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Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Tue Nov 07, 2017 9:16 pm
Thor woke up early around sunrise and started to get dressed, he was afraid of the morning dew so he wore a short sleeve Metallica shirt with a neon yellow shirt and a baggy red sweatshirt over the top of that. He put on black boots with frayed black lasses. He walked out the door towards the training grounds. Walking slowly through surrounding town while he munched on the egg and ham burrito he had made moments earlier. His current foster city was quiet in the morning sun.

He arrived at a bridge and saw a figure in the distance, there was a slight chill in the air he couldn’t tell who it was but he hopped it was temma or Tatsuma, the chill in the air reminded of temma but he couldn’t tell.

Wc 140
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:57 am
Kotetsu was up early this morning. He was feeling particularly energetic and wanted to get some serious training in for the day. The Chuunin exam was getting closer and with him being at the point where he could qualify to take the exam, he needed to make sure he was in top form. He was working on a new technique that would be really impressive and would definitely come in handy should he be required to fight anyone. In order to do that though, he needs to master one jutsu first. He had already started working on it with another Genin of the village. They were interrupted in their training session by some local villagers who were inflamed by one of the religious zealots. It shouldn't take him too long to finish learning it. Once he had gotten that one in the bag, he had something else he had in mind for it as well. 'Oh well, may as well get started...' Kotetsu thinks to himself as he gets ready for the day.

There was very few people in the streets that early in the morning, not that it really mattered, since Kotetsu was moving at his full speed of 80, which is too quick to track for most people. There was no one else at the training grounds when he arrived. 'That will likely change before long...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he started limbering up and building up his chakra for the inevitable usage he would incur over the course of the training period. Starting off where he left off, making the Bird hand sign and created the Air Bullets in front of him. They were smaller this time, around the size of baseballs. That was a good sign, it meant that they would be more compressed than they were before. Same power in a smaller area. They would impact with greater force, which was exactly what happened when Kotetsu fired them at a nearby tree. All four bullets hit the same tree at the same time, and nearly sheared it in two from the concussive force. 'Perfect...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he inspected the damage. 'Now to try something new...'

Emboldened by his success, he started working on a new idea. He formed a set of hand signs. Dog. Bird. Dog. He used the bird hand sign to form the Air Bullets again. This time though, he used the Dog hand signs to first form water around the outside of the Air Bullets, then freeze the water until the Air Bullets had a hollow shell of Ice around them. They were slightly bigger than the normal Air Bullets because of the added Ice, but they were still around the same size as a baseball. He fired them at a nearby set of targets. The targets disintegrated under the combined wrath of the 4 Ice-covered Air Bullets. 'Not bad...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he walked over to survey the damage. The targets were nothing but splinters and straw. 'That was a good idea...I'll need to work on that one some more, but I really like it...' He chuckles to himself, marveling in the power that his bloodline gives him. He's interrupted by movement out of the corner of his eye. Someone else apparently was coming to train, they had just walked over the bridge into the entrance of the training grounds. Someone Kotetsu was not familiar with, which wasn't unusual for him since he was new to the village. Kotetsu would continue to work on his own techniques while keeping an eye on the newcomer.

WC: 600
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:41 pm
Thor was walking slowly towards the training grounds and he saw the man creating little balls of wind. Then Thor watched him put a layer of water around it and then it flew foreword and blew up the target.

Thor walked up and waited for the man to be free. Then he said “ hello, it’s quite early to be training” Thor said with a goofy grin, unless the man answered he would say “my name is thor, what is yours.” Then after then man answered, he would get ready to train. Change into training clothes and start to remove him shoes. Unless the man had other ideas Thor would begin to stretch, to touch his toes, do up and down thigh stretches. Then once he was done with that he would start to do jumping jacks, push-ups, sit ups, and running in place. Then Thor started to talk to the man again, “ what jutsu was that it’s amazing, I can’t believe how fast they went.”

Wc 170
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Thu Nov 09, 2017 9:40 am
((For future reference, Kotetsu's not a man yet. He's only 7 years old at the moment. :P))
The newcomer was making his way towards Kotetsu. He kept the person in his periphery as he went back to working on his new technique. It would seem that the person was looking to socialise, as he came over and made a remark about early training. Kotetsu would nod, still working on keeping his chakra focused on the jutsu. "Indeed it is early, but the best way to get stronger is to spend as much time as possible training, so no point in waiting until later in the day to get started." He said to the newcomer, who introduced himself as Thor. 'What an odd name...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'Oh well, it's not like he named himself...' Kotetsu shrugged before replying. "My name is Kotetsu. It is nice to meet you." He asked Thor as the young Genin created several more Air Bullets to hone the technique further, simply to make the Hollow Air Bullets jutsu that much more potent and destructive.
It would appear that Thor had his own routine when it came to training. At least, that's what it looked like to Kotetsu. Thor changed into what would appear to be workout clothes. They were the strangest workout clothes that Kotetsu had ever seen. It looked to be a one-piece jump suit made of a stretchy fabric. Normally that wouldn't be such a bad thing. However this particular number was a bright shade of yellow. The colour itself was almost blinding. '...I'm...not sure what to make of this...' Kotetsu thinks to himself as he watches Thor put on this jumpsuit. That wasn't the strangest part though. After the jumpsuit came a pair of neon pink leg warmers, which nearly burned Kotetsu's retinas from how bright they were. 'It's a good thing those are his training clothes...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'I wouldn't want to be out on a mission like that, unless he'd wear it as a distraction...' "That's an interesting form of training gear you have Thor." Kotetsu remarks. "Where did you get them?" He asks, curious for the answer simply to know who would sell or make such a garment, not because he was interested in purchasing such a thing. He had other ideas in mind for his shinobi gear.
After Thor had gotten changed, he began what looked like some calisthenics; Stretches, jumping jacks, pushups, sit-ups, running in place, etcetera. This made sense if you were planning on doing a more physical training regimen. Since Kotetsu was working more on his chakra control and potency, he didn't need a strenuous warp up routine for now. Of course he was planning on doing more physical training eventually, but he was content with his physical stat for the time being. There was always room to improve, but Kotetsu was not in a hurry to improve that area of himself just yet. Getting better with Ninjutsu was the most important aspect of his training right now, since he was not  a Taijutsu specialist. Sure he wanted to specialise in weaponry at some point, but even with that it would involve some very special Ninjutsu. So for now at least, additional physical conditioning was on the back burner for him.
Thor had asked about his jutsu once he had finished his warm-up. 'It's nice to be acknowledged for your hard work...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he looked at Thor appraisingly. "Thank you Thor, it's a jutsu I just started working on. It's an expansion of the Wind Style: Air Bullets jutsu that you see here..." He gestures to the baseball-sized globes of wind chakra in front of him. "The premise is to take this simple jutsu and introduce a separate  element to it. In this case it would be water." He says as he makes the Dog hand sign to form the water around the air bullets and compress them. "Once you've completed that step, the next step is to freeze the water using my Ice chakra until you've taken what was already a solid projectile of Wind chakra and made it even more destructive by adding a solid surface to it and adding additional mass to it. Since the bullets keep their approximate shape, there will be extra force and mass behind the attack, with faster speed because of the mass. That results in the attack will have more kinetic energy  to disperse, in a very small point of impact." Kotetsu was very proud of what he was able to accomplish here with this jutsu. 'And the best part is it's not a jutsu that everyone can learn...' Kotetsu thought to himself 'Since not everyone has the bloodline that allows you to manipulate wind and water to make ice...'
After firing the Hollow Air Bullets to obliterate another target, Kotetsu asks "So what brings you to the training grounds today Thor? What was it that you were planning on working on?" 'I'm curious to see what he is capable of...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he awaited Thor's reply. 'Judging from his warm-up routine, I would imagine it is some form of taijutsu or weaponry training...'
WC: 851
TWC: 1451
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:07 pm
The boy said his name was kotetsu, it started to make Thor think a name starting with k how unusual. So far while in hoshi he had met people with names that started with the letter t or the letter s. Then the boy started to make more of the air bullets, they looked exceptionally powerful and they frightened Thor quite a lot. Thor was wearing his most breathable light training clothes. He quite liked them with their bright colors it helped him focus. He also had a set in green and orange and a pair in black and grey for sneaky stuff.

Young kotetsu looked quite interested in Thor’s wardrobe choice almost appalled but Thor didn’t mind. He had done calastinicts in order to prepare for his ninjutsu practice and to work on his arm technique that he had been attempting to perform. He then said “ as one of my old mentors once said you must train the body to train the mind” Then with a big smile Thor would begin to practice, he was trying to make a jutsu about sinking though the ground like quick sand. He started to turn the earth beneath his feet into a fine sand and sink. Till he was completely gone.

Then Thor sprang out of the ground and said” what do you think, I may not be able to do ice jutsu but I can do some other interesting things. You have your ice and I have my threads.” Thor would then turn into a porcupine covering his whole head in small protruding hairs about a centimeter long. Then he would retract them and start to make his handout of them. “ would you like to shake hands” Thor said jokingly not really caring if he said yes. If the boy said yes then Thor would shake his hand being extremely careful to have the sharp ends of the threads facing inward. Then after that he would get back to work on the hand technique, his training for today was to do juggling with his two thread arms and attempt to strengthen his real arms with weight lifting and other exercises. Once he got done with that he would start in on his underground hiding technique. First he would juggle regular rocks, 10 to twenty pound rocks he had picked up on his way over. If he failed he would know immediately due to the sharp pain in his head, back or neck. Once he had finished the rocks he would start with rocks the size of small bolders around fifty five to sixty five pounds. Then after that he would start onto bowling pins he hopped the irregular shape would help him with his hand eye coordination it was extremely poor at the moment and he wanted to improve it especially if it would help him get used to his threads and his new arms. While she was working he would try to make small talk with kotetsu 

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Fri Nov 10, 2017 2:27 pm
‘Ahh…so he is a ninjutsu user it seems…’ Kotetsu thinks to himself as he watches Thor sink into the ground. ‘And an earth style user as well…’ “Very impressive.” Kotetsu says to Thor as he re-emerges and asks his opinion. “I’m not skilled with earth style, and I do not think I ever will be.” Kotetsu chuckles. “There are very few people that can manipulate water and wind chakra to make ice, because it’s a bloodline trait of my clan.” Kotetsu raises his eyebrow slightly as Thor starts talking about threads, and shows them by turning himself into a hedgehog of threaded spikes. ‘Hm. It seems there are more of them…’ Kotetsu thought to himself. It did not surprise him, since he already knew one other shinobi that had the exact same abilities. He was still wary because he had an idea of how dangerous that ability could be. He shook he head when Thor offered to shake hands. “Thank you, but no. I need both hands right now for the jutsu I’m working on and I’d rather not break the jutsu right in the middle of me working on it.”

With that it would seem that the pair would get back to their respective training. Thor was doing some form of strength conditioning with his arms it seemed. ‘I would imagine he’s only recently inherited this power…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he observed Thor doing some juggling and  weight lifting with various sized rocks and other training aids. ‘I wonder if he’s new to Hoshi as well…’ He thinks to himself before asking “Are you from around here? I don’t remember ever seeing you before?” He asked Thor as he continued to work on his Hollow Ice Bullets technique.

The name of the game here wasn’t to make the bullets bigger, since that would defeat the purpose of the technique. Unless he could make them so massive as to be impossible to dodge, but that would not necessarily work. Plus they would take too long to form. What Kotetsu was aiming to do, would be to try to fit as much air chakra into a baseball-sized space as possible then surround it with ice to keep the built up force inside. Doing that will make the bullet denser without overly impacting the weight. The other thing he had to do was ensure that the ice coating the air bullet was uniform in terms of thickness. Discrepancies would cause the flight of the bullet to change as imperfections or differing areas of thickness would cause the bullet to veer off course. Not an ideal prospect for an ability that’s supposed to travel in a straight line. It was going to take some time, but time was what Kotetsu had plenty of. The jutsu didn’t have to be ready for when Kotetsu made it to the Chuunin Exams, but it would be nice to have a handle on it. Something he could bring to the table as a surprise.

The primary reason for him to be working on this jutsu though, was because it was a good way to work on his chakra skills. That was the main thing he wanted to work on, but did not have much time to work on it, with the Chuunin exams approaching as quickly as they were. Chakra and his physical speed, that was the two areas that Kotetsu wanted to improve in primarily before the Chuunin exams took place. It wouldn’t hurt that they might also give him the little boost he needed in order to be able to finally land a hit on Valen. Kotetsu did not really have the strength to do a lot of damage if he connected, but that was not that Valen stipulated, just that a hit needed to be landed on him. ‘I would like to try to fight him once more before the Chuunin exams. To see the likelihood has changed at all.

Their last encounter did not go any different from before. Cole was somewhere else, likely given up on their sparring with Valen, so it was just Kotetsu trying to get better against their sensei. He was improving, but still not close enough, One hundred percent of the time, ending up unconscious or near enough to it, still no hit landed. His parents always said that in most cases, the faster ninja won, even more so if you could outthink your opponent as well. So Kotetsu would also work on his speed while he was out there. That was easy enough, since that just required some ground that he could run on. Once he had sufficiently worked on his jutsu, for the time being of course, Kotetsu would start doing sprints. Taking a few seconds he would reach his max speed of 80 and try to push more chakra into his legs to get him to move faster. To Thor, if he was watching, once Kotetsu got over 65 speed, he would have essentially disappeared, only being able to see the dirt moving behind Kotetsu every now and then.

WC: 846
TWC: 2297
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:00 pm
The boy complemented him and it made Thor happy, usually he was the one complementing people on their jutsu. He talked about how he couldn’t use earth jutsu, this didn’t surprise him as he hadn't met any people with it yet. He talked about bloodline traits Thor responded “ I never thought of my threads as a bloodline but I suppose they would technically be”. Kotetsu refused his handshake it didn’t surprise Thor but he had hoped he would be able to try, he thought it would be able to work on his strength control. 

The boy asked him if he is was from hoshi if he was new around here, Thor responded “ I was a missing ninja till I came here I am quite new it’s been about a week, I have a meeting with the Kage tomorrow to make me an official citizen of hoshi.” Thor was extremely excited about finally belonging somewhere.

Then the boy got to work on his jutsu so thor started on his other training for the day walking on his thread hands, he started to handstand do push-ups and walking on his hands he saw the boy begin sprints back and forth. Thor decided it was an amazing idea Thor started to run back and forth on his hands.

 Thor asked the boy if he wanted to do any training together “ Kotetsu, would you like to train together. I would like to learn from someone stronger than me. If you want to choose how we train that is fine with me, You seem to be very good at training” then Thor would release his thread hands and begin to practice his ground sinking technique. Then Thor would start to sink down, once he got to his knees he would take a seat on the rest of the ground.

Then Thor started to do pull ups while he was in the ground. Then he came back up and started to focus then Thor sank again this time he started to tunnel and he went under the boy. Then Thor started to run under the ground, in large laps. Slowly he was running out of chakra so he decided he would start to go in a spiral.

Thor would run up in a spiral slowly towards the surface. Then Thor would shoot out and land sitting down. Thor walked over to his bag and grabbed a bag of popcorn he had started to get extremely angry from using so much chakra. After he found his bag he would grab another and toss it to kotetsu.

Thor would say “ I was starting to get hungry after all this training, if you want some salt or extra virgin coconut oil then come and grab it, ( I just realized how long oil names are) how early did you get up this morning I can’t believe you are this motovated at this age” then Thor would quickly eat his popcorn and then eat a few grapes from his bag.

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Sat Nov 11, 2017 12:14 am
‘It’s not like anyone could just turn their internal structure into writhing threads…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as Thor reflected on the discovery that his threads were a bloodline trait. ‘It would be interesting to learn the limits of his abilities, since it would potentially give Kotetsu a better understanding on some of Kenshin’s abilities, since he and Thor share a potential base. Thor’s use of earth style helped to also cement Kotetsu’s knowledge that Kenshin’s primary chakra nature most likely would be earth. ‘I wonder if all members of their clan have an affinity for earth chakra…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he waited for Thor to answer his question.

‘So he’s like me…not from around here…’ Kotetsu mused when he got his answer. ‘I wonder where he’s missing from…’ He nods when Thor mentions he will be getting his citizenship from the Hogokage. “I’m sure that will be exciting. Where did you come from before you arrived here? What was live like for you before you came to the village?” He asked Thor. There were plenty of places that people could come from. Was he a fugitive? Was he an orphan? Did he have enemies from another village? There were a lot of unanswered questions but they were not ones that Kotetsu should be asking. It’s not his place to pry into Thor’s life. The Hogokage would be asking these questions to ensure that he wasn’t a potential threat to the village.

As Kotetsu runs his laps at his top speed to try to improve his speed. He catches Thor in the corner of his eye, running on his hands. ‘What…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he watches the older boy go through some very unorthodox training methods. Kotetsu shrugs as he continues his own training, Thor was quite within his right to train however he wished. It was not how he would have trained, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be beneficial to Thor to train like that. After a little while Thor stopped doing laps on his hands and was just kind of standing around, waiting for something. It didn’t occur to Kotetsu that Thor could not see him before. ‘It may be that he’s less experienced than I am by quite a bit…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he slowed down and made his way over to Thor.

Thor asked Kotetsu if he wanted to train together. ‘It definitely wouldn’t hurt, but what would we have to train together on…’ Kotetsu thought to himself. “I’d need to know roughly what your skill set is.” Kotetsu said to Thor. “Other than having an Earth chakra nature, which I do not have. If we do not share any chakra natures, it would reduce the amount of options I would have to train you. That doesn’t mean I can’t help. I would just need to know what you need help with so I can see if it is something that I could help you with.”

While he waited for Thor’s response, he would continue to work on his Hollow Ice Bullets technique, along with improving his ability to control their direction and speed, sending the bullets in different directions from each other. It looked like Thor was running low on chakra as he was working on his underground technique less and less frequently until eventually he stopped completely and was rummaging around in his bag for something. He came up with a bag of popcorn. He pulled another one out of his bag, most likely meant for Kotetsu, who politely declined as he does not usually eat in the middle of a training session. “Thank you, but I’m not a fan of the snack. I also prefer to wait until after I have finished training to eat.” Kotetsu would however take a small break and have a drink of water from a small canteen while Thor ate his snack. Thor asked him about him being at the training grounds extremely early. “I arrived here maybe a half hour earlier than you did.” Kotetsu said to Thor. “I like to start early, it means I get more training in for the day. The Chuunin exams are fast approaching and I want to make sure I am prepared for them. I can only do that by spending as much time as possible training.” He walks in a small circle as he stretches his arms and fingers. “What about you? Do you have any aspirations right now?” ‘I would certainly hope he plans on taking the Chuunin exams at some point. Hoshi could use all the strong shinobi we can get right now…’ Kotetsu thoght to himself. ‘specially if Konoha isa ny indication of how things are going to go…’ Kotetsu sighs softly as he thinks back to his previous home, waiting for Thor’s answers to his questions.

TWC: 3114
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:21 am
Thor continued to think about his bloodline, it didn’t startle him as much as most. He seemed almost calm around it, like he had seen it before. Thor had come to hoshi looking for someone like him perhaps kotetsu had met him before but Thor decided not to press him, he was strong but after all he was only a child. Then he started talking about Thor’s meeting with the Hogo Kage, he asked about his past ,a touchy subject for Thor. Thor calmly responded “ I am sorry but that is best left between the Kage, me and who needs to know. I had a rough childhood and don’t wish to talk about it, let’s just say that I am an orphan and I came from a small farming village.” 

While Thor was doing his chakra exercises trying to get the proper amount of earth chakra to form a film around him so that he could do him mole technique kotetsu stopped his sprints, he had been going much faster that Thor could see but he could definitely hear him, a whoosh and if he looked closely he could see the ground erode ever so slightly. This fact was especially apparent when he he was underground, the boys footsteps had gotten to be almost unbearable. But Thor didn’t mind the boy had said nothing of his training so Thor would say nothing of his. Then kotetsu stopped startling Thor, kotetsu walked over to Thor and then Thor proposed that they train ,Together . 

Kotetsu asked Thor about his skill set is, his chakra natures, specialties, and general strength.
Thor had to think but he quickly got his mind together and said “ I can use earth chakra and I plan to become a medical ninja with ninjutsu and funinjutsu to back it up.” Then Thor started to think how should I put this, “ I don’t know if you are familiar with the jutsu ranking system, but the jutsu I have been working on have been about a c rank” this was Thor’s best guess and they could be much lower for all he knew but he stuck by it. “ your air ball jutsu is probably and a rank due to the extremely complex nature of it and how powerful it is, you have exceptionally strong chakra allowing you to do such things, i on the other hand don’t and can only manage jutsu of lower tiers.” This was how it was explained to him by his parents and foster parents over the years so he hopped it would make sense to kotetsu. 

While Thor talked the boy worked on his jutsu this didn’t anger Thor as he had done the same thing to a kind woman named sanae and he knew many couldn’t help it. Then when he was done Thor had started to eat his snack while kotetsu drank some water, he had turned down Thor’s snack, this hadn’t surprised his since the boy was much younger than his and probably had a slower metabolism. He also explained that he had gotten to the training grounds around a half hour before Thor, this seemed about right so Thor left it at that. He also talked about the chunin exams, thor had heard of these but currently had no intentions of participating, “most if not all ninja I  had met were stronger than him so he would need time to even be close to taking the chunin exams.” Kotetsu sighed it made Thor wonder where did kotetsu come from “ Kotetsu why did you come to hoshi, and where did you come from” 

While he waited for kotetsu response he once again started to work on his 4 arms technique, it took more chakra than the tunneling one he had been working on so he tried to only train the arm technique when had nothing else to do. When kotetsu answered Thor would quickly release the jutsu and turn to took kotetsu square in the eye and listen to him talk. Thor tried to be as respectful as possible after what had happened with sanae.

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:18 am
'Not very talkative about his past eh...' Kotetsu thought to himself as Thor quickly changed the subject. 'I wonder what happened that caused him such pain... It must be hard living without knowing your parents or still having them  around...' Kotetsu couldn't imagine living without his parents right now. Sure they would likely die later down the road from either battle or old age, perhaps some form of illness. They had always been there though, and the thought of one or both of them not being around to look after him and his siblings, or to support their dreams was something that shook Kotetsu to the core. It was not something that he wanted to have happen. His internal dilemma was interrupted by Thor answering his next group of questions.

'So we have one thing in common...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'We both plan in specialising at some point in Ninjutsu. I already have that particular training, however it would appear potentially that he has not chosen an area to be his primary specialty, just what he intends on doing...' However, that's about as far as the similarities went. Kotetsu was actually someone insulted that Thor, a person that barely knew Kotetsu but could clearly see the Hoshi headband he wore, assumed that he had little to no idea how jutsu were classified. On top of that, it would appear that his knowledge in jutsu was fairly limited as well. Kotetsu masked his annoyance by laughing at the statement. "I'm very familiar with how jutsu are classified, Thor, considering I have a few different ranks of Jutsu.  As for my Air Bullets jutsu, it is actually a C-rank jutsu, one of my weaker techniques. The adding of Ice to it makes it more powerful, somewhere between a B-rank and an A-rank. I have an A-rank jutsu that I've been working on, but haven't mastered yet. But I have it figured out soon." Kotetsu looks around for a minute before continuing. "As for my own skills, you can obviously tell that I have some skill with Ninjutsu, which is my primary area of specialization. As I'm sure you can also deduce, I have 3 chakra natures so far. Wind and Water basic chakra natures, which I can combine to form my clan's bloodline advanced Ice chakra nature." Kotetsu pauses again to take a sip of water from his canteen. "As for  where I want my remaining skills to fall, I hope to learn more about space and time, as well as being familiar with weapons of various kinds. What that boils down to Thor, unless you happen to intend on learning a second chakra nature of either wind or water, there is very little that I would be able to teach you. Perhaps the Hogokage might be able to recommend someone that would be better suited  to teach you in regards to the areas you wish to work on. I have no problem training with you, but without a common ground  to work on, I don't really see what we would be able to train together on." It was not that Kotetsu did not want to train with Thor, far from it. It just appeared that the two boys were extremely different in terms of their styles and goals. That didn't mean training would be impossible, but there would be very little that they could likely learn from each other. Especially since Kotetsu was positive if he had a third chakra nature, it would not be earth.

Thor then asked Kotetsu about where he was from, assuming he came from outside of Hoshi. 'A very presumptuous individual...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'It's a good thing for him that I'm not from Hoshigakure or I would be even more offended that he asked...' Kotetsu looks  over at Thor. "My family came to Hoshigakure because it seemed like fleeing Konohagakure when we did was in our best interests. I lived in Konoha up until around the time they were invaded by the hidden mist village. I'm sure we will likely hear word of the invasion before long, and whether they weathered the storm, or were destroyed by it. Frankly, I don't think they would have lasted. It was not the village I heard it used to be..." Kotetsu says somewhat sadly. 'Maybe one day I will be able to rebuild the Hidden Leaf, assuming it doesn't survive this onslaught, and assuming we live past what will likely be headed our way soon...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he lay back on the ground and stared up at the sky.

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