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Insight, A New Mission!?[p] Empty Insight, A New Mission!?[p]

Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:26 am
Not being able to infiltrate the village of Konoha the way she had wanted, Alice had been camped in the surrounding forest biding her time until she could find another way in. Her chakra was suppressed, making sure she would be undetectable by ordinary means. Still, it had been a few days already and she was beginning to get bored. There wasn't a huge drive for her to infiltrate the village in the first place, and now that she had their Hokage's chakra signature memorized, as well as that of another Leaf shinobi, she could make a portal leading into the village at any time. It was better to leave it be for now and come back when the village wasn't so tight on security. The only problem was, where exactly was she going to go? 

There was one thing that would probably end up turning into something interesting for her to do. Maybe she would be able to take some time to teach her protege, Brooke, while she was at it.

'Ryu. It's Alice.' she thought, touching the telepathy seal that felt like it had been placed on her ages ago. 'I'm over by Konoha and pretty bored since they refuse to let me in their gates so I was wondering, what made you decide to join Hitsuyo Aku in the first place?'

Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Insight, A New Mission!?[p] Empty Re: Insight, A New Mission!?[p]

Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:31 am
Ryu was standing on the hill waiting for challengers with the body of the dude who’s head had exploded when he got Alice’s question asked within his mind. He would place his hand on the seal and flow chakra through it as he wondered how to respond. “Why just me? Is this like that time with the hokage’s wife who had the hots for me after I burned down their gate. Well at least Alice asked me a little about myself before she tried flirting with me and she isn’t married… I think.

I joined because Jeremy said we would get justice for the things done by Kumo as well as other places. But then Jeremy died, but so far I have not seen much justice done. There is that dude with the apron that killed Koroshi… Oh, wait that was just in my dream. What really happened was he was swallowed by a skyhole that no one besides me saw. Then the person our kage put in charge in the event of his death just handed over our village, because the girl scout looked strong I guess. Thin mints and Samoas would take me down too. So, I just want to punch Kyson in the dick and I guess I thought Hi five blue blue, could make that happen. Clearly, not we don’t do shit. What about you?”

He would say summarizing what happened at the gates of Suna before he joined a weird cult of sorts, where Suna ninja became killers for whatever reason. If anything he was seeing the exact opposite of justice he was flat out lied to and expected to hold up his end of the bargain. Maybe, there was some random plan he didn’t quite understand.
The boy would look over to the lifeless body of Sorethin at some point it had begun to smell and started attracting insects. It reminded him of Yen, the guy he couldn’t hurt at all during the tournament. That guy had bugs everywhere, it was surprising he didn’t light on fire easily. Ryu would form seals for the fireball jutsu and light the body on fire. That is when he remembered. Oh, crap I forgot to grab his money and stuff. Oh, well precious metals aren’t worth anything all melted down. He would say a quick farewell before heading off the hill and back to the base of Hitsuyo Aku for the time being, at least until Alice responded back.

WC: 412
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Insight, A New Mission!?[p] Empty Re: Insight, A New Mission!?[p]

Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:33 pm
The response came quickly, and was thoroughly entertaining if not a little confusing. She smiled as Ryu's voice rang out in her mind. The boy truly was an idiot, but he had his morals and his goals and that was respectable enough for her. She could only assume the Jeremy person he mentioned was Ren, though she had no idea where the name Jeremy came from. A lot of other things didn't make sense to her either, like the Hokage's wife flirting with him even though the Hokage was clearly female herself, a girl scout attacking Sunagakure, a skyhole opening up and swallowing their Kazekage, and who in the world was Hi-Five Blue Blue!? Overall, she ended up with more questions than answers, but there was one thing it seemed that Ryu had wanted to do that stood out in her mind: beat this Kyson person and get justice on Kumogakure. 

'Me? Well at first I joined up because it seemed like there were quite a few strong characters and I needed protection until I could grow stronger myself. That, and the allure of meeting out justice drew me in. At first I couldn't stand any of you guys. I was just going to use you all until you were no longer useful..' Her eyes drifted down to the forest floor then, feeling a slight twinge of guilt at her reasons. But she continued, trying her best to get to the point. 'But now, now I actually enjoy the company of some of you. Something I never thought would happen. I asked you about your reasons because you always seem to have a goal in mind, and I never bothered to ask you what that was. Hearing your story though, as confusing as it was, I want to help. I will help. Whether Kazuo has some other agenda or not.' she said, determination filling her words now instead of the twinge of guilt she had felt earlier. 

'Ryu. I've made up my mind. Let's go find this Kyson person you mentioned. Let's go now. I'll help you get justice for your village.'

Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Insight, A New Mission!?[p] Empty Re: Insight, A New Mission!?[p]

Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:01 pm
“Well she isn’t talking about me as a strong character. I guess there is Kazuo. Jeremy was good at fuinjutsu, but other than that meh. I was stronger than Faith as a chuunin, as a jounin well I just got better. There were some other people besides Evan I forgot their names. Was it Jeremy? No. Steve, yeah it was Steve and there was… Umm. Fuck it, I’ll probably never see them again with how many people randomly go missing in these sky hole zones.”

He would pause hearing that someone wanted to help him, while it was nice Kyson was his. As were any other Suna ninja that decided they should join the girl scouts of Kumo. Having someone tag along to witness the ass beating wouldn’t be so bad though. Maybe, he could even burn down some village gates.

“Sure, I can take us to rain country through Vanish and then we would have to walk through Bear and Lightning. I do want to learn this jutsu before we go into Kumo though. It makes explosions, I think. I haven’t quite finished making it yet.” He would do the seals while heading back to the base. “I’ll be in the base, I’ll see who else is there and if they want to go.”

WC: 215
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Insight, A New Mission!?[p] Empty Re: Insight, A New Mission!?[p]

Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:18 am
Finally, something worthy of her to do. Alice had no problems with accompanying Ryu to Kumo in order to take down this Kyson person, whoever they were. Ryu sure was a strange one though, talking about people named Jeremy and Steve. Who the hell were they? It probably didn't matter. What did matter, was that Ryu was ready to go. He had said he could take them as far as Rain Country with Vanish, but they would have to walk the rest of the way to Kumogakure in Lightning Country. That was fine; Alice had a technique or two she wanted to get down before they arrived at their destination anyway.

'Alright. I'll meet you there.' she said through the telepathic link. She had to check on Brooke anyway. It had been a few days since she had seen her young Uchiha protege and, surprisingly out of character for her, Alice was actually starting to worry about the little brat. After all, she had taken her in which meant she was her responsibility now. So, she made a portal leading directly to the girl with a single slash of Royal's Edge, no doubt making it back to the base before Ryu.

TWC: 750 
claiming 3 stats and 750 wc toward shadow sewing technique
travel to Land of Iron via Royal's Edge
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Insight, A New Mission!?[p] Empty Re: Insight, A New Mission!?[p]

Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:18 pm
“Okay, cool I’ll see you in that bar in the black market where we all met for the first time.” He would continue to walk and practice as he continued on his path to the bar. Some, people were talking about some kid at the market who had just killed a guy. “I was just there, who got killed?” The man would look at Ryu and just tell him. “Well they say it was some short kid who took off the guys arm before blowing his head off!” Which made Ryu’s face morph into disappointment. So, there was a guy there like that and he didn’t even fight me. “What was his name smelly ruffian?” The man would scoff at the name given to himself, before finally telling the name of the guy killing people in the black market. “The scorched sandman.” Aww, that is badass.

Ryu having heard what he wanted merely walked off with so much as a word. Leaving the guy to be both puzzled and slightly angry, but he let it go he knew something was going on within the boy’s head.

Once, the former Suna jounin reached the bar he would open the door and the bartender would welcome him back and offer a drink. “I’ll have some milk, none of that funky water I had last time.” The man would nod and most of the patrons just wondered how a fourteen year old was let in, just like that. The bartenders knew not to mess with the boy, on account of well they knew his rank and the group he was in now.

“Any bounties come through that I can collect?” As the bartender served the glass of milk he would shake his head no. He did have something for the ninja to do however. The bartender was well aware that Ryu had no money, so would give him odd jobs to do around the place like removing rowdy customers deemed too dangerous for the bouncers. “That gentleman over there has been creating a bit of a ruckus, he has some rumors that he killed some ninja a few weeks back even has the headbands to prove it. Can you get him out of here? He’s already slapped a waitress on the ass and broken a few glasses.” Standing Ryu would walk over to the person and just look at him before quickly picking up his beer and pouring it on him.

The man reached for his blade, but a fist was already in his jaw breaking it. The man slumped over his face hitting the wooden table. Ryu would then take the man’s collar and drag him outside, before heading back in. “Do you have a marker? I’m gonna draw on that dudes face.” The bartender would throw him a marker and Ryu would go draw various lines and shapes across the man’s face. Once, he was finished he would head back inside and wait for Alice. It seemed the people in the bar understood why he was there now.

WC: 507
TWC:  1134

Claims: Putting 1134 toward Second Sun and 10Ap, also the destruction of Sorethin's body and things from this thread.
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Insight, A New Mission!?[p] Empty Re: Insight, A New Mission!?[p]

Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:12 am
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