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We Happy Few Empty We Happy Few

Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:13 pm
Ominously, a wide range of clouds hung above, high in the sky with unaltered positions like a frozen river. Thick and thin rays of light alike broke through the swiss cheese clouds and descended upon the lively village hidden among the natural range of mountains. The rays of light that managed to break through could be seen descending upon the village, pillars of heat holding up the very same clouds that were holding them back. It was a serene sight to behold, one worthy enough of being painted onto a blank canvas and turned into a beautiful work of art. It painted a picture of hope and prosperity, peace and serenity. Of comfort and home. But this was no home for the brute who found himself gazing at mother nature's wonder, bewildered by the fact that such a peaceful setting brought no peace to his life.

He lived in a world of chaos. An inner turmoil brewed within, two ingredients that did not mesh well were warring with one another. What had he become, what was his purpose, what was he doing here, who was he? What seemed to be questions easily answered were now lost to him. He had become a stray dog, desperately clutching at the last remnants of his master, hoping and trying to fight back the reality of his world. That reality being that he was now living amongst the enemy, the very same enemy responsible for destroying his world and plunging it into chaos. He served his master not because he wanted to, but because duty made him. He always thought of himself as a righteous man, an honorable and duty bound man, doing what was required of him first and putting his personal needs second. His duty was his life. Yet his duty took him here, to a village serenely basking in a glorious landscape yet surrounded by rot and filth. A war mongering village of backstabbers and scoundrels, conniving individuals everywhere he looked. 

He lied to himself, and told himself that he did not serve the village, he served one man and he would serve that man honorably. But in serving that man did he not serve the village itself? Was he not serving the village responsible for the destruction of his one true and only home? Did that man have Nobunaga's best intentions in mind, or was he too only doing what he thought his duty was? Or did his master believe himself to finally be home? Nobunaga knew not what to believe anymore, or what to think. His mind was fractured, subconscious spider web gashes splitting across his brain leaving him a shell of who he used to be. Who was he now?

Crossed legged and hunched forward with arms resting on their respective knees, the usual brutish, stern and unwavering man solemnly sat alone, in a mournful like state as he questioned the reality of his existence and continued letting the war within rage on, only providing fuel to the fire while he sat dangerously close to the edge of one of the mountains from within the village. "Pitiful human." A malevolent, feminine-esque voice echoed through his mind while the beast from within began to stir, making its chakra known, feeding off the inner turmoil of its host. "I thought you to be a proud man. Now look at you. You have trapped me in a dismal shell." Although it spoke in his mind, Nobunaga would response out loud, his haunted gaze fixated on the village spread out before him. "I have lost myself." He offered in response, choosing to ignore its insult. "You are an ancient and wise creature, Rokubi. You hear my thoughts and feel my inner struggle. What help have you to offer?" He asked, desperate for help. The beast hesitated, as if for a moment feeling sorrowful for its host. Yet it offered no response and retreated to the recesses of his mind, leaving him with nothing. The Hiyu would sigh as he continued to sit in solitude, high in the air and a dreadful fall beneath him.
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
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We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:04 am
Max was taking a stroll through the village, taking it all in before he made his trip back to his mother’s homeland of Hoshigakure. The young boy couldn’t help but smile when he thought about the joy that Akihana would feel seeing Max again. Such pleasant thoughts felt too far and few anymore, as the grim reality of this land had shattered his peace and slowly took everything away from him, piece by piece. It was cruel, really. If the world would simply take everything from him all at once, at least there would be less pain and suffering. His heart wouldn’t have to break over and over at the loss of family and friends. As a shinobi and soldier, he should have been accustomed to loss and more accepting of it. It was just how things were in this world. But enough with such terribly unpleasant things. He was only a short trip away from feeling his mother’s embrace, and surely it would wash away everything else.
It was an absolutely beautiful day. So much so that Max wanted to look over the village, and gaze out to all of its inhabitants. Despite their situation, the village managed to make the most of it. Not many would have the will to go on through the rule of Lord Mortarion, yet here they were, trudging on. It was admirable, to say the least. Upon making his way to a decent vantage point, the child shinobi would be puzzled by the vision of a behemoth of a man resting on the edge of the path. He was dangerously close to falling, though Max didn’t want to startle the unknown man and cause the untimely death of another.
Of course, this man didn’t have the look of a standard civilian. For one, he was absolutely massive. While Max was but a small child, this man seemed to dwarf even other adults Max had known, like the twins Komon and Komori. That coupled with the fact that he had an extraordinarily large sword on his back, this man simply couldn’t be an ordinary citizen. No, he had a far different aura to him.
Max would make his presence known to the man unaware that the capable warrior most likely had already sensed him coming. Max was in Kumo, and had no reason to hide his chakra presence or his footsteps. This was his home, for better or worse.
“Hello, sir. I hope my presence is not disturbing your… meditation,” the boy would say, his words kind and soft. “I simply wanted to look out over the village to see the beauty it provides. Soon I won’t get opportunities like this.”
Should Nobunaga gaze upon the boy, he would be wearing a simple white shirt, slightly baggy pants, and a blue cloak to keep the chill of the air off of him. His grey-blue eyes would meet with the man’s, offering a smile. “I don’t mean to pry, but you look a bit… lonely. What brings you up to this peak?” Max would ask, fearing that this man may be up here to take a leap and hoping to keep his mind focused on Max instead of whatever seemed to be troubling him. Perhaps he could bring some peace to the man, though only time would tell.
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We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:13 pm
What was one suppose to do when so desperately lost in the deep sea of their own warring mind? Finding purpose and meaning in life was always a solution to the contagious nihilistic view of the world that spread like a vicious cancer in the sinking minds of those who were losing their way. By having pride in their work, by owning up to their responsibilities and leading a meaningful life could one anchor themselves to shore and pull themselves to the mainland least they lay forever adrift in the abyss of their failing mind. Nobunaga found meaning through duty. In his duty, he righteously served greater men than himself and he served them to aid them in achieving their goals. It was through his service that he found meaning and purpose in his life, it was through his service that he could keep a level head, live a structured life and live a life worth living. But now, what was he to do when the very foundation of his belief in a purposeful life was being fractured, hacked at by a hammer that he himself was wielding? What was he to do now that those he found himself to be in service to were the very one's responsible for his current crisis of character? How much longer could he go on serving these men, these shinobi, who had the blood of Suna on their hands? He was living behind enemy lines and it was only a matter of time before it completely broke him. What it would lead him to do, who knows. Perhaps he would lash out and seek revenge, perhaps he would simply abandon his current life and aimlessly wander the world as a deteriorating shell, a former now shattered aegis of Sun.

The endless whirlpool that was his cynical mind continued to consume the Storm Operative's conscious, so much so that he had picked up on the unrecognizable chakra signature slowly approaching but was never truly aware of its presence. Due to all his years of shinobi experience and rigorous training, his subconscious still detected the foreign signature. But his mind was so fractured that it never truly noticed the Chuunin's presence. Like a splash of water to the face of a man deep in his sleep, the voice of Max pulled Nobunaga out from the depths of his sinking mind and into the real world. Now he was made aware of the chakra signature he was sensing. Ever so slightly the Hiyu's cloaked upper body would shift to the side, causing the armor hidden underneath and the sword visibly hooked to the outside to clink as the metal pressed against their adjacent plates. Nobunaga would get a look at the blond haired child and his gentle smile that brought him no warmth, offering him only a solemn gaze. Only one side of Nobunaga's anguished face would turn to face Max in order to catch a glimpse of him. "Disturbing... meditation..." Grunted Nobunaga in his usual coarse voice, trying to make sense of the kids unexpected yet known arrival, everything seeming like a hazy dream, Nobunaga acting like a man groggily waking up from a deep slumber. He knew of the kids presence therefore why was he surprised to see him? "No... I was not meditating, only.... thinking."

"The village.... the beauty it provides...." Repeated Nobunaga, his solemn gaze turning away from the Chuunin and back over the village that rested just beneath and before him. "Hmmph, if only I saw what you see, Child." A slight moment of silence passed while the Hiyu continued to look outwards. "Where is the beauty?" He asked to himself but out loud, appearing to be asking Max instead. What was he seeing? The beautiful, natural landscape and elegantly built infrastructure all harmoniously interacting with one another? Or what the village truly was, it's morals, its motives, its desires and inner workings? Where was the beauty he wished to see which Nobunaga presently could not, despite the true serenity of the land before him. 

The boy read him like an open book. Usually, Nobunaga was masterful at hiding his thoughts, emotions and feelings, choosing to be stoic at all times. This time however, he could not mask his current state of being for it broke him and in his broken state he was no longer the same man he once was. This was proven to be true when Nobunaga decided to answer the boy's inquiry about his lonesome state for traditionally he never spoke about his problems either, as one could expect from a hardened brute such as himself. "I am lost, Child." He was desperately looking for some semblance of help, a hand to plunge through the surface of the water and pull his drowning, descending carcass up to the surface. Desperately looking for that savior, Nobunaga would speak to Max, with frantic hopes that he was that person. "I thought I knew what I was doing when I came here to Kumo. I came here out of duty and I thought I could make that work. But I lied to myself, I've been lying to myself the entire time and in the process I have lost myself."

Unmoving, as if etched into the very rocky mountain he was sitting on, Nobunaga would remain hunched over his crossed legs in his sorrowful position. "I failed Lord Koroshi, and now I stain his memory by living among the kingdom responsible for his death. I break bread and serve the people responsible for the destruction of my home. I told myself I was doing it because it was my duty. But I no longer know what that duty is..... and now I find myself only with enemies and no reason to justify it....... I came up here to find answers, but I have found nothing, only that I am more lost than ever.... and that there are no answers." Unknowingly his head hung a little lower and he became a littler more bitter. Ever so bitter.

Last edited by Nobunaga on Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:53 am
The man resting before him had a voice that sounded as though he were distant, lost in thought and only the smallest sliver of him was here to respond to the boy. It only took a moment, but soon the large man was speaking completely, his mind returning to the here and now. Max would step forwards, approaching the man slowly until he too was sitting at the edge.
He couldn’t see the beauty of the village? Max didn’t recognize the man, but as he continues to speak the young Chuunin is able to piece it together. He was here from one of the conquered territories, though Max could not be certain which. Of course, Max felt his pain all too well. He had gone through the same lost feelings, his mind tearing itself apart as he served the man that destroyed and made a mockery of his home.
“The beauty is all around us, sir. What do you see when you gaze upon the village from here? Likely you see the rot and filth, death and suffering. When I look down at the village…” Max would shift this gaze from Nobunaga to Kumo staring off at the working people, a smile forming on his face. “I see a strong people.” He would point to one of the buildings, construction work restoring it to its former glory. “I see a village that is rebuilding, one that not only managed to survive Lord Raikage Mortarion’s harsh rule, but now they are fighting on to secure a life for themselves. I see the faces of people that lost nearly everything, but still go on, keeping a mask on to hide their pains so that others don’t loss all hope. I see the village slowly taking a turn for the better.”
Max would turn back to Nobunaga, his words reminding Max of his brother, Senshi. He spoke of duty as though that was the only thing in the world that had mattered, and the thought hit Max hard in the chest. Duty above all else…. Such was what likely took the life of Senshi. Max didn’t want anyone else to suffer and die for following some misguided ruler. Heck he didn’t want anyone to die anymore for any reason at all, but that was thought for another time.
“I don’t know this Lord Koroshi, but I really don’t think you stain his honor by trying to avoid unneeded bloodshed. What is more valuable than the life you have been gifted with? Do you really think that more fighting would have quelled your sorrow for the loss of your lord?” Max’s words rang with his own sorrow. Loss made people do things… crazy things. A heavy heart can lead to a shinobi’s downfall faster than any blade can.
“I know that it isn’t easy, you know. I know what it is like to have someone come to your home and take everything away from you. It makes you feel powerless, like you failed to protect what you hold dear...” Max would say, recalling the terrible days when Mortarion claimed his homeland for his own sick, twisted desires. Just look at the plague and death spread by the monster, eroding away at the village if left unchecked. “It was what happened to us. It is why our borders are filled with horrors, and atrocities done on those that questioned our new ruler. But he has stepped back, biding his time, though I know not what for. Even Kyson knows not where he is, and he is the aide to Warlord Maku and housed in the kage office. It honestly has me concerned. I’d rather be able to see the monsters in plain sight than have them skulk in the shadows.”
Changing his thoughts away from the vile man, Max would question Nobunaga some more. “What brought you here?” Max thought over his question, and upon realizing he clarified, “I mean to Kumogakure. What duty did you have to fulfill?” The boy would ask, hoping that the stoic man sitting beside him would allow him in, so that he can try to heal his wounds, even if they aren’t physical.
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We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:18 pm
It would appear that the child felt sorry for Nobunaga. He could see the crouching giant was in pain, being torn apart by the reality of his situation and the failures of his past. He could see that Nobunaga's mind was drifting and perhaps he knew he could be the one who brought him back. It seemed he would try as he began approaching Nobunaga's position at the edge of the cliff. The Hiyu made no attempt to stop Max as he took a seat to his left, the two of them now sitting at the cliffs edge gazing at the sunlight village. Without shifting his head, Nobunaga's glance would momentarily move to look upon the child before moving back to the village beneath him. Why was this child coming to his aid? Why was he even willing to help a stranger?

Solemnly, Nobunaga listened to Max explain the beauty he saw in the village. The beauty he saw in the everyday life of its citizens, the strength they showed in their perseverance. He pointed towards a constructions crew to use as an example of the beauty he saw. People hard at work despite the adversity they've faced and been put through. "A mask...." Max's last words resonated with Nobunaga. "I see past the mask. I see the true nature of this village, the pain and misery its people are forced to endure, the reason why they wear the mask in the first place. From Mortrion's rot, Maku's war mongering and now the twin's deception. I see the evil black heart of this village. Its blood is sludge and it oozes through the streets, forcing its citizens to trek through it, forcing them to wear their masks least they be corrupted by it." Nobunaga's gaze would turn to face Max to see if he was still smiling. "I have tried to see the village in a different light but I was only lying to myself. Much like the rot we are surrounded by, Kumo infects and kills everything it touches...." Nobunaga was no longer the man he once was and he could confidently blame all of it on this village, this place. It gave birth to deceit and treachery, an incubator for men with mischievous desires. 

More clouds parted and gave way while other closed off, shining a different light on the village bellow. Nobunaga would positioned his head back and look up to watch the shifting and changing of the clouds while not a single ray of light landed on him. As he gazed up to the clouds, still hunched forward and arms resting on his crossed legs, Nobunaga silently listened to Max explain his understanding of the Hiyu's situation. He understood loss, he knew helplessness, he experienced failure, everything Nobunaga was currently facing. He too experienced all of it at the hands of Kumo no less, the very village the two of them now found themselves in service too. He listened as Max explained how he experienced the spread of the rot as everything was taken away from him. Nobunaga's head would drop down to gaze upon the Chuunin. "Im am sorry to hear that." Max's words brought the brute back to reality some what. Nobunaga was not the only person suffering under this village, he was not the only other person to have endured hardship. Max had already done so and adequately adjusted his worldview to live in this one. Perhaps that is why he sat here, because he had something to teach and Nobunaga had something to learn. "Kumo will never change for even those who aspire to be leaders are infected. There is something inherently wrong with the village, it has a way of corrupting people. You are strong though young one. You seem unphased by its corrosive grasp. How do you do it, what have you done to achieve such a positive, ongoing outlook of this place?" Max still seemed like a happy go lucky kid, someone who knew the reality of this village yet though he could change it. However he made mention of Mortarion as if he was still in the picture, as if he thought he could face him one day and change the fate of this village. Did he not know the reigns had changed hands? Nobunaga wanted to find out thus explaining why he asked about Max's methods and doings during his time in Kumo. 

Nobunaga's gaze would return back towards the village he found himself trapped in as Max attempted to change the tone and direction of their conversation, now focusing on Nobunaga. His dull eyes blankly looked at nothing as he recalled the events that took place which lead to him being here. "Lord Koroshi was the Kazekage of the village formerly known as Sunagakure no Sato. I was a shinobi in his service, tasked with his protection. That was my duty before I failed him.... On the day of his death, the day of Kumo's arrival, Kyson was named his successor and thus became my new master. So as was my duty, I followed Kyson and joined the enemy." Nobunaga would take a pause as he formulated his thoughts, thinking of what to say, thinking of why he truly found himself in Kumo. "You see, duty was my life. It was my reason for being alive. If Koroshi's wish was to make Kyson successor, he must have seen something in him, something that made him worthy of being the next Kazekage. Therefore I made it my duty to serve Kyson. I needed a reason to live so that was my new reason. I would serve Koroshi in death by serving Kyson. However, in doing so I must now also live behind the walls and serve the same kingdom that is responsible for the death of Koroshi. How is that following Koroshi's wish?" 

There was the crux of Nobunaga's problem, the spark that light the flame of the inner turmoil brewing within him. He had pledged his allegiance to Kyson for it was Koroshi's final wish but was he not betraying Koroshi at the same time by serving the very kingdom that had brought ruin to his home and killed his master? It was the first time he had ever said that out loud. Perhaps he was comfortable enough with Max having experienced similar hardships to announce that to him, or perhaps he was just looking for someone to help him before his thoughts drove him mad.

Last edited by Nobunaga on Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:06 am; edited 1 time in total
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Wed Dec 19, 2018 4:15 am
Max would listen, his smile fading as Nobunaga spoke the truths of this land. Max wanted to see the brighter side of things, to avoid his thoughts lingering too much on the vile reality surrounding him. “He’s is right you know,” Napa would say, mentally chiming in as he felt Max’s mind waver and his mental walls begin to crack. “You know it. You’ve always known it. Kumo corrupts everyone and everything.” His whispers in Max’s ear fell silent as Max processed both what Nobunaga was saying as well as Napa’s words.
The deception of the twins? This line would stand out to the boy, unsure of what it meant. Young Max saw the twins as friends, though he never witness how they treated people from other villages. Did they do something to wrong this man? Max’s mind began to wander before being realizing it and snapping out of his daze.
“In all honesty, I probably have been tainted by it, the grim reality of this land something I learned at a very young age. Had Mortarion not taken over the village, I may have lived a very different life, one filled with happiness and fond memories. Instead, I have lead a life filled with sorrow and anger. For a long time I dedicated all of my life to my arts, hoping to one day grow strong enough to reclaim this land from the monster that calls himself Raikage. Killing the Raikage was what fueled me. It gave me a clear goal, something to drive me and force me to become greater. But I was never a match for him. Not really.  I couldn’t even stand a chance against Warlord Maku, his second in command.” Max would reveal his metal arm to the man, making it clear of his failure. “Once I realized that my goals were still far out of reach, I consciously decided to try to shift my perspective. To find the good in things, in people. My mother Akihana saw everyone this way. She said that Mortarion was more than just a monster, and if she could say that about such a creature… perhaps I simply didn’t have the life experience to see beyond what was immediately in view. I promised her that I would give him a chance, and try to allow him to redeem himself…” His face showed confusion, the happiness fleeting as he spoke, “He has yet to do so.” There was a tinge of rage to these last words, the raw emotion seeping out though he meant to hide it.
Max would continue, explaining himself a bit further, “So I made some close friends, and saw that some people really did want the village to become a better place, far removed from the decay and filth. My brother Senshi…” Max stopped, the thoughts still haunting him. He never found out what happened. He never found out what took Senshi’s life. A single tear rolled down his cheek, but he avoided breaking down any further in front of the stranger. “Once my brother Senshi died, I realized that no matter what you do, this place will find a way to sink its teeth into you again and again, taking and taking until you have nothing left. I simply cannot stand for it, and so I need to speak with my mother in Hoshi so that I can let her know that I cannot uphold my promise.” To a man of honor such as Nobunaga, going back on your word must be a difficult thing to process. In all honesty, it wasn’t something Max was proud of, more like simply something he had to do.
This man seemed lost, unsure of what to do, what to believe. He only sought to fulfill his lord’s last request, something that was tugging him in two directions. “Have you spoken to Kyson about your troubles, sir? While it may be difficult, it is best to let your grievances be known. Bottling them up only allows it to fester and grow, transforming into something that will eventually cause you to lose control, possibly doing something you may come to regret.” Max would state, again shifting his gaze to the man sitting beside him. Despite his troubles, despite everything that happened, there was still a soft kindness to his face, though it was marred by the atrocities of the place he calls home. “Kyson is a good man, and one I find easy to speak with. I don’t think that he would hold anything against you for being honest with him.” While it was true that Max didn’t know Kyson anywhere near as much as Nobunaga likely had, his experience with the man was painted in a good light inside the head of the puppeteer.

"Perhaps he will see the difficulties his choices are putting you through, the strain on your own well being. Perhaps he will leave the village, and while I would be saddened to see him go it would force Mortarion and Maku to step out of hiding and do their duties as the village leaders." While Max didn't wish to see the Hozuki leave, forcing Mortarion out of hiding would give him the opportunity he needed to end everything once and for all.
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We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Fri Dec 28, 2018 4:27 pm
As expected, the young child's smile soon faded upon hearing Nobunaga's words. Not because this was news to him but because it was a truth he already knew. Max had already been acquainted by the horrors of Kumo. If anything, he knew more about them than Nobunaga did. As he explained, Max had been here since the beginning of Kumo's descending path into the rot. However, just as Nobunaga focused on his duty, using it as an anchor, Max used his 'arts' to distract him from the horrors of the world he was living in. These words resonated with Nobunaga. They were two very different people yet they had so much in common. Max had already faced and endured what Nobunaga was currently battling through. But had he finished his battle with the harsh reality of living in Kumo or was he still fighting it? It seemed the latter was the case for he made clear what his goal was and that he had yet to accomplish it. However what he said next confused Nobunaga. He mentioned Mortarion as if Kumo's conqueror was still seated upon the throne of the Raikage and as if Maku was seated to his right. Obviously, this was no longer the case but Nobunaga would remain silent for a moment. The kid was going somewhere with his words, revealing his truth and the Hiyu would not interrupt.

Solemnly the Hiyu's gaze would pull away from the village and descend upon Max's metal arm. For only a moment it reminded Nobunaga of his old friend Kinzoku who also bore a metal arm. Listening to Max talk, Nobunaga knew that he truly was a strong willed kid. Even after failing to hone his craft to the point where he could obtain his goal, instead of descending into nihilistic madness and giving up he instead changed his perspective. He changed his outlook and his raison d'etre. He managed to align his frame of mind to seek out another goal in order to keep himself above the consuming rot and filth of this village. Perhaps that was what Nobunaga needed to hear all along, the answer he was looking for to pull him ashore and out of the abyss of his failing mind. He needed to find a new purpose, a new goal, a new perspective. Perhaps all he needed to do was adjust his compass in order to find his true north once more. Just as Max decided to look for the good in people, maybe Nobunaga could find more to do than just performing his duty. The only question was what was his true north?

"Akihana..." Thought the Hiyu to himself. That name sounded familiar yet he could not place a face to it. He knew he had herd it once before for it was not a common name but he could not remember from where. Yet somehow it stuck with him. However it was this Akihana person, his mother, who was responsibly for getting Max to adjust his outlook on the world and realign his perspective. She must have been a wonderful person in order to convince Max to turn his anger away from Mortarion and instead try to sympathize with him. It was only more of a testament to Max's strength for Nobunaga did not know if he could do the same thing had he been in the Chuunin's position. Maybe this was a second piece to the puzzle of Nobunaga's broken mind. Not only did he have to realign his view of his situation but he would also have to seek outside help in doing so just as Akihana helped Max. Would Max be that person for Nobunaga?

The Anbu stoically gazed at the tear trickling down Max's cheek while he reminisced about his deceased brother. The death of his brother appeared to have broken him to the point where he could no longer hold his new perspective of the world. Like he said, he was in Kumo's grasp. But so was Nobunaga. Perhaps outside help was not the way. If the two of them needed to break free from the cage, perhaps they would need to do it together, from the inside. They would need each other's help.  

"Akihana." Nobunaga said out loud, still gazing at Max battle the emotional torrent coursing through him. "I've met her before." The mentioning of Hoshi jogged his memory. "Kyson and I went to the barren wastelands of Hoshi under Maku's orders, after his conquest of Suna. There was a festival to be held to celebrate Kumo's victory and to forge an alliance between the two villages. It was Akihana who greeted us at the village gates. She seemed like a lovely woman. She was praised like royalty.... no, more like a deity.  If someone like that can gather such a following, if she could have helped you once before I am sure she could help you once more." Watching to see how Max would react to his words, Nobunaga would continue "You are strong Child. For better or for worse Kumo has shaped you into who you are now. You have endured it's horrors and battled its evils. A battle I am still fighting yet one that you have come out on the other side of. Do not let it defeat you now. You appear to be on the right path Child, now is not the time to ago astray.

"Nay." The Hiyu would respond, his gaze moving away from Max and up into the cloudy sky high above them. "Kyson knows nothing of this." Max was right. Nobunaga was in his current predicament because he had bottled it up for so long that it was now bursting through its containment. "Serving Kyson is my duty, one we unanimously decided upon. If he is to become aware of my lack of faith in serving him, I will have failed him. I cannot fail in my duty twice." Max seemed to have prior experience talking with Kyson for he knew that Kyson was a good man, one who would probably not see the situation the same way Nobunaga saw it. He suggested that Kyson would perhaps even sympathize with him. "Hmmmm." He pondered, still gazing at the sky. "I have never known Kyson on a personal level, I have only known him in that I am in his service..... I will take your advice Child. I will speak to him upon his return to Kumo."

Now was the perfect time for Nobunaga to get to the current political status of the village for Max made mention of Mortarion and Maku potentially coming out of hiding. "It seems you are not aware Child, but Mortarion is no longer in the picture." The Hiyu's gaze would descend upon the kid sitting beside him once more. "I know not the specifics of what transpired but it would seem he passed away for after Maku's conquest of my home he had become the new Raikage. That was over a year ago. Since then, Maku took a hiatus, leaving Kyson in charge. The trickster has not been seen since as far as I'm concerned and with his disappearance being known the twins acted. A couple of months ago Komori and Komon usurped Kyson's leadership and the former twin claimed the mantle of Kage for himself." And thus, Max was made aware of the final events that took place that had made Nobunaga question the reality of his situation.
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:22 am
Nobunaga would speak of his interaction with Akihana, her sheer force of personality shining through. She was nearly worshiped by those around her, as it was hard to dislike someone whose kindness was limitless. Even when their ideologies clashed, Akihana was able to convince Max to see things from her perspective, in a new light. If there was one person that Max saw as a true beacon light in this world,  of what could only be described as the embodiment of all things good and kind, she was it. Her words and presence healed all wounds and sorrows. Young Max’s eyes would light up, the thoughts of Akihana bringing peace to his troubled soul. “I truly do hope so. More so than even words can describe.” He would add in nearly a whisper before Nobunaga would continue.
He saw Max as strong? Such a statement sent the young chuunins mind back to his first meeting with Akihana, where she stated that strength was measured in various ways, and that the strength that he imagined was only a single aspect to the many faces of the word. Kumo has shaped him, but was it for the better. The man spoke as if Max had it all figured out, but he’s never felt as torn apart as he was recently. He wanted Kumo to be better, the decay to be burned away so that new life could rise from the ashes of its terrible past. But what would that mean? Was he ready to throw his life at the man who claimed his home? Could he even succeed against such a terror?
It would seem as if the man would take his advice and speak to Kyson. It would likely ease his mind a great deal, to let such concerns not bear solely on his mind. Kyson was a good man, and Max couldn’t imagine him seeing the man’s thoughts as a failure. If Kyson cared for the well being of Nobunaga, as Max was sure that he had, it would be a large step towards a lifted burden from the large man’s shoulders.
Then Max would hear things that would stab him in the mind like a hot spear.
Mortarion… had passed away… how? But he saw the man… his face became one of sheer confusion, warped with an uncertainty that wasn’t easy to explain. Mortarion was the strongest person he’d ever seen, a medical shinobi beyond the capabilities of anyone else in Kumo by an enormous amount. Was his seeing the man with Maku just an illusion, another Genjutsu created by the devil’s evil, red eyes? Max found it hard to believe, unless the trickster Maku was even more skilled than he had ever imagined.
Something about this all felt off.
And the twins? Komori and Komon took over, claiming the seat of the Raikage? They were some of his closest friends, yet this is the first he is hearing of it… and from a stranger no less. What Max knew of the world was rapidly crumbling beneath him, and he was barely holding on before being swallowed up by the depths of his own mind. This was all a great deal to take in.

“I… I don’t know what to say.” Max would say aloud, his voice shaky and quiet. “I… Thank you for the talk. I wasn’t aware of everything that transpired. If what you say is true…” Max would simply stand up, giving a slight bow to the behemoth sitting before him. “I have a lot to process, but thank you.” He would begin to turn away before stopping, “My name is Max, by the way. Know that I owe you a great deal…”
He would trail off as he made his way down the path and back towards the village. The crushing weight of everything revealed to him just now… it was too much to bear in front of another. He would make his way to his home to reflect on everything he just learned, hiding his feelings away behind closed doors.

--Exit, unless interrupted--

TWC: 2800

Max: 1400 WC, Napa: 1400 WC

Max's claims:
1400 WC towards Arm of the Necromancer (currently 2568/6000 from this) this wc will bring it to (3968/6000)
No AP claimed by Max (with intent to use 25% max stat discount in my other thread to complete this)

Total thread was over 2k words so claiming Nobunaga's chakra signature. Was also technically in a thread with him here if this isn't enough alone due to LC wc split.

432 wc towards Poison Mist (currently 2568/3000 from same thread as above) which will complete it.
968 WC towards Chakra Sensory (making it 968/2000)
7 stats for Napa
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:28 pm
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 0

We Happy Few Empty Re: We Happy Few

Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:30 pm
Nobunaga could see a light sparkle in Max's eyes as they momentarily discussed Akihana. For a brief moment, joy was brought to his world. A joy that seemed out of place in a village that lacked so much of it. Akihana was a bright spot in Max's world of darkness and uncertainty. It was a good thing that he had such a person to rely on, to fall back onto when times got tough. Because the metaphorical waves of the ocean that is Max's life were about to get a whole lot rougher. The glow in his eye and the momentary moment of joy was exactly that, momentary. For when Nobunaga broke the news of the fate of Kumo's former and current rulers, the joy was vacuumed out of Max's face. Max took the news of Mortarion's death and the deception of the twins like a glass window took a sludge hammer. It broke him. Nobunaga wondered how he could have known so little about the happenings of the village. The twin's deception was normal for only Nobunaga and Kyson knew about it. Max was only the third person to find out about it since it occurred. But the death of Mortation was something else. Although the Hiyu knew not how he died, the former ruler and conqueror of Kumo had been out of the picture for quite some time now. 

But the news hit hard, and it was clear that Max did not take it well. He was losing it, the foundations of his reality were crumbling much like Nobunaga's only moments ago. However instead of working through his, Max decided he needed some time on his own. "Unfortunately, it is." Said the brute as he watched the stuttering child rise to his feet. Remaining seated with legs crossed, Nobunaga would slightly arch his head to keep his gazed locked with Max. "I understand." Spoke Nobunaga as he respectfully nodded to Max mentioning that he had a lot to process. It was a lot to take in and if after all this talking Max felt like it was better to deal with this on his own, Nobunaga would not oblige him to stay. "Nobunaga." Responded the Hiyu in kind. "You owe me nothing Max. You came, attempting to aid a stranger simply because you saw him ailing. Know that I appreciate it and that you have my gratitude." 

Nobunaga would watch Max disappear under the horizon of the mountain range he found himself sitting upon. Once the boy's blond head fully descended out of Nobunaga's view, the brute's gaze would return to the unevenly light village resting beneath him.  The unexpected conversation with Max helped a lot, but Nobunaga was not out of the waters just yet. His mind was not at ease, he had not yet found his place in the mess he currently lived in. But there was another link in the chain that anchored him to shore. As Max suggested, Nobunaga would speak with his Lord Kyson, despite the fear of being seen as a failure. Perhaps bringing it up with Kyson would sooth the inner turmoil Nobunaga was battling. Only time will tell.


TW: 4541

1000 to unlearn Eight Inner Gates
2591 into Bijuu V2 tail 1 25% discount applied. Other words here
950 into Bijuu V2 tail 2 25% discount applied.
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