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Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:13 pm
She sat atop the large wooden building at the edge of the training grounds, overlooking the large open area with training dummies and large circular targets riddled with large gashes where kunai and shuuriken were pulled out of the soft wood repeatedly. The sun set high in the sky over konoha, basking the blue haired girl with a calming warmth. It was a beautiful day, and she hoped today would be the day she could finally meet up with a group of aspiring Konoha ninja, joining together to guide them, or one another, to bring this great village into a brighter stroknger konoha. It excited her, and scared her truely, causing the girl from the paper clan to pull the cloak tightly across her neck.
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:57 pm
The Hyena grumbled, as he sat in the shadow of a far corner of the training area. He had been trying to pull the stone through space and time again, without much luck. After he realized that he was not making any progress, he sat back on his heels, thinking things over. After a while he decided that perhaps he needed to think over the other space time type jutsu he had been trying to learn, the Storage Displacement jutsu. That one involved trying to reach through the fabric of space and time, tearing it literally with his chakra. Perhaps he could do the same and reach out with his chakra to grab the stone and haul it towards him, ending its journey in a puff of smoke. He struggled, beginning to sweat profusely, and could have sworn he saw the stone nudge just a little. Scowling, he stood, brushing the dust off of himself. He looked around the area, and one person caught his eye, the rest appearing pretty harmless, or worse. He tried to figure out why he had been drawn to gazing at her, and realized belatedly her hair, a bright shade of blue, was a tad brighter than the sky, and a far different color than that of anyone else’s that he had seen. It seemed she was either rich, or had a fairly high rank, most people did not go around in armour that to the Hyena, was rather reminiscent of the Anbu. He looked away, acting as if he had looked merely by chance, but while he struggled to pull the stone closer to himself again, he watched her with his Byakugan, curious to see if she would do anything interesting.

(ttl wc: 287)
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:04 pm
She called out a few pieces of paper, which slid seemingly from their position just beneath the edge of her armor, hidden at her wrist. It was natural for ninja to hide weapons so that wouldn't neccisarilly seem strange but what happened next... Well it would be odd indeed. As they left her body they floated like a feather towards the ground until they were at about hip level. Then they stopped in mid air, almost seeming to float. Slowly they would begin to spin as she scanned the training area around her boredly, finally noticing one boy off to the side seeming to play with... a rock?

"To each.. His own I suppose...." She looked towards him, giving him a soft nod as she allowed her body to simply slide from the top of the building, falling about ten feet towards the ground where she hit with a thud, her body seeming to crumble under the impact until she began to roll. It was a parkour move she used often to diffuse the impact force of falls and it looked ravishing with the soft bounce of her light blue hair.

"Hullo. Who might you be?" The small sheets of paper followed lazilly behind, finalyl catching up to her as she began to speak.
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:52 pm
The Hyena assumed she was some kind of street punk, observing through his Byakugan, until he saw the slips of paper come out of her sleeves in a decidedly un-natural way. His gaze through the back of his head began flicking between the pieces of paper and her as they fell, noticing that they stopped suddenly, before falling to the ground. Hmm. So she had some kind of ninja skills as well and was not your average soul searching fool. He was not sure why but he had to repress the urge to tense up and carefully watch her for signs of her abilities. He coolly continued to practice pulling the stone towards him with his chakra. It seemed she had no particular interest in him, at first, her eyes sweeping the training grounds, the paper slips spinning in the air. Ok, those seemed to be spinning on her own, perhaps that was an indication of her own clan abilities then. The Hyena had not heard of any regular jutsu that did such kinds of things, it seemed to specific and not an elemental type of jutsu.

His eyes no longer flickered back and forth between her and the slips of paper she had released, when she landed on the ground, for the most part, only following her movements. The Hyena watched her approach while he kept his back turned, pretending to not notice her approach, making sure to avoid unnatural movements that would indicate his knowledge of her presence. He had noted the speed of her movements as she landed and guessed that she was fairly close to him in speed. Maybe she was just holding back or not bothering to move faster.

He had assumed she would be more aggressive sounding, but this young woman was quite soft spoken, which surprised him. Of course, appearances could be deceiving, not that he could see much of her true appearance without using the Byakugan, an act he refused to do after seeing a decrepit Hyuuga try the same trick before, for an entirely different and perverted purpose. If someone wanted to obscure their appearance, in particular their face, then he would not disturb that peace of their mind. Figures were harder to disguise however, he had seen similarly skinny or slender or lean or wiry builds, depending on how you looked at them, in many ninjas, so that bit was not anything noteworthy.

She apparently seemed to be speaking to him, a quick scan around at the other people nearby indicated that he was the only one who was paying attention, he did not see any other Byakugan users around. He paused, the stone falling to the ground after having successfully being shifted through the air a noticeable amount for once.

He pretended to only have just noticed her. He turned having just shut off his Byakugan, as if he had only just noticed her and said “Are you speaking to me?” His voice was normal in pitch, he blocked the usual shades of suspicion from his voice, he could tell she was fairly skilled. No point in making an enemy needlessly. He looked around him at the bystanders, and yep none of them were paying any attention, so he said “I guess you are speaking to me then…. I am a genin of Konoha, The Hyena….” He attempted to imply that he did not truly care whether she wished to know the reason for his rather strange name or not.

ttl wc: 287+581=868
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:12 pm
Finally he turned to her. Naturally she didn't recognize his face, which was the reasoning behind her question. She Studied his face a bit, comitting it to memory as he continued his response, giving rank and a name, though not his actual name. "The hyena.... Draconis Hyuuga. Genin rank, still without official team asignment if my reading was correct? " She'd give it a moment for him to respond or realize what she'd said before continuing

"Hisano Koutaichi. Jounin. Nice to meet you 'The Hyena'. Thankfully she'd taken a trip to the Kage building to check in, gathering some information about the status of the village as well as taking a study of those within the village and what aws documented about their strengths and weaknesses. There wasn't much on this boy, though A byakugan could be assumed..... Her lips quivered into a small smile at this. "So the Hyuuga still exist in Konoha..... Have you all heard anything from Kiranomo lately?"
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:30 am
It had been so long since his last time in the village he had been born into, his path taking him on a journey of self discovery amongst the outer territories of Konoha and a bit futher. Now he had returned to his home once more after honing his own skills and tempering the storm within his mnid. As he stepped into the gates of the once proud village a gentle wind blew from the south causing the males hair to sway slightly and his clothes dance amongst the tame winds as he stood there in awe of how the times had changed.

Lugging the beige large bag over his shoulder as if it was nothing, he slowly opened his eyes to look around before yawning and walking into the village," Seems like nothing has changed since I went off on my own...Typical day as usual," he didnt expect anyone to recognize him nor stop him due to the headband around his neck, but then again he wouldn't have complained to much about it. Hideyoshi had spent what was to him many months outside of the village since his last encounters with one of his prior students, the time being much needed amongst anything to hone his skills with not only his bloodline but many other new things that the male had grown to learn.

Slowly his path took him past the academy, fond memories of the past and his little developments with several people, his previous teams, and the what ifs on a certain friend of his flew through his mind. Shrugging he slowly paced himself towards home which would take him past the ever memorable training ground number eleven, where like most genin had spent some time honing their skills and other things to become better ninja. Like in his past it had been kept up to snuff, the sight of many different ninja training inside of the field was pretty interesting since the last memory he had was with a group of genin he did not remember the name of, but then again they did not do much.

Through the somewhat closed eyes of Hideyoshi he spotted like any good shinobi a duo of ninja, their chakra levels to him weren't accessible to be seen although he didn't quite care anyways yet it was the appearance of the two that caught his eye the most. Still holding the rather large bag which at this moment would look like it was taller than him standing up, he would walk closer towards them, yet keeping his distance a good nine meters from the two just in case...He was always the fidgety one, and said nothing but merely observed the two. While inside the confines of his mind, his other half simple watched and uttered small distinctions to him," First day back in the village and you are already being a weirdo...Good going Yoshi," a resounding echo of a laugh skipping inside of his mind as he stood there and stayed odd.

Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:52 pm
Astonished. It was truly the first time he had been astonished, the Hyena. Other times he had merely been amazed. After a while all of her words sunk in and he realized that the Jounin quite possibly had access to the village files on well, pretty much everybody due to their high ranking and status. What really surprised him was that she had realized who he was, as he did not think he had given his original name when he signed up for the ninja academy. Then it hit him. When he was born, into the ninja clan of the Hyuuga, he must have been registered already. No wonder. By process of elimination, well, that explained her slight pause as well. He listened to the rest of her words, keeping a poker face, while scanning the surrounding area for anyone else who might be interesting.
While she spoke, a rather apathetic ninja approached, who likely was of the Konoha village as well. This fellow murmured to himself, and made Draconis wish he could read lips well. He paused and began watching the Hyena and this other person, the jounin Hisano. He would look up the Koutashi clan later, having never heard of them before, though brand names were hardly an indicator of success as the Hyuuga themselves were proving quite easily.

He largely blanked out after hearing her comment on the Hyuuga, no longer watching the other who stood silently at a distance observing the two of them. “The Hyuuga exist in Konoha, for sure, but most of them can not get their heads out of their past, or perhaps their rear ends neither. The fools might as well give up their ranks and become historians of their past glory. I do not consider myself a member of that clan anymore, not after everything have done, not with the corruption that has taken firm root in their minds, and their very souls!” The Hyena’s voice was laced with venom as he began talking about the clan which he had largely disowned, virtually spitting the last few words, though not at the listeners, so much as the ground.

Pausing, he realized he had let his emotions get the better of himself again. He realized she had also asked a different question about someone else. “I apologize, I let my emotions get the better of me again. Kiranomo? Who is that? Did she used to be a Leaf Ninja?” The Hyena asked.

He began subconsciously thinking about how he could improve the current state of his attempt at the Great Fire Annihilation jutsu. Right now it seemed that he did not produce enough chakra. Better late than never at least, so perhaps he just needed to concentrate his chakra for longer.

(ttl wc: 868+459=1327)
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
She waited for the boy to finally come back to reality, her arms crossing over her chest to simply watch th eboy. Finally he spoke, and goodness did he speak. His words reminded her so much of the past. Of the realizations made before she'd left the village hidden in the leaf. "The hyuuga.... Were once great. Perhaps too great. I've heard a little of their....Situat...Oh. Hullo." Her attention turned to the new comer who seemed to fidget a bit a distance away. She offered him a studying glanced followed by a soft smile.

"Never mind young...Hyena... um.." The name felt wierd on her tongue but if it was his preference she supposed it would be for the best? "She was a child of the hyuuga clan a while ago but... I suppose she's not been back since. What's your name? " She turned her attention to the newcomer once more, requesting his identity less because she felt need to and more to shift the subject matter to something different. It pained her to realize the girl had never made it back. She was probably dead.
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:34 pm
He didn't know how he always wound up coming into the most awkward of situations, rather if it was in the midst of two training or talking and yet here he was listening in on a conversation with a Hyuuga and a Kouitaishi," There hasn't been one of those in Konoha in some time...Weird how this one's a female," it was months since he had last seen that guy, his name escaping the confines of his mind for now. As he continued to listen in he settled onto his large knapsack folding his arms inward as a way to get a little comfortable for however long he was going to be standing there unnoticed. It had appeared that a certain someone had a distaste for their clan, going so far as to denounce his name and relation to it. The Hyuuga's weren't that bad of a clan considering he had dated one and had the opportunity to speak with a high ranking one, and from his own experiences they werent as... "Corrupt" as this one had apparently thought them to be.

It could have been his own experiences so he wouldn't comment nor speak on the subject unless somehow he was dragged into it, and if he was he'd play that generic "silent" card and keep on moving with things. It would seem at last that the group had noticed his presence although not immediately which the only result was him waving and sliding his hands into his pockets and returning to his stationary position of comfort. The name that the shortish chick said rung a bell, a faint one but a bell none the less inside of his weird mind yet no face came to it. Was it someone he met previously and forgotten or someone that was just a glancing face and then simply poofed from his memory? Well he didn't quite care either way so it wasn't going to be an invasion of his memory banks to see where he heard it from so there went another thing.

Slowly he would open his eyes enough to show some semblance of his coal black colored eyes and shrugged slightly, pulling out one of his hands to scratch his head in contemplation," Name....Name...Hmm. Well it would be great if you gave yours first if you are going to ask for mine. Common courtesy and all of tha polite stuff, and no i'm not being a smartass I am just doing what is best for the situation...Don't know if you are something you aren't," there was a hint of smartassness in his sentence, but he meant all but well in this current situation which had made the other presence within his body cry a thunderous laugh. It would seem that his first days back into the village were something of an interesting time although it might just get him into trouble who knows. It was at this point however that he simply waited for an answer before giving out his own name, in which he would respond with not his "name" but what he went by as of late.

Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:19 pm
For once someone was not calling him older than he truly was, he was younger than the woman looked. She noticed the other fellow who had silently been observing them, finally, and the Hyena realized that perhaps it would be a good idea to always watch around him with the Byakugan. Subtly of course.

He turned to the other and asked “How long have you been here?” He did not mention the fact that he had seen the newcomer approach already, he was curious to see if this fellow could be trusted to have any level of honesty considering he was not making himself come across well at the moment.

In the back of his mind, he was still mulling over how to do the Great Fire Annihilation jutsu. He tried to remember the feeling, the sensation he had, well, felt, when trying to pull all his chakra together in a struggle to make a single blade of wind before, one of the many moments which blended together into a river of consciousness that he was slowly sailing away from, distancing himself from every moment. He hoped he never forgot some of the most crucial moments in his life, but that was not so important right now. He shook his head vigorously, trying to clear his thoughts. Concentrating his chakra, he aimed for a higher amount far surpassing any he had ever tried previously, and slowly, he began to feel the same sensation as that which he had aimed for previously, the last remnant of his oft shattered memories of his earlier days training.

He began kneading the chakra within his stomach, or at least the general area of it. He began changing it so that it had the fire affinity. It was a good thing the training grounds had a lot of room, as this jutsu covered a lot of ground, literally. The jutsu was presumably supposed to be workable up to 70 meters away from the user, covering up 50 meters at a time, formed from a single large thick line that incinerated everything in its path. Fortunately the training grounds were rather massive, and his best attempts would only scorch the ground and any unwary others, if they did not move away when necessary. His mind whirled slightly while he listened for words from the other two. Once hehad the required amounts of chakra, it was mostly an issue of chakra control, something that would be much easier to learn than attempting to brute force produce a massive amount of chakra. This jutsu was considered to be the same rank as the legendary Rasengan, in terms of difficulty in learning, anyway, and this was probably because it required rather enormous amounts of training ground to be used so that the actual village was not burned down. All kidding aside it used a lot of chakra as opposed to the fine chakra control required for the Rasengan. He could feel the chakra beginning to burn within his stomach, the chakra converting to the fire affinity. With time this would become easier, he reminded himself constantly.

ttl wc: 1327+517=1844
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