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Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:35 am
The off beaten path; What some would say is the common factor that links all of us together. We all share the simple fact that we somewhere have strayed from what we would call the perfection in our life. Daniel could say this was more true then most, but with force and not a sense of willingness. His home, life, understanding of who he is and was erased from the maps of the Ninja world. Daniel could only gaze away into the emptiness of the night, the circle he sat inside by the surrounding trees. The open air above like a window opened in the forrest canapy. Daniel looked up into the sky; " Hmmm.... What is to come of you now." He sat in literal ponder of the nexts steps he'd have to make. Reaching up to his he rubbed the cursed seal through the cloth that covered his body. His silver eyes reflecting the moon light, Daniel thought of things he could do. Speaking out loud to himself " Well... I could migrate to a new Village..  But ill never truly be as content as i was in the Sunagakure or will i??. Or... Travel as a Wonderer.. But i could possibly be marked as a Missing Nin... 

To seek revenge is suicide.. Becoming okay with the loss of the Suna is revolting but very much needed Hoshigakure is your new home!.... I must train.. I have to control this thing, I have to be able to defend myself" Sliding off the small cliff into a pit, like a caver diver spelunking. His foot tapped against a boulders face, like a agile Feline he quickly shot off and stepped down against another rock, repeating this he landed against the pits floor 25 feet down. His katana clanking against its armor. His body lifting up to be erect, he stood infront of a caves entrance. Preparing grandsigns two Crow Clones appeared stepping forward. But as they went stepping forward, Daniel hunched over his head slamming to the ground and a blood curdling scream released from the pressure in his chest. His eyes igniting with color, a red glint showed under his armor and black cloth. A swirl of chakra surrounding him, his body was imursed in a burning sensation that covered his body. (Speed increased to 150. Chakra 130) The swirl of chakra lifting around him the clones turned in awe to the sudden increase in power. Daniels eyes transition upwards, and off his right hand and back foot he lundged forward at a high amount of speed his left hand going down he gripped a rock turning his right shoulder he went into a spin and then lunged the rock from his left hand at an insane amount of speed. The clone leaning back avoided the rock and then the two bursted into a sprint crossing infront of each other they came in throwing a punch side by side. Daniels left foot extended forward making his body drop as he bent his right knee. Then in the same motion came up off his right foot and both hands placed under the clones arms thrusting them up, his right hand crossed over hitting the clone to his left, as he did the clone to the right came across with a left to Daniels face sending him skipping across the ground into a rock, the clone he hit slamming into the side of the pit. Dust lifting into the air from both ways the clone that hit Daniel quickly jumped into the hole where the other clone was grabbing it and landing on the ground. Daniel slid down landing onto the ground looking up at the clones. Lighting began to form over Daniels body, hovering lightly his eyes remained illuminated. ( speed: 180, strength 120) 

Daniel stood up straight, looking at the clones he held a hand sign up and was inbetween them before the image of him disappeared. His right hand extended out griping one clone by the face pushing forwaed his left knee lifted into the others face. His body erupted off his knee violently into the rocks. His hand gripping the clones face he slammed him into the ground cracking the ground under the pressure. Daniel looked up and before he could collect his thoughts a bone spike flew from his palm through the clones chest, its body seperating into 15 clones flying out of the pit. Daniel dropped to a knee as the seal formed back into its original mark. The lighting fading he looked at the ground flummoxed unable to rationalize what just happend. The bone turning to dust particlized off into the air. "That... Inside a village?. Is certain death.." Lifting to his feet he noticed a shadow falling towards him, stepping back a kunai whizzed past his face, strands of his silver lifting off his head as it did. Daniel looking forward noticed the shinobi turning a left foot came crashing into his chest, sliding back daniel looked up once more grinning. Coming to a stop the Shinobi stood erect. Daniel quickly didnt waste time engaging the fight once more, his body moving quicker then the assailant thought. 

Daniels right hand lifting it went streaming towards the shinobis face the shinobi twisting his neck avoiding the hit they enganged in combat. Both throwing strikes the other could anticipate. Each one now crouch infront of each other the man laughed turning running deep within the cavern. Against Daniels will he followed blindly behind the the man. The cavern full of debree and falling rock from the ceiling. Daniel leaping from one destroyed rock to the other he leaped landing down on each rock the man leaped from. Daniels cloak lifted behind him he saw the man drop, and before he knew it the floor beneath him had disappeared. His body struck one rock then another, till his body fell into the pitch dark, soon he reached the bottom and a strenuous light filled the cavern. Striking the ground abrubtly he could only exhale the air knocked from him. "Damnit...." Soon he noticed 5 men wearing masks on their head. The Monkey, the Horse, the tiger, the Falcon, and the dragon. Each in a black cloak that touched the ground. Daniel quickly lifted to his feet but all 5 stepped in sending their arms forward with their index and middle finger extended, a Kusa style for imprisonment jutsu... The famous Grass style technique. Before Daniel could react a unimaginable force held his arms to his side and forced his body to remain still. One spoke "Your generation has forgot the Kusakage style Imprisonment jutsu. Since the age of the Mei when he ruled over the Hozuki Castle and foolishly released Muku from the Box of paradise. You will be what brings the Grass Village to its formor glory!" Could Daniel be imagining this he was able to hold a handsign spikes arupting from his body the 5 shinobi stepped back releasing their imprisonment technique. His speed and strength increased he dropped to one knee holding his neck once again. This time things were completely different. A black formation formed on the bridge of Daniels nose two wings exploded from his back that were like webbed hands. His chakra exploding with power and his speed beyond belief. 

The chakra swirling around his body released and the inside of the cave shook rapidly. His body still covered in spikes Daniel had lost his consciousness. " A Jin??" One of the men asked. Another replied " It couldn't be.... One of orochimarus cursed seals?? " Daniel held a hand sign and his body appeared behind one of the men, a spike prodruding from his palm he thrusted forward with such speed and strength it impaled the man, the wings on his back lifting when daniels hand hit the mans back it lunged him down into the floor of the cave so fast the others just saw the dust from the explosion of the mans body hitting the ground. The horses mask that he had slowly falling to The ground. Daniel still in the air the wings kept him airborne. The spike slid inside of his hand as he preformed hand signs faster then what the men could see. 3 clones appeared falling down towards the ground then all three tapped against a rock and went flying at three of the men. Their appearence just like Daniel in his current state. They were cut down faster then expected and all 4 went flying up at Daniel performing handsigns, Daniel fended off all four, quickly sending all 4 of then off into the caverns walls. His hair now grown to be long and white. Landing against the ground his eyes looked at the four lifting up from the craters he sent them into. Suddenly dropping to one knee the cursed seal retracted into its sealed state. He now expierenced the second stage. The four appeared arround him placing him into a imprisonment jutsu once more Daniel fell unconcious from the expense of the cursed seal and not being tamed yet. Waking up inside of the cavern but in a unknown location, he was stapped against a flat surfaced rock. His arms binded against his body and his cloths removed except for his pants. The tattered scars of the battles he has been involved in riddled his body on his exposed flesh. The four of them surrounding his body spoke "Your Chakra will be what opens the box once more and Muku will be set free once more!" Daniel grinned as the clone he made erupted into smoke and he landed down on top of the same flat rock his clone layed upon. "You four have more to learn then to teach" preforming handsigns his armor cleched against his body advancing his speed so his hand signs couldnt be seen. 

His body shooting up into the air, 500 kunai with explosive tags came falling from under him, each exploding individually he jumped from one side to the other as the explosion propelled him expelling his body from a cloud of smoke into the air above the caverns entrance. As he did a unknown shadow came down striking into his chest sending him crashing into a tree top. His body demolishing a wooden tree he skipped into the base of another abruply. 5 bodies stood on the large branches staring down at Daniels body. " He will be the one to revive Hozuki Castle. . " the one who just struck Daniel grinned. " We will see about that." Stepping down from the branch he came flying at Daniel. His fist slamming into the tree by Daniels face, daniel bairly moving his head in time he looked up at the guy. In Daniels hand a spike of bone formed and he went to stab the man in the chest but the man poofed into a log of wood. Daniel lifted to his feet "Hozuki castle? ... I know that name..  Hozuki?" Daniel quickly turned from the men to run only to be met by a fist slamming into his face. Skipping across the ground his flipped onto his back sliding to a stop. Looking forward he saw the man running at him, but he engaged the Dance of the Pine, as he did his body formed spikes from all over. He stepped back and quickly each motion deflected a strike from 5 people. He was able to fend off 5 people at once and slid to a stop with all 5 infront of him. "Hmm... Hes stronger then what we had expected.." Daniel dropped to a knee his body beaten he had used to much chakra to keep using his kekkai genkai. Reaching behind him his hand gripped the katana on his back sliding it out the white blade shimmered against the moonlight. " It seems he will fight to the death.. How stupendous" One came rushing at daniel holding up a hand sign his other hand turned blue ignited with chakra he slammed his hand forward daniel blocking it with his blade the force of the strike sent him sliding back until he hit another tree. One eyes shut he said 

"Shit... If i dont do something i will die where i stand right now.." One of the men replied " Yes.. Daniel you will." And then a bunch of red glowing orbs lifted from the ground and turned into the chinese appearance of a Gins face. "Fire Style: Demon Lantern!" Suddenly these orbs of fire came flying at daniel. Stepping forward his blade sliced through as many as he could defend but one slammed him against the base of a tree and scortched his cloak, his sleeve, shoulder and chest portion of his cloak was singed to expose his flesh. His body layed back against the tree he gripped the blade struggling to get up. One eye shut his vision kept blurring and then focusing. 

He shook violently lifting up to his feet. "All you have to do is Submit Daniel.. And you wont die on this fatefull night." Dropping to one knee he used the blade by stabbing it into the ground to hold the upper half of his body up. Daniels hair draped over his face he couldnt do anything but look at the ground. Sweat falling from his face it struck the ground. " Damnit... Just... Stay... Awake..." Looking up the men were gone. The wind breezing down inside the Hoshigakure. The simulation his mind created had ended the clones wearing the masks created were destroyed... Or was that a simulation. Daniel knee that the clones made were in stage 1 form so the chakra and speed levels would push Daniel harder then before. But how could he be so sure that they were the clones and not actually people.. Daniel had finished training the Cursed mark so he thought.. Now he must obtain the tittle Jounin. With Jounin on his mind his body stood with .His eyes shut as the wind grazed over his body the cursed mark moving on his neck a blur appeared infront of daniel the mans kick came down as he bolted forward as fast as he could go the hooded man stepping back dodging each kick, one kick sending the man back he began to run. The true ptential of the Kaguya only came to rest after he chose Hoshigakure as his home. Daniel was a completely new breed of Kaguya starting from where his father left off. As He bolted down rolling forward he quickly came up kicking one, two, three, four. He proceeded for the hooded man. Kicking not stop building the muscle up in his legs. He slammed his right leg down infront of him closing his eyes he looked forward only to see the round house of kick sending him back into the ground thudding against the grass sliding into a tree.  He quickly rolled back up to his feet again he looked forward a n empty gaze. Kinda pissed to be frank, He ran back quickly sliding into the ground he pivoted running back to the hooded man as fast as he could, the first foot planted pushing his second up flipping he back wards onto the ground. Daniels foot stepped back his eyes gazed back as he suddely felt someone running at him as the after image left from in front on him. Daniel turned swiftly grinning he started kicking rapidly into the chest of a clone. His legs slamming against with the weight the clone flew back. Daniel kept kicking with his legs would go faster and faster Daniel flowed his chakura to his legs and quickly his legs grew lighter as his bone grew thicker on the inside but hollowed out on the inside. Daniels body kept kicking and kick until sweat dropped off his body as if it were rain. 

His eyes only fixated on the bag he kept gong till eventually his legs gaze out. Daniel raised his head looking forward smirking he Ran at full pace going his fastest with his strength forcing his legs deeper into the ground every foot step he took he charged the hooded man . Daniels body flew as he ran he was fast. Daniel could hardly notice the difference of chakra with the cursed mark. Soon he began to kick perfusly kicking and kicking over and over. His legs flying up striking against a barrage of kunais his kicks deflecting kunai over and over. The sound of the kunais being struck could be heard from the echos. His legs kept going even when Daniel wouldnt think he Pushed himself more and more. His body working harder and harder he kept going. Kicking over and over again He had to keep pushing to become the best. He will show everyone that at a Chunnin rank He is lethal like a Kage. So Daniel kept fighting the pain and kicked. Until once again his body was being pushed to its limits. But daniel didnt mind He kept kicking hitting kunai after kunai. Till finally on his last kick his body spun back to a standing position. Sweat pouring from his forhead. Daniel stood his eyes shut suddely a man appears.. But this man was the one using the Kusagakure style jutsu from before. He pulled a kunai on Daniel. Rushing Daniel. He stood gaurd, but as Daniel went to block his opponets kunai he was blind sided by a kick to his face dropping him he quickly rolled to his feet, jumping back, the man rush swiping his kunai in different motions at Daniel, he kept jumping back arching his body avoiding the slicing, he quickly slammed his right foot down as the man just swiped at him, Daniel pushed his body forward both palms slammed into his opponents chest as two sharp pointed rods of bone came flying out Daniels hand and then flew out his opponents back. 

The skin riped as the bone came out, blood lifted into the air from his opponents back Blood seeped into the air, then suddenly it turned to a log. Daniel quickly turned around to his opponent slashing down at him pushing back his kunai slid across his chest muscle. the sound of his cloak ripping was heard as Daniel stepped back into a jump. Jumping forward stabbing rapidly the man came at daniel. The stabs coming from his opponent he kept blocking his strikes kick after kick till his opponeent kick his leg out from under him. Daniel fell back quickly but hit his back folding his legs back he shot himself back to his feet round house kicking at his opponent but sudenly he disappeared. Daniel stood poundering if that was real or an illuion. Daniel stood in the front of his cave entrance watching the sun rise into the sky. His silver eyes reflecting the color in his midst. Daniel stood dazed as this is his time to become what he should be. he is an eir to his clan Throne. But only him and this man are left.. where are the other men. Even if it is only him he couldnt win at this rate. Releasing his tentsion as this may be the last time he will ever do it. As the Kiyade are made for Assassins, he must keep him mind clear and as he trains he doesnt need to he can release his tention. He seemed relentless this man was but daniel will be the head of the kaguya a sacret assassin for the Hoshigakure. 

The man appearing infront of Daniel he was already in mid motion punching then suddenly he burst into a barrage of strikes. Doing it in sets of two he went punches kicks, elbows everything. He did this reapedly the man stepping out of the way of each one when a hooded man landed next to Daniel his hand extending out at Daniel he dipped his shoulder rolling to the left. Soon the sun rose over his head as he and the two men stood in sync of each other in the midst of a battle. "so who the hell are you guys? Whats this box your talking about?" The man moving in a blur his fist flying his feet kicking he made daniel use his reaction to keep blocking hit after hit. He  fel5 worn out bit Daniel knew he could contiue. But he had to force himself hard and hard Daniel kept going his ideas of becoming a Sannin like his father he had to keep fighting. Daniel Stared watching each attack from both of them they moved forward sweat glazing off their body they just kept going and going each one in seperate attacks. Daniel soon relized that he was keeping up with the both of them. Daniels body stood once more in the forests of the Hoshigakure.  His eyes slimmerd down at Daniel who stands at 6'3 but still the man wasnt going to stop and neither was daniel. His strength growing so was his speed the man kept pursuing Daniel. He contiued punching and kicking in flurries if calculated strikes. Suddenly a third man came from the side at him quickly kneeing him in the face daniel fell back going to flip up his body worked slower. Getting to his feet another man was already rushing. Daniel stood lifting his arms struggling to block their attacks were calculated. He kicked upwards, the man dipped dodging his kick coming down striking daniel across his face. Daniels head tossed dowards and quickly came back up another came in once more connecting a punch to Daniels temple. He dropped to the ground catching himself rolling to his feet he lifted his arms again. The man going to punch he dodging easily Daniel was hit 3 more times knocking him back into the side of a tree. The third man came in swinging down Daniel dodge coming up slowly hitting him in the chest the man lifted into the air and he pushed past him Looking forward the other man with the bird mask came in punching rapidly, Daniel stepping back his movments growing swifter as he could see the mans movements The man swung trying to land. Daniel came around swing his leg into a round house coming down. The man blocked pushing his leg away, Daniel turned with it coming around swing his arm at a high rate of speed.

 The man ducked under he slammed his fist into Daniels gut sending him hitting the ground Swinging back Daniel jumped to his feet only to meet a fist into his face. Daniel stood to his feet the three men infront of him once again. Blood trickled down his face at a slow rate. He quickly ran twords the grouo of me he disapepeared re appearing swinging rapidly his movments increasing to the first stage now he began kicking and punching at the closest man rapidly and feircly. The men together could keep dodging the kiyades attempts Daniel kept putting forth his atmost effort but still Daniel couldnt touch none of them suddenly one of their hands came up stopping him from going anymore in his barrage holding his leg with his hand. The second man with a mask quickly took avantage kicking daniel across his face dropping him once more his leg slamming behind daniels ear sending him skipping across the ground they all looked at Daniel he lied motionless. "Maybe we've killed the poor boy" one said. The man without a mask grinning as he walked towards Daniel. But Daniel lifted from the ground his hands lifting up infront of him like a kung fu master and he waited. His body waving as he regained his balance. The men showing intent of hurting Daniel this time the last they wanted to capture him but now.. Their out to kill. Daniels adrenaline began to kick, his foot moving forward he shot off the ground into the air. Coming down he began to swing his arms in direct punches, the punchs going fast and swift at the man with out a mask. Kicks came flying he could only block and dodge to get away. Daniel came with force the cursed seal in stage one his foot connected to his face and dropped him. Sending him sliding between the other two. They came in both rushing at Daniel. But he noticed they have kunais held in reverse. Quickly chakra rushed to his hand bone spueled out of his hand forming into a small gladiator type blade. As it did arm came up suprisingly faster then before, counters the first kunai attack he span his right foot sending his right hand backwards deflecting the second kunai Pushing the man backwards. Daniel jumped back throwing his two bone kunai out infront of him, flying at the men simply they both jumped to the side. Daniel landed dropping to one knee as he wait smacked against the ground. Looking up some bone fractured from the fall but his chakra quickly rushed to the fractured and broken spot. 

Filling in new bone mollicules formed and the bone regenrates itself. Looking up he held his hands out on either side. Watching his opponents closly Daniel isnt going to do anything harsh. He is in peral need of help and he has only himself to rely on. While he did he looked forward at his opponents, two more bone kunais forming into his hands, the took off running directly at him. He formed a hand sign and flickered flying inbetween the two men rolling on the ground he turned back around, bolting off his foot. Both men came slashing down, Daniels left hand came up deflecting the blade dipping down inbetween the both he sliced into the one of his lefts thigh deeply squirted out across the ground from being hit so deep. Daniel slid to his feet turning to see the second man with a mask coming up with several strikes. Weaving he dipped and dodged. Sliding his right arm across he deflected the blade. Daniel sat panting, his sweat dripping to the ground. The three men stood close to each other The man without a mask now standing. "Danny boy.... Your death is imminent just let go and die already!"   Suddenly after yelling at daniel the all came dipping in an attack at Daniel. Daniel stepped forward two swords forming in his hands quickly made of bone, he sliced up into one blade, turning around hitting another then hitting the ground rolling as the third man came flying over him missing his strike. Daniel quickly rolled to his feet the first two infront came in stabbing.Daniel flipping his right blade into reverse, sliding down he sweeped into both of there kunais, the final clone jumping over them. Daniel swung around with his right hand deflecting the kunai. Kicking straight he pushed the mqn off him with two behind his back. He leaped backwards into the air. Hitting the ground looking up to a kunai being swung twords his face. Daniel came back around his opponent rushing forward attacking more and more he kept dodging. Daniels chakra just kept rising as they all faught. As Daniel dodged he pressed back. The first man came rushing in. He swang down. Daniel caught his kunai with bone inside of his hand preforming like an armor. Gripping onto it he pulled the clone into him stabbing it in the chest. As soon as the clone poof Daniel was kicked. Flying back he hit a tree. Sliding down blood seeped out of his mouth. Daniels heart pattering his body worn out from fighting these different Kusa nin from the hidden grass.  Daniel was outnumbered but he wasnt giving up. Looking up the men rushed in at Daniel. Bolting forward from a nealing position quickly he was fast, moving up he cought both men in the chest with two palm thrusts sending them flying back. As he did a fourh dropped down from a near by tree. The four surrounding him but Daniel Stood his ground Holding his left hand up and his right hand arching gripping his . The blade forming out the bottom of the hilt on his bone katana in his hand perfecting and growing 3 feet long. He has his hand in the middle. Tucking the blade up against his back underneath his armpit looking forward he held his kunai out. The first man came in going for a stab the second came in going for chest, the third going to stab him and the last slashing downwards at him. Daniel stepped forward dashing the pressure not just kicking on his adrenaline kicked in he quick came up slashing into the first blade with his kunai, coming around smacking into the slash and the stab a bone spike shot out of his should deflecting the blade, all four being block he shot down, his right foot went forward he slashed up spinning stabbing with his kunai, he pivoted stabbing behind him not looking at the man stabing then shoot forward to the last one slash feircly. The fourh man stepped back to jumping back making Daniel miss but the other two deflect his shot. Daniel dashed in at them spinning sliding his blade slashing upwards at the one on the left, swinging his blade around slashing downwards at the one on the right. the first man deflecting getting hit back skidding on his sandels. 

The man on the right stood in awe as the blade came seering down through its skin. Daniel didnt stop he pushed off hi foot jumping putting the dual bladed katana sideways, coming down hitting into both mens kunais, slamming his left foot forward he span around swinging his blade back catching another deflection with a stab to a mans kunai, daniel twirled his blade coming down smacking into the mans blade as he tried to attack. Coming down with the block he came back up deflecting the others attack. Daniel stood looking over his should into the mans eyes. The man without a mask just staring back fearless he pearched a smile " You are quite a character arnt you?" Daniel shot forward as did the man slashing upwards the man slashed downwards meeting Daniels blade. Daniel holding his blade and the man holding his kunai. Both of them besten from the fight they both smirked before in a instant their baldes clashed over and over. The sound of the blades was heard but only shadows were seen. Both are relentlessly trying to kill each other. But there attempts are futile. Daniel was weezing for breath panting, there blades coming down meeting once again they imursed back to battle. Daniel pushing himself swinging harder the two fought faster and faster till there blades were a blur. Each trying to kill each other and anyone of these strikes could kill. There blades hitting each others rapidly. Daniel and his foe parrying each others attacks they kept going. This Kaguya match is perfectly matched. Daniels body pushing back dodging the attacks he dipped then rapidly. Coming up matching most of the attack he tried galliently but his body was starting to ware down as the clones is not. Daniel still moving as fast as he was slashed rapidly but also countering his opponents strike. Daniel being pushed back the man began striking harder and faster. Daniel only able to block he keeps stepping back blocking his opponents blade. Looking at the men they circled each came down quickly slashing at daniel. Out of reflex daniels blade came up to block his opponents blade smacking dead center pushing down on daniel. Pushing daniel back making a skidding sound. Daniel pushing his hardest to hold on blocking. He drops down to a knee holding the main man back. Daniel was sent back by force they all stood staring. Daniel watched holding his dual bladed katana. The men with the Kunais still came running at Daniel. Daniel twisted his body the bottom katana blocked the first strike, Daniel quickly came down hitting the second with the top part of the balde. Dropping his kunai he gripped the blade As the man came and slashed across it hit Daniels blade making a loud sound pinging sound as the solid metal katana his his blade. Daniel slid back going forward slashing downwards the man with the horse mask came up using both hands on his blade to block Daniels attack Daniel too his left foot into close to the man slamming his palm against the mans ribs a bone spike formed from Daniels palm and slid through the armor killing the man. Daniel stepped back as the blood lifted into the air. Looking back he looked the man attacking him his eyes heckling with hate. The man with the kunai and the wire suddenly rushed stabbing forward with his blade, daniel span twist around the stab his left hand gripped the blade bone spueling out over the blade connected to daniel, he pulled in making the man fall forward he sliced with his blade hitting the man in the head parts of skull flying off like a homerun. Blood spuelled into the air following his heart beats squirting in all directions it cover the room and Daniels face. The Final two Shinobi didnt seem usual. Quickly the shinobi appeared slicing down, Daniels hand came up flat and stopped the blade. Bone pushing up direclt against Daniels skin pushing out it formed over Daniels skin and pushed up under the blade, his hand made of bone now and solid he came up with his right hand slicing up. 

The Shinobi twisting blocking the strike he came up with a kick to the gut, slamming into Daniel the pressed back out of breath, the bone over his hand sank into the pours and bonded back to his hand bones and arm bones. Looking up the Shinobi was coming in for another attack slicing diagnally twords Daniel he stepped back Putting he blade up it was knocked against this mans force, Daniel Twisted his body sending his left hand soaring downwards. The bone forming over his hand and turning hard as steel he slammed his hand into his opponents neck muscle. The mucle tensing up he stepped back for a moment and daniel show he blade up and in stabbing the shinobi through his solar plex. The blood sinked down Daniels blade until he snapped into reality, Daniel paused then relized that they all have throwing needles and none were dead. Stepping back one man threw five of them directly at Daniel. Daniel stepping back dodge each one indivudually. But sudden the other four threw ten each. Fourty needles flying at Daniel he quickly formed bone out of his shoulder bonding it together and widening it he created a sheild beig enough for him to crouch and block the needles. Soon the Barrage was over and the bone sank into Daniels arm. But still it was the first man that ran slicing down then out and up. The others perrch away while the first attacks.The man came in closure to Daniel He kept swing spinning around violently rapid, sooner or later he will hit somthing but in due time. Daniel Kept pushing himself forward till he caught one punch pushing. His other going into his chest it poofed into a cloud and a log appeared. Daniel Looked up to the other threelurking over him waiting his movments. Daniel Was quick to rise to feet holding his stance he watched then man appeared stepping onto the ground then rushing in at Daniel but he didnt budge he just sat breathing clearing his mind like his father taught him. The first man went to punch, daniel moved his head slamming his palm into the clones gut with enough force to send him skipping through a tree his eyes transitioned waiting the three to move. Learning what the true power of his clan and his power is the Surigetsu blade mocked his chakra making it spike to immense hights. 

Chakra rushing to his legs he appeared infront of one of the men Leaving no room or time to deflect or dodge his legs sent a barrage of kicks leaving him motionless in the air the others they kept moving back Danel. His body fighting to its full potentiel, he would, he wont stop for nothing. Daniel slashing madly missing most of the time wasnt aiming but trying to keep them busy while he made a plan. All three men were regaining there posture as he stands his eyes shut looking at the ground hoping so desperatly for this to end but sooner or later Daniel will be the White Fox of the Hoshigakure. and Leader of his Clan the Kaguya.Daniel bolded off his foot running at a very quick rate just not as fast as a blur his body lifting into the air. Gliding up into the he came down two blades forming from his bone kunais in his hand. Daniel coming down striked into the mans blades as hard as he could and it only made a skreeching noice. the noice bellowing in the air the bones sank, Daniel heard running twords him. Turning around the other three were in a blur suddenly he was blindisded to the right a knee from the main man without a mask it slammed against his head. Daniel falling down his opponent formed above him. "If i wanted to, i could kill you." Daniel released a small ioada of Chakra, his eyes lighting up a light silver. His eyes fixating on them as if he were a lion watching his prey. Lifting to his feet he looked at the man n then the shadows of the others coming in. Daniel waiting the first man came running up his blade up he slammed down against the bottom half of Daniels bone blade only to swing around he deflected his opponents strike the top of his blade facing down, he was directly infront of the man he shot he blade up quickly slashing upwards his eyes looking forward he deflected strike after strike. Spinning his blade around and around smicking into blades. His final turn he sliced down hitting another attack turning his shoulder a kunai came down quickly twords him, turning his body, ducking a clone came with a straight across slashing Daniels face grazing over the moving blade his left leg hit the ground his right leg follwed again he stood.Daniel watched as all the men were stopped looking at Daniel. Daniel stared back breathing heavily.. his heart pounding his sweat glazed off his face hitting the ground. Daniel didnt say a word The third man stood infront of Daniel, panting Daniel was short of stamina he could bare to keep doing this but he pushed himself the man rushed forward to stabbing and the others waiting. Smirking underneath his torn face mask. Panting out of breath he held his blade facing twords them, the first man came down his blade striking against Daniels blade, Daniel pushed to the right shoving him off bolting at the one on the left, the man slicing in a downward angle going at a diagnal angle to the right, Daniel ducked going left. The blade grazing over Daniels head slicing some of his hair lifted into the air. Daniel stood looking over his shoulder he gazed down at his opponent his opponent gazing back, they both lauched off there feet, swinging against each other there blades coladed, stepping back the man came in with several stab and slashs. Daniel stepping back he move avoiding these hits and dodging the slashs. Stepping forward he slashed up then came back around slashing down with the other side of the katana. The man weaved back bending his back avoiding my attack coming in stabbing directly at Daniels chest, Daniel left hand came around pushing into the side of the spike the clone was using Spinning around he came across with his right hand slashing with his Katana with his blade, the man without a masks  hand lifting up stopping the blade in its tracks. Daniel twisting his body jumped back. The mans arm damaged from the slice but its regenerating its self. The man came in slashing downwards then coming across slashing upwards. Daniel blocked both sliding back his breath panting as this man.attacked him. His heart pound he only looked up to another barrage of strikes. Daniel taking one step back at a time The clone kept attacking pushing daniel back till finally Daniel saw his oppertunity he stepped forward slamming his left palm into his opponents chest, as he did a small bone spike shot out implaing his chest. Dropping to his knee, huffing for air sweat dripped off his head hitting the ground down moving left planted his hand on the going pushing off in the opposite direction he was going. Not stopping he kept walking forward He slowed to a hault. "Whos next?" the men looking at each other they all bolted forward. Daniel quickly forming a small kunai made of bone growing it at they got closer. He stood watching them coming at him. He threw his left leg forward his left hand flying up the bone kunai flew out of his hand instead splintering into 2 pieces mid flight, one man dodged ducking down and the other appearing towards Daniel. Only two Left Daniel had starded defending himself, the men slashing wildly Daniel used both kunais deflected away each slash twords him. Daniel Stayed in place as the second man threw a kunai at daniel. a Thick slab of bone came up like a wall deflecting the kunai Daniel sat with his eyes closed. This to him was eas but using alot of his chakra. Retracting the bone back into his body he took a step forward suddenly two blades are flying down at Daniels face. Falling back Daniel rolled flipping his body up he quickly came around deflecting one blade ckicking the other clone in the stomach sending him flying back Daniel stared forward Pushing back he lifted into the air. The two attacking at once. Daniel dodging and deflecting as much as possible he kept trying to defend himself quickly he rolled to the right coming up he sliced his blade as the man stumbled back from being hit. Daniel looking forward to the last man with the bird mask. Is h3 maybe the strongest out of the bunch? Suddenly Daniel bursted forward slashing up, the man delfecting it back Daniel came up witht he other side slashing. Repeating this attack the man kept backing up as Daniel was striking perfusly at him with everything he had. The man backing up slowly. Daniel stood staring as he felt the chakra pressure within the air. Daniel looked forward as suddenly the man bursted off his foot his speed matching daniels he moved like a blur, Daniel couldnt keep up and suddely Daniel was hit in the side of his face. He stumbled to come back swing his fist up upper cutting his opponent, The man taking the swing four times. Daniel was hit in his face four time due to how fast his opponent could move, the hits pelting off daniels head he came down throwing a knee The man grabbed his knee picking him up spinning him and he tossed him. Daniel went skipping across the forrest. Flipping to his feel he stood quickly looking at his opponent. Daniel was caugh off gaurd but flipping to his feet skiding across the ground. As he began to slow the man flickered infront of Daniel a grin sliding up his face as he came around slamming his hand into Daniel face hard with chakra behind it. Sending Daniel skipping off the ground into the side of a tree. Quickly getting to his feet the man was in his face again throwing a punch straight down for daniels head. Daniel Smirked waving his head down coming up slamming his shoulder into the mane gut. He ran him forward quickly smacking him into the face of a big tree. As his body hit he felt the blood rush to his head the man was picking him up by Daniel waist he began to come down but Daniel feet stopped him and he reversed it flipping the man over his head.

 The man flipped landing on the ground it quickly at a blur came up hitting daniel in the face, the man fist working in a blur Daniel could hardly dodge strikes hitting his head and his body rapidly Daniel was beaten backwords. A Hard strike hit daniel right in the solar plex, blood shot out of Daniels mouth as he was sent flying back hitting several trees again Sliding down Down moved his rolling off to the right blood falling to the ground. Lifting as the blood kept falling, He bolted at him moving nearly just as fast as the clone, his movments matching a blur. Daniel pressed his feet down laucnhing forward both of them engaging in hand to hand they both connect at the head and body throwing kicks these tow are going blow for blow. Every hit landing another one hits. for 5 mins these tow backed each other up across the feild each one throwing punchs and flurrys of kicks and punches. Daniel connected with the last punch that sent the man flying back hitting the ground. But this man isnt like anything he has ever seen before. Daniels body beaten and sore but he knows this is it. Daniel Could smell victory advancing all of his traits making himself this strong making himself a God. He will be unstopable. Daniel has Higher intentions. To become a legend. Looking down at the man, Daniel relized its all within one oppurtinity to be himself and be that legend he so wants to be. So Daniel pressed his foot into the ground Pressing it against the grass he looked up. Somthing inside him finally snapped making his true speed and Kaguya ability came out. The clone rushed forward Daniel ran at him forming three handsigns releasing his chakra into his bones, he formed two blades out of his palms. Daniel bolted fast going directly under the clone he flew into the air slicing rapidly the man dipped and dodge daniel jumping his white cloak blocked out the round house kick and slice to his opponents head. Daniel rushed forward stabbing rapidly but man dodged quickly. His foot steps matching Daniels he dodged the strikes. The man dodging the strikes Daniel Kept attacking his relentless attacks. Daniel kept fighting pushing his hardest slashing over and over again but the clone and Daniel were even untill. "Fire style: Demon Latern Jutsu!" The man flips back shooting out jin heads of fire that grew into massive heads. Daniel turned running away his quickest the latern was right on him. So he pushed more curving to the right he jumped rolling out as the fire gauntlet grazed him tourching his cloak a bit until smacking into the forrest floor. Fire spuealing into the air and the forest floor like oil. The grass began to turn to fire. Daniel standing the fire formed around them making a perfect ring for them and only one is leaving alive. The man stood his hair waving to the wind rushing around trying to find a way in the blaze. Daniel walking around thean followed until both of them lead into a clash there  blades smacking against each other Daniel rolled, his speed is shown that his training indeed worked. Reaching in Daniel swiped upwards the man stepping back it slid up his chest muscle. the tear ripped flesh sending blood into the air. The man simply stepped forward swinging down at Daniel, Daniel went to block but was to late sliding his body to the left the slice came down by his side but grazed him just sheering the flesh open. Daniel skid away backing his feet up to the fire. He looked up his cloak ripped and torn in all different places. His  mask soaked in blood Daniel Just Stared at his opponent. Both of them rushed into the middle at each other both there blades lifted and they slashed at each other simotamiously and yet against there blade hit each other making sparks off bones from how sharp there blades are. Daniel back up swinging up witht he blade in his left hand but then right away he came down with his right pulling away with his left altering the attack. His blade sank into his opponents chest slicing in pretty deep it sent his opponent sliding back dropping to a knee. He waited to watch his opponent get up and look at him. Daniel and his foe parrying each others attacks they kept going. Coming up matching most of the attacks he was still moving as fast as he was he slashed rapidly but also countering his opponents strike. His opponent throwing his right arm back for a hard strike Daniel rushed in sending his blade directly into his opponents chest. The blade pushing deeper went out the other side. Blood fell from the bird masks mouth. His hands falling to the side Daniel pulled the blade from the mans chest. The fire still blazing the first man appeared out of no where... "So danny... You beat most of us huh... You think that will stop me from achieving mukus dream???!!!" Daniel stepped back as the mans body fell to the ground. His eyes looking up at him. "Look.. Mukus dreams are dead obviously. Your not walking away from here my friend. Not today." Daniel replied. Daniels hair began to grow. The pressure felt from him body was immense. As his chakra spiked beyond belief. A purple color slid through his hair and then a black symbol on his nose. His eyes turning black where the whites are and remaining silver in the iris. Two giant webbed wings with claws grew from his back. Daniel looking forward smirked. "You see. Ive mastered it now." Daniel appeared beside the man. His blade already threw his chest. "Death is so beautiful isn't it?" The blade pulling from his chest blood spilt on to the floor. Daniel stood in the center of the flames his wings pushing forward then backwards forward then back wards lifting him out of the forrest. Landing down further away his body returned to normal. The bellowing sound of thunder approached. His blade in its sheath lit up with color as the hilt with gems began to illuminate. Daniel had one eyes shut. Hit body so defeated and worn. Then, appearing infront of him. Was the same old man from the Sunagakure. "So danny... Your almost there huh?" The storm streched for many milew and Daniels body began to pulsate with his chakra rising from the cursed mark. "What must i do... How do I control it?" The man smirking putting his hand onto Daniels head. Then a sudden aura of chakra was over his body lightning streaking through the air from his body a sudden massive bolt of lightning had struck Daniels body his aura sending the lightning cells down into his body the aura broke the energy to much Daniels body sucked in the energy of a direct lightning bolt over his body the sheering heart burnt the end of his cloak and the sleeves. " You must over come him Daniel." Daniel stood a massive amount of chakra had been placed into his body. Infront of him was the evil side of Daniel.. The one from his mind. 

Energy pulsating out of his and through his body running rampitly. Daniels body quickly became incased in a thick layer of chakra as the seal on his neck released the first stage with ease. Small bolts of friction lighting formed all over Daniels body he sat forcing the chakra into his core but the burning of the cursed mark covered his body. The chakra slowly was sucked into the center of his body, the chakra rushing into his core at a slow pace began to pick up flowing at a rapid rate, the man infront if him was in stage 2 of the cursed mark. The chakra rushing into his core at a fast pace the thick aura began drawing into Daniels cursed mark, the rush of chakra flooding his body. "You learned fighting me won't do anything huh? Daniels eyes lighting up as the his core drew in that lightning bolts energy flowing more into the rest that is already piled up inside of him, the mx of the cursed mark making the chakra nearly black. The chakra inside of him bonding with the lightning cells black bolts if lightning streamed off Daniels body. It took the entire energy and was placed into the core of his Chakra. Daniel eyes met the mans "Its seems fighting won't kill you". The chakra flowing through daniel sat looking into the cold dead eyes if his evil counter part. "So... We going to work togrther.. Or do i have to run the show?" he told Daniel. He put his head down closing his eyes he began flowing chakra through his body evenly from this high amount of chakra inside of his body. Suddenly, Daniel was encased in nothing but black chakra he ingored the rain and thunder, and the power of the cursed mark grew over his body. The black bolts slamming down into the ground around him. Daniel still beaten and torn from the battle. His eyes looked dead center into the mans. "Work together?" He asked. The cursed one laughed " Yin, and Yang. I'll tell you what" stage one.. You keep control. But stage two. Is when you let the demon out.. What do you say.?" 

Daniels eyes shut hearing the words of the cursed one he took in a deep breath. His chakra surging through his body Daniel released more knowing he can draw it back Daniels chakra levels grew, and grew but still he wasnt done drawing from the cursed mark. Daniel is going to be a god by the time he dies, as his body formed a swirl of black chakra around his body, he wants to be known as a feared opponent. But daniel is growing more cival with the cursed one. "Very well. Its a deal then." Daniel said focused on the surge of chakra in his body his eyes shut the storm raged on around him as he said very well, a massive bolt of lightning hit streched through the sky behind him. The storm producing huge lighting bolts, the cursed ones face lit up smiling. This storm raged on as Daniel stood his eyes gazed forward as the lightning came down lightning up the valley infront of him. Daniel did nothing as his eyes remained shut. The wind grazed over at gale forced speeds. His eyes looking into the center of the storm it began to grow bigger in size. Daniel stood the blade on his back lighting up his chakra double. The surge of power made his eyes open and with every bolt hitting tendrils of lightning would connect to his chakra producing black bolts. Daniels Chakra began to rise flowing over his body as his chakra has increased so much, the bolts formed more frequently.   The chakra rushing into his body rapidly  lightning stopped after 30 seconds the ground beneath daniel began to sink in falling in onto its self. Daniels body shook violantly as he tried to control this huge power overload. Daniels screams echoing off into the distances as the rain fell harder the lightning stroking every second Daniels body dropped to his knees his chakra flooring out of his body, his hair not purple this time, but pure white. His skin now grey, the wings blew out of his back. Daniel screamed louder as the chakra energy formed into his body, it imploded in on its self a huge shock wave flew off daniel as he sat screaming in pain. The pressure from the chakra he is trying to harness into his body began to make the rock crack rapidly. The rock cracking the ground lit up with Daniels chakra once more. The chakra rushing inside of him the dark chakra produced steched over the grass and his body formed into the stage 2, but this time he had control. His body limped over in pain Daniel could bairly breath. His heart pound and his eyes glowing daniel was in pain, this isnt the same as before, this time the power was at 100%. 

Pressuring the chakra to stay in place it settled bonding with Daniels body. This imense power was taken by Daniel. His eyes opening as a smile formed on his face, ripped it would show the fangs that grew in his mouth. The smile of a demon. Daniels body struggled to stand to his feet but he did, then out came a demonic laugh bellowing out and simultaneously his chakra blew up around him bolts streaming off his body. Breathing hard daniel knew that this was the true power of the Cursed mark. "Together we won't die, alone and we will you don't have to ask to use this power again, no it's yours because we are now one. Hehehe." The wind faded the rain came down in heavy flurrys, the lightning from his body extending massively. His body pulsating with chakra he grinned looking at the ground only one side of his face revealed. The strikes of lightning filled the air stemming across the sky. Daniel stood as if he were at home, "I am the White Fox of the Hoshigakure". The lightning bolts crashing down into the ground, the loud boom filled with the sparks of electricity. The cracked rock started giving way to the raging chakra soon it shattered falling into peices.  A massive bolt of lightning came down crashing into daniels aura, the bolt steming into the ground around him. Pushing his core to release all of his body, his body became incased in a sphere of Chakura, inside of the sphere, it eye completly blue as the lightning energy siwlred into his body the sphere rtated some more suddenly swirling into Daniels body his screams echoed into the air. The energy imploding from daniels body shooting a force wave of pressure circling out from daniels body. The peircing silver eyes glazed off the lightning bolts. Daniels chakra is at an amazing high like a freshly released bijuu. The chakira inside him is at an amazing amount and the cursed mark surged chakra into his body around him. Daniels ideas came to him as he stood, his eyes opening he was standing in the heart of the storm " So??? This is it huh? And its only just the start hahahaha!." He thought His eyes glazed and looking forward no emotion in his eyes or his face. Just relaxed he was ready to move on and get stronger. This bond will make his ability as a Chunnin more superb. Daniel stepping forward looking at the sky non shilantly as it pased over him hitting his dark aura the lightning shock waved over it travling over the entire landmass. Daniel walked forward the lightning ragining around him. Looking up feeling the vibrations of the booming lightning. The loud lunder ringing off the trees reverbing around him. Daniel Looked into the sky, " so this is the road to becoming a Sannin huh??"  Lightning flashing rapidly the rain came down in waves. What ever made the clouds angry because it sent down its full wrath. Daniel stood with his body being drenched he had to once more meditate to flow his chakra through his body preparing Daniel closed his eyes blocking out the rain, and thunder, and the surging water. He focused on the lightning opening his eyes being able to predict the lightning as it rapidly forms every where a dance of mother natures fury infront of daniel. Daniel kept saying that as he calmly stood up preparing for the lightning to release and crash down around Daniel. He closed his eyes thinking about his chakra pulsating through his body. The lightning strike stopping for just a split moment as it built energy for a last lightning bolt that struck by daniel. Daniel closed his eyes rushing his chakra out in a surge timing it perfectly the lightning bolt that stayed in place for 15 seconds striking into daniels chakra it flowed through it a full sphere of chakra formed in the water streaks of lightning formed out of the water as it swirled around Daniels body. . Daniels eyes full of the chakra as it raced into his body quickly. Daniel sat his motion usless untill the ball of energy pludge and pludered into Daniels body he released his hands as he mentally over came it. Daniels body surged with chakra. This part of his training will power his mind, and influence his body to be able to handle this amount of Chakra. Daniel not only has to focus and keep his mind on what he has to do to hold back from loosing control but also work with his counter part. By being in this mindset Daniel is able to harness the true potentiel of his Bone control and the way he uses his Chakra with his cursed mark. Daniel sat his eyes shut as he flowed his chakura through his body perfecting where it goes and how fast. Daniel bonding more and more electrical chakra cells into the frame of his skeleton. Makig his bone a vibrant source of chakra storage. His chakra cells slamming against the ecletric cells making small burst of friction bolts of lightning that are black small but they form all around Daniel as he focuss on his chakra. Daniels eyes shut he flowed his chakra lightning began to strike against it. The lightning flowing every two seconds it slammed gainst the ground. The chakra that was now electrified, stretching out around him. The burst of chakura shot Daniels eyes open as they glew galianly blue with a silver hint the white of his eyes were black. The chakra rushed through his body feeding more energy inside of his making his chakra levels higher and higher.

Daniel sucked the chakra aura over his body back into him sealing it to the seal on his neck. Keeping that pure energy inside of him for as long as possible but sudden pulse of chakra came fire out of his core through his chakura veins.  But holding it inside of him is what has to happen. Daniels body vibrating as it had so much more energy inside of it. Lightning slammed against the earth hundreds of times in various locations. The thunder rolling over the sky as this beast of a storm grew more power like Daniel. The lightning bolts coming down Daniels body grew with power as the storm did. But he sat with his eyes closed. Blocking out the rain, the thunder, and the power. He only listened for the crack in the sky. His focus was the lightning. the lightning pulsated through the land. Daniel throwing his arms up was met by a bolt of lightning it hit daniel encasing him in lightning it grew birght and disappeared. Daniel stood in the same spot his arms down to his side he sat with his eyes shut a layer of chakra over his body.  His chakra flowed rapidly inside of his body. Placing his hand onto his core his finger lit up as he focused all of his chakra into his seal and central chakra flow. Forcing it all to relax. Daniels eyes opened. The steam lifting from the forrest. Was this all just training? Who were those men. Daniel stood to his feet. His feet pressing into the ground he felt a massive chakra signature. He had only felt that chakra presence once in the Sunagakure. The heat of the lightning bolts melted Daniels head band a bit. Leaving the center smooth and without a symbol. Daniel turned running towards the chakra presence, on his way he would change. Daniel moved fast through the forrest but had no control over his chakra and the sudden increase that could be felt. 


11k needed for mastery of Cursred mark stage 1 and 2 -3000 from previous training. 8,000 Deducted from 10,757= 

2,757 left
2,500 towards Surigetsu= 257 left

Last edited by Ru Jin Kiyade on Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Returning to Kaos ((Repost of Voided topic)) Empty Re: Returning to Kaos ((Repost of Voided topic))

Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:25 pm
Yasahiro Yagami
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Returning to Kaos ((Repost of Voided topic)) Empty Re: Returning to Kaos ((Repost of Voided topic))

Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:14 pm
Please link the previous thread with the 3k training along with all of the jutsu and such that are being trained here.

It makes our job much easier, bump the thread when you are ready for a second look.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:26 pm

Cursed Mark


Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:31 pm
Thank you kindly, approved.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Returning to Kaos ((Repost of Voided topic)) Empty Re: Returning to Kaos ((Repost of Voided topic))

Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:32 pm
Also!!! Can i claim my last 5 stat points?
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:58 pm
Yes, approved.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Returning to Kaos ((Repost of Voided topic)) Empty Re: Returning to Kaos ((Repost of Voided topic))

Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:43 am
Returning to the forrest in the borders of the hoshi. At an opposite side of where bijuu was last seen it was a little unnerving to be in the midst of such a beast. But to no suprise it wasn't caught by the Hoshigakure. Either way Ru wasn't going to stop training as hard as he can. He is merely a Chunnin and is only at a Chunnin rank. But he will train and train to become one of the strongest in all of the great shinobi nations. His body came in through the tops of the trees, his tail still connected to his body the tip slammed into a tree side and his body whipped down over several branched his hand place down onto another the force swung him around the branch like his hand was the hendge on a door. His body coming down underneath his knees tucked and his feet pressed against a branch and then kicked off and his body came out of the tree landing against the ground. His body standing erect the tail slammed against the ground and slid deep into the dirt and came out the other side throwing dirt into the air. His eye lighting up as his pupils were pure white and silver lining inside. A bolt of lightning lifting off his body into the air he heard the sound of a crow above him. It was odd. The entire scenery got darker. The sound of the lightning crackling disappeared and only the sound of crows came from the distance and got louder as it did.  Soon the forrest was dark. A basic genjutsu but for someone inexpierenced with genjutsu Ru jin wouldn't know. The glaring eyes of hundreds and hundreds of crows. But infront of Ru Jin. Two very unusual sized eyes were seen. Through the pungent dark an awe of a crow was heard. The deep yet high pitched sound bellowed as if it was from the pit of a bear, the vibrations quite litterally hitting Ru Jins body. Soon the sound of breaking branches was heard and all of the crows above cawed back and forth in the hundreds. Then it could be seen. No wings lifted as the beak of an over sized crow being emerged from the darkness. Its foot planting into the ground two claws could be seen as feet of an actual crow but its talons dug into the dirt. Its muscle structure was that of a human man. Its lower half of a crow, its head also the same as a crow. Its torso was the only thing like a man. But its fingers had talons on them as well. Its massive head started to come through the darkness when a seperate large snap of a twig caught Ru jins Attention. The larger bird thing went back into the darkness. As it did a imagine emulated out of the darkness. Its wings to its side it wore human clothing and a odd wizard like hat on its head. "How did you reach this dimension?" Is all it said to Ru. Puzzled he look only to hear a bellowing voice say. "Brought him here. Hes developed an affinity with space/time and i know the wise crows of this forrest would lead him to the right places. I foresaw this happening." The scroll master they call him the one who deals with all of the summoning matters. The crow that had emerged looked at Ru. "Hmm... You sense his formality of space and time yet I do not. Why would I help? Ru was kind of stuck between two odd beings. "Have I ever led you astray Kûrtarö?" The two bickered back a forth until a large large bellowing voice screamed. "Enough!!!!" The booming voice echoed as trees fell over. The overly large golden crow came out with a second pure black one the same size came forth. Its left eye gone and the single line of a faded scar on its face. It was old and so was the golden one but it didn't show it like the giant black crow. The black crow spoke "I have seen this being in my own visions. His spirit is connected to that of a fox why not bring him to them they are just as wise." The scroll master replying "This is true I must agree. But I he would gain more from you. So what do you two say?, Ru looked between the two and the golden one spoke. "Very well. But if he turns to the foxes we will never sign a contract with you again.  Give the boy the ring and his first contract with Mairon. He should suit the boy well for now." A larger sized crow as tall as Ru. Its body nearly 9 feet long and the top of its head was a foot above Ru jins. The golden crow looked down. "Your in charge of this one. Show him the way of Space and time." The crows body shifting into the darkness and then i front of Ru. The Second crow to ever come out that was wearing the funny hat was right next to Ru as he turned. Its hand held out with a ring in its palm. "Take this. This ring is for the crow summoning. You'll notice alot of crow's following you. You'll learn the rest later." Ru gripped the ring as the summoning master came around his body like a scroll unraveled. "In blood sign your Name." The crow that gave him took Rus finger and pressed it hard against the beak on the ring. Blood trickling out of the tip of his finger. "Use it for that too. Its easier" signing his name in blood he sealed his contract with the crows. "Good luck Ru-Jin. Your in good hands." Ru looked up to the normal looking crow thats as tall as him. "Well.... I guess. We're stuck togrther now right? Might as well make the most of it. So to summon me you need to use your blood again in the same way and preform the three handsigns then slam your hand into the surface of something. Ill appear underneath." Suddenly Ru was back in the forrest and the surrounding was the same as it was when he jumped from the tree. Looking around he hadn't even lost the sun light. How long was he in that place. Taking the ring he held it to his shirt. Through the fabric bone came out of the armor on his body and gripped the ring. Coming back into a small voided aread the ring was encased in bone just behind his sternum. Looking around the crows did seem unsually dense. His finger still bleeding, he preformed three handsigns and slammed his hand to the ground. The crow appeared under him. A large caw came from the pit of the birds chest. "It's as easy as that. Summon me if you need to go anywere or need help. Just ask me in your mind. Thats how you hear me right now anyways." The crow poofing into a cloud of smoke Ru dropped to the ground. "Wow.. What the -- just happened." Looking at his hands he was kinda in awe. Stepping forward he went back to his training area. Scortch trees from the lightning and lava from the bijuu.
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