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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn) Empty Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn)

Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:08 pm
It was the day after he had witnessed Lynn Uchiha’s promotion to Genin. Tokiatsu was planning on spending a good chunk of the day training before moving on to his other duties as a Konoha Chuunin. His regular morning routine had not changed; Early morning meditation, followed by getting cleaned up and changed into his normal outfit for the day. On his belt was the two halves of Watchman’s Rebuke. Bossk had returned to the Caves last night to speak with the Snake Sage about matters of their kind, something Tokiatsu was not yet privvy to. He would summon Bossk back using the Summoning Jutsu. “Are you ready for another day, my friend?” The Watchman would ask the cobra. “Of courssse.” Came the snake’s reply. Bossk would then move up Tokiatsu’s arm and take his regular place around the man’s neck before the Watchman would leave his rooms in the Hidemori compound. From there he would leave the compound itself and head towards the training grounds.

The walk to the training grounds was fairly uneventful. There was a number of people going about their business. Some of them were known to Tokiatsu now, so he would occasional stop and speak with them. Casual small talk; how are you? How is the family? Nothing serious or pressing. Afterwards he would continue to make his way towards the training grounds, repeating the same process with anyone who’d recognized him.

Upon arriving at the training grounds, Tokiatsu would look around. There were a few shinobi already there, which was common for this time of day. There were several larger areas that were unoccupied. That worked in his favour. It had wanted a larger space to be able to work on a couple of different techniques. He had completed his learning of Chidori recently, so it was time to focus on using it while only using one hand to make the hand seals. He had also stumbled upon a new potential technique that required Storm Release, the powerful advanced element he had learned while he was wandering the land.

Bossk dropped to the ground and moved some Distance away so as not to get injured in the ensuing training. Once Bossk was out of the way, Tokiatsu would make the hand signs for Chidori, but he would do them one-handed. The first time he’d almost had it. He could feel the buildup, but the one-handed seals were not giving him the control he needed. ‘Perhaps I’m trying with a jutsu that’s a little too advanced right now.’ He thought to himself. He shrugged and kept working at it. It took him a few attempts, but he was eventually rewarded with the sound of birds chirping, and a fist full of lightning chakra. The Watchman would smile at himself as he held the jutsu in one hand before slamming it into a target in front of him. “Not a technique that I would normally use.” He said to Bossk. “But it’s destructive capabilities are hard to match. I’m sure it will come in handy in the long run.” Bossk would bob his head in agreement. “Indeed, my friend. I’m sssure you will find an exsssellent ussse for that jutsssu.

With that out of the way, the Watchman would begin working on a new technique. This one was different. For starters, it had no handseals. That made it simpler, but more complicated at the same time as there were no hand seals to help shape or focus the chakra. The intent of the technique was to boost the Hidemori’s already improved chakra system by combining the malleability of his water release chakra with the pure raw power of his lightning release chakra. For this he had one direction, since he had done some using Storm Release already, but this would be different. To any that see the Watchman, he would appear to be meditating standing up.

WC: 650
Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
Stat Page : Le Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5000

Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn) Empty Re: Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn)

Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:18 pm
After that faithful encounter with the gracious Tokiatsu, Lynn was finally moving up within this world of conflicting Shinobi. He graduated the Academy without much of a problem, and on top of that, became a fully fledged Genin, all with the benefits of being alone and without a squad. This allowed him to pursue his own purpose, rather than being forced into missions and tasks set by his team and their leader. With a greatly pleased existence, he also managed to move out of the horrendous sight that was his parent's home, and out of the Uchiha Compounds all together. Instead, he took a place among the homes that existed without clan influence, and while it was mediocre at best in terms of quality at the moment, it was better than anything he had ever experienced living with his family. The boy had become a man, even if the Uchiha never saw him as one. It was rather quick, how this all happened in the span of a day, but it was a refreshing feeling that now motivated him to get up in the morning.

Today, for once, the green haired young man had gotten up bright and early, eager to start training himself for the upcoming Chunin Exams. It was a bit of a stretch, believing he could make it in despite having only just being promoted, but he owed it to himself to try. Not only would he become even more renowned, he would end up being the same rank as his stupid older brother, and would have the bragging rights of moving up so fast in such a short amount of time. The question was how he was even going to do this. He had little in terms of effective jutsu to use during a tournament like that, and to top it off he was still very frail, and would likely stay that way the rest of his life. While Genjutsu fascinated him, as did weapons, the fact remained he needed a trump card for when the trump card literally flips over the table and dies. What could he possibly gain that could be so powerful it makes up for all of his weaknesses?

As he approached the training grounds, it seemed as though his prayers may have been answered. The very man that promoted him the other day was yet again in his sights, alongside that rather nice, strong looking snake. He was ready to go and greet him, but he happened to notice that he was concentrating on...something. Doing one handed seals for some complex jutsu of sorts. Out of curiosity, he stayed a good distance away and watched everything they did, wondering what they could be training. In the end, Tokiatsu had a fist full of intense lightning chakra, so powerful it chirped as though a thousand birds were in the area. It nearly made him gasp in surprise, with his eyes wide open, as he had never seen something like it before. When Tokiatsu was done, with yet another technique he couldn't even describe, as they seemed to be meditating, that's when the boy decided to run over to him and exclaim his surprise.

"H-hey, good morning! Uh...I saw what you did just then...that jutsu where you made it sound like a murder of crows or something similar were out in the field. It seemed very powerful...and utilized Lightning Chakra. Lightning is my own nature. Could you teach me it, please? I need a technique like that so I can put a dent in...more resilient people. I don't even care if it's Ninjutsu...I'll train myself as hard as you need me to for something like that."

[Current WC: 613]
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn) Empty Re: Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn)

Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:05 am
Tokiatsu was close to getting the base foundation of his new technique figured out, he could feel it. As Lynn approached, he would likely notice that some of Tokiatsu's veins had started glowing an electric blue in colour. The Watchman detected Lynn as soon as he had arrived within 5 meters of him. Shifting his focus from the technique to the newly appointed Genin would cause his veins to return to normal. The young Uchiha would stop a couple meters away before saying "H-hey, good morning! Uh...I saw what you did just then...that jutsu where you made it sound like a murder of crows or something similar were out in the field. It seemed very powerful...and utilized Lightning Chakra. Lightning is my own nature. Could you teach me it, please? I need a technique like that so I can put a dent in...more resilient people. I don't even care if it's Ninjutsu...I'll train myself as hard as you need me to for something like that."

Tokiatsu smiled at the young man in front of him. "Good morning, Lynn. I take it you are referring to the Chidori." He would say, looking at the boy pensively. "It is indeed a very powerful technique, and one that you need excellent chakra control to be able to learn. I can certainly teach you how to use the technique. In order to do that though, we will need to make sure that you can build up the chakra necessary to use the technique. This is a much more complex jutsu than those that were used in your Genin exam. That being said, I'm confident that with enough training you will become very proficient with this technique."

The only thing Tokiatsu needed to figure out now, was how to gauge Lynn's current chakra levels, and how they could improve them. Usually one of the easiest ways was similar to improving one's endurance. By constantly using stronger and stronger techniques. The only problem here though, was that the Watchman didn't have a whole lot of lightning release techniques to teach Lynn for that to work. Tokiatsu would look off in thought for a few moments before returning his gaze to the young man in front of him. "Since we are going to be training you to use a very powerful lightning release jutsu, it would make sense that we would build up to that point with other lightning release techniques. I know one other technique that uses lightning release. What about you?" He asked the boy. "Do you have any jutsu that use your lightning release chakra?"

WC: 431
TWC: 1081
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn) Empty Re: Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn)

Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:08 pm
Lynn had been very quiet for quite some time. Tokiatsu looked at the boy curiously to see if he’d respond. When nothing was forthcoming, Tokiatsu would chuckle. “I will need to get going for now Lynn. If you would like to continue our discussion at a later time, you’re welcome to seek me out.” He said to the boy with a smile. With that, Tokiatsu would gather his things and make his way out of the Training grounds, heading back to the Hidemori compound. He had a mission tomorrow that the Chuunin needed to prepare for.


WC: 96
TWC: 1177


740WC towards One-Handed Handseals (1500/1500, 25% max stat discount)
437WC towards Storm Release: Jupiter's favour (C-Rank, 684/1500, 25% Max Stat discount)

Proof of One-handed seal progress: here
Proof of Jupiter's Favour: here
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn) Empty Re: Teaching the next generation (Private, Lynn)

Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:39 pm
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