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The Outcome pt 2 Empty The Outcome pt 2

Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:09 pm
Between the time Cho and Kinzo left and the meeting Yensung called cho too, Shinoskay would make a visit to the kage to talk the situation over and to better understand things.

Shinoskay made his way through to the room the kage typical resided in, he would ask the secretary to let the kage know he would like to talk to her about Cho, "I am here to talk to the Kage about Cho?", he had nothing to hide and because he was trying to understand the situation it was important to him to see her reaction more than it was for him to actually talk to her about his present/prior teammate.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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The Outcome pt 2 Empty Re: The Outcome pt 2

Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:09 am
Replacing her usual happy go lucky demeanor was a frown that wouldn't be turned upside down. Miko sat at her desk, staring blankly at the paperwork she left on its surface before the exams started. Naturally this wasn't the first death she experienced, considering her career, but she never managed to shake her feelings when one occured. It was a large reason she turned down one of her past promotions. When Shinoskay entered the lobby, the tantalizing thought of sending him home briefly entered her mind before the woman decided that doing her job was better than letting her emotions control her.

"What can I help you with?" Her voice betrayed her usual attitude, falling with flat tones on the boy's ears. It shouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to figure out what the boy wanted, but Miko had a hard time staying on top of her game while internalizing the emotion. "Of course, you may go inside."

The Outcome pt 2 Empty Re: The Outcome pt 2

Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:21 pm
With a small and understanding nod, Shinoskay quickly made his way into the Hokage's office. His chakra was suppressed so it was possible the kage didn't notice his approach but still unlikely. He wasn't trying to hide, to be sure, but it was becoming second nature to keep it suppressed.

Upon entering the Hokage's office from Miko's, the young bow would make a respectful half bow before waiting to be addressed so as to not fully intrude in whatever the kage was doing.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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The Outcome pt 2 Empty Re: The Outcome pt 2

Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:10 am
The Pendragon weapon still sat alone on Risako's desk. Aside from a few darkened stains, the object's surface was cleaned of any gore and viscera. It was ready to be sent back to his family, but the woman had been putting it off. For a better part of the day her silver eyes remained glued to the sheen of the blade. What was she to say them? Her finger found it's way to rest on her bottom lip. Would her apology mean anything? Should she deliver it in person? She began to wonder if at any point they'd try for vengeance.

For now her thoughts would cease as Shinoskay entered the room. Miko forgot to page and let Risako know that she had a visitor. Again. The woman's finger retreated from her lip to form a distant that she rested her chin on. "Take a seat, Shino." Once he did, if he did at least, she would lean back into her chair. Her peripheral vision caught a distracting glimpse of jet black strand of hair. Her left hand plucked it from the from the fabric of her red shirt before shifting to allow the hair to fall to the ground. Afterwards she turned her attention to Shinoskay once more.

The Outcome pt 2 Empty Re: The Outcome pt 2

Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:13 pm
Shinoskay was quick to comply and so took a seat, had no reason not to.

While he was not aware of the exacts for the sword, he did know it was the one Cho had carried with her into this building but left without... While he could only speculate on why it was still here, he wouldnt bother trying to determine because he didnt really want to think about it too much. He knew something had cut the aburame's hair, something had gashed her neck, it could be this or it could have been a kunai.

What he did fixate on, however, was the hair.

The Kage taking notice of it would draw Shinoskay's own attention, eliciting a knowing gaze from him as it was extracted from its new resting place before it was discarded like simple rubbish. A small part of him had begun to admire Cho's hair simply because of how much pride his teammate had put into it and so now he could feel the slight pains of loss once more as if he had been the one to lose something he had dedicated so much time, skill, and effort towards.

When the kage drew her attention back to the boy, he two would turn back to the kage... his look empathy would present his deepened concern and compassion for cho. He didnt know where to start, how to start, he wanted to tell the kage he didnt understand.... he wanted to tell the kage she was wrong... he wanted to ask the kage why... he wanted to just scream out all of the emotions he felt like he had known Cho was going through... he wanted to defend her... he wanted to take her punishment, or at least part of it... he wanted to just run away, to just shun all of this insanity and bury his head. He wanted to just stop doing anything, to just cease acting and turn to stone where he sat. His eyes would dash and dart across the kage's face for a few seconds while all of these emotions and thoughts surged for the time of a breath before, assuming the kage didnt first, he finally spoke.

"I..." His overwhelming sense of propriety caught the way he was about to start and he quickly composed himself, speaking more firmly and with less emotions now "Kage-Sama," He make a slight head bow as an act of respect, "I am here to seek clarity on the situation in regards to Cho."

And because I forgot to describe changes in description but have the opportunity to add it in now, Shinoskay's white porcelain smiley mask is drawn up onto the top of his head and so all of his face is visible to the Kage... the boy would have done this upon entering as a show of respect to the kage because he is not her anbu.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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The Outcome pt 2 Empty Re: The Outcome pt 2

Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:48 am
With her attention focused squarely on Shinoskay, Risako leaned back in her chair. The audible creak from the furniture was loud enough to break the momentary silence in the room, but didn't break her focus. Based on his expression, she had assumed he was searching for what to say, or how to say it. Maybe he would do something? An attack would be bold, albeit dumb. Not that she expected one, after all why would he? When her shoulders relaxed and she slumped further into her chair, she looked not unlike a bored child without a care. "Get on with it already," she thought. At this moment, she could hear his heart thumping in his throat.

Another moment and she would have sent him home. The way his eyes darted to and fro reminded her of a boy from the orphanage whom had a crush. Fortunately he spoke, or started to. "I..." She thought he was about to tear up.

Instead he erected his posture and steeled himself against his objective. Suddenly remembering that formalities existed to respect one's position, he tilted his head forward slightly before speaking, not that Risako cared about such trivial things.

Once he finally got to the chase and stated what he wanted, she wasn't really surprised. "What do you want to know?"

She thought the situation was straight forward, that Cho had done wrong and was being punished and hopefully guided down the right path.

The Outcome pt 2 Empty Re: The Outcome pt 2

Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:23 pm
He really didnt need to think about how to answer that, he had been thinking since the very moment she was escroted away from the fight in the chuunins, he had thought about every aspect of what was occuring since the moment it had happened all the way up till now.

Shinoskay made one last quick glance down to where he last saw the strand of hair before returning his eyes to the Hokage.

"Kage-sama, I do not understand the situation in its entirety. A ninja of the village died at the hands of a fellow ninja, I understand this... it seems to me that most of those who lost there fight had almost died, many of the genin use powerful jutsu in hopes of defeating there foes..."

Shinoskay wanted to bring up Cho's ideals, presenting he understood that they were questionable and that he knew she had a particularly dangerous... and queer... mentality and perspective of those around her. He knew that it was very, very, likely she intentionally killed the genin and in a way that displayed her Insects, one of the many personal things she held pride in, in all there horifying glory. He knew this was all probably part of the problem here but he couldnt bring himself to talk about it, his words had been long since thought of to dance around them, it was likely he had even come to the point that he publicly ignored this problem so much so to the point that he had actually conditioned himself to completely disregard it with everyone else. He himself had been making efforts to try to steer her perspective away,

People had failed him over and over again, but despite this, but despite his effort to ignore it in public setting.... he had likely accidentally steered the conversation towards just these issues.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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The Outcome pt 2 Empty Re: The Outcome pt 2

Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:25 pm
"The only other contestant who suffered a critical injury was Akane. Asami spared her opponent rather than finish her off." Risako had a hard time grasping what was so hard to understand about this situation. "Did you see the body? Cho left a shriveled husk impaled with his own weapon, and proceeded to gloat while taking the weapon from it. I should have executed her for it," she stopped and allowed the words to linger for a moment.

Her overall expression remained the same, showing an indifferent demeanor that didn't openly tell her frustration with the subject. She had yet to lean forward in her seat, remaining relaxed.

The Outcome pt 2 Empty Re: The Outcome pt 2

Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:42 pm
He knew he couldnt defend that, she was prone to her pride, though was he really here to defend anything? He wanted to help her too, and her pride was something he had less of an issue talking about.

"Unfortunately I did not see the full state of the body... I know Cho can be rather prideful and to an extent I understood why you cut her hair... she is a diligent person, when she commits to something she pours her all into it." He was starting to ramble, he knew it and caught himself.
He made an obvious sign of this and glanced down in a show of recollecting. He wasnt trying to defend her pride yet he started into just that. "What can I do to help her be a better shinobi?"
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