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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO) Empty The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO)

Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:07 am
It was noon. The sun was high in the sky and its rays beating down upon whatever fell before it. The training grounds felt especially hot today due to the lack of shade. On the third training field stood Ita who was perched up in a tree branch out of sight trying to stay cool. Although Ita enjoyed watching over the training grounds, he was there for a reason. The young Jounin was waiting for the girl he had met previously a week or so back. He had instructed the girl that if she was serious about her training, to pass her academy test and become a genin then seek him out. Today was that day and Ita was beginning to think she wasn’t going to show up. Ita sighed. Ita knew that he had entrusted in her some serious knowledge of their clan. Forbidden knowledge, and If she didn’t show he would have to keep a close eye on her to make sure she didn’t rat him out, because if she did it could cause some serious problems for the boy which he hoped to avoid. However, Ita knew that the girl wouldn’t be able to resist the power he spoke of, regardless of how self-righteous she was.


Ita was wearing his Jounin flak jacket, a black shirt underneath and black shinobi pants. He was also wearing black shinobi shoes and had two weapon pouches positioned on his belt. The boy’s black hair was also pulled to the back in a pony tail of sorts with the leaf headband strapped to his forehead.


Time continued to pass and just as he was about to give up hope, in the distance he could see the silhouette of a person coming towards his location. The boys crimson eyes scanning the training grounds from the shelter of the treetop to get a closer look. Once the girl arrived, the boy would shunshin from his location to meet her on the ground in a blur of speed. “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show.” Ita said, “but I had a feeling that you would. Have you passed your Genin test?” Ita inquiried of the girl before they would begin their training session. The girl was in for a hell of a treat. If she wished to surpass her classmates, she would need to out train them entirely. By the time Ita was done with her, she would be strong enough to take on even most Chuunin. The boy awaited her answer and his eyes scanned her.
twc: 426
Celeste Uchiha
Celeste Uchiha
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The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO) Empty Re: The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO)

Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:18 pm

The sun at its highest in the sky. Celeste was beginning to rethink her travel to the Training Grounds in order to become the pupil of Ita. Some would say that she was crazy to be trained by the likes of the Uchiha, but she had other reasons for training with the man. If she could get close to him, then she could prove his defiance to the village and have him executed or kicked out of the village before anything bad happened. Sure, he had awoken her Sharingan which was the Uchiha greatest power, but the awakening of it had tremendous effects. No longer did she act like a snobby clansmen like before. Having been told the secrets of the Sharingan, she knew that the time to be playing was over. She couldn't let the information of the Mangekyo Sharingan and how to awaken it get to those of the Uchiha Clan that would do whatever to achieve its power.

She had to become the silent protector her clan needed. A child in the night that fended off all types of evil. Even if the members of the Uchiha Clan couldn't see it themselves. Walking slowly, she would come to the Training Grounds where she would see Ita, almost as if he knew she was about to arrive because as soon as he caught sight of her he would begin to speak his blasphemy. Nodding at the Uchiha, she would say "Yes, it was extremely easy, but no need to talk about that. I'm ready to be trained. I see that your Genjutsu is powerful seeing with the extreme effects it had on my body. Giving me the ability to awaken my Sharingan. Teach me how to become a Genjutsu Master and I won't speak of our meetings." Said Celeste, almost as if she was threatening the Uchiha to teach her.

She would tie her hair back as she was ready to begin her training, but unknowingly to her. Her body had grew tremendously over night, developing her into that of a woman. She hadn't curled her hair so it lay straight on her back as she was tying it up. The sun almost reflecting off of the surface of her blue eyes. Maybe Ita would catch her increased aging? Or maybe he won't?

Last edited by Celeste Uchiha on Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO) Empty Re: The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO)

Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:09 am
The girl who sought after Ita’s help was not the same girl that the boy had meet previously. Something about her was different, but Ita couldn’t exactly tell what it was. Was it her hair? It had to be. The girl had ditched her outrageously curly hair for something that was more suitable, and frankly more attractive. Celeste wasted no time engaging in small talk and got right to the point, providing Ita with an ultimatum which essentially translated into ‘Make me a Genjutsu Master or I’m rating you out.’ Ita couldn’t resist the muscles in his face from forming a smile at the girl’s words. The girl was naïve, but she was determined. Ita knew that she didn’t trust him, but he also knew that she couldn’t resist the power that ultimately came with fine tuning her clan’s bloodline. If Ita did plan to move forward with her training, he would have to gradually gain the girls trust in order to avoid any issues from within the village and on the off chance that she did decide to snitch on him, then it would be her word against his. A mere sheep crying wolf.


Ita’s smile quickly faded as his crimson eyes met hers. “Alright. If we are going to do this then we must get two things straight. You’re going to have to learn to trust me regardless if you think my intentions are ill natured if you plan to stay alive. There is only so much I can teach you in my current state.” Ita would say, referring to his all-seeing eyes. It would be no use for her to practice her genjutsu on him, if she truly wanted to become a master of genjutsu, she was going to have to practice on unsuspecting victims. Once the girl formed an earnest answer then the training would commence.


Before jumping into the more complex forms of genjutsu, Celeste would first have to have a strong understanding of the basics. Ita was going to start her off with the false surroundings technique. A genjutsu which had the ability to alter the appearance of objects or entire areas making the user capable of completely tricking their victim into believing that they were somewhere else entirely. As the two exchanged their greetings, Ita activated the technique in hopes of catching the girl off guard. If the girl had a fine eye for detail, she would hopefully catch on. As they spoke, Ita altered the appearance of all the flowers that surrounded them, changing all of their pedal colors to red.


“Notice anything different?” Ita asked the girl waiting for her to take in what was happening around her. If the girl noticed, most of the flowers growing out of the ground in these parts were cool colors, mostly light shades of blue and purple. Red flowers rarely grew in these parts due to the climate. If the girl noticed, he would commend her. If not, then he would go into further explanation. “I’m sure they explained this in the academy, but genjutsu relies on tricking opponents by using chakra to alter their senses. Genjutsu that require no hand signs are a great way to make up for what you lack against physical opponents. By messing with their senses and tricking them, you can set youself up for a strategic move. If you didn’t notice, I used my genjutsu the moment you arrived to slightly change the appearance of the flowers around us, changing their pedal colors all to red. Although not as sinister as the genjutsu I had used on you before, it still serves some utility and we have to start somewhere.”


Ita continued going into depth about the technique itself, “This genjutsu is called the ‘False Surrounding’ technique. A genjutsu that has the ability to alter the appearance of objects or entire areas making the user capable of completely tricking their victim into believing that they were somewhere else entirely. Try and use your chakra to alter the colors of the flowers around you. Try envisioning what you are going to do before you do it and if you need to, make the Ram hand seal, it will help with chakra control until you can do the technique hands free. I will be able to tell with my sharingan if you are doing it correctly or not.” The boy would say waiting for his new pupil to begin taking her first steps towards becoming a Genjutsu master.


After some hours of training, Ita would help the girl fine tune her the new technique which Ita had taught her until she could perform the technique without the need of any sort of hand seal. Ita was surprised at how quickly the girl had grasped the technique, but not too surprised. She was an Uchiha after all.

“I hope you aren’t tired yet. Our training for today has just begun.” Ita said, as he looked up towards the sky briefly to try to gradually gauge what time of the day it was. “Now that we’ve gone through the motions, it’s time to put your new skill to the test, but before I continue, you must know that this training is not intended to be easy and I am not going to just teach you, I am going to make you utilize these techniques in real life situations.” Ita would pause for a moment as he felt he had already talked enough for today then he continued. “the leaf hires low level shinobi to guard our weapons facility, I’ve been keeping an eye on the guards that work the night shift and came across something unusual. I have reason to believe that they are working in a small team and are using the dead of night to cover up what I think is arms smuggling. They are stealing weapons from the village barracks and sneaking them over the border at night to be sold to various rouge groups. It’s important we get to the bottom of this so that the Leaf’s high quality steel weapons don’t make it into the wrong hands. We have some time to kill before it gets dark, let’s get something to eat and discuss our plan of action in the mean time.”


If the girl agreed to join Ita, the two of them would depart from the training grounds and head to a quiet ramen bar in the Uchiha district. As they arrived, Ita would press open the front door, holding it open so that Celeste could follow behind him. The place was virtually empty other than a few employees and an old man who was slouched over the bar who was either so drunk that he passed out sitting up or so old that he was permanently stiff. Ita lead the girl to towards the back of the restaurant where he pulled out a crude wooden chair and took a seat. Once Celeste joined him at the dinner table, Ita would say “This isn’t my favorite place, but it’s quiet and no one really comes here other than a few locals. The Uchiha district has been sorta dead lately…” Ita would say, looking off into the distance entertaining a totally unrelated topic about the recent disappearance of a lot of shinobi from the village, but he was not ready to share that information with the girl. They were here to discuss different matters.


Ita waited to discuss the true reason behind their meeting till after their food arrived to avoid any disruptions from the waiting staff. “My favorite place to eat is actually located in Tanzaku town, have you ever been there before? When I was younger my sensai would bring me to the hot springs, that was until he passed.” whether if she had enough time to answer him or not, a clumsy woman, most likely in her mid-thirties, emerged from the kitchen through a set of swinging doors. She seemed to be a bit frazzled as if her body was here, but her mind was in another place. She asked the two shinobi what they wanted and being the gentleman that he was, Ita let Celeste order first and then he followed her, “I’ll have an order of spicy tuna maki please.” The waiter took down their orders and then went back to the kitchen.


“I don’t like to eat too much before I go on a mission, it’s better to eat small portions so you can stay light on your feet.” Ita said to the girl, biding some time until the food returned. About twenty minutes of small talk went by before the waiter returned again with their food. With two cups in one hand and two plates rested on her other arm, she bumped into the table next to them spilling a small amount of water on Celeste’s shirt before placing the contents on the table top. The women’s lit up red as she attempted to grab a napkin and clean the young shinobis shirt off. Ita watched as the awkward events unfolded before them, and Ita waited to see how short the girls temper was.


Now that their food had arrived it was time to get to business. “Remember how I said I don’t always go by the book? Well, this is one of those times. This is going to be an off the books mission, but if I’m right about what is going on, then you can take the findings to whomever and take full credit for it. Just make sure you don’t mention my name. Is that going to be a problem for you.” Ita paused as he used his chop sticks to select a piece of maki and dip it into a small bowl of soy sauce. As he held the piece of sushi in the air just before putting it in his mouth, his eyes would lock with hers to make sure they were on the same page. “If you’re afraid, just let me know now and I will do it on my own.” Ita finished, putting the piece of sushi in his mouth. Although they just met, Ita was beginning to understand the girl a little better and was enjoying poking fun at her. He knew that she wouldn’t run away from something like this, even though it was a little jaded. Once the girl agreed to the terms and conditions, Ita would produce a photo. In the photo was 5 men. One leading the pack, with another one alongside him and three pushing a cart out of the barracks. Ita pointed to the man leading the pack, he was tall and slender. “He’s the one I believe to be running the operation. He is most likely the strongest of the group so you can leave him to me. The rest of them are a free for all. Also, try not to kill anyone, we can’t justify our actions if we do that. Let’s just round them up and either leave them for the village police to find or you can turn them in yourself. Unless you have any questions, meet me back outside here at midnight and don’t be late.”

If there were no issues, Ita would leave enough money to cover both meals and a tip then exit through the front door they came through, disappearing from sight immediately after that.


Several hours later, Ita would be standing in the shadows next to the ramen bar they were at earlier. He was wearing a black cloak. Underneath was his jounin flak jacket and a pair of black shinobi pants along with black sandals and two weapon pouches containing various ninja tools. Ita’s black hair tied to the back. Once the girl arrived Ita would nod to her and the two of them would depart for their mission.


The intel that Ita’s summon Toru provided them seemed to be correct as the two of them would remain hidden from sight up in a tree about 30 meters away from the gates to the barracks. At the gates were two men in masks. One around 6’2”, the other a little taller. The two of the seemed to be the brawns of the group and most likely the easiest to take out. “If I’m correct, the other three should be just on the other side of that gate. Use your genjutsu to distract them and I’ll take them out then well move on inside and catch them red handed. Are you ready?” Ita would ask, looking into the girl’s eyes with his own, his crimson iris meeting hers. Ita hoped the girl was confident, even though their mission was against protocol, it would be her first true taste of danger. Ita waited for her to make the first move.
twc: 2,558
Celeste Uchiha
Celeste Uchiha
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The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO) Empty Re: The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO)

Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:38 am

Some would say that it would too good to be true. Seeing as she wasn't being affected by a powerful Genjutsu such as the last one. She would have thought that as soon as she spoke those words, Ita would have cast a Genjutsu on her so horrid that she would have probably gone into a coma once again from the sheer power of it, but it seemed like that wasn't the case now. Since he had begun to blabber on to her about having to trust him if they were going to continue their training. There was only so much trust one could give another and it was quite rare to give trust to a individual who has done horrific things on another. Her eyes would begin to ache as the forbidden power was ready to be unleashed. Yes, she had awakened the second tomoe of her Sharingan, but she had yet to master how exactly to activate and deactivate it. They say great power comes with great responsibility and she believed that.

For what seemed like minutes would pass, Celeste would come to see that the training grounds looked quite pleasant. Something that was very odd in late summer seeing as autumn was slowly nearing. Red flowers that were not roses, since those were usually the only red flowers around these parts would envelope the area. A frown would appear on her face as she looked up from the ground and back at Ita just as he had begun to speak again. Her face still in a frown, she would say "I would have thought that you wouldn't begin by showing me basic Genjutsu as such, but I guess we have to start somewhere. I don't see your reason to turning the flowers red. You really could have done something more harder." Still staring up at Ita, he would begin to speak and explain Genjutsu itself. Something that she had already knew since she had studied a lot of it before leaving the academy. Not to forget that the Uchiha Clan was known solely for their Sharingan, which allowed them to become masters of Genjutsu.

Not so long after, he would come to explain the name of the Genjutsu he had used and the effects it had. It could be something very useful in the future, even if it was a Genjutsu so low. With the correct wording and usage, she could maybe trick an opponent to running off a cliff or something. Still staring up at Ita, he would say something about her using the Ram Handseal in order to perform the Genjutsu, but Celeste wasn't one to take the easy way out. Using the Ram Handseal would only handicap her training and put her in a training wheels mode. "I rather you don't handicap my training by trying to put me in a Training Wheels Mode. I know all the basics of Genjutsu so you telling that is a waste of time. From here on out I ask that you give me the training as hard as you can. I can't be around here playing around while my goal is slowly shifting away." Said Celeste as she sounded very irritated. Looking around, she would try to think of something to change. Her chakra was extremely powerful and potent for a mere Genin as well as her knowledge, even with her low age. She knew how to control her chakra to extreme effects. For twenty meters, she would slowly spread her chakra as the area around her and Ita would become to be blazed with fire, however the fire wasn't the natural orange and red color, it seemed to be blazing black as if the Devil had cast the flames from hell itself. Her usage of the Genjutsu would seem to foreshadow something that was going to happen in the future. Whether it was in a month's time or at the end of her life line.

Looking up at Ita, she would say "Weak Justu like this are extremely easy to learn as long as I know exactly how to do it. I'm said to be protege, a Uchiha that is only born once every generation." Her other side would seem to come back on as she would gloat in Ita's face. She wasn't lying. Every generation there is always a Uchiha that is born that is extremely gifted. She just so happened to be the lucky one out of the hundred kids her age. She was naturally gifted in everything she did, but she always lacked emotionally. Seeing as she broke down multiple times over the course of a week. Though some would say that her emotional breakdowns couldn't be stopped due to how they were induced. Looking at Ita for what seemed like hours, she would wait for him to speak. Maybe he was blown away by her being able to perform the Genjutsu on her first try. She would come to sit on the ground as she reverted the area back to how it was, however the roses seemed to still be red. She had yet to learn the Genjutsu Release Jutsu, maybe she would go and learn it on her own time. Today was the day she learned higher ranked Genjutsu that would be disastrous in battle. A Genjutsu by the likes of the one castes by the Sharingan. As she thought of her future, Ita would come to answer and saying something about her being tired. She would look at him quite bewildered since he had been in his own state of sleep for hours while she waited on the ground. Was that some sort of meditation?

The sun was slowly beginning to take its rest so night was beginning to loom over the two. Ita would come speak again talking about barracks where weapons were beings kept and how they were slowly being robbed. Ita would ask Celeste to join him and she wasn't one to give up on a mission that could potentially lead to her obtaining the Chuunin rank. Tagging along with a Jounin could be very useful to put on her resumé in the future. Celeste would nod at the Uchiha and come to follow him to a small ramen restaurant where he would hold the door open so she could follow behind him. As they set down, Ita would begin to drown out everyone in the restaurant with his endless talking. Celeste would have laughed, but she was beginning to get quite irritated by the Uchiha. He never stopped talking. Maybe he didn't realize that he was talking so much? Opening her mouth just seconds before the waitress came, Celeste would say "Don't you get tired of talking? I mean don't get me wrong, but, you're always blabbering on about things that I couldn't be more interested in?" Said Celeste. Just as she finished her sentence, the waitress would spill the drink on her perfectly clean white button down shirt. Now Celeste would have been mad, but seeing as it was only water and wouldn't leave a stain. She would only wave the lady off and proceed to dry her shirt.

After drying her shirt, Ita would tell her the details of the mission, showing her pictures and what not so that she could get a grip of things. Celeste was quite blown away as she had never been on a real mission before and this one was off of the books so it would look good if she turned in the report about her capturing several thieves trying to steal from the depository. A mere Genin taking out several men was a sight to see and hear about. Especially if that Genin was a girl. Ita would get done explaining the details of the mission and tell her to meet him back at this spot at midnight. She would groan seeing as she didn't want to go all the way back to the Uchiha District. It was like a mile walk and she didn't want to walk all the way back here. Nodding at Ita, she would just get comfortable and turn a little as she rested her back on the wall and propped her feet up in the booth. She could take a little rest after eating right? While she slept, she had dreams of her encounter with Ita with many different outcomes. The most interesting one being her killing him. She liked that one.

Her built in alarm would wake her up from her sleep just as she saw Ita standing outside the door. She had all of her equipment already so she was ready for anything. Going outside, she would greet Ita then they would depart for the mission itself. After minutes of jumping and running, they would arrive to their destination. Ita would tell her to take out the two men as they waited in the tree that was considerably tall. Due to being in the tall tree, the effects of her Genjutsu wouldn't take place unless she got a tad bit closer. Producing two kunai, holding each in both of her hands, she would wait for the right moment to attack them. The men were talking, so they weren't really paying attention to their surroundings. Balancing herself on the edge of the limb she was standing on. She would jump as hard as she can, her jump would cause her to sail over the ground. Gaining a distance of 10 minutes rather easily. At the same time, she would throw both of the Kunai as she used the False Surroundings Technique to shift their form to that of a birds, two crows to be specific. The crows flew silently through the air as both were aimed for either of the men knees. Her jump would allow her to sail of their heads and land on the ground opposite of the gate just as they would be hit by her attack.

Hopefully Ita would catch her drift and silence them both before either of them could scream and alert their friends. She was a Genin afterall and didn't know that much about combat, but she knew a little, so she was pretty sure she could hold herself in battle.

WC: 1,708
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Ryo : 500

The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO) Empty Re: The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO)

Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:44 pm
Ita watched with his sharingan as Celeste performed the genjutsu that he had taught her with ease. The girl released two kunai, using the false surrounding technique to transform them into Ita’s summon of choice, crows. The crows would make their way towards their unexpecting victims at a modest speed. “Shit.” Ita thought to himself as his eyes narrowed in on the two guards. Ita wanted to try his best to apprehend the thieves without killing them. Ita figured it was a waste shedding pointless blood, especially the blood of low leveled thugs. If they were a shinobi from another village, then that would be a different story. Ita body flickered in a blur of speed faster than the two men standing guard or Celeste could register. Before the kunai could reach the guards. Ita would appear 1 meter in front of them, lunging forwards with both arms outwards catching both men off guard, both his forearms bending catching their necks. The two guards would be knocked forwards onto their backs from the force of Ita’s lunge and Celeste’s kunai would pierce the positions in the ground that the two men had just been a moment before.


Celeste would now be landing near Ita and both the men would be staring up at him from the floor, Ita’s crimson red eyes illuminating underneath the full moons light. Ita would send both men into a deep slumber with his sharingan genjutsu. Ita then retrieved two pieces of cloth from his pocket and tied the unconscious men’s hands behind their back.  Next, the boy would turn his head to nod to Celeste to move forward. Things were moving smoothly and Ita hoped to keep it that way. Taking the gate key from one of the men’s pockets, Ita would open the gate slowly, however it would make a loud creaking sound that would give them away immediately. Now that their cover was blown, Ita simply swung the gate open to confront what was on the other side. As soon as the gate opened, the two shinobi were confronted by two large men baring large two-handed swords and another tall, more slender man with a hat on who appeared to be the brains of the operation behind him next to a cart that looked half empty. Ita figured they had barged in, in the middle of their schemes.

“What are you two standing around for, they’re just kids. Kill them already!” The boss would order. The two, large men would snap out of it and begin pursing the two-young shinobi. The larger of the two went for Ita, Swinging his large sword above his head and downwards towards the boy. Ita would quickly grab a kunai from his back weapon pouch and meet the man’s blade with his own, causing a standoff of sorts. The other man would pursue Celeste, swinging wildly with his sword at her in an attempt to cut her in half.


The ‘boss’ seemed to notice that Ita and Celeste weren’t just kids after all. Ita’s eyes, looking past the man, he was squaring off with, noticing the slender man grab a kunai and fasten an exploding tag to it.

“Alright, I’ll handle this myself!” said the man. Without a single care for human life, the man would release the kunai towards the back of his own comrade, Ita’s sharingan zoning in on the kunai as it neared, almost as if it were in slow motion. Just as the kunai would pierce the back of the thug Ita was struggling with, Ita’s body would disappear in a blur of speed, emerging from the smoke after the explosion which would dismember the poor soul.


The smoke would clear and Ita would notice Celeste still squaring off with the large man. Ita would then shift his attention to the snickering slender tall male near the cart fastening another kunai with an explosion tag. Ita would shout, “You have no regards for your own comrades and for this I will not allow you to live.” Just then the man would cock his arm back to release the kunai towards Celeste. “This isn’t good.” Ita thought to himself as he watching the following events unfold. If Ita did not act quick, Celeste was going to be in some real danger. Just as the man released the kunai towards the girl, Ita’s eyes would shift and the man along with the kunai would be engulphed in a black flame that the boy had never seen before.


The man would scream as his body was eaten by black flames until his screams were muffled and he eventually died, the black flames of hell burning until his body was reduced to nothing but ash. Ita had a steady stream of blood flowing from his eyes and his eyes had reverted back to normal, his sharingan no longer activated. “What.. what was that. Was that the power of the mangekyou sharingan?” Ita thought to himself, switching his attention back to Celeste, if the girl had not already handled the problem, Ita would perform two hand seals, raising his hand up to his mouth producing a great ball of fire which would move towards the man, eventually consuming him and providing him the same fate as his poorly chosen boss.


Once the smoke had cleared and whatever body parts that were no longer on fire anymore remained, Ita would sigh at the fact that their plan had not gone so according to plan. Ita had to kill the remaining thug because if he had let him live, there was a chance that he would rat him out for being here tonight. Ita would turn his attention to Celeste, “You did good out there regardless of the outcome. I didn’t want anyone to die, but after what that man did to his own comrade, I couldn’t let him live.” Ita would then shift his attention towards the two men still unconscious by the gate. “It’s up to you if you want to take those men in yourself or just have village police come inspect the scene. Remember, don’t tell anyone I was with you.” Now that their work was done, Ita was ready to go home for some well-deserved rest, but before he would Ita would extend one final request to his new prodigy. “You did a good job today, but this is only the beginning. Meet me at the training fields tomorrow at noon I have some new genjutsu I want to teach you since the last one was too easy.” With that, the young Uchiha would extend a final smile, leaving the girl to decide what she wanted to do with the two apprehended men.

Ita would disappear in a blur of speed.

[potential exit]

Twc: 3,684

Claim: 858 towards Amaterasu (858/3750), 2826 towards Tsuk, claim Tsukuyomi.
Celeste Uchiha
Celeste Uchiha
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The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO) Empty Re: The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO)

Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:09 pm
And as quickly as it had began, it would quickly end. Just as Ita had stopped Celeste from killing the two ninja, he would come and put them into a deep slumber as he would stare into their eyes with his fully developed Sharingan. As he did this a very large man would come Celeste's way and begin to fight her. He was a large brute, but he moved really fast for his side. As the man made a lunge towards Celeste, her Sharingan would activate on instinct. The world around her appearing to be more slower as she would lean slightly to the left causing the man to blow pass her. As he moved pass her, she would produce a Kunai and attempt to shove it into the man's side but not in a position where it would hit any major arteries. As she moved, some would say thAt she was as elegant as a ballet dancer but she was also equally skilled with fierce. 

The man would yell in agony as the kunai would be shoved deep into his side. This would cause the man to receive a flux in power as his eyes would seem to be illuminatd by a blue color. His muscles would seem to get even more larger as he would recover and rush towards Celeste. The evil look in his eyes telling her that this was no longer a game that she played with the children in the Uchiha District. No this was a life or death situation. As the man punch came. She would try to dodge it but it was to fast. Her eyes not being able to track the movement would cause her to be lunched into a wall with a very loud this causing the wall to crumble in the proccess. Before she could even regain her senses the man would pull her from the rubble by her neck and repeatability bash her in the stomach with his fist as blood would spew out of her mouth. Something in her was trying to come out and be awakened and she wanted it to. She hated the use of Sharingan but it was a great power for the Uchiha Clan and if she disnt want to die right here right now she would need to use its abilities. With another punch the world wpudl seem to slow as her eyes with their two tomoe each would begin to spun rapidly. The two tomoe forming another as her doujutsu would mutate into its near perfect form. She would simply stare up at the man as her eyes would connect with his just as Ita had done to the other grunts. 

A deep wave of horror would appear of the man as he fell limp to the floro. Unconcjous due to the mysterious power that Celeste had just used. Her Sharingan would deactivate as she heard screming everyone. At the moment she wasn't sure if it was coming from her self or the people Its were killing. Whatever it was. Her world would go black as she ran awAy from the scene with the words of Ita ringing in the distant.

WC: 2238

Claiming 3 Tomoe
Rest words going towards Genjutsh Sharingan
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO) Empty Re: The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO)

Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:15 pm
Celeste Uchiha
Celeste Uchiha
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The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO) Empty Re: The quest for power begins (P. NK, IO)

Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:15 pm
Was my exit btw
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