral. The tourist must have been blind to not see it, but he would not say a word. This was his duty and he was determined to carry it out, even if it meant acting as though he was a shepherd directing his various flocks of people. Now where did I put that dang map… The boy looked in the immediate area around his person, despite being contained in a small, makeshift wooden desk with a nice but slightly dilapidated roof. He did not know how long he was supposed to be out here, so he had brought some building materials from the shop that his father owned and built himself a home mode tourist guide desk. Although, he was not allowed to wander too far off and the desk helped the rather easily distracted boy from doing so in pursuit of his own interests. “Excuse me, sonny, but where’s the Jashinist temple?” Damon turned around rather shocked. He had heard of that religion, but it was not his place to judge, even if an old woman believed in blood rituals. “Uhm, one moment ma’am, I seem to have misplaced my map. Oh wait.” Damon turned his back away from the elderly woman and made sure no one else was looking towards him as he ducked below his homemade wooden desk.. He signed the Rat → Boar handseals and summoned the map back from the pocket storage dimension where he had left it like a moron. It rematerialized in his hand as he ducked back up. For some odd reason, the more religious folk in the City Blessed by the Stars did not take too kindly to shinobi and their chakra based talents.

Damon popped back up from his makeshift counter, “Sorry about the wait, ma’am. It’s just over that small hill over there,” he said pointed to his right and her left. “Thank you, my boy.” The old woman wheeled away before reaching the base of the hill, where she seemed to be having some trouble. Damon ducked down behind the desk once more, making sure that no one was looking. He signed the handseals for the clone technique, creating a fake Damon in his place, who would stand there awkwardly and not move. Oh well. He then used the transformation technique to appear like a random other shinobi. He had dark hair still, and blue eyes in the place of his usual grey ones. He wore blue clothing and even had two swords appear on his back. For some reason, he felt pretty thirsty. He then quickly hopped over the counter and ran over to the woman in the wheelchair, “Here, let me help you.” He then wheeled her up from the base of the hill to the top of it. It was rather difficult, as the young boy was not the strongest person in the world, but he eventually did manage to make it to the top. “Phew. There you go, ma’am.” He smiled at her as she thanked him and began wheeling herself over to her blood sacrifices and whatnot. He then proceeded down the hill, still using the transformation technique to accidentally look like a knockoff of the most handsome shinobi in the world, Komori Hozuki. However, the strapping young lad was unaware of this ironic comparison as he walked back into his wooden welcome center. He dispelled his disguise upon securing himself from the public eye and was about to disperse his clone when he heard a voice. “Excuse me. Excuse me!” He could not risk showing off a ninjutsu technique in front of a civilian. She eventually began to walk away, slightly annoyed as he subtly dispersed the clone and stood up. “Wait, excuse me, miss!” He called out to her as she turned around and approached him once more. “Sorry about that,” the genin said while scratching the back of his head with his right arm. “I must have zoned out there for a moment, you know? This isn’t the most exciting job. Anyways, what can I help you with?” She seemed to forgive him as he simply pointed her in the right direction and she went on her way. This process continued for quite some time until another genin came to relieve him of his duties. He let him know that he could keep the makeshift welcome center up if he wanted to, and if not, he should dismantle it and return it to the shop at the address he handed him, which happened to be his father’s shop. The boy then returned home and took a nap to rest up in preparation for his next task.

WC: 1461
Requesting: 1 AP, 1 CD post with Kage, 500 ryo, E rank mission complete, and Storage Displacement (1000/1000)

Last edited by Damon <3 on Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Welcoming Committee Empty Re: Welcoming Committee

Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:45 am

Damon wrote:He then proceeded down the hill, still using the transformation technique to accidentally look like a knockoff of the most handsome shinobi in the world, Komori Hozuki.

Only if Komon agrees!

Mission rewards approved but i didnt see any training, just you pulling out a map. Did I miss something? <3
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Welcoming Committee Empty Re: Welcoming Committee

Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:08 am
That says Komori though (i.e. me), and I could add on to it abit more if need be.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Welcoming Committee Empty Re: Welcoming Committee

Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:59 am

Lol, i only meant you get to be the most handsome man in the world if your twin brother says so.

And yeah, please add 300 to 400 words of actually training the tech. <3
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Welcoming Committee Empty Re: Welcoming Committee

Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:16 pm
Denied you aren't attractive enough @Komori
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Welcoming Committee Empty Re: Welcoming Committee

Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:05 pm
Edits made

-Komori is still the hotter twin
-Added 400 words regarding the technique
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Welcoming Committee Empty Re: Welcoming Committee

Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:46 pm
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