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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:38 am
Jason was a little disappointed but didn't show it. He had thought Lukas would do better with channeling his chakra. No matter. He would encourage him and keep him focused. If there's one thing Jason knew, it was that not being able to focus when needed can get a shinobi killed. "It's ok Lukas. Get up and re focus yourself. You need to concentrate on the task at hand. Now, do it again."
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:58 am
Lukas rose from his position and regained his balance. Lukas once again closed his eyes and imagined himself, this time more focused. Once he established the image again, he began focusing his chakra once more. Once focused he held it for a second, ensuring that he would do it this time. Lukas began releasing his chakra back into his body at a slow but steady rate, focusing on the image in his mind. He had done it successfully and began doing it over and over until he was able to do it with ease.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:21 pm
"Well done Lukas. You're ready to try the jutsu for real. Remember, first gather your chakra while holding an image of yourself in your head. Then make the seals to finish performing the jutsu. Go ahead and begin."
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:42 pm
"Finally!", Lukas thought as he gained a firm stance. Lukas started with the image in his head as he had been before and focused his chakra like he had been practicing and released his chakra as he preformed the hand seals. Ram-Snake-Tiger. *POOF* A cloud of smoke appeared. As the smoke dispersed, Lukas saw a clone. Finally! Lukas had preformed the clone jutsu!
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:53 pm
"Good job Lukas. It seems you've finally learned the clone technique. I knew you could do it quickly. You are a Hyuuga after all. Time to begin training the transformation technique. It's roughly the same idea as the clone technique, except you keep an image of something you want to transform into. A person, animal anything. The seals for the technique are Dog-Boar-Ram. Start practicing the seals."
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:20 pm
"And.. we start over again.", Lukas said unenthusiastically. Dog-Boar-Ram....... Dog-Boar-Ram..... Lukas kept practicing his hand seals over and overlike he had with the clone jutsu. Lukas had messed up once or twice but every time he worked harder and harder. After about an hour of not messing up, Lukas asked "Can I move on now?"
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:38 pm
Jason could tell Lukas wasn't happy about more training but it was necessary for him to pass the Genin exams. "It looks like you got the seals down for this one too. Begin trying to manipulate your chakra while thinking of what you want to transform in to."
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:56 pm
"What shall I transform into? A wolf, dog, bird, the Hokage?", Lukas said with a joking tone. "Alright, let me get started on the image.", he said in a more serious way. Lukas got the image in his head of what he wanted to turn into, this time not closing his eyes. He then began channeling his chakra and, as he did with the clone jutsu, lost focus of his image. "Not again!', Lukas said with disappointment.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:11 pm
"Come on Lukas you need to focus. Stop letting yourself get so distracted or you'll never learn. Now focus and do it again."
Lukas Hyuuga
Lukas Hyuuga
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Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga - Page 2 Empty Re: Teaching a friend(NK,Private)Lukas Hyuuga

Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:29 pm
"Alright, fine.", Lukas said as he took stance again. Lukas focused the image back into his mind and channeled his chakra. Lukas kept the image in his mind and released his chakra. Lukas had done it this time and would continue practicing. Lukas practiced for only about twenty minutes since he already had done it for the clone jutsu. "I think I'm ready." Lukas said to Jason seeming tired.
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