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Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:03 am
Aura hadn't done much since she killed those villagers, Shanks had lost his temper twice and tried to watch them squirm, but I couldn't just leave them there. As soon as the two got home Aura had put the ice cream in the freezer to keep it cool and then she had sat on the couch where she stared at the television and watched this broken show about a kid and imaginary friends. Some show. She just keeps her gaze on the television her body feeling relaxed, but her brain is lagging behind. Listening to the sounds around once and awhile.
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:08 am
Shanks with the use of his scarf is currently clinging to the ceiling his crimson eyes watching for any signs of any of those evil little creatures that have taken over his room, the Fruitloop is strange and makes all sorts of manners of beasts he even saw the man carrying an alligator head in a jar!

...Freaky gravity using Fruitloop man..
Upon noting the coast his clear he drops from the ceiling landing in near the entrance to the kitchen before walking inside to get something to drink, Ice cream kinda makes his throat dry..but it's tasty!
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:17 am
Aura gets up and slowly makes her way over to the freezer Her chest unconsciously pressing against the back of Shanks head as she reaches over him to open the freezer and grab a strawberry flavored sandwich that she had stolen earlier that day. Closing the door she would pull back and open the sandwich taking a bite out of it as she walks away from Shanks and back to the couch munching on her treat thinking about how silly everything seems. She enjoyed herself for once in over 10 years. She'd like to do it again...only to those mafia scum who had killed both of her parents, slowly dragging blades across their skin to make them bleed to death as they scream for help, to scream for it all to end, but it would only end by my own hand! Snapping back into reality Aura would focus on the t.v. once more to keep what little sanity she had left.
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:20 am
Shanks blinks at the strange softness that presses against the back of his head as he sips his grape flavored soda, he turns his head just as his Onee-chan walks off looking distracted he tilts his head to the left before following and crawling onto the couch and watching the TV.
His brow furrows at the sight and he asks curiously "Why doesn't the big purple one eat the others?" He says turning towards the older female sitting next to him.
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:40 am
She looks at her companion and pats his head with her hand smiling gently, "Because he is bigger than them! And the biggest one has to exert their dominance after all!" She smiles towards him to munch on her ice cream letting the coolness sooth her throat from her laughing in the streets. "So Shanks you plan on enslaving humans, how come?" She's curious about her younger friend, she would like to know a little bit more about his conquest for humans...and ice cream.
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:44 am
Shanks nods slightly understanding the need for minions his lips forming a small pout as he watches the purple thing ram a giant tentacle monster.
He blinks again as the woman asks him about his conquest "I'm gonna rule the entire world! Not just humans!" He states rising his right fist into the air with the proclamation his scarf raising upwards and mimicking his tiny fist pump.
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:20 am
She tilts her head to the side and giggles at his courage and confidence, she wishes she could achieve some of that. "But Why? There must be a good reason why you want to rule the world." She would look at him and then finish up her ice cream licking her lips before she crumbles up the wrappings and throws it into the trash bin across the room rebounding of the rim, bounces off of the wall and back into the waste basket.
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:28 am
His eyebrows furrow in confusion at her question looking down briefly in thought blinking once before he speaks "What reason would I need?" He states his eyes narrowing in determination "I am Hakai Hanshu...I am strong, I will conquer and I will rule." He states raising his frame looking feral and regal at the same moment.
Hakai Hanshu are common knowledge, the knowledge based around the study of this rare species of sentient demon, their instincts drive them to destroy and conquer, the power level each of them possess lead leading scientists to begin exterminating other Hakai Hanshu believing that if one were to enter maturity it would most certainly bring about the end of man...the silver hair and burning slitted eyes are the mark of a Hakai Hanshu and around forty years ago is when the beasts were more intimately is now believed when fully matured they are on the level of a Bijuu.
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:36 am
She shrugs and puts her feet upon the coffee table crossing one leg over the other. "I don't know, maybe a human did something wrong to you. Sort of like a crime, like human's did to mine. But I suppose it can be a natural feeling to rule the world." She speaks calmly zoning out once more but this time to the ceiling remembering her mother's blood dripping onto her face. Endless nights not being able to move your own arms because of the stupid jackets they put you in. Uncomfortable as all hell, but if Aura found a comfy way to sleep like that then it was fine. If Aura could, she would slaughter each and every doctor and assistant in that facility making sure no one has to endure that misunderstanding ever again.
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A Happy Home {P, OI, NK} Empty Re: A Happy Home {P, OI, NK}

Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:55 am
He shakes his head slightly "There was that Doctor! I didn't like him at all! He kept me locked in a room and made me eat stuff and stuck me with needles!" He states before smirking "He forgot to tighten the binds though..." He states with a sinister chuckle his eyes gleaming maliciously before he leans back into the couch kicking his legs with a smirk as he remembers the Doctors head was smashed by a metal tray.
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