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Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Sun Jul 23, 2017 5:41 pm
In the wake of doing what he asked he would tune into his sensei, he would tune in and discharge 6 fire balls leaving his mouth coordinated as he would do it. In the wake of completing the jutsu he would deal with the running with Jutsu as he was told. Once their examination finished father expected that Puma would continue running with the arranging of flame style fire ball Jutsu. Panther would see his dad after this Jutsu would have been the space time Jutsu. Anyway, the time had come to discharge this fire Jutsu to the running with level. The Uchiha grinned and began to continue running with what he was uncovered to some time starting late. " I got this father. I got it." he would state and cheering with a grin that was agreeable wide. The father laughed with so much joy and satisfaction. " you without question are bombastic put everything being alluded to take." as he would express that the Uchiha began it. Jaguar took in a full breath and a while later let it the let some course into saying after "Flame style: Fireball Jutsu." unexpectedly, a cone of fireball turned out it acknowledges how to go out to 4 meters before vanishing with an impact. The father by then would talk up. " You obviously beginning to get the hang of it will be heading home and returning confirmation you return after 4 endeavors of this Jutsu. He offered an illustration to his dad with a tone of kinship. "Yes, father you guaranteed me I would take in a space time Jutsu will it happen?" he would ask as the father answered. " canny yes, yet for the present I should be taking rest." he would touch his children head and leaving the field. " sharp well where was I?" he would keep dealing with this Jutsu slightest 4 more endeavors and he will go home to rest. He took his true blue position and went for the 4 tries. He took in a full breath he began to think as he was doing yet then discharged. "Fire style fireball Jutsu." a cone of the fireball would show up from the mouth of the Uchiha spreading to no under 8 meters making a standard residence mess however in each handy sense nothing. By at that point, doing it again with a fundamental expansive breath. He did it a few couples of more conditions as it stretched out to 5 all the all the all the all the all the more spurning him depleted. He cleared out the field and headed home after a long prepare. As they finished their target they would sit on the floor and start their thought. The Uchiha kept an eye out for his right hand and said. " so what we doing by at that point?" his buddy said " watch what I do and tune in." so the Uchiha watched and tuned in as he repeated him and did all that he began to take after his redesigns and in like manner the partner stood up and prepared him to concentrate on his chakra and let himself act as often as possible. Jaguar tuned into him and stood up while shutting his eye's and concentrating on his chakra while blue chakra began to unfasten him. He opened his eyes and sat tight for what the running, obviously, was while that the companion answered. " Alright know you going to discharge a fire style ball Jutsu so promise you take in and a short cross later releases it out. Got it?" the Uchiha would advancement as he by then is set up for the Jutsu he would do. He took in a wide expansiveness and sending unendingly his breath inside seconds saying. " Fire style: FireBall Jutsu." as he did a little one showed up yet it, finally, ceased when it turned out from his mouth. His aide put his hands all over the place." You are a Uchiha you should expert this Jutsu with no dithering, before long, insist try it again yet this time has affirmation." he would hear him out and endeavor again this time yet with no deferral.

Last edited by Puma <3 on Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:57 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:38 pm
Kinzoku turned to Puma after his explanation and demonstration and saw that he had been listening attentively. Like a sponge he was soaking up everything. Now it was his turn to try the jutsu. Stepping back a few paces to give Puma enough space to practice, Kinzoku crossed both his arms as he stood there and watched. On his first attempt the kid managed to fire off a single fire ball which was quite impressive. For someone who knew no fire jutsu and had never even practiced one before, to be able to get off a single fire ball at all was something. Maybe this was the potential that the Uchiha possessed. Kinzoku was excited to see more of what an Uchiha could do.

It didn't take long for Puma to get the hang of it. Trying and trying again, each time making sure to build up his chakra from his lungs and out his mouth. After a few more attempts, each one getting better, he looked over to Kinzoku as if to see what his input was. "I want you to try it one more time" Kinzoku spoke to the Genin, "except this time I want you to shoot exactly six fireballs at the same time and I want all of them to hit the exact same spot on the ground." This was going to be a test to see how well he could conjure up the jutsu to its max potential as well as how strong his control over it was.

After the Uchiha would surely complete the task, Kinzoku would give him a nod of approval and move on to the next fire jutsu to teach him. "This next one is called the Great Fireball jutsu. It only requires two hand seals. It should be fairly easy for you now that you've gotten the Phoenix fire down packed. This one is done the same way. Build up chakra in your lungs, up and out through your mouth. Except, instead of separating your chakra into six different fireballs, you hold the chakra together and fire one large fireball. Like so" he finished as he turned to demonstrate the jutsu to the Uchiha. Performing the Horse and Tiger hand seal, Kinzoku inhaled making it look like he took in a bunch of air but rather he was building up the chakra in his lungs. With one quick exhale of the chakra, Kinzoku fired off a fireball two meters in radius which went scorching on before designating after reaching 10 meters, caling the jutsu himself.

"Have a go at it".

Great Fireball 1000 words to learn

Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:53 pm
In the wake of doing what he urged he would tune into his sensei, he would tune in and release 6 fire balls leaving his mouth orchestrated as he would do it. In the wake of finishing the jutsu he would handle the going with Jutsu as he was told. Once their examination completed father anticipated that Puma would keep running with the orchestrating of fire style fire ball Jutsu. Puma would see his father after this Jutsu would have been the space time Jutsu. Anyway, the time had come to release this fire Jutsu to the running with level. The Uchiha smiled and started to keep running with what he was revealed to some time beginning late. " I got this father. I got it." he would state and cheering with a smile that was palatable wide. The father chuckled with so much pleasure and fulfillment. " you without question are pompous placed everything being referred to take." as he would express that the Uchiha started it. Panther took in a full breath and a while later let it the let some course into saying after "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu." abruptly, a cone of fireball turned out it appreciates how to go out to 4 meters before vanishing with an effect. The father by then would talk up. " You unquestionably starting to get the hang of it will be heading home and returning affirmation you return after 4 attempts of this Jutsu. He offered an elucidation to his father with a tone of friendship. "Yes, father you promised me I would take in a space time Jutsu will it happen?" he would ask as the father replied. " insightful yes, yet for the present I ought to be taking rest." he would touch his kids head and leaving the field. " clever well where was I?" he would continue handling this Jutsu least 4 more attempts and he will go home to rest. He took his bona fide position and went for the 4 tries. He took in a full breath he started to think as he was doing yet then released. "Fire style fireball Jutsu." a cone of the fireball would appear from the mouth of the Uchiha spreading to no under 8 meters making a standard dorm mess however in every practical sense nothing. By then, doing it again with a basic broad breath. He did it several couples of more conditions as it extended to 5 all the all the all the all the more spurning him exhausted. He left the field and headed home after a long get ready. As they completed their objective they would sit on the floor and begin their idea. The Uchiha watched out for his assistant and said. " so what we doing by then?" his pal said " watch what I do and tune in." so the Uchiha watched and tuned in as he reiterated him and did all that he started to take after his upgrades and likewise the associate stood up and trained him to focus on his chakra and let himself act frequently. Puma tuned into him and stood up while closing his eye's and focusing on his chakra while blue chakra started to untie him. He opened his eyes and sat tight for what the running, of course, was while that the friend replied. " Alright know you going to release a fire style ball Jutsu so guarantee you take in and a short traverse later lets it go out. Got it?" the Uchiha would development as he by then is set up for the Jutsu he would do. He took in a wide breadth and sending perpetually his breath inside seconds saying. " Fire style: FireBall Jutsu." as he did a little one showed up yet it, at last, stopped when it turned out from his mouth. His assistant put his hands everywhere." You are a Uchiha you should ace this Jutsu with no dithering, by and by, affirm endeavor it again yet this time has confirmation." he would listen to him and attempt again this time yet with no deferral.

Last edited by Puma <3 on Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Tue Jul 25, 2017 5:58 pm
Boom, just like that the Uchiha completed another fire jutsu. Kinzoku was quite impressed by the kids progress thus far. Unfortunately though, this was as far as it was going to go in terms of fire jutsu to teach him. "Well done kiddo" Kinzoku said padding him on his shoulder. "You got the hang of both those jutsu pretty quick. However that's all I can teach you in terms of fire jutsu for today. The remaining fire techniques I know are too powerful for you at the moment. Your chakra levels aren't strong enough to conjure them up. Maybe in the future once you've grown I can teach them to you."

With that Kinzoku began to think. This was probably the first time the kid was being taught anything to be honest. Which probably meant he didn't have the basics in anything else as well. "We're going to move on to something else now. What I'm about to show you is a little different from fire jutsu. This one is called Flicker Movement. It allows you to slow down your own time flow, slightly enhancing both your speed and reflexes. It's not entirely obvious how to perform the skill, but you basically release your chakra from all your pours into the open air surrounding you allowing you to slow down your personal time flow." To be honest Kinzoku wasn't entirely sure how to explain this technique to the kid. He couldn't really demonstrate it because unless the kid has his sharingan activated he wouldn't be able to see Kinzoku's chakra around him. But the kid has shown potential thus far so he wasn't entirely worried. He felt confident that the kid could pull it off.

Flicker Movement 500 words to learn

Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:00 pm
It felt extraordinary for the Uchiha as he was accepting great compliments from his sensei. The Uchiha right then and there felt extraordinary as he touched his shoulder. What would he be able to state? the words soaking in the Uchiha it felt as though it was a father figure. He grinned at him a grin which he never did in a while. He was somebody uncommon and Puma knew it. As he said he couldn't instruct the Uchiha in light of the positions were too high for him and proceeded onward to this method named the flashing development. 

"Perhaps later on once you've developed I can show them to you." 

The Uchiha gestured as the man talked it felt for him to have somebody like him close by. Additionally giving his chance away for Puma so he can learn and be a solid ninja for his country. He was happy to have him by additionally learning two new Jutsu which was instructed by him. As he finished his discourse he would state "Much obliged for everything, Sensei." he would take a respite and proceed. "I am appreciative for somebody like you to help me and prepare me. " he at that point closes his discussion while tuning into Kinzoku. 

furthermore, went ahead as he tuned in to what the sensei said. He observed and ensured his words made him get it. So he took his position and shut his eyes. As he did that, the Uchiha chose to get the two hands together and let himself act naturally. Not until the point that he was done and opened his eyes as blue emanation showed up from him. It was his chakra, prepared to appear and do this Jutsu. He moved inside an occasion arrival on his butt yet which appeared a touch of flimsy for the Uchiha. Thus, he attempted again and this time moved to the nearest tree. For reasons unknown each time he was doing it, the speed began to increment and increment. In any case, the time was slower than anticipated the Uchiha was baffled and got irritated by this Jutsu. " Seems hard sensei what is this." he would ask the Jounin while proceeding to advance this Jutsu much more. He would calmly for his reaction and in the meantime attempting to get this Jutsu on consummate. 

As he was attempting to idealize this Jutsu he began to move significantly faster than anticipated. He would gesture with a gesture of satisfaction. Yet, that did not mean anything as he needed to go. The Uchiha still needed to get this strategy in any event consummate. He just needed to indicate sensei that he was commendable and a genuine officer. The close-by tree was close as the Uchiha made an even couple of stride speedier than some time recently. A grin has appeared from the face as he kept on accomplishing increasingly he began to comprehend it. More strides he took speedier he progressed toward becoming and faster he comprehended this Jutsu.

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Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:23 pm
Kinzoku watched as the kid picked up on it fairly quickly, the first time using his increasing his speed ever so slightly. But the seemed surprised by the effects of the jutsu and proceeded to asking him about it. Kinzoku was a little caught off guard by the question. Not by the question itself however. He had been caught off guard when the kid referred to him as "Sensei". Kinzoku let out a small chuckle before fixing his hat. "I'm not your sensei, Puma" Kinzoku replied, "I'm merely a fellow Konoha ninja helping another konoha ninja train. But to answer your question, it's a space and time jutsu. It allows you to increase your own time flow to move and react faster to things around you. Keep going at it, you seem to be getting the hang of it though" Kinzoku said reassuringly to get the kid to keep at it. 

That's what Puma did, using a tree as his target to see how fast he could get to it. With every step he took to practice the jutsu, he seemed to be getting faster and faster. He seemed to be picking up on the jutsu faster than he had picked up on the fire jutsus. Almost as if his natural specialty was that of space and time. It made Kinzoku wonder what Puma's specialty was, but that was for another time for it seemed he had learned Flicker Movement and was ready to move on to the next jutsu.

Kinzoku paused as he searched his brain for another technique to teach the kid which he thought was essential. "This next skill is a ninjutsu called Body Flicker. It is what's known as a shunshin. It allows you to travel from point A to point B at top speed. By vitalizing your body with chakra, you increase your speed for just a brief moment. Long enough to get to where you need to go. This skill is very similar to Flicker Movement that you just learned. Except with Flicker Movement you use less chakra and use it for an extended period of time. However with Body Flicker, you're using a larger amount of chakra and it's for an instant. Like this" Kinzoku ended as he turned to the same tree Puma had been using as a reference point just before. Bending his knees a bit and lifting his heels off the floor to be standing only on his toes, Kinzoku began building up his chakra all around his body and more specifically his feet. In an instant he would vanish from Puma's sight and reappear at the tree a second later. "Give it a try!" Kinzoku said, having to raise his voice just a little now being further away from Puma.

Body Flicker 500 words to learn

Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:36 pm
The Uchiha felt extraordinary as the steel man was watching things were going quite well. He could ace and take in each Jutsu in an altogether different manner from others. Puma had this sort of anxious where he could never backpedal on his words. The things he gets a kick out of the chance to do is take after requests and carry on when advised to. The steel man talked up saying that he wasn't Pumas sensei, rather a shinobi who is helping his kindred shinobi. Puma gestured when he began to state these words the Uchiha knew steel man was right. So he moved tuning in to what he was stating. The inquiry he asked was being addressed which made the Uchiha grin and answered. " Ah, affirm I got it the more I rehearse, the better I move toward becoming." he would state when he completed his discourse. Presently, what would happen? The Uchiha sat tight for what would happen. The steel man talked up the time had come to take in the following Jutsu. He demonstrated to him generally accepted methods to do it and appeared to a close-by tree. He thought in his mind Wow. so off he went to attempt it.

moreover, proceeded as he tuned in to what the sensei said. He watched and guaranteed his words made him get it. So he took his position and closed his eyes. As he did that, the Uchiha got the two hands together and let himself act normally. Not until the point that he was done and opened his eyes as blue radiation appeared from him. It was his chakra, arranged to show up and do this Jutsu. He moved inside an event landing on his butt yet which showed up a touch of feeble for the Uchiha. Accordingly, he endeavored again and this time moved to the closest tree. For no good reason each time he was doing it, the speed started to addition and augmentation. Regardless, the time was slower than expected the Uchiha was confounded and got aggravated by this Jutsu. He would smoothly for his response and meanwhile endeavoring to get this Jutsu on perfect.

As he was endeavoring to glorify this Jutsu he started to move fundamentally quicker than expected. He would motion with a motion of fulfillment. However, that did not mean anything as he expected to go. The Uchiha still expected to get this procedure in any occasion perfect. He simply expected to demonstrate sensei that he was honorable and a certifiable officer. The near to tree was close as the Uchiha made an even couple of walk speedier than some time as of late. A smile has shown up from the face as he continued fulfilling progressively he started to appreciate it. More walks he took speedier he advanced toward getting to be and quicker he understood this Jutsu and quicker he reached to a nearby tree.
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Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:26 pm
Standing next to the tree, Kinzoku watched as Puma practiced the body flicker. He could sense his chakra fluttering and rise as he built it up to attempt the Body Flicker Jutsu. Once the chakra had been properly built up, Puma was successful in his attempt and managed to make his way to the tree with in an instant. "Well done" Kinzoku would say with a slight grin, the Genin showing his prowess with every jutsu he learned. Now Kinzoku thought about what else he should teach him. From what little information he knew about the Uchiha, he knew a lot of them were generally proficient in the use of Genjutsu. Being quite adept with Genjutsu himself, Kinzoku decide he could at least show the kid one of his genjutsu to give him an introduction to the field. 

"Next I'm going to teach you a genjutsu. Genjutsu allow you to manipulate the minds of others. There's almost no limit to what you can do once you have the mind of someone inside the palm of your hand. The genjutsu I'm about to show you is now easy a basic genjutsu." Kinzoku wasn't sure if he should be teaching the kid a genjutsu of this level right away, but he had shown to be a quick learner with everything else. Thus he had high hopes for Puma picking up this genjutsu.

"This genjutsu is called False Surroundings. It allows you to alter the appearance of objects around the person who even entire landscapes. For instance I could make it look like we're inside the academy to your mind, but you'd still be outside. To demonstrate it I will keep it basic however. I'm going to move this tree" he said giving the tree beside them a light tap. Within a matter of seconds, the tree began moving away from Puma, almost as if it had a mind of its own. But in actuality the tree was still there, only in Puma's mind would it seem to be moving away. After a few moments of the tree moving away, Kinzoku would dispel the genjutsu as the tree would slowly reappear back into its original position.

"This genjutsu requires no hand seals. You simply have to release your chakra into the area around you. Anyone within range of your released chakra will be effected by the changes you make. Now I want you to make the tree move for me" he finished, giving Puma the opportunity to try the genjutsu.

1000 words for Demoniic Illusion: False surrounding technique

Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:46 am
The Uchiha was extraordinary to be in a state where he was applauded by the steel man. Something which he never anticipated. The inclination was enthusiastic and dismal for the Uchiha. This present man's words have really motivated Puma, he moved up his eyes while tears were flooding from the Uchiha. It was a strained minute for the Uchiha to respond from these brilliant words. As tears were flooding from him the time had come to comprehend and be prepared for the following undertaking, he would have been a stronger shinobi and no chance will anything go ahead of his way. He wiped his tears and chose to be a more grounded shinobi who won't be vanquished by this. Yet, the thing the smile Kinzoku provided for the Uchiha made him more grounded and gave him would like to proceed. More he tunes into him the faster he adjusts and turns into a more noteworthy shinobi. In any case, this was the starting, Puma required the level of tolerance and have that heart to not surge. Abruptly, Kinzoku first thing he said was 

"Next, I will show you a gen-Jutsu."

Puma reaction was a wide grin, resolved to learn and not to surrender. He ensured these words would enter. Genjutsu? This would have been his first since forever Genjutsu Jutsu ever. He didn't expect this yet goodness well, he would learn and observe for each activity. As he kept looking at controlling the brain of others. He gestured and listened intently and needed to ask right then and there yet held up until the point that he completed his sentence. What's more, after two or three saying he began to state it was an essential gen-Jutsu. The Uchiha was prepared as his eyes were completely wide opened prepared to hear what he would state next. He continued chatting on showing the Jutsu that Puma would learn. Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique it appeared a fascinating Jutsu where it made the Uchiha arrogant and wild. Not until the point that he demonstrated the Jutsu and Puma were in the state for what his educator let him know. It happened precisely for what he said and Puma was stunned. Surely, he was correct however how? He began to make inquiries however yet to disregard them and straight held up until the point that he completed the Jutsu. 

He took when he specified about no hand seals were not required and furthermore, no eye to eye connection was required. As he completed his discourse he would then talk up. "This is an incredible Jutsu to learn like you said I got the chance to make that tree in your mind move." He moaned. " Well, That will be troublesome, I figure however I will attempt, Kinzoku." He gestured at Kinzoku and took his position shutting his eye's to start and concentrate on his chakra first. 

The Uchiha ensured first he would be a similar territory where Kinzoku was so the gen-Jutsu would work. So he began, to begin with, his two hands where it would be an applauding confronting his face. No opportunity to squander he needed to get this Jutsu right. To start with, he would concentrate on himself where he at that point would give himself a chance to act naturally. At that point, doing likewise activities what the instructor. Endeavoring to make that tree in his mind move far from him. It must be just on the off chance that he could see and envision it. However, in the event that it doesn't succeed he would attempt again where he would ask him "Would you say you are seeing sir? Are you?" he would solicit with a tonne from egotism. He was wild all things considered, he simply expected to hit the nail on the head. He kept on doing it again and trusted the tree in his brain would away and attempted again after once more. He slowly inhaled and let himself act naturally. He didn't know whether this Jutsu was working or was yet on point. The thing was he didn't know whether the sensei was in the gen-Jutsu. Indeed, things would have been exceptional in the event that he simply did it right. It was disappointing, however, well he needed to do it. So what nothing will be in his direction. He trusted that Kinzoku would see or sense this Jutsu any shot. He would take a gander at him and trusted a touch of the Jutsu figured out how to traverse, yet he continued onward. The Uchiha was not going to surrender! He had no way out yet be a superior ninja. Despite the fact that, things were kicking recently off. 

Along these lines, he proceeded where he was ensuring the sensei would be in contact and range. Regardless, he needed to make this work. Along these lines, he attempted it again trusting in the psyche of Kinzoku there would be some kind of tree moving in his brain. It if was right the Uchiha would expect the tree moving from over each side making the steel man thinking the tree has moved yet it didn't. Yet, in the event that he fizzled, he would attempt again and pull out all the stops decisively. All things considered, two or three tries he genuinely expected that the tree would move and be great. Just, if Kinzoku would see it. He gestured and after that let the gen-Jutsu end. "So let me know was it great than anticipated?" he would solicit in a tone from satisfaction. Being conscious to your seniors was a certain something. Never, he would let anything go ahead of his way. He to some degree needed to be a ninja to make his educator pleased. The Uchiha additionally needed to be thankful and not let anything go ahead of his way. He additionally needed to pick up information and investigate the country. He additionally wishes to bless such individual who upheld him a great deal. Puma grinned and sat tight for a reaction from him realizing what would occur next.

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Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazzy Training (P) Kinzoku

Wed Aug 09, 2017 7:04 pm
Was he crying? He was. Kinzoku raised an eyebrow as to why the kid was crying, tears streaming down his face. The kid clearly wasn't showing any signs of sadness. So these must have been tears of joy. Now Kinzoku was feeling a little awkward. He had spent many years, even to this day, helping out others. It was always a passion of his, something he thrived on, helping those in need. But he had never really been in a situation where one had cried because of his help. With his right hand he began rubbing the back of his head just under his hat as he let out an awkward laugh. "Ughh, don't cry kiddo...." was all he could muster. What an idiot, nothing better to say for the kid. But fortunately the kid seemed to get over whatever it was that made him cry and whipped those tears away. "Thank goodness" Kinzoku thought, not knowing how much longer he could have handled such awkwardness. 

Puma's face lit up at the mention of genjutsu. Seemed he was quite excited to learn it. So after his explanation and demonstration, Puma went at it. Kinzoku watched patiently as the kid focused and practiced the genjutsu. After a few moments he asked Kinzoku if he has seen anything. Looking over to his side, the tree was still there. "Not yet" Kinzoku replied, " but keep at it. It is quite a difficult genjutsu to get down for your first one ever." Although he hadn't seen anything yet, he could sense the surge within Puma's chakra as he practiced. He may not have gotten the jutsu down packed right from the get go, but he was surely on the way.

After a few short moments of practicing, Kinzoku raised an eyebrow as he glanced over to the tree beside him. A slight grin cracked open as he noticed the tree began slowly moving away from him. As expected from the Uchiha. "The tree is definitely moving" Kinzoku replied to Puma. "Nicely done. Now, I'll show you two more things and then we'll be done for the day. I've already shown you a ton of techniques, any more and your body may collapse on me."

The next two techniques he was about to teach the kid were the basics of basic within their respective fields. They were simply meant to give the kid an introduction to the different specialties a shinobi could specialize in. It would be up to him to decide what he was going to specialize in. "This first technique is the Mark Seal" Kinzoku said as he placed his hand onto Puma's arm. Upon removing his hand, Puma would see a small black mark on it before it disappear from sight although technically still being on his arm. "It's a very basic Sealing jutsu and on its own does not really do much. But if you choose to specialize in sealing techniques it will allow you to summon people who have the mark and even track them. The last thing for the day is a very basic Taijutsu called Dynamic Entry. It's simply a flying kick, nothing more nothing less. Like this" he said as he back up a few paces away from the tree. Taking a couple of steps forwards towards it, Kinzoku hopped into the air as he performed a jumping kick into the tree before landing back down onto his feet. " Give them a try and then we'll be done for the day" Kinzoku said with a slight smile. Then they could do whatever the kid wanted to do, assuming he wouldn't be too drained from the day and simply want to go home and relax. May be what Kinzoku wanted to do actually. 

250 words for Mark Seal
500 words for Dynamic Entry
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