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Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Ryo : 500

Returning to Kaos Empty Returning to Kaos

Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:50 pm
The off beaten path; What some would say is the common factor that links all of us together. We all share the simple fact that we somewhere have strayed from what we would call the perfection in our life. Daniel could say this was more true then most, but with force and not a sense of willingness. His home, life, understanding of who he is and was erased from the maps of the Ninja world. Daniel could only gaze away into the emptiness of the night, the circle he sat inside by the surrounding trees. The open air above like a window opened in the forrest canapy. Daniel looked up into the sky; " Hmmm.... What is to come of you now." He sat in literal ponder of the nexts steps he'd have to make. Reaching up to his he rubbed the cursed seal through the cloth that covered his body. His silver eyes reflecting the moon light, Daniel thought of things he could do. Speaking out loud to himself " Well... I could migrate to a new Village..  But ill never truly be as content as i was in the Sunagakure. Or... Travel as a Wonderer.. But i could possibly be marked as a Missing Nin... To seek revenge is suicide.. Becoming okay with the loss of the Suna is revolting.... I must train.. I have to control this thing, I have to be able to defend myself" Sliding off the small cliff into a pit, like a caver diver spelunking. His foot tapped against a boulders face, like a agile Feline he quickly shot off and stepped down against another rock, repeating this he landed against the pits floor 25 feet down. His katana clanking against its armor. His body lifting up to be erect, he stood infront of a caves entrance. Preparing grandsigns two Crow Clones appeared stepping forward. But as they went stepping forward, Daniel hunched over his head slamming to the ground and a blood curdling scream released from the pressure in his chest. His eyes igniting with color, a red glint showed under his armor and black cloth. A swirl of chakra surrounding him, his body was imursed in a burning sensation that covered his body. (Speed increased to 150. Chakra 130) The swirl of chakra lifting around him the clones turned in awe to the sudden increase in power. Daniels eyes transition upwards, and off his right hand and back foot he lundged forward at a high amount of speed his left hand going down he gripped a rock turning his right shoulder he went into a spin and then lunged the rock from his left hand at an insane amount of speed. The clone leaning back avoided the rock and then the two bursted into a sprint crossing infront of each other they came in throwing a punch side by side. Daniels left foot extended forward making his body drop as he bent his right knee. Then in the same motion came up off his right foot and both hands placed under the clones arms thrusting them up, his right hand crossed over hitting the clone to his left, as he did the clone to the right came across with a left to Daniels face sending him skipping across the ground into a rock, the clone he hit slamming into the side of the pit. Dust lifting into the air from both ways the clone that hit Daniel quickly jumped into the hole where the other clone was grabbing it and landing on the ground. Daniel slid down landing onto the ground looking up at the clones. Lighting began to form over Daniels body, hovering lightly his eyes remained illuminated. ( speed: 180, strength 120) Daniel stood up straight, looking at the clones he held a hand sign up and was inbetween them before the image of him disappeared. His right hand extended out griping one clone by the face pushing forwaed his left knee lifted into the others face. His body erupted off his knee violently into the rocks. His hand gripping the clones face he slammed him into the ground cracking the ground under the pressure. Daniel looked up and before he could collect his thoughts a bone spike flew from his palm through the clones chest, its body seperating into 15 clones flying out of the pit. Daniel dropped to a knee as the seal formed back into its original mark. The lighting fading he looked at the ground flummoxed unable to rationalize what just happend. The bone turning to dust particlized off into the air. "That... Inside a village?. Is certain death.." Lifting to his feet he noticed a shadow falling towards him, stepping back a kunai whizzed past his face, strands of his silver lifting off his head as it did. Daniel looking forward noticed the shinobi turning a left foot came crashing into his chest, sliding back daniel looked up once more grinning. Coming to a stop the Shinobi stood erect. Daniel quickly didnt waste time engaging the fight once more, his body moving quicker then the assailant thought. Daniels right hand lifting it went streaming towards the shinobis face the shinobi twisting his neck avoiding the hit they enganged in combat. Both throwing strikes the other could anticipate. Each one now crouch infront of each other the man laughed turning running deep within the cavern. Against Daniels will he followed blindly behind the the man. The cavern full of debree and falling rock from the ceiling. Daniel leaping from one destroyed rock to the other he leaped landing down on each rock the man leaped from. Daniels cloak lifted behind him he saw the man drop, and before he knew it the floor beneath him had disappeared. His body struck one rock then another, till his body fell into the pitch dark, soon he reached the bottom and a strenuous light filled the cavern. Striking the ground abrubtly he could only exhale the air knocked from him. "Damnit...." Soon he noticed 5 men wearing masks on their head. The Monkey, the Horse, the tiger, the Falcon, and the dragon. Each in a black cloak that touched the ground. Daniel quickly lifted to his feet but all 5 stepped in sending their arms forward with their index and middle finger extended, a Kusa style for imprisonment jutsu... The famous Grass style technique. Before Daniel could react a unimaginable force held his arms to his side and forced his body to remain still. One spoke "Your generation has forgot the Kusakage style Imprisonment jutsu. Since the age of the Mei when he ruled over the Hozuki Castle and foolishly released Muku from the Box of paradise. You will be what brings the Grass Village to its formor glory!" Daniel was able to hold a handsign spikes arupting from his body the 5 shinobi stepped back releasing their imprisonment technique. His speed and strength increased he dropped to one knee holding his neck once again. This time things were completely different. A black formation formed on the bridge of Daniels nose two wings exploded from his back that were like webbed hands. His chakra exploding with power and his speed beyond belief. The chakra swirling around his body released and the inside of the cave shook rapidly. His body still covered in spikes Daniel had lost his consciousness. " A Jin??" One of the men asked. Another replied " It couldn't be.... One of orochimarus cursed seals?? " Daniel held a hand sign and his body appeared behind one of the men, a spike prodruding from his palm he thrusted forward with such speed and strength it impaled the man, the wings on his back lifting when daniels hand hit the mans back it lunged him down into the floor of the cave so fast the others just saw the dust from the explosion of the mans body hitting the ground. The horses mask that he hand slowly falling to The ground. Daniel still in the air the wings kept him airborne. The spike slid inside of his hand as he preformed hand signs faster then what the men could see. 3 clones appeared falling down towards the ground then all three tapped against a rock and went flying at three of the men. Their appearence just like Daniel in his current state. They were cut down faster then expected and all 4 went flying up at Daniel performing handsigns, Daniel fended off all four, quickly sending all 4 of then off into the caverns walls. His hair now grown to be long and white. Landing against the ground his eyes looked at the four lifting up from the craters he sent them into. Suddenly dropping to one knee the cursed seal retracted into its sealed state. He now expierenced the second stage. The four appeared arround him placing him into a imprisonment jutsu once more Daniel fell unconcious from the expense of the cursed seal and not being tamed yet. Waking up inside of the cavern but in a unknown location, he was stapped against a flat surfaced rock. His arms binded against his body and his cloths removed except for his pants. The tattered scars of the battles he has been involved in riddled his body on his exposed flesh. The four of them surrounding his body spoke "Your Chakra will be what opens the box once more and Muku will be set free once more!" Daniel grinned as the clone he made erupted into smoke and he landed down on top of the same flat rock his clone layed upon. "You four have more to learn then to teach" preforming handsigns his armor cleched against his body advancing his speed so his hand signs couldnt be seen. His body shooting up into the air, 500 kunai with explosive tags came falling from under him, each exploding individually he jumped from one side to the other as the explosion propelled him expelling his body from a cloud of smoke into the air above the caverns entrance. As he did a unknown shadow came down striking into his chest sending him crashing into a tree top. His body demolishing a wooden tree he skipped into the base of another abruply. 5 bodies stood on the large branches staring down at Daniels body. " He will be the one to revive Hozuki Castle. . " the one who just struck Daniel grinned. " We will see about that." Stepping down from the branch he came flying at Daniel. His fist slamming into the tree by Daniels face, daniel bairly moving his head in time he looked up at the guy. In Daniels hand a spike of bone formed and he went to stab the man in the chest but the man poofed into a log of wood. Daniel lifted to his feet "Hozuki castle? ... I know that name..  Hozuki?" Daniel quickly turned from the men to run only to be met by a fist slamming into his face. Skipping across the ground his flipped onto his back sliding to a stop. Looking forward he saw the man running at him, but he engaged the Dance of the Pine, as he did his body formed spikes from all over. He stepped back and quickly each motion deflected a strike from 5 people. He was able to fend off 5 people at once and slid to a stop with all 5 infront of him. "Hmm... Hes stronger then what we had expected.." Daniel dropped to a knee his body beaten he had used to much chakra to keep using his kekkai genkai. Reaching behind him his hand gripped the katana on his back sliding it out the white blade shimmered against the moonlight. " It seems he will fight to the death.. How stupendous" One came rushing at daniel holding up a hand sign his other hand turned blue ignited with chakra he slammed his hand forward daniel blocking it with his blade the force of the strike sent him sliding back until he hit another tree. One eyes shut he said "Shit... If i dont do something i will die where i stand right now.." One of the men replied " Yes.. Daniel you will." And then a bunch of red glowing orbs lifted from the ground and turned into the chinese appearance of a Gins face. "Fire Style: Demon Lantern!" Suddenly these orbs of fire came flying at daniel. Stepping forward his blade sliced through as many as he could defend but one slammed him against the base of a tree and scortched his cloak, his sleeve, shoulder and chest portion of his cloak was singed to expose his flesh. His body layed back against the tree he gripped the blade struggling to get up. One eye shut his vision kept blurring and then focusing. He shook violently lifting up to his feet. "All you have to do is Submit Daniel.. And you wont die on this fatefull night." Dropping to one knee he used the blade by stabbing it into the ground to hold the upper half of his body up. Daniels hair draped over his face he couldnt do anything but look at the ground. Sweat falling from his face it struck the ground. " Damnit... Just... Stay... Awake..." But soon his body. Collapsed. Unconscious. "He put up a galliant fight i will admit.. He killed Toison. " one replied " Toison was a fool from the start to engage hand to hand combat while a Kaguya was in the second stage of Cursed Mark."  Another spoke saying "The Kaguya's sudden Chakra spark could have alerted any slightly Advanced Shinobi arround for miles we have to leave. " the others agreeing picked up Daniels unconsious body and took him to an unknown location.


(2,291 Words: 2,291 worda towards mastering CM claiming 5 stat points towards chakra)

So the CM description doesnt state a WC for stage 1 only a total of 6k words for mastery so the WC here would be for stage one

Last edited by Daniel Kiyade <3 on Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Ryo : 276150

Returning to Kaos Empty Re: Returning to Kaos

Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:03 pm
..... I feel like I am the bearer of bad news today.

Firstly, could you in the future make sure all of your paragraphs have spaces between them? It is really hard to read a thread when it is just a wall of words.

Second, CM mastery.... are you asking for state one or two?

Third, I am going to have to denny the DOP skill trained, you can't use your words to double train something, if that makes sense.

Let me know if you have any issues or questions about this.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Ryo : 500

Returning to Kaos Empty Re: Returning to Kaos

Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:32 pm
Well from what i read there was no set WC for stage one but it stated 6k words for mastery of the CM so im not sure but id be for stage 1 id assume
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Returning to Kaos Empty Re: Returning to Kaos

Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:38 pm
If you could add that to your claim, that would be awesome.

However, there is annother issue I just realized.

Aren't you currently thread locked in this thread right now?
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Ryo : 500

Returning to Kaos Empty Re: Returning to Kaos

Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:56 pm
Yeah i guess i am in that topic !!! So if i can id like to freeze this training topic upon approval, and Move it to Hoshi Borders or wait till I get inside Hoshi and repost the training topic their thats my bad
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Returning to Kaos Empty Re: Returning to Kaos

Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:57 pm
You might need to change it up a little to more match the Hoshigakure setting, but that is fine.

I suppose that means this thread is Void then.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Ryo : 500

Returning to Kaos Empty Re: Returning to Kaos

Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:05 pm
Yes if it can be voided out thatd be nice and ill edit accordingly to hoshis enviroment
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