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Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:10 am
He had gotten promoted yesterday. Now Yuuma was prepared to begin his life as a shinobi, like one of the noble defenders of this village. He was able to accept missions and begin doing work as making the city a better place. Granted, having taken a look at the sort of work that was available to someone of his rank, none of it was very glamorous. Meeting and greeting at the front gate, playing information directory, and the like. Yuuma couldn't help but find an irony in the sentiment, given he was currently on his way to another mundane appointment known as work. Work, in the kitchen he had been preparing food, wasn't exactly the most thrilling of places. Truth be told, the reasons behind the selection was largely Yuuma's ability to prepare meals, and that the kitchen primarily hired other shinobi.  At first, Yuuma had felt a little bad about taking a job as an academy student, but now that he had his own headband to prove he knew the basics, he felt more comfortable being among the others who had done the same.

Of course, no one had really bothered him up to that point. It seemed that most of the people he worked with content to let him in silence, or make idle small talk while he worked. There were a few in the kitchen that Yuuma thought used the work time a little too socially, but he wasn't one to judge. He was certain that others thought him the anti-social sort. He preferred to think of himself as focused. As Yuuma stepped through the usual entrance in the back that allowed workers to come and go without crossing through the front kitchen, He would step off to the side where a set of lockers and coat hangers were. All of the locks on the lockers were broken due to old age, but it hardly mattered. No one stole from each other here. Although everyone had their own lives and own family, there was a certain manner of speaking Yuuma had picked up on. It was a sense of community. A sense of a common bond that the workers shared, that made it feel a bit warmer than working shoulder to shoulder with strangers.

Setting his coat up on one of the hangers, he'd fish his hair net out and carefully wrap it over his head to ensure it would keep down any stray ends that would mean to fall into his work. Going back for his gloves, he would pause as hands gripped his headband. Taking it from his coat pockets, he would look over the crest, running a thumb over the ingrained Haven logo. No harm in wearing it. Tieing the cloth around his neck, he'd allow the band to hand over his collar and on top of his chest. Once he was satisfied with his work attire, Yuuma would step around the corner and into the kitchen to begin the chores he had already begun to lay out in his head. Checking the washer, checking supplies, and prepping utensils. 

Vaguely, he was aware of the other staff who would be entering the kitchen. Most of them were people he hadn't bothered to meet more personally, even if he was aware of their names. As they entered, he would register they're joining him with meeting their eyes and nodding his head, mumbling back a greeting if they offered one. Some had learned by now that Yuuma wasn't much of a talker, but some seemed insistent on making conversation with what could be compared to a brick wall. Today, however, was a little different. Yuuma did his best to reply with a comparison to an experience with an anecdote of his own. Most seemed content with the short exchange, while others more surprised. There was one person, however, that if Yuuma was going to interact with for more than a few words, it would be with them. Kaibo was their name. Shift manager for the kitchen, and more often than not the one doing the main food preparation. 

From what Yuuma had managed to observe about the man, he had been a ninja for some time. Yuuma wasn't sure what kept him where he was. Certainly, he could have accomplished more in his time. Or perhaps it was his family that owned the restaurant they worked in. Or perhaps he simply preferred the life of a cook. The man didn't speak about much but for food when he was given the opportunity to talk on the mater, the man had a lot to say. Although they had never conversed much directly, Yuuma had gained several helpful cooking hints from the man just by being in the area when certain topics came up. Admittedly, the passion the man had shown for food had even been somewhat inspiring, drawing to imagine what certain spices can achieve. 

When the shift started, Yuuma would begin at his station next to Kaibo, both of them beginning the first meals of the day for the usuals. By now, there were some that came around like clockwork, making it easy for the pair to begin prepping for meals they were aware would be ordered from them. "Now, just break the ice. You wanted to get to know more people, and this guy has more than a few years of experience. Certainly, there was something to be learned by associating with him. So..." Yuuma would begin to clear his throat before speaking out loud. "Kaibo." He said over his station. "I must apologize for perhaps seeming unfriendly or anti-social. But over the past few days, I have been doing some thinking. Perhaps it would be best if I tried to be more open with the people I am around." It was at this point he stopped to turn his gaze towards Kaibo for a moment. "I admire your passion for cooking. You take to it like one who is really dedicated to it. But I have also noticed you are a shinobi. Given that here.." Yuuma said, clearing his throat.

"If you don't mind my asking. What made you want to become a ninja if you are so absorbed with the goings-on of a kitchen?"

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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:47 pm
Kaibo had been grinning the same small grin he usually did when lost in kitchen work.  A carefully ladeled scoop HERE, just a pinch of spices THERE.... a seasonal holiday song stuck in his head.  Big powerful muscles restrained under a white chefs coat, the only untidy thing about him being the loose purple of an untied armband sticking casually half out of a rear pants pocket.  After handing out assignments at the start of the shift, things weren't crazy yet so there wasn't much need for a lot of idle talk.

Which made it even more surprising when one of the newer guys, around his age, who was usually pretty quiet, spoke up.  His even stirring motion of a sauce paused for just a second before resuming.  Yuuma was oddly formal, but disarmingly upfront and blunt about his intentions.  Which wasn't a bad thing.

"Well Yuuma - thats right, isn't it? - I often find openness is the best policy."  Kaibo continued to stir while reaching over with the other arm for some aromatic herbs to spinkle in the sauce. "So, i guess I better abide by my own advice, shouldn't I?"  A brief, pregnant pause, then a slow start, eyes still on his own work.  "...truth is, i didn't have much choice.  I accidentally learned some things when i was younger, nothing major, but enough.  And then it was either live a life hunted for knowing ninja secrets, or be ..... well shanghai'd into service."  

Big shoulders rose and fell, shrugging noncommittally.  "Its not that bad a deal.  Some of the ninja training stuff actually helps out.  I'd never imagined anyone could dice a carrot as quickly as I can now."  He grinned, lifting the saucepan from the fire it was on and moving it over to the prep area, carefully pouring portions over a few dishes before returning to his station.

He got out another pan to prepare the next delicate dish.  "Why the sudden interest, Yuuma?  You  - (Hey you over there, check that dish in the oven, it should be done by now!) - you questioning your decision so soon after graduating?"   He meant it as a tease, but he was careful not to put too much zing into it in case it was true.
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Thu Dec 20, 2018 8:55 am
There was something about having a conversation with someone you weren't looking at that made the whole thing a little more critical. Yuuma was very used to reading the language people spoke with their bodies, which could sometimes conflict with the noises their mouth made. But when the young man was focused on chopping through a line of carrots, he found he really had to listen to the things people said and the way they said them. It was enough to make him slow down ever so as he chopped down the line, sweeping the prepared vegetables into a big bowl. While Kaibo had been talking, Yuuma finished the set he was working on, and put the bowl at the end of the counter between them, allowing the more experienced chef to add them to the meals he was preparing as need be. Running his hand over the rag hanging from his hip, Yuuma would formulate a response while be began the next set of tasks.

"Just the opposite, actually." He said in a rather even tone. It was an amusing jest, having worked so hard only to back out so early. But Yuuma was his usual focused self. "Now that I have graduated, I find myself with more problems. Before now, it was a simple matter of doing what I was told to learn. But now the guidance has ended, and I don't really know how to move forward." He said into the wall in front of him, though still falling into conversation with Kaibo. "I am sorry that you got mixed up in something. But you don't seem to have let it bother you much. Nor should it." He nodded, taking up a bit of oat to begin preparing a side of morning porridge. Mr. Izuwa was going to be grumpy with the staff if his breakfast was late. The last thing Yuuma needed was to catch dirty looks from the serving staff for getting lost in his thoughts. The conversation, however, only seemed to allow the man to focus on his work and use the conversation in place of a trip to his sanctuary.

"I came from a village that was...much smaller than this place. But we didn't have shinobi. We had a group that would fend off beast or bandits that got too close to the settlement, but it was...small." He breathed out the last word. "Not like here. Here there are places to go and...socialize. Hang out, for lack of a better term. Back home, it was work and home. Sometimes the people would gather in the square for a festival..." He trailed off. Why was he saying all this? It dawned on Yuuma that this was the first time he had talked about his home to someone in the village. It gave the man pause for a moment before he continued. "Anyway. If you wanted to learn how to garden, you would see the Kaba's. Water working and potter was the Izuki family. But here in the city, it doesn't seem like people know each other like that."

"I wonder what Ida would think of this place.." He wondered to himself quietly. "So does this mean you plan to stay in the kitchen here? Or even open your own? I'm not certain some of the others would be able to function properly without you, though.." Yumma mused, casting a glance the other way in the kitchen. It didn't seem anyone else was paying their quiet conversation much mind, content to go about their own work or hold their own conversation.

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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:40 pm
Hmmm.  So the guy was a small town homeschooler.  It fit.  The wide world of hoshi would be good for him, like Kaibo's frequent trips into Suna from his home village were for him.

The sounds of the kitchen continued, pans clanging, knives chopping, pots boiling.  He let Yuuma talk a bit.  Obviously he felt it was doing some good, and by his glances around he wasn't yet comfortable sharing with everyone, so Kaibo didn't want to dissuade him from this attempt.  The large genin made a few encouraging grunts and "go on"'s at the right spots.

"I'm just saving up and living day to day.  Sure i'd like my own place someday, but theres no rush.  Gotta just enjoy life before it passes, right?"  He grabbed a clove of garlic and arced his hand around his back, throwing the herb up into the air, over his shoulder, and catching it when it got in front of his chest, glancing at Yuuma to give him a wide grin, before beginning to dice.

He thought for a moment.  "But yeah..... my own place WOULD be nice.  As for your situation, I dont see it as so difficult.  Just keep taking steps forward, even if its the wrong direction, you'll get SOMEWHERE, right?"  He finished dicing and slide another dish down the line, grabbing oven mitts to prepare to pull something out from behind him.  Once the large pan was out and on the table, he sprinkled in everything he had just been chopping.  A wonderful smell erupted.

"I mean, where is it ya plan on going, anyway?  Whats this whole 'be a ninja' thing about to you?"
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:57 pm
Yuuma appreciated many things about Kaibo. His simple responses made Yuuma feel less strange about his own responses, and an active listener offering bits here and there to acknowledge he was listening, which was especially helpful since Yuuma didn't look over at him often. Though he was able to catch a bit of a show with the toss of garlic, offering the smallest of smirks and a thumbs up before he went back to tending the porridge he was keeping an eye on. When he mentioned not allowing life to simply pass one by, his reply was a quiet, fading "Yeah," before he would look back to his station. Kaibo, of course, was right in that regard. Things tend to happen fast. Best to count your blessings. 

When Kaibo continued and eventually asked him in return the question he had originally asked, Yuuma would turn around, finished the prep work needed for the beginning meals. Now moving across the kitchen, he would begin to clean the station so the next round of work could begin, attempting to formulate his answer. "The Kage gave me my Genin exam." He started with, allowing some time to let that sit in. "I didn't know at the time. Not until I asked someone where I could find him afterward." Yuuma sighed, then took in a long breath. "If I am being honest, I do not know. I became a shinobi because of the people that helped me. I thought it was something desirable, being a shinobi. But now that I am here, I notice that half the people in the city don't care for us, let alone like us. Why is that?"

"And if you do open your own place, you better come find me. I won't be doing the dishes here forever." He said with a tone that only hinted at amusement. 

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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Sun Dec 23, 2018 3:28 am
Kaibo gave a low whistle of appreciation.  "The Kage himself, huh?  Must be someone special to somebody.  I figured he'd be too busy dealing with taking the office since he's only been in there, what, a month, give or take?  Anyways, be right back."

The slight pause after the first round of dishes saw the assistants cleaning the areas while Kaibo moved over to a clip board stuck up by the freezer, checking to make sure they had all the ingredients they'd need for later and no substitutions needed to be made, and marking off what they'd need to get more of for tomorrow.

When he returned to his final garnish and approval station, closest to the serving pass, he resumed.  "Where were we?  Oh right, the city."  He glanced around a bit and lowered his voice just a tad, even though they were all ninja in this kitchen.  Most were born here, after all.  "I mean I'm not a native myself so i shouldn't really speak to it, but... Screw it, i've been here long enough.  Basically old stubborness and pride."  Metal clanked as he got out two frying pans and a plastic bottle of oil, pouring some of the off yellow translucent oil onto each pan and swirling them to let the oil spread before setting them on the unlit burners.  "Apparently the whole place used to be a proud normal kingdom, until it came under ninja siege.  And they weren't strong enough on their own, so not only were ninja oppressing them, but then they had to be saved by ANOTHER different ninja group. And of course they gave the ninja power after that help, but every drop of power the ninja were assigned came right from the royal family."  His voice was slightly distracted as he tilted each box in a row of spices back to read it until he found the right one, pulling it out and placing it center on the workstation.  "Soooo we're a constant reminder of their oppressors, they're lack of strength, and a reason for the weakining of the true royalty.  AND we have strange and unfair magic powers.  So yeah, not always the most welcome.  It IS changing though, even since i've been here.  And i've heard the kage and higher ups always have it in mind."

He grinned and looked up, a glint in his eye.  "But yeah, I've jut got my eyes on my own prize.  You just wait and see.  As soon as i get the stall up and running, then the money will be rolling in, and i'll be able to hire whoever I want".   

Another spice joined the first, then a bowl and some herbs.  Everything was poured into the bowl, and he started mixing it in with his hands, preparing a dry rub for some upcoming meat dish.  "I'll probably still be here too though.  A shift here beats going out and having other ninja throw sharp stuff at me, hands down, any day.  Though I seem to be the only one to think so.  The rest of these sods think this is some sort of bad assignment compared to those missions they love so much.  The fools."
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:07 pm
Kaibo. What a guy. The way he spoke was so...ordinary. It was refreshing, hearing some plain speak for once in the big city. As he listened to the explanation, his mind returned back to the exam in the Academy. The feeling of the Hogokage's overwhelming power as he sat blinded. It was difficult to image feeling that way for an extended period of time. The oppressive weight of the over baring force, one that could crush you if it so willed it. "Would even I tire of this feeling? Feeling so helpless to even function, and granted will to do so only on the whim of another?" The thoughts made Yuuma's grip tighten some on the rag he had been holding, but it was only for a moment. "I find it hard to think that way." He responded finally. "Being so close to something so powerful, I can't help but feel inspired by it. Afraid, sure, but inspired. It is as I felt with the Hogokage. I was frightened by the incredible power he had. But I see it instead as something else than a hammer waiting to strike. I see it as a goal. The pinnacle of what one can accomplish." He said though the following sigh felt more like a chuckle. "But that sort of thing is a long, long time from now. Perhaps so far away that I might find something else to satisfy me before then. Like cooking." An arm lifted a finished plate into the window, the hand pressing briefly the button on top of a bell to alert the waiting staff that something was ready.

"I must admit, I am excited to try some missions on my own. It will be a good thing to try and help me figure out where I am compared to others. Plus, I have been told a lot of them help the city. And right now, that is the least I can do, considering how good Hoshigakure has been to me. Even if that means some more mundane work. Certainly, they won't assign me something dangerous...I think." Yuuma hummed out. Truthfully, everything he had learned thus far could be considered utility in nature. Nothing really to help him fight or combat an enemy. Was this something he had to learn on his own? "Don't get me wrong. I enjoy my time in the kitchen. Things make more sense here. But I have challenged myself to follow a harder path." There was a small measure of pride in these words, as Yuuma was feeling more and more resolute that his choice was indeed the correct one. "You said you had been here long enough...does that mean you are also not from-"

Yuuma's inquiry was interrupted by the slamming open of the front door, sending the tiny bell flailing madly and produce a shrill chime from the sudden impact. Drawing eyes to the front of the store would be a rather thin, gangly looking man whose upper front teeth would be large enough to poke out from the gap of his lip. Accompanying him were a pair of kendo armed guards that Yuuma had seen before. The Queensman. Apparently, whoever this man was, he didn't like the idea of coming to a ninja diner alone. Still, the guards look complacent and even a bit bored, perhaps, that they were here. The man with the tooth problem, however, seemed to take a delight in disregarding the niceties offered by the hostess who approached him, instead taking a wander through the seating area to look over the area in general. Whoever this guy was, he caught more than a few dirty looks by the patrons as he went about his investigation. "Who is this guy?" Yuuma asked quietly, afraid that the man might hear him, despite the distance.

The man with the tooth display and cheap suit worked his way around the diner before he began to work his way into the back, waving off the staff that bothered to ask if he needed assistance. Following the man through the window with his eyes, Yuuma would look back down at his work, falling into silence as this man pushed his way into the kitchen. Now at a closer distance, Yuuma could hear the nauseating idle sounds the man made with his mouth in thought. Wet sucking noises and thoughtful chewing of his engorged lower lip made for rather unpleasant sounds as he made his way through this or that in the kitchen. Unwilling to step out of place, Yuuma looked to Kaibo to get a feel for his reaction, as if to say, "Who the heck does this guy think he is?". When the man wandered closer, Yuuma looked back down to his work in silence, feeling the growing heat that accompanies a person when they are standing just behind someone. The breath unfurling across Yuuma's shoulder to warm his chin as the man watched him work closely. He lingered for only a time before moving along, doing the same thing to Kaibo, assuming he had not been addressed.

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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Fri Dec 28, 2018 4:23 am
Kaibo gave a short "Ha" in his deep voice at Yuumas mention of finding his passion in cooking.  Not a derisive one, but as if sharing a joke someone had proposed.  The man wasn't half bad at cooking, and could probably do it if he really tried.... But Kaibo had been watching as the darker haired genin had tightly gripped the rag when talking about the Kage, and thought he say a glint of... something that lightened up the dull blue eyes for just a moment when talking about that pinnacle of power.  No, unless he was mistaken, Yuuma had a passion that lay on a different path than Kaibos, even if Yuuma himself didn't realize it yet.

He almost frowned and retorted at the insane notion that being a ninja was harder than perfecting the most delicate creme brulee, that throwing kunai at a man sized target was somehow tougher than shaving off garnish slices of the exact same tiny dimensions smoothly and evenly, but heads turned as the door slammed open.

A thin man and his air of smug superiority and disgust soon entered the kitchen and Kaibo kept his expression neutral and his eyes down on his work as the man first stepped behind Yuuma, pausing to inspect, and then to the side of Kaibo, unable to see over the large mans broad shoulders.  Kaibo, without pausing or lifting his gaze, let out a small sigh.

"Hmmph.  Is it that time of the month again, Tojiro?  Another 'random' inspection from 'anonymous' customer complaints that somehow never turn up?  You know, you dont have to do this.  If you like the food that much, we'll deliver."

Tojiro was, in fact, one of the reasons this kitchen was cleaned after each set of orders, instead of after each meal session or shift.  The Galaxy Cafe was known as a shinobi favored hangout in this still divided city, and ever since Tojiro took the position of chief inspector, they had 'somehow' made the random inspection list every month, for 17 months running.  He had already closed down another restaurant, a small one man enterprise by an ex shinobi, earlier this year on decidedly bogus charges.

"Hmmmm yes.... and end up poisoned or with some sort of magic spell on me?  I think not, Ninja." The word was dripping with hidden and not so hidden meaning.  "Or at least a stomache ache and the bad taste of what you pass off for food on my tongue.  No, I'll merely observe." Again he emphasized and drew out the last word, smug in his power over the proceedings.  

The man continued on to another station, recording things on his clipboard and motioning for a guard to bag up one of the dishes to take for further inspection.

Kaibo noticed this and stopped what he was doing, being careful to lay down his tools before putting a big hand between the advancing guard and the tray.  The guard looked at him furiously, but stopped advancing.  Kaibo spoke.  "Now hang on there.  I know my rights.  We aren't having this go back to your office where it can miraculously develop all sorts of problems."  They had gotten the Galaxy Cafe earlier in the year with that one, and they were only just beggining to clear out the demerits.  "You bring in whoever you need to on your inspections, but nothing leaves this kitchen."

Tojiro almost snarled as he stared for a second, weighing his options before finally and grudgingly waving the guard back, and continuing his patrol.  Kaibo motioned for another chef to take over his station, and turned to watch Tojiro, his burly arms crossed.  No way was he letting this man get away with any of his tricks this time.
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:06 pm
Yuuma was far from use to this kind of inspection. He had never worked in a kitchen like this and had no idea the proper proceeding for something like an inspection. But from the way the man spoke, and the way Kaibo replied, Yuuma quickly gathered that this man, Tojiro, was troublesome. While the conversing happened, Yuuma would think back to something like this happening in his hometown. Truthfully, something like this was probably unheard of, and more than likely, this Tojiro person would most likely provoke some manner of physical altercation if this was another time and another place. But here, in the part of town that was mostly shinobi, there was little one could do without only making matters worse for themselves. Indeed, if this inspector found any sort of reason to do the establishment harm, it would more than likely be blown out of proportion, and perhaps even collaborated by the Queensman. Thus, when the man swept around the kitchen in his inspection and passed behind Yuuma, Yuuma had no reaction to offer. Nor to the hovering of personal space. All Yuuma had to do was continue doing his work and allowing business to go on as usual. He saw no reason to slow service and indeed moved along ahead at his usual pace. 

This did not go unnoticed by the inspector, however, who had taken note of a new face in the kitchen. An opportunity to apply a little pressure, he believed. When Yuuma lifted a plate up to the counter, his hand tapped the bell once more to summon service, though he found himself quickly interrupted. "Hold it!" Tojiro said, reaching forward to grab quickly at the plate of food, smearing his finger over the side of the plate and leaving behind a residue, as well as disturbing the carefully plated food with that single boney digit. Dropping the plate back in front of Yuuma, the now disturbed meal sat on a smudged plate. "Going to serve something like this? On a plate like that? Filthy." He breathed out in the same way he had nearly drooled the previous words. When Yuuma looked up to the man, Tojiro gained a cruel smile. "Oh, what a dangerous look. I certainly hope you are able to conduct yourself professionally." Tojiro taunted, motioning then to Yuuma's neck. "A headband? Hovering over the food you are preparing? Disgusting!" Tojiro shook his head and folded his arms. "You may have cost this business a fine. How do you feel about that?" The smug in his tone was enough to choke the room.

Yuuma, however, simply looked down to the headband he was wearing. Lifting his hands to the back of his neck, he would untie the band and fold it neatly before calmly putting it into his back pocket. Next came the plate of food that was taken up and tapped against the side of the trash bin, spilling the freshly cooked contents into the garbage before Yuuma placed the dish into the sink to be washed. "Sorry." He responded evenly. "I will do better next time." And with that, he turned back to his station to begin preparing the meal over again. It was nothing complicated, but it meant that there would be a delay. "I'll have it up again shortly." He said across the counter to the wait staff, who gave an understanding and almost apologetic nod before disappearing to address the table that was about to be served and make them aware of the short delay. Yuuma wasn't sure if Tojiro had been expecting something perhaps more volatile from the young man, but it wasn't put on display either way. 

With a discontent click of the tongue, Tojiro returned to his inspections in an attempt to find something actually worth noting down. Thankfully the cafe had managed to keep a clean ship after they learned just how often the inspector was going to be breathing down their necks. Tojiro would end his patrol near to Kaibo, offering him the same beady-eyed look he had offered them many times before. "For now, your unsavory cafe is safe. But at some point, you will slip up. If not you, then one of these other students will. But until that time, I think I develop some manner of sinus infection if I remain here any longer. Be thankful that my time is so precious, I wouldn't waste any trying to find the shortcomings I am sure are lurking just out of view." Tojiro said, offering a sickly smile before turning to make his way from the kitchen without waiting for much of a reply. As the inspector made his exit, a finger would tip the large storage of flour, causing the container to tip to its side and spill its contents onto the floor. "Oops! Wouldn't want any contamination in that." He jeered lightheartedly as he pushed his way out of the kitchen and into the main room once more before finally collecting the guards and making his exit.

Yuuma sighed as he watched the man finally make his exit from the building, shaking his head slightly. Turning, he would move over to the mess of flour on the floor and pick up a broom. "Nice fellow." He remarked slightly as he began to clean up the mess without much worry over the matter. Overall, Yuuma didn't seem that shook by the encounter. "If you could believe it, he is not the worst person I have had to deal with."

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If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.] Empty Re: If you can't stand the heat... [Kaibo, Open, NK.]

Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:06 pm
Kaibo almost jumped in when the inspector targeted the new guy.  Since Tojiro's back was to Kaibo and this dish out of view, he didn't even see the smear, he just didn't want the new guy to A) have to deal with this and B) maybe do something that could cost them.  It was a careful line they had to tread.

He held back though, after seeing Yuuma react with the restraint needed.  Kaibo wasn't sure he would have reacted as calmly, such a dirty trick when he was so new.  But Yuumas credit, or perhaps past experience, he didn't crack.

Steam could almost be seen coming out of Kaibo's ears, though, his face red and almost vibrating with a held back urge to punch someone, when Tojiro tipped over the flour.  He continued that way until the man was out of sight and he could count to ten through clenched teeth, slowly loosening his hand from balls.  Yuuma had moved to sweep it up, so Kaibo went back to his clipboard on the wall to mark down the lost ingredients.

He actually began to settle down a bit when he started rolling out some flour crusts at this station.   "Dont worry about it, by the way.  I'm sure you did nothing wrong.   That Prick comes in like that every so often.  A relic of the old times.  Not many like that anymore."  He muttered under his breath "Could do with having was one less though"

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