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Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:30 pm
It was the second night of festivities as the first day of the new year came to a close. Saya, despite her cash shortage, was thoroughly enjoying herself. Read that as: being a glutton for cheap food. In her mouth were two sticks of karaage and her right hand held more than three sticks of other delectables. Her legs swung to and fro as she sat on top of a shop’s roof.

She could see the entirety of the jubilee and the amount of citizens still milling around in full swing. Then again it was only about 9 o’clock in the evening. It was too early to turn in for the night. In the distance - Saya squinted her eyes - something interesting was going on. Amidst the darkest parts of the village (also known as “the currently empty training grounds”) were small blobs of light.

A single brow was raised in question. What in the world was going on? Saya pushed herself up and off the roof, making her way towards the straggling lights. She certainly hoped that they were fellow genin looking to shed off the lethargy induced by deep fried foods. By the time the kunoichi was able to make out the teenagers’ faces and their overall look, Saya had to reign in her annoyance.

They were just a bunch of civilian kids looking for a thrill. Her eyes flickered to the tall fence and the eerie forest beyond it.


Saya slowly swallowed her snack, pulling out the sticks from between her lips in the process. The civilians sure chose an interesting site to do their “Test of Courage” game. Everyone knew that the forest was dangerous, filled with ferocious animals and other natural dangers. But it also held the title of “Most Haunted” area in Kumogakure. She wasn’t exactly sure on the lore of it, but already the girl felt a chill.

”Are you sure you guys want to do the test in there?” Saya questioned the group. She was now only a yard or so away from them. Idly, the kunoichi took another stick to her lips and began to chew through the crunch and juicy meat of the karaage.

Her sudden appearance had quite a few of them screaming and clinging to each other before they realized that she was merely human. ”W-What the! Kami-sama! Kid, don’t scare us like that.” Cried a boy in the back; he seemed to be “leader” of the little gang. ”And yeah, of course we’re gonna do the test there. It’s the best place to test our courage!”

His minions all began to nod and voice their agreement. Saya merely gave them an unimpressed look, which didn’t escape the leader’s eye. ”Hey, why don’t you join us. It’ll be fun!” She said nothing, opting to turn away and ---

With practiced ease Saya threw her empty skewer into the darkness.


Last edited by Saya Kirihara <3 on Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:31 am
Did someone say party?

The handsome jounin strolled down the street confidently and with very little purpose, as he was only here at the festival for fun. Maybe also serving as a security guard if the need arose, but it did not seem as though there were any rowdy-

Screams arose. Komori opened his vest, revealing… a shirt underneath. He did not have his superhero costume on. Dammit. Maybe next time. But he was, however, drawn to the scene of several children that were apparently ready to enter one of the most dangerous, most frightening areas of Kumogakure…

Komori opened his mouth to say something, but then a stick that used to have some food on it hit Komori in the chest. “Ahem...” He called attention to himself as the group of kids would look towards him. Scattered voices started to mumble, overlapping with each other. “Oh no, that’s a jounin… I heard he beat an entire squad all by himself… wow he’s so dreamy… is that the guy I saw leaving pottery class the other day...” Komori looked around at everyone. “Were you kids about to go into the Forest of Being Eaten Alive by Trees...” which was totally the name of it, “WITHOUT ME!” Komori smiled adamantly. “I have the most courage here. I’ve fought monsters face to face, of such power that you wouldn’t even believe. So you see, you don’t need to fear, for I am here!” Komori posed with his hands on his hips in a very superman like fashion.

WC: 270

Last edited by Kōmori Hozuki <3 on Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Needed to find my color code fam)
Saya Kirihara
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:50 am
She didn’t expect her skewer to do any damage and she certainly wasn’t expecting a high leveled ninja to enter their conversation. A brow was raised at the strangely familiar face. Saya wasn’t sure if it was because he reminded her of Komon or… Actually, she gave it a little more thought and nodded in understanding. He was certainly Komon’s brother. “Ko - “ something, she was sure of it.

Alas it had been a while since the young genin had first met his acquaintance. The young man and his brother had been extremely drunk, and it wouldn’t surprise her if the second twin didn’t recognize her. Saya narrowed her eyes at him, trying to get an idea on how he is as a person. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to be much different from his intoxicated self.

The rest of the teenagers, most were a bit older than her by about two to three years, looked quite awed and excited at the prospect of a jounin joining them in their little extravaganza. Her gaze swept over them and took in their expressions. The girls in the group batted their lashes and sighed like he was oh-so-gorgeous and “ohmygod, he’s like Adonis.” Saya snorted at that. His twin was much better looking (though that might just be because they always seemed to meet whenever it revolved around food). Oh, and the Handsome Man.

But moving on. The guys, on the other hand, were a mix of relief and jealousy. Interesting. Saya wondered why they felt such a way and was about to question them when the leader cleared his throat.

”Not to be rude, Sir, but we’re already at an even number. I’d let you join if the little miss here agreed but she was just leaving so…” At least the boy had the nerve to look contrite about the whole ordeal.

Saya blinked. Did he really just say that? While she had intended on not joining per say, the girl had simply thought of guarding and keeping an eye on the group from the shadows. It wouldn’t do to allow a couple of kids to potentially die and ignite animosity between civilians and the shinobi.

”That’s okay. I can join if he does.”

Her sudden interjection caused the female section of the group swivel their heads at her and glare. Saya could almost hear them hissing aggressively as well. Another blink of confusion. They should be grateful to her. She giving the jounin a chance to stay.

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 486 + 420 = 906

Last edited by Saya Kirihara <3 on Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Fri Jan 12, 2018 2:02 am
Saya’s thought process was sorta right, but not to worry, as Komori was like 80% sober, so he’s mostly there. If one looked closely, they could see a small sake flask hanging from his belt over his backside. The girls in the group batted their lashes and sighed like he was oh-so-gorgeous and “Ohmygod, he’s like Adonis.” The girl snorted at that. Komori relished in it.

Komori chose to ignore her pig-like snorts, but managed to still hear the apologetic boy try to exclude him. He began to walk towards him when he heard the pig girl say, ”That’s okay. I can join if he does.” Then it suddenly seemed as if every girl wanted to kill her. The Hozuki got a similar feeling from the other boys in the group over the attention he was pretending not to notice. His ego inflated to unprecedented levels. The rest of the groups seemed to pair up, whether this be two girls (nice), one of each, or two bros chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart because they’re not gay. Komori found himself paired up with a girl… who was several years younger. As in, hey, no hitting on her, you’re a jounin and can get in trouble for stuff like that, kind of young. Still, he extended his hand to her. “Name’s Komori Hozuki.” There were many other titles and feats he could mention, but he did not know what exactly was common knowledge. For starters, he probably should not mention the bijuu he had beaten, or the two he had sealed. He hesitated for a slight moment, but not necessarily enough for it to be terribly noticeable. “Jounin of the Hidden Cloud, Fuinjutsu Master, and Slayer of the Hearts of Women.” He bowed in a supremely extravagant manner, taking her hand and kissing it gently before meeting her gaze. “Pleasure to meet you.”

WC: 601
Saya Kirihara
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:52 am
”I remember, yes. The lesser twin.” Her comment made another slew of hissing noises toward her direction, but the word “twin” seemed to have caught a few of the girls’ attention as they tried to eavesdrop more into the dialogue between her and the Hozuki. Saya paid them no mind. What she had mentioned wasn’t anything top secret, she didn’t think. ”You’re doing better than the celebration in Hoshi. I’m glad to see that.”

The girl gave the flask at his hip a quick glance; Saya didn’t expect him to reply to that though he was welcome to if he wished. While she was suspicious, she wasn’t exactly sure if it contained any alcohol or not. Again, the small kunoichi was taken back to the celebration ceremony where the twins had stumbled in drunk and arms loaded with finger foods fit for a child. ”Anyways, it’s good to meet you as well, Komori. I’m Saya. Saya Kirihara. No titles attached.”

She reached over and gave him a firm and quick handshake with a barely visible grin. His own introduction was quite funny to her. Then she looked back towards the group. They all had already been paired and was ready for the activity to begin. The teenage boy, again, took charge and started some sort of short speech. Saya promptly tuned out and activated her Kagura’s Eye to scope out any potential threats in their immediate area.

Nothing overwhelming came to her senses and the genin decided it was safe enough for the pairs to enter the forest. Saya glanced at her “partner” and wondered if he was just there to look out for the citizens or was he there for the actual fun and test of courage. She wasn’t one to mull over such things thus the girl decided to be her usual straightforward self.

”Are you here to play around or to keep an eye out on the civilians?”

Of course, just as soon as she asked her question, a pair of girls and their male counterparts came over to butt into their conversation.

”So, Komori and Saya, huh?” Said one of the boys. Saya noted that he did not seem all that hostile. More laid back than the leader who was ushering in another pair into the forest. But it was the second boy who didn't seem too happy with his female partner edging closer to the jounin.

”You have a twin, Komori?” The girl on the right of them commented. Her eyes gleamed with curiosity, while the girl (one with dark strawberry hair) sighed at the sight of Komori and completely ignoring the fuming boy beside her.

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 906 + 447 = 1353

Last edited by Saya Kirihara <3 on Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Thu Jan 18, 2018 6:16 pm
Seems she’s already met Komon, the better looking twin thought to himself. “I happen to be the handsome twin, thank you very much,” Komori bragged as he winked towards his new fan club. ”You’re doing better than the celebration in Hoshi. I’m glad to see that.”  Komori’s face scrunched up for a moment, trying to remember his time in Hoshi. He did not remember much aside from a lot of booze, which was probably why he did not remember meeting her before, if he even had. Oh man, have we met already?

”Anyways, it’s good to meet you as well, Komori. I’m Saya. Saya Kirihara. No titles attached.”

Oh man, we haven’t yet. Phew. Bullet dodged. After he snapped out of his own thoughts, he noticed her chakra flaring up slightly as she used Mind’s Eye of the Kagura, but as he did not know the technique, he did not know what she was doing, only that she was doing something. He made no comment on this, however, as he was busy flashing his gorgeous half smirk, half smile, while beginning to count the amount of people that had congregated into this test of valor. Counting Saya and myself, there are ten groups of two, so twenty in total. Despite his charming demeanor, he still took his position as a jounin relatively seriously. Well, as seriously as Komori was capable of, anyways. His thoughts were interrupted by the blunt nature of the girl that had been paired with him.

”Are you here to play around or to keep an eye out on the civilians?”

Huh, he began before realizing he did not feel like thinking. “Huh,” he said out loud this time. “You’re direct. I like that.” He winked at her as he said this before looking back out at the groups, trying to memorize noticeable features, whether this be unique hair colors, bushy eyebrows, hairstyles, noticeable clothing. All of these he tried to commit to memory, even as a group of children made their way over to him. No one is going to be left behind. “All work and no play makes Komori a dull boy,” he said rather distractedly. He looked back at her and smiled after he was confident that he would be able to notice people by their looks. Looks were perfect ammunition to fuel the nickname gun that Komori possessed. “What’s life without any fun?” he would say in response to Saya’s question. Komori always tried to appear as everything that the actual village itself was not: fun, lighthearted, sexy, etc. Someone needed to lighten the mood around here, even if he had his own demons inside. They could be pushed into the deepest recesses of his being, out of sight, out of mind. It was then that he began to talk to the others as well.

Komori’s the name, saving the day’s the game,” he said with a smile that could cause women to faint. “I like your style, Spike,” he said to the laid back boy, tussling his spiked up hair. It was always easier on the jounin when people stopped trying to one up him, and he wanted to make sure that those that were fine in his book knew it. He could’ve even sworn that the boy’s partner gave him a sideways glance before looking back at Komori. When questioned about his absent twin, he would respond honestly. “Yeah, his name is Komon. You might’ve seen him around the village before: white eyes, a scar on his face, a body that isn’t as toned as mine.” He gave a small chuckle that seemed to amplify his own electric blue eyes. “And when I say white eyes, I mean white eyes, which aren’t as pretty as mine, might I add.” The other group seemed rather quiet, the dark strawberry haired girl starstruck while her partner practically had steam coming out of his ears.

Settle down there, Champ.” Komori said to the jealous boy, patting him on the head in a humbling manner. It seemed like the kid was preparing to engage in a bout of fisticuffs, huffing and puffing like that. Better stop that before it becomes an issue. Komori looked down at him, lightning flickering across his body as he arched an eyebrow, almost taunting him to challenge him. Komori did not necessarily like being seen as an asshole, but he just wanted to stop any potential situations that he would have to deal with anyways.

Having to force himself to ignore the near dozen girls staring at him, Komori began to subtly corral this small group towards the entrance to the Forest of Being Eaten Alive by Trees or whatever it was actually named, but unless it was given an official name that the genin knew, it would forever be known as the Forest of Being Eaten Alive by Trees. For all anyone knew, the trees could be some weird medically mutated something or other devised by Mortarion the Rot Lord, wherever he was now. Komori gazed towards the kage’s chamber, that seemed empty. Kumogakure was rather autonomous, with the active shinobi capable of keeping the village running smoothly. “Let’s see what everyone else is up to,” Komori said to the five genin following him. "And Saya," Komori said, reaching for his eyes and taking out two contact lenses. "Take these, they'll help you in there."

WC: 1566

--Midthread Claiming 1500 words towards Water Release: Great Exploding Colliding Wave--

Also giving Saya my Kumogakure Contact Lenses

Available WC: 66
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Thu Jan 18, 2018 6:50 pm
Saya Kirihara
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:50 am
The better looking twin? Saya gave Komori a blank stare. She was not amused by his lies. Well, actually, a little bit. Komori was a funny man. Perhaps he could have been labeled as the “more handsome twin” if it weren’t for his flirtatious persona. At least he had that outgoing and playful attitude to make up for it. Either way, the little girl already felt like they were going to clash in terms of personality. She was serious and blunt while he was just all “fun” and “charm” as evident from his female audience swooning over his small gestures, smiling and waving at them.

An eye roll was on the verge of happening before his question (and subsequent wink) threw her off guard. What does a girl do when a relatively good-looking guy flashed his charm at them? A lot of girls would have replied in kind, but for some reason the genin wanted to say something to annoy him just as he seemed to be irritating her with his Komori-ness. She was tempted to say that he was “dull” simply because he played too much and that Komon, his twin, was definitely the more handsome twin. But alas, he was a jounin and Saya wasn’t one to say things out of spite, especially if they were near strangers and he was of higher rank. Komori could easily make her life miserable if he so wished.

Nonetheless, Saya wasn’t quite sure if he expected an answer or if he was just replying to her question with his own but she remained stone-faced. It confused her and so she chose to stay quiet on that front. He complimented her on her straightforwardness at least, and that said a lot about his person for Saya. Most of the time people didn’t take too well with her brusque statements, taking them as sheathed insults rather than mere observances and truths that she recognized during the situations.

Such as this particular moment when Komori was describing his brother. Her chakra flared slightly in indignation, probably registering in the jounin’s radar for a split second. ”Is it customary to downplay your brother’s physicalities? As far as I could tell his toned muscles are on par with your own.” Saya believed that she was stating facts and not opinions as Komori herded the entirety of the group to the entrance of the forest.

Her following remark, however, held a bit more bite to it than intended. ”And his eyes has a soft grey hue to them compared to your electric blue.”

Was she being huffy? Most definitely. Was she aware of it? Absolutely not.

Saya was completely oblivious to her hackles rising at Komori brushing aside his own brother’s positive traits. This did not go unnoticed by the four bystanders either. They blinked owlishly at her relatively small outburst. The one Komori had dubbed “Spike” had his eyes darting between Komori and Saya, while his male friend seemed to become more and more agitated at the conversation. “Champ” kept his mouth sealed, however, as he was put in place from the jounin’s electrifying show of power.

”Contact lenses?” Saya did not like being handed things, but she was sort of a greedy girl. Equipment to help her in combat? Though he didn’t know it Komori had just hit her weak spot. ”What do they --- ” Her question was immediately hushed when Strawberry Blonde and the brunette linked both of their arms through her own. Luckily enough, Saya had managed to implement the contacts before the duo dragged her a few feet away. If Komori were to pay close attention, he'd still be able to hear the content of their conversation.

The two girls took this as a chance to “connect” with Saya. Something about her had given them the green light that she was just like them.

"Omaigosh. I can't believe he just gave you his contact lenses. Can I try them on, please?" The strawberry blonde girl pleaded as she dug her nails into Saya's bare arm. "You will, won't you? It's not like they're yours. I mean, since you're actually a shinobi, you probably don't need it. Unlike us civilians."

Brunette, on the other hand, was more interested by her claim of Komon being on par with his twin's physique. "You saw his twin's body? How? When? If he's Komori's brother, he must have been super HOT! Can you tell me more about him - like, does he have a six pack? Eight pack? Chest hair?"

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 1353 + 758 = 2111

CLAIMING: Komori's Kumogakure Contact Lenses

Last edited by Saya Kirihara <3 on Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:20 am
Approved also It’s a 10 pack

Last edited by Komon Hyuuga <3 on Tue Jan 30, 2018 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ] Empty Re: The Night Is Dark & Full of Terrors [ KOMORI ]

Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:14 pm
”And his eyes has a soft grey hue to them compared to your electric blue.”

Yeah, but have you seen them when he activates ‘em? They’re all veiny and kinda gross,” he said with a smirk, ignoring the venom in her voice. Easiest way to frustrate someone? Don’t let them bug you. As Saya was whisked away, Komori was easily able to listen to their conversation. Hell, he was able to hear grass crunch from like 50 meters away. Being a jounin was fun. He heard the girls ask to try on contact lenses… which was kinda weird. Like it was one thing if he had given her his earring or something, but contacts. That seems rather unsanitary, y'know. He only had one thought, Why is chest hair important?

Komori was left behind with Spike and Champ. Champ would not stop glaring at him, but he did not pay him any attention. Spike meanwhile just stood there with his hands in his pocket, ready to wait for however long the girls would take. “So,” Komori said to the guys he was left with. “We should probably grab them in a second to make sure we get to the forest with the others.” He looked towards the treeline. Gotta make sure everyone’s safe. Don’t need anybody getting eaten alive by trees or anything. He looked towards the girls, trying to catch Saya’s eye. If the two made eye contact, he would nod his head towards the forest, hoping that she would take the hint and move on. Especially from Komon, since he was overrated.

WC: 1847
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