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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Thu May 04, 2017 3:46 am
(OOC: Sorry, I was going to post earlier today, but I kind of got kidnaped.)
Hikari would get to work on the cloak as she listend to the boy. She had read something about this earlier today, basicly, the way to do get this done is create a small pocket dimension. Then, make a seal that acts as a catalyist for a summoning jutsu. Hikari would start to make hand signs, trying to make the proper jutsu for that. “No no, at least not yet. I’ve always liked the rose, it’s an elegant flower and very beautiful in my opinion. Plus they match the eyes and cloak. Why? Would you be sad if there was a girl I was trying to impress? Is this your way of asking me to dinner?” Hikari would chuckle at this, she learned from a few other guys to just sort of chuckle when guys started to joke around with flirting with her. “Hmmm, who knows,” She would joke back. “Perhaps I can take you to a movie or something else afterwards.”

It took about an hour of studying and practicing seals and hand signs she would finish. As stated before, she did this by making a small pocket dimension, and making the rose petals sumonable through the robe.

“Ok,” Hikari would say, “That should just about do it. It will probably take some time for you to get used to the seal, however, it might take time for your chakra to be able to get to the point where you can learn this as well.

SO, that being said… anything else I can help you with?”

Madrigal Kaguya
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The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Wed May 10, 2017 3:04 pm
Valen would roll his eyes with a small chuckle “Sounds like a date then” He would reply with a small shake of his head. He would proceed to silently watch he as she worked, studying, practicing, writing, his new friend seemed to be deep in thought in the seal making process and he felt a little bad for taking up so much of her time. He hadn’t intended to do that after all. He decided he would be quiet until she was done and then try to make it up to her somehow. After all it was the least he could do for the woman who spent so much of her time enhancing his own personal cloak without any promise of a reward. He tried to contemplate what he could do to make it up for her. He was so deep in thought that he completely lost track of time and before long she had finished. ““That should just about do it. It will probably take some time for you to get used to the seal, however, it might take time for your chakra to be able to get to the point where you can learn this as well. “ He would blink stupidly at her for a moment or two, obviously caught off guard by her words as he himself had been lost in thought. He looked at the cloak and saw in absolutely perfect script a seal that he couldn’t make heads or tails of. He figured it would do exactly as the girl had told him it would, after all she had no reason to betray him and he certainly hoped she wouldn’t prank him by using a prank seal on something that he would be taking into battle. He nodded his head excitedly with a large smile. “Great!” He would say as he looked back up to meet her eyes, his elation evident as he spoke. “Thank you so much!” He would say as he picked up the cloak and put it on. The cloak looked no different to the outside observer as his body would hide the seal flawlessly and he’d be able to easily activate the seal by simply sending chakra through his cloak in a specific way. He would begin to channel chakra into the cloak, allowing it to soak into the cloak to be able to activate the seal in the future.

SO, that being said… anything else I can help you with?” The girl would ask. Valen would consider his earlier thoughts again for a moment. “I’ve wasted so much of your time today..I would like to make it up to you if you would let me.” He would say as he looked up in thought. “You said you wanted to get some sun right? How about I treat you to lunch at a patio cafe as thanks?” He would suggest with a shrug and a smile. He personally wouldn’t consider the lunch a date or anything. He simply wanted to repay the kindness the chestnut haired girl showed him.

WC: 509
TWC: 6631
TWCA: 4631
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Fri May 19, 2017 5:14 am
The chestnut haired girl would kind of chuckle when Valen would offer this, was this supposed to Valen's way to ask Hikari out on a date? Probably not, this was probably just Valen's way of saying thank you to the girl. After all, Namikaze wasn't anything special, just a little tavern girl that became a kunochi, she wasn't from a special clan, didn't think of herself as that beautiful, and was still just a lowly genin that didn't have anything special about her.

"Hmmm I think I will take you up on that," Namikaze would respond, "I have done alot of studying and jutsu practice over the last few days, so joining you with for a meal sound Heavenly. Ready to go now?"

Presuming that Valen would say yes, Hikari would follow him out to the patio cafe.

[exit unless Valen wants to RP that out.]

(Sorry, I know I said I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I decided that I didn't want make you wait any longer for this post. So I just posted as is.

Will post stat claims tommarow.
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Sat May 20, 2017 9:25 am
Valen would nod, a small smile adorning his lip as he stood up, reaching out a hand in instinct to help her up as well, whether she took it or not mattered little, it was instinct after all. He would then put on the new cloak, adjusting his shoulders into it until it sat perfectly and he would then proceed to move toward the door, motioning Hikari out in the ‘After you’ fashion so he could close and lock it behind him.

 After doing so he would turn toward her and motion his head down the road. “This way, and I can honestly say that date or not, I’ll be the envy of most of the men there with you as my company.” He would say with another small smile. He wouldn’t look for her reaction or anything. It wasn’t said to try to get one, he simply believed that. He would walk down the road with her toward the patio cafe it was a small, quaint, little place called ‘Evelyn’s’ named for the owner of the cafe who was of course ‘Evelyn’ They had a little bit of everything for a variety of palettes and the food was honestly fairly good. He would step up to the cafe, waving at the waiter as he took a seat at one of the tables. The sun was starting to lower and he made sure he would be the one facing the sun. There didn’t happen to be any available seating that didn’t have at least one seat facing it and of course he decided that he would face the bright ball of energy. After all it wasn’t as if the light would affect his eyes. 

He would open up the menu on the table and leaf through it, finally deciding on his order a few minutes later. Assuming Hikari was at this point also sitting at the table he would look up at her. “See anything that strikes your fancy?” He would ask. Throughout all of this he would begin channeling his light chakra into the cloak. Working to make the cloak ready to be used. He decided to use light chakra as an experiment that would allow him to see if channeling different elements of chakra into items that needed to be attuned to one’s chakra affected them in any way. It was at this point the waiter would arrive to take drink orders and see if they were ready to order. If Hikari was then Valen would motion for her to go first. Afterwards he would order water, and a fresh strawberry salad. The food choice had more than one type of fruit in it of course. It also contained blueberries, pineapple, and oranges. A perfect lunch food in his opinion that would also be light enough to allow him to train later.

If she was not ready yet he would simply ask the waiter for a few more minutes until she was and give her the time she needed. The conversation could wait until they had ordered, after all it wouldn’t do to distract someone. He would aimlessly let his eyes wander around the outside of the patio and notice a few stares from civilian teenagers as they whispered to each other. He’d roll his eyes at the display. They themselves probably assumed it was a date. As if a male and female couldn’t go out somewhere for lunch and have it be for any other reason. Stupid people, but he’d bite his tongue. He was in the company of a lady after all and if there was one thing the group of merchants he traveled with had drilled into him before leaving him here it was manners and how to treat a member of the opposite sex.

WC: 630
TWC: 7261
TWCA: 5261
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Sun May 28, 2017 3:16 am
As Hikari was about to stand up, Valen offered her a hand up, which she took to help her on her feet. He would then put on the new cloak, the one that she had been working on for some time, and walk her to the door in and let her out first.

As he would joke about a date, Hikari would giggle a little bit, "Oh Vallen, you are such a tease," And would continue to walk with him to the restaurant that they were going to. After a bit of travel, the two would get to the location, A small little place called 'Evelyn’s’.

The two would sit down, and Hikari would look over the menu and after a bit of time and prompting From Vallen, she would think for a minute and answer "Hmmm, I will have.... just a strawberry Ice cream, I am on a diet and don't want to eat to much."

The teenager made sure to mention that she was on the diet, to make sure that vallen knew she was the kind of girl that stayed in shape, and wasn’t going to just get fat suddenly.
That, and also, Hikari didn't want to appear like she was high maintenance.

After a bit of time, Hikari looked around and noticed a few people starting to stare at the two of them, and would blush a little bit. They.... did they think this was a date? No, obviously this wasn't a date... even if it was A guy and a girl at about the same age.

A little bit of an awkward silence commenced as the two sat at the table. After a few minutes, Hikari would try to break that silence.

"So... do you have any hobbies?"

Word count: 300

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze <3 on Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:38 am; edited 1 time in total
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Tue May 30, 2017 7:51 pm
Valen would blink a few times as she decided to order a simple strawberry ice cream, explaining that she was on a diet. The girl seemed extremely well mannered and he wondered if she was merely being polite. As he thought this he would notice her looking around and blush a little as she realized what he did. “Gee, it’s almost as if two friends can’t share a bite to eat without everyone and their mother staring isn’t it?” He’d ask her..out loud. This had both the immediate, and desired effect of causing all of the starring teens to turn back toward their food, drink, or significant other. Which of course got the starring to stop. He’d then raise an eyebrow with a small smirk at their reactions, they had been amusing after all.

After that the silence would ensue until Hikari would ask if he had any hobbies. This would cause Valen to blink at her a couple times as if only now realizing that the silence had gotten a bit awkward for the girl. “Sorry..I find it difficult to make small talk at times. I can be extremely quiet in public settings..” He would begin with a small blush on his own face from embarrassment. “But to answer your question I enjoy doing my sword katas and training. Otherwise I’m a bit of a decent cook and rather enjoy doing it in the mornings to give myself a good, healthy breakfast when I have the time.” He would say, politely maintaining eye contact as he spoke.

He had of course been channeling his light chakra in his cloak the entire time since he had put it on. ‘I wonder if she can sense that I’m doing that?..’ He briefly thought before continuing on in the conversation “So what about you? Any Hobbies? I know the chunin exam missions can be trying based on what I’ve heard. How were yours?” He’d ask as they waited for their food. Soon after that his salad and her ice cream would arrive. The waiter placing it before them before giving a small bow and leaving.

WC: 353
TWC: 7614
TWCA: 5614
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The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:43 am
As the boy would explain his hobbies, Hikari would sort of hide a chuckle. Practicing his sword use and training? So... his hobby was basically his job? That seemed kind of like a joke. However, that being said, it was basicly the same as what Hikari. When she was young, she could remember spending hours practicing with a toy sword..... sneaking into the local library to find books on sword play and practicing alone by a lake in some woods behind her house. As for the cooking, well, at her tea house that she grew up in, she had to learn how to cook early on, and since then, she kept it up as a little hobby herself.

"Well... I can't say much for hobbies.... I like to cook myself, but really that is kind of it. I haven't had enough free time to try to do anything else......

As for My Exams... well... I kind of did something no one else did.... I did the exam normally. From what I hear, most Genin do something to get to skip part of the exam, but I just did them normally.

The first part of the exam is just the ability to show that you can handle civilians. Since most of them want us dead, so it is hard to really calm the down when they are in a frenzy. That was the first exam, just basicly do that.

As for the second exam it was basically a three way battle.... well.... Lets just say I kind of lost that, but I still did well enough that I was able to pass.

For the third exam, well, you are supposed to do research on another nation. Most people go out far to another county for that..... I... well... I kind of just found a book on everything in the library... so yeah... I Kind of just did that.

What about you? When are you planing to do your chunin exams?"

Madrigal Kaguya
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The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:28 pm
He would chuckle at the similarities between them. “Maybe we should have a date where we each cook the other dinner and bring the meal at a meeting place. Might be fun.” He said, he would be joking of course, but that wouldn’t mean he wouldn’t roll with it if she did decide to do that. That was neither here nor there though. After he mentioned that she would begin to answer his questions about the chunin exam missions. It was more rare to do the exam normally than not? Interesting. Well that didn’t matter too much to Valen, as long as people earned the rank up progress somehow than he assumed the village leaders knew what they were doing. He would continue kneading his light release chakra through the cloak that Hikari had applied her sealing magic to, he wondered if he would know when it would be ready to use. He shrugged that thought off though to focus on what Hikari was saying. It was extremely rude to ignore a girl when she was speaking after all. ‘A three way battle? Research on another nation? So combat prowess and intelligence tactics...Alright then, I’ll know what to look out for then.’ He thought as their food arrived. He bowed his head politely to Hikari before getting his fork and taking a few bites of his salad before answering her question.

“Well, I suppose I’ll just kind of let it happen. I figure it’ll happen to me when I’m ready, after all if the mission to handle civilians than a situation will have to come up that will require it. I figure I’ll get chosen for such a mission when the higher ups deem me ready to try for it.” He would explain before taking a couple of more bites of his salad. “Who did you fight in your second exam? Is there anyone in the village that you’re thankful you didn’t have to fight? I don’t know many of the other shinobi yet, so I’d love any insider information you might have.” He would say after he had chewed and swallowed, he wasn’t a barbarian after all.

WC: 358
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TWCA: 5972
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The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:58 am
Hikari would think about that for a molment.... someone she would prefer that she didn't have to fight.... "Well, I fought a 2 people, one was A Hyuga that right out of the gates came at me with a killing intent, I sort of made him angry for some reason when we had met before and he taught me fire style. The other person was a girl with rainbow colored hair. Gen.... Genovine or something like that was her name, apparently, she is some sort of preistess or something, it is really strange with the entire Hoshi Situation. Well either way, Gen summoned another ninja to fight for her, and... well.... I was in a good situation... but I kind of gave up because I realized I couldn't win without killing someone... so... yeah... but the proctor did let me pass the exam...

Now.... lets see.... is there any genin I wouldn't want to fight in the village, I don't mean to sound cocky or aragent, but I can't really think of any genin in the village that i have met that would give me some problems in combat....

That being said... I know a little bit about some of the genin in the village, do you know of anyone that you want to know anything about?"

Madrigal Kaguya
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The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Flash of a Blade, and The Meeting of a Friend

Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:37 am
Valen would smirk at her confidence but correct her on one thing she said. “I never specified genin Hikari-san” He would say with a small grin and a single raised eyebrow. “I ask if there were any shinobi in the village you’d be wary of, in general. Genin are a plus as they’re the ones I might end up facing, but I’m mainly curious as to who you’d be wary of in general. Obviously Hogokage-sama and Deputy Kage-sama would be left off the list as who wouldn’t be wary of facing them in combat. But I’m curious as to the normal ones.” He would explain as he felt his light chakra within the cloak begin to reach a zenith. It was almost as if the cloak wouldn’t be able to hold the power anymore.


This worked out well as it meant it should only need a bit more before he would be able to utilize the abilities and advantages that the cloak would allow. He wondered what kind would be created by him utilizing his light chakra instead of the base non elemental chakra. Honestly the thought was exciting him so much that he could hardly wait. He would quickly finish up his salad as he listened to Hikari’s answer to his question. The waiter would arrive as she answered and Valen would handle the check and tip silently as promised.


It was starting to get a bit late in afternoon and he wondered if he was keeping Hikari from something. If he was however she hadn’t made mention of it. Although he was extremely curious as to what this cloak would do. He continued channeling his light release chakra into the item, feeling the seal she had written absorb some of it which would probably make it easier to use as the seal would recognize his chakra. He didn’t know if this would be the effect of the seal taking some of the chakra but it would certainly be a welcome effect. But no, he was far more curious of the chakra the cloak was taking from him itself. Greedily taking the light natured energy into itself. Of course now that it seemed full it probably nearly needed a few minutes to acclimate to the chakra he had shoved into it readily for the past little while. His crimson eyes would glow with excitement to see what would become of it. Like a kid with a new toy ready to see what it could do. Whatever it was he’d need to learn to use it’s abilities effectively. But that wouldn’t take him too long he thought.

WC: 437

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