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Hirou Uchiha
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:01 am
Hirou felt the warmth of the noon, the sun shined very strongly. Hirou was very excited, he waited long for that day, today were the genin exams. He hoped that later this day, he'd leave with a real headband on him. He was excited more than ever, no more learning, he really wanted to start being a shinobi, and actually fulfill his dream. He was excited because he knew that if he passes, he will be going on missions, and help people. His robe, headband, and his short hair moved around kind of flying in the warm breeze. Hirou had arrived at the area, entering it, the only thing he could do is smile.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:39 am
An aspiring induvidual. The class room full of nervous energy and the likes. Looks like an average day for hopeful academy students seeking growth. They all despite ages and status fell under the same line.

The disire to grow and show the upper ranked induviduals that they had what it took to get a crumb of freedom. To avoid the books and do the duty they have been dreaming of  since comming into the academy. Become geninn of the village and finally serve even a small role.

 After a breif breifing on his expectations yen instucted everyone to go into another classroom, soundproof as to keep the students from guessing off others. 

The tests were of one on one baisis so yen was for the most part giving thumbs up, or thumbs down.
The faces of thoes whom failed fell and there were tears, but sturdy  shinobi grow strong if they learn from mistakes. Down to the slightest handseal, even the idea that they would not grasp. Some lacked the idea of their future endevors, others never studied and with a simple sharp word he waved them off.

The day was long and tiring, but it is what you must do for your home.

Yen sighed as he  went to the other room.  as a sobbing girl ran from the room and out the door of the academy.

There were times where he was curious to what the future held. But these kids their dreams crushed before the truth he would not reveal. The failures would only prove to be fodder to the goal of konoha. The act to hold its prosperity and exert its prescence of fierce grace, power, and duty.

He would open the door and point towards the boy hirou and headed towards the  examination room.

As the academy student will enter the class room he would spot a geninn headband  being held behind yens  back as the black rimmed hat and cloak would cast a shadow towards the door. All from the reddening of the sun as it began to set to the west. He did not face the entrance but instead the sunset.

"Before you begin hirou. Tell me why you wish to be a geninn? What would you offer? And do you fear failure?"

Yen stated as he  did not turn towards the boy. Awaiting his answer.
Hirou Uchiha
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:53 pm
His eyes looked at the headband, he could already imagine him tying this headband around his forehead, with a big smile on his face. Hirou could see the girl crying, running out of the room, but he wasn't scared, he knew that if he wouldn't get the headband, it means that he has to try again, and he wants to be a good shinobi. The jounin in-front of him was kind of mysterious, but he took a long deep breath before answering, he placed his hands in the pockets of his 'robe' and began speaking; "I want to be a genin because I love to learn and achieve my goals, and set new ones. I want to become a genin because I want to help people who can't. I want to become a genin because I want to protect the village, even with my life. I want to become a genin because I believe that the shinobi are heroic, no matter what rank, and I want to be able to help people, protect and support Konohagakure, and achieve my goals!" His face expression than changed, he looked down, on the floor and said - "I want to become a genin and level myself up, so I can continue my father's dream, which was to protect and become a shinobi of Konohagakure." He replied, he then looked at the jounin, with his mouth slightly open, waiting in excitement for a reply.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:36 pm
Yen listend to the boy's response. An aspiring response of hope. It brought him back to times of optimism, and brought a smile. For a second. Yen quietly gazed at the setting sun as he knew that time had a sunset long ago. The other geninn that aspired to show their worth and value.

In the end you will not know how far you will go to protect your home... nor if you are the hero for the act, or the villian for doing the right thing.... a shinobi does not care for recongnizion, but knows it only exposes your more open adgendas to the eyes oth the many. Noctoriousity only shows that you have allowed your service to a limited section, but so does fame and the disire to be known.

Yen thought as he remained silent for a few moments and spoke up as he turned around his face was a half shadow as the side that was revealed in the light was the eye patch and his pale face. His single deep golden yellow eye did not reveal the awnser he would give the boy as he merely showed a sort of serious gleam behind it.

Each of his slow steps continued as he studied the boy carefully and his hands folded palm up revealing the headband.

"Many have worn this headband hirou. To protect your home involves many things, and your father. Would have known this regardless. You wish to step behind such steps, but the question always will remain. How far will you go? And more importantly why will you reach so far?"

Yen would stop a few feet from the boy as he gazed at the boy quietly. A total of 5 minutes of him quietly studyingvthe student before him. His single eye gazing into the boy's as if to confirm something. It was nothing really as he desired to see the boys reactions here to what was done.

Regardless of the reactions yen would continue.

"Show me the transformation and clone jutsu... you are to explain their uses and how they work to me. As if i was to be instructed for the first time. This too will test your ability to guide. As even as a geninn you are a leader to students and peers alike. You will too guide them. Should you pass this. We shall see if you hold the qualities of one."

A tricky statement? Perhaps. Yen was a man of many things to see how the boy handles the task, but see the confidence form. Not see blind abliance to some test, but be dedicated to the words he spoke. To protect a home. You must also care for it. This includes teaching.

(So ooc you will do a total of 800 wc in your next post on the clone jutsu, and the transformation jutsu. 
 Once done we shall continue ok?)
Hirou Uchiha
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:45 pm
He looked at the mysterious Jounin, his black-grey eyes glanced at him and noticed a golden-yellow eye. He was surprised by the apparent change of subject, he then he thought for a moment and then replied with an answer. 
"It's basic, the clone jutsu is a ninjutsu that allows the user to create a copy of his body, that might have no ability to attack, however, can be used to confuse the enemy, the main use of it, is mostly with a combination with other jutsus. The hand seals for this jutsu, are Ram → Snake → Tiger. "
"Now, the transformation jutsu is a more difficult one. The transformation jutsu allows you to change to a different form, but the difficulty is the constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form the hand seals for this jutsu are Dog → Boar → Ram." He replied, trying to make it as clear and possible, hoping for a good response from the Jounin in the room.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:08 pm
Yen nodded expectedly as hirou explained the techniques but then again he shook his head.

"You must also show prefeciency in the techniques. While you would be wise to explain them basically. What are some examples. And show them to me."

Yen stated as he glanced back at the boy.

"Proof is what is seen and noted. Not explained. Examples will show me that it is understood... your clone will be of yourself. If not done correctly, it will show me that your basic chakra molding is not adiquit for the geninn level training."

Yen stated almost as if quoting a memo basically, but he was serious.

"Transformation, like the clone technique. Not showing profeceincy will show me that although in theory you are correct. Shinobi work is about getting the job done. Your mental discipline and overall control under pressure will be questioned. So you will transform into a dog and maintain the technique. Act convincingly or i will fail you. I will aslo test your concentration with some physical strain. Your mind must be focused. Put your all behind these tasks.... they will serve an important lesson later."

Yen stated as he now took a seat behind the desk and pressed his fingertips together.

(Ok keep the Wc: word count total in your post as well. Ok, remember 800 words to pass.)
Hirou Uchiha
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:18 pm
"Mhm." He nodded in understanding, his black eyes glanced at the mysterious man once again as he heard the news, he knew that this is now the real test, here, if he fails, he will not get to wear this headband he saw behind the Jounin. He was afraid, he really wanted to become a genin and make his dreams and hopes to come true. He stepped forward, his hair moved around with the step, which seemed to kind of jump upwards. His robe followed him like a cloak, and his face suddenly turned very serious. You could see that for Hirou becoming a genin was very important. He once again looked at the mysterious Jounin, noticing a golden eye, looking through. He once again nodded, he closed his eyes slowly as he began to weave his hands, doing different hand weaves to perform the jutsus he was told to do. He weaved the Ram handseal, then the snake handseal, and then the last one, the ram handsealHe could feel the chakra through his body now, he couldn't count on failure. A smoke appeared next to him as he said "Clone jutsu!", 
Hirou Uchiha
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:25 pm
what seemed to be an eternity, which was actually a brief of moments, revealed through the smoke a figure, slowly, the smoke disappeared, and it was clear, he could see a perfect clone of himself, standing in front of him. The relief filled his body with joy, everything suddenly became slower, and less intense, his heart stopped racing, he took a deep breath. He remembered he still needs to transform into a dog. The clone disappeared in front of the Jounin's eyes, Hirou then took another deep breath, followed by another slight breath. He merged his fingers and hands together, weaving hand seals, hoping not to fail once again, this was his one and only chance. He felt his chakra flowing through his body once again, he stated "Transformation jutsu". And then, you could see slowly getting shorter, his eyes changed form, his ears, nose, face, body changed form. He transformed into a dog as he was asked by the Jounin. He then rose up, back with a human normal form, he was so happy inside, joy filled his heart even more than last time, he couldn't keep it to himself, he smiled with a huge relief, hoping for this to be the last test.
Hirou Uchiha
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:26 pm
(Sorry for posting twice, it didn't show it, it was dark for some reason. Anyway, the WC currently is: 918 words.)
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Genin exam here I come! Empty Re: Genin exam here I come!

Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:27 pm
Yen watched each technique in question. Although the boys face was serious it meant little to the jouninn. He simply wanted to see ghe kob done, and done right. He did not comment on each of the jutsu. As he watched tjem quietly. Potential, disire to grow greater. Non of that mattered in times of the real tests at hand.

 His expression did not change as he studied the boy closely. His hunger for the rank was apparent, and even though he did complete the jutsu requested yen was not quiet done yet.

"So here is my question. Why do you belive we test you on such techniques and in such a way? Why do other academy students fail and some pass?"
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