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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:14 am
Jason had gotten to the training grounds early. He was supposed to meet his friend Lukas here today to help him train for his upcoming Genin exam. Lukas knew that Jason had already graduated from the Academy and was hoping that Jason would be able to help him train his transformation and clone techniques. Jason was always more than willing to help his friends so of course when Lukas asked him he said yes. Now he just had to wait for him to arrive in order to start...
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:08 pm
Forgetting that he had to get up early to train with his friend Jason, Lukas had slept late. Lukas then took his time getting dressed and eating. Once he had, he began going to the training grounds. As he approuched the grounds he saw a frustrated Jason sitting under a tree. "Oh God" said Lukas as he realized Jason had been sitting there for hours. Lukas decided to sneak up on Jason and scare him. Lukas climbed the tree that Jason was at and yelled, "BAH!" as he jumped down in an atempt at scaring Jason.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:20 pm
Jason spotted Lukas as soon as he showed up to the training fields. It seemed like Lukas was going to try and sneak up on me. Just like him to show up hours late and then try playing a prank. I'll wait and see what he does before I say anything to him. Lukas jumped down from the tree above Jason yelling "Bah!" in an attempt to scare him. Jason reacted by rolling out of the way and throwing a kunai just passed Lukas' face and into the tree behind him.

"Sorry Lukas. You should know better than to sneak up on a shinobi like that. It's just like you to show up late and then try pranking me though. Are you ever going to be on time for anything?
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:10 pm
"H..How did you know I was there?!", said Lukas with surprise and anger. "It doesn't matter," Lukas said before Jason could answer, "We need to train." "Where do we start?"
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:38 pm
"Oh now you're ready to start. Alright Lukas. Here is fine for the jutsu you need to learn. Today we will be going over how to perform the clone and transformation techniques. We will start with the clone jutsu. This technique is fairly simple. The basic idea behind it is that you can make up to two clones of yourself that only mirror your actions. They are not solid and can not perform other actions. They are simply projections of the original. Do you have any questions so far?"
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:54 pm
"Sounds simple.", said Lukas. "One question,..... how long did it take you to learn it?, I bet I'll learn it in half the time you did." Lukas said with a sarcastically-confident tone.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:03 pm
"It's not a competition Lukas. But if you must know, it took me a full day to learn the clone jutsu and only a half a day to learn the transformation jutsu. Now getting back on topic, the hand seals for the clone technique are Ram-Snake-Tiger. The first thing I want you to do is practice making those seals."
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:30 pm
"Ok'" Lukas said. "I think he said Ram-Snake-Tiger, but he might have said Ram-Snake-Boar", Lukas thought as he started to do the seals over and over again. Ram-Snake-Tiger..... Ram-Snake-Tiger....Ram-Snake-Tiger............Ram-Snake-Tiger.............................Ram-Snake-Tiger. Lukas practiced the hand seals for about an half an hour before he got bored and asked "How much longer do I have to do this?" in a wining tone.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:56 pm
" That's enough for now." said Jason. He admired his friend's determination. Jason would have let him continue to practice the seals all day in order to test his patience and willingness to learn. He decided to continue with the next part of Lukas' training. "Next I want you to practice focusing your chakra while holding an image of yourself in your mind and then letting your chakra dissipate back into your body."

Jason was trying to teach Lukas the best way to quickly master the clone technique. Being a Hyuuga he should be adept at chakra manipulation. This shouldn't take long.
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:17 am
"Okaayy.." Lukas said hesitantly. Lukas then closed his eyes and started imagining himself in his mind. He actually giggled for a second thinking of how he looked but then quickly got serious again. Lukas brought back the image of himself to his mind and began to concentrate on focusing his chakra. As Lukas began to release his chakra, the image of himself began to fog and Lukas fell to one knee. "Dammit!" Lukas said as he punched the ground.
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