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Rokuro Masamune
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Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:53 pm
His tricks went off as planned and at least she could dodge a simple bag although its trajectory should have been planned a little bit more to better benefit him. None the less he was...surprised to say the least that she could dodge such a high speed movement through [s]bullshit[/s] unconventional means, their distance would have been covered quickly by his speed but then again shit happens right? Making a small flip he would land beside his bag assessing the damage done to it which due to poor wording was abysmal so he had begun to pick it up and tossed it behind him for safe keeping because there were things in there that he needed after this, depending on how long he would be staying. In that even he cracked his knuckles, turning his fingers inwardly as the loud popping of each individual finger could be heard.

A small thought appeared inside of his mind as he created a fist with the both of his hands, his movements becoming laxed and fluent before he moved. Concentrating on whether or not he could go for one of his stronger techniques or simply stop it here in fear of seriously damaging a Jounin, which in all honesty would be funny as hell. He had already fought two other Jounin both outclassing this girl by miles, and came out on top yet he couldn't help but feel that this fight would be a waste of his time. Power began to flow through his body as he thought of activating something he had been training since he had left the village in search of his own power, yet something had been stoping him from doing so. Looking down to his Gauntlets for a brief moment the eyes that adorned them that were normally closed gave him a brief glance before closing, only being seen by himself before he sighed for a moment.

Within the confines of his mind, during the same time he had kept his eyes on Hisano he would begin to have a conversation with his ownself in a sense," So what's up? Calling to me through them must have something on your mind right? Of course the word "mind" was debatable since the two of them had shared the same mind except for several locked parts, but that was a trivial matter in all of this. The voice which simply took for as a taller him with red eyes, a black duster and a sword nodded and stretched for a bit," We trained for a bit while we weren't here so it would be alright to use that ability for now, unless of course you think we need more...compatability with it," it was hardly a laugh that he was suggesting this, but when the older spectre was right he was right.

On the outside of his mind however he began to slide his feet from between each other and taking in a deep breathe as a dark blue film of energy began to overtake his body yet he wasn't releasing any chakra. The conversation within him continued as he stretched and shrugged," If you want to then lets do it, although I don't see myself going any futher into this spar, she already bores me and her movements are ameturish at best. I'm better off going to see if I can get something set up for a promotion. Its long overdue dont you think?," being a genin was boring in his opinion and having to wait for the next chuunin exams so he would see after this if he could gain a personal auidence with the Hokage and plead his case if need be.

With the two in agreenace his body would continue to pulse out the dark blue energy before it had disappated and he slowly brought his hands together, drawing in a dense amount of energy before he exhaled the deep breathe he had been holding in with a small smile. As his eyes opened they would reveal a pair of crimson hues, the red specs staring at the girl in contemplation on whether or not they should speak or simply let this continue without a word. His skin for a moment would begin to pulse as the sillouette of the first form of bonding between him and the entity within him would cover his body before disappearin, a jet black slate began to cover his body but would only be visible on his arms and neck.

The transformation would continue until he had finished the form whether or not the minor opponent tried to stop him would be irrelevant as he has already proven to be the faster and stronger out of the two. Such a pity for him to revert to something like this, then again he was testing her or more specifically his new powers. He didn't really care for her or her abilities, but a good guinea pig for his long training would have been perfect for him since simple dummies would not suffice. The attack of choice however was the part he was having trouble with considering he could simply use the weapons he had on him now, or perhaps try out one of the high level forbidden taijutsu that he knew. He had been fighting her without using his bloodline for so long which actually was just becoming a bore, but the less people that knew what he was the better and it was good for not only him but for other things he'd rather not get into.

As he was about to make his move he stopped for a minute and thought it over, would he feel some satisfaction from simply trouncing her about like this. Considering even as he was he could more than likely outlast her in a close and long range battle, but this was just going to be a game of cat and mouse at this point and he didn't need that. Sighing he would slowly revert to normal as he rolled his shoulders and reached for his back which was behind him as he yawned," I can tell this is going to be a boring thing of cat and mouse...and that ain't what I need in a spar, so once you get your weight up come look for me," with that he simply left, walking out of the training area and heading towards his home away from home to relax and plan his talk with the Kage.

[Exit cuz boredom and no commitment to this topic]


2000 towards Tempest Skill
2164 for Ahrat Fist-Gangkai i guess
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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:10 pm
She allowed her chakra to pulse, her body feeling revitalized by the incredible power that flowed through her. her feet pressed agaisnt the earth, closing in her stance and as he stopped the shuriken stopped also, falling to the ground between them. What... What was he doing. She studied the boys form, her chakra senses flowing out to study....nothing?! it was as if he didn't have a chakra network at all. He must be using suppression. That was the only answer. As she prepared for another high speed attack she saw him nod and walk off. "S...Sure. Once i'm back up to fight shape we can go another round and I wont be so um... Well awefule. " Her smile was soft and genuine, a mixture of embaracement and humility, and finally she turned her attention back to the hyuuga boy.

"And you? Any thing I could assist with? I'm sure we could spar a bit at the least if you'd like... Unfortunately I'm not exactly fantastic at fire style. "
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:56 am
The Hyena paused in his training, noticing that the new comer had left while appearing to have no chakra signature. Interesting…. He turned to face the other, the young woman who seemed rather more straight forward and friendly. “If you are having trouble with the fire element, or the wind element for that matter, I might be able to help a little. Say, do you happen to know anything about techniques to hide one’s chakra signature? I notice that fellow, his chakra seemed to kind of disappear, though this was not also visually.” It was weird, how much a friendly face could make one relax.

(ttl wc: 4278+105=4483
1901 words towards Great Fire Annihilation
197 towards Storage Displacement
994 towards Summoning Technique
1289 words towards...
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Mon Mar 16, 2015 1:08 am
"It's not that I'm having trouble exactly.... It's more that I dont have an afinity for it, or not that i've unlocked yet. Fire doesn't exactly um...." In emphasis of her point she allowed another of the sheets of paper slip from her palm to float in the air beside her. She pointed over to it as it began to spin slowly. "Yea.... Fire and paper dont like each other much... However, Chakra suppression I know a think or two about. There's a skill that can be learned to allow your chakra to lower to a point where i'ts not noticable. "
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:46 am
The Hyena listened, not having learned anything about the Koutashi clan before, which likely had to do with paper judging from her relatively unique abilities and her words. Yeah, fire and paper did not mix in ways that were not harmful to the paper, he had taken advantage of that fact many times before himself when he was in need of some light or warmth. Tar tended to prove useful in that kind of situation as well actually, but he digressed.

He nodded his head, he understood her reasoning quite well. “Chakra suppression is what it is called? It sounds rather useful, would you object to explaining how that ability works?”

Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:31 pm
"Yes. Chakra suppression. The skill of chakra suppression works in reverse to how a jutsu would be cast. When you use a jutsu basically you take your Yin and yang chakra, combine the power of your element if it's an elemental jutsu, and take that energy and allow it to flow through your body. When you've gathered enough of this new elemental chakra you can use it to fuel a Justu, as so. " As she spoke she drew chakra from her body, gathering the powerful energy in her chest. Quickly it would begin to mix with her water nature, and felt the power course through her veins. Drawing the energy out she would flow it through her body, her temperature seeming to drop as she continued her work on the jutsu she was working on. Finally it would look as if she were sweating profusely, though her face and actions would suggest otherwise. No. Instead it would simply seem like her body was wet, as if a layer of water clung to her skin.

"With supression it's done in reverse. You will draw the energy from your body into your core, and concentrate on compressing it to be as small as possible. It's important to note that you may feel strange the first few times you do it. You're basically reducing your chakra to nothing to allow it to not be felt. "

(TWX 2843)
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:05 pm
That sounded hard, and certainly different than anything the Hyena had attempted before. He concentrated, trying to avoid using his Byakugan to make sure things were going smoothly. His chakra ended up rising though, unfortunately. He frowned. He was very used to trying to surge his chakra and here he was trying to do the opposite instead. One step at a time. He tried gathering all of his chakra at once, concentrating it into the center of his body. It felt similar to fighting gravity in fact. No matter how much he tried to concentrate, the chakra built up again, and his body naturally resisted the pull. He eventually paused, sweating profusely. “Wow, that is quite hard.”

(+117, sry for short post but busssy, will enlarge it later if possible)
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:11 pm
"It takes time. I didn't learn this trick until shortly after my promotion to jounin, to be honest. Hard work and dedication pay off in the end, but it's always helpful to have people backing you... Like that clan you talk down about so much. Are you aware of the history of your family? Of the deaths of countless uchiha, and all but one yamaki...." She couldn't hold off. THis boy spoke of the hyuuga clan, the same people who'd taken in and sheltered the one most important to her, taught her as one of their own... and then murdered half a village. It was suicide to speak of them the way he did and she wasn't in the mood to see a reaping.... She'd dodged the first already.

(TWC 2972)
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:36 pm
The Hyena was continuing to try to hide his chakra when she mentioned that this was some thing she had only learned after becoming a jounin her self, obviously some thing that the Hyena was a long ways off from becoming. So he was skipping a few grades, that was interesting. After she had finished speaking, he continued trying to concentrate his chakra, extinguishing his signature. After a short pause, he said “I was ostracized and much of my life was spent outside the village walls, I don’t believe I have heard of the events of which you speak, though it would help explain the low populations.”

(btw Im going to use free 500 wc from elsewhere to speed this up at the end, +107)
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!) - Page 3 Empty Re: teaching the next generation(Open, NK training!)

Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:24 pm
"Well, It's pretty important that you learn the history of this village... and of your clan. Unfortunately while I was close to a hyuuga they wouldn't allow me within their area and I was also away for the bulk of the situation so my knowledge is limited. I would go talk to the hokage Navi.... His entire family was murdered by your clan so he would know the story pretty well. " She paused, lightening the mood by offering the boy a soft smile.

She concentrated on the chakra moving through her body, allowing the flow to shift it's point hiding her signature to burst through her chest at full strength. She could feel the power of her paper element flowing through her skin as she concentrated further on manipulating it, her eyes closing to allow her focus inward, though her convorsation continued. "from what I understand the hyuuga clan made an ultimate bid for power. They attempted to take over Konoha. In their wake laid the bodies of uchiha, and the pride of the yamaki clan. It was a dark time for the village that ended in the Hyuuga clan's near wipe out in konoha themselves at the hands of Navi the quick, Our hokage. It could easilly have spelled the end of the village had your people succeeded. "

Small sheets of paper colored on the top to match her body began to peel from her skin, revealing a soft white layer beneath. A few sheets poured off at first, a missing square at her shoulder, a bit of her cheek, and a few stray bits from her hip simply roling backwards to fall to the ground beside her as she told the basics of the great tragedy of Konoha. She would need more, of course, and allowed her chakra to continue flowing, using the power of her chakra to deconstruct her body piece by piece, meticulously picking bits and pieces to peel back and create the small pile of paper beneath her.

(TWC 3305)
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