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Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Teaching the next generation Empty Teaching the next generation

Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:17 pm
Mission specs:

Today would be a nice change of pace as Minato was selected as one of the Genin to spend a day talking and teaching the younger students of the Academy. Every now and then people like himself who successfully graduated and had become a Genin were tasked with the mission of showing the next generation something about what they could expect from becoming a shinobi. He was looking forward to it, finally a mission that wouldn't involve any kind of danger. 

As he left his house on the way to the Academy he began to think about how he would approach the task that was given him. What makes someone a good teacher? He figured it should be one that is able to deliver a message, so that they would remember it and take some of it with them for future references. Suddenly he was struck by his nerves as he got afraid he might not leave a good impression on them. Before he even realised it, he had arrived at the Academy. Entering the building he would then announce himself to the lady sitting at the desk in front of him.

"Hi, I'm here for the teaching of the next generation. The name is Minato, Uchiha Minato."

(WC: 208)
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Teaching the next generation Empty Re: Teaching the next generation

Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:53 pm
Rune was one of the selective genin to go and show the academy students what they were missing out on. He figured that he would have to do it since he was just an academy student about six months ago. The truth be told though he didn’t really like being theirs like some of the others he wanted to get out of the academy and start doing real work as a shinobi. He had been doing that and he had learned quite a bit as well, so he was really just wanting to get this over with before any of the teachers noticed him and wanted him to stay and catch up. Rune walked in and went straight over to room 105 opening the door. Upon opening the door he saw the guy that he was pretty much teamed up with. “Figured id see you here” he would tell Minato as he looked across the room. It was no surprise now Rune had been teamed up with Minato for the past 3 missions they had gone on. Rune turned and looked over the class and saw that they all looked pretty normal for the most part with none of them sticking out too much as he did. What with a bandaged arm and everything every day. He was just hoping that none of them would ask him why was wearing his arm bandaged.

Looking back over to Minato “You got here first you can go first” he would have a jesting smile on his face. He wanted to know if Minato had been training and maybe he would learn something. “Also if you need a target I guess you can use me. I done asked and we can’t use the kids” he would tell Minato with the same smile.

Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Teaching the next generation Empty Re: Teaching the next generation

Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:45 am
As he was about to enter the classroom he could hear a familiar voice calling out for him. Looking over his shoulder he could see it was Rune who would join him on this mission as well. With the two of them instructing the students it wouldn't take them long to finish this one up quick. Now that the two of them got reunited it was time for them to enter the room to complete their task.

After they briefly introduced themselves to the students, it was Minato who decided to take the floor. He figured he would show them some basic techniques, nothing too hard for them to understand. 
"As I'm sure all of you know, there are two techniques you need to be able to perform if you want to graduate and pass your Genin Exam. For those of you who don't know these jutsu, I will shortly demonstrate them."

As he formed the handseals required for the first technique Ram → Snake → Tiger, followed by a big cloud of smoke, an identical copy of Minato had appeared. "I'm sure you can guess which technique I just used? Correct, it's the Clone Technique." 
Deactivating his technique while his clone disappeared, he would then follow up with the second one they need to be able to perform, the Transformation Technique.
Looking over next to the side of him, he figured he could make use of Rune for the next one. Just like he did with the Clone Technique, Minato began to form the handseals needed for the jutsu to activate. 

Dog → Boar → Ram, instead of a clone, this time it was a copy of Rune, since he had transformed into him. 
"This technique is considered to be among the more difficult E-Rank techniques because you need to have perfect chakra control to perform it. If you are able to successfully learn these two techniques, I'm sure you will be able to graduate in no time" he finished with a smile while he deactivated his Transformation Technique.

Minato thought he would show them some more stuff he had learned since he became a Genin, but nothing too flashy he figured.
"Of course, there are some other couple of techniques that can come in handy or can be fun to do." 
Suddenly his voice changed into their teacher's. 
"This is called Puppet Art: Ventriloquism, with this you can change your voice into another voice you have ever heard for example, or you could use it to project your voice to sound as if it's coming from another location", he explained while making it sound like his voice was coming from the back of the classroom, which resulted in a confused look on the faces of the students.

He would then allow Rune to start his explanation, hoping he would also be able to impress the next generation.

(WC: 479, TWC: 687)
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Teaching the next generation Empty Re: Teaching the next generation

Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:42 am
Rune watched as Minato went over the basic jutsu’s with the class. Not too bad he thought but Rune knew that the kids had seen that jutsu several times since they are trying to learn them he wanted to give them something more. He would walk over to the Window after Minato used the Transformation jutsu and open it. Where he would then climb out the window once Minato was done he would poke his head back into the window “Hey kids come to the window I was told any mess I made id have to clean up so I'm just going outside” he would have the same childish grin on his face he has had since he got into the classroom.

With the children moving to the window Rune stepped a little farther away from the window as to not get any splash damage on it. “First thing is I'm going to show you guys the water clone jutsu. It differs from the regular clone jutsu you guys are all learning by giving it a physical form.” he would then make a few hand signs and water would start to bubble up out of the ground and form into a copy of him. Normally it would happen a lot faster but he let it go slow so the kids could really get a good look at. With the clone, their both Rune and his clone would pull out Kunai.

“Now for the next jutsu I'm going to show you guys it is also a basic jutsu called substitution jutsu but I'm going to show you guys its combat abilities for offense and not just for defense. Rune and his clone would create a good distance between the two of them. Then the clone would throw the kunai at Rune who would disappear in a puff of smoke as the kunai stuck into a log, and Rune appeared behind the clone sticking his kunai into the clones back. “And that's the difference between the two clones guys and the substitution jutsu” he would say as he climbed back into the window. “Well that's it for me” he would say to the class “Ill see you guys out in the field” he would add as he got to the door opening it. He would hold the door for Minato closing it behind the two shinobi. The moment the door was closed and the two was alone in the hallway Rune would drop the act letting the smile fall from his face. “I hate school” he would tell Minato as he started to walk down the hall to the exit. He would give Minato a wave as he walked away when the two split up.

(WC-453 TWC-752
Exit, Claims
752 WC to Temp Paralysis Jutsu
mission rewards)
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Teaching the next generation Empty Re: Teaching the next generation

Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:38 am
Minato took a step back as it was now Rune's turn to demonstrate what he had learned so far. He was fine being a spectator of what was going on. Leaning against one of the walls with his arms crossed he began to observate every single one of the students in the classroom. It was not that long ago he was sitting at one of these desks himself, paying attention to what his teachers were saying. A lot had happened since then, some things the Academy wasn't able to prepare him for. There is a big difference between what they teach you at school and the things you can only learn by experiencing hardship on the outside.

Before he had noticed as he was sunk deep in his thoughts, Rune his demonstration had ended. Minato was well aware that they didn't do anything spectacular of any sorts, but he hoped that it would motivate the younger students as they now would have an idea of what they will be able to do when they work hard and graduate from the Academy. 

Before he would leave the classroom Minato figured it wouldn't be a bad idea if he would give some kind of speech, since being a shinobi isn't only about showing off or having fun. 
"When you go home I want you to think about what kind of shinobi you want to be. Because it isn't always sunshine and happiness, there will be moments where you will have to prove yourself, where you will have to surpass your limits. But the most important thing might as well be the fact that you will need to be able to put the sake of others before yourself. Becoming a shinobi also means becoming ready to give your life for the village, for those we need to protect. And with that I thank you for your attention and I wish you the best of luck on your journey ahead."

With these final words Minato hoped he made a good impression on the next generation as he was heading hoom.

(TWC: 1033)
- Hidden Mist Technique (1000/1000)
- 500 ryo
- 1 AP
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Teaching the next generation Empty Re: Teaching the next generation

Fri Feb 22, 2019 11:44 am
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