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Sugimoto Finds more than a art thief Empty Sugimoto Finds more than a art thief

Tue Apr 02, 2019 1:34 pm
Mission Name:Art Thief
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Kumogakure, Village.
Word Count Requirements:2000

There have been reports that multiple people have had their paintings stolen from their homes or shops. Find the thief and bring him in by any means, while at the same time returning the stolen arts, or what remains, safely back to the rightful owners.

It seemed to be just another cold and miserable day in the corrupted capital of Kumogakure. Only a few days have passed since Sugimoto killed those raiders and ever since then he has felt just hollow and empty. His mind has been constantly running through the tragic events of that day while the image of the poor dead boy was burned into his retinas. His mind tried to find a way to make sense of all the senseless violence but as he grasped for any comprehension it always seemed intangible. A voice yelling at him to “watch where you are going” would pull him away from his thoughts and back to his surroundings, Sugimoto was walking through the late afternoon streets so lost in his thoughts that he nearly bumped into several people. After bowing and offering a small apology to the offended indiavidual he would continue his aimless walk. Emotionally he felt lost and it seems his subconscious was searching for answers and that is why he was just walking around. Still deep in his thoughts he would feel a presence standing in front of him and as he looked up to offer another apology but realized it was a Kumo shinobi with a mission envelope.

The shinobi would pass off the envelope and then disappear, “Great, another mission. I wonder if this is be more bloodshed?” Sugimoto would think to himself as he opened the mission envelope. The mission outline was that there was an art thief that targeted a prominent family within Kumo and stole a valuable piece of art. The mission was to investigate the robbery and find the culprit then return the stolen art to its rightful owner. At least this mission was not about killing people, so he might be able to use this as a distraction from his gloomy thoughts.  So Sugimoto would head back to the room he was renting, he did not want to be around the orphanage. So unlocking his door he would walk into his room, gather up his ninja gear and head out to the victims house.

The cold weather made the trip uncomfterble and this left the streets quite empty, so he made it quickly through village and found his way to the victims house. Sugimoto could see why someone would come to this place for some loot, standing outside what could only be called a manson Sugimoto would make his way to the front door. He would use the ornate door knocker to signal his arrival and within a few moments someone would open the door and ask the young shinobi his purpose. “I am here to investigate the stolen art, may I come inside and start my duty?” Sugimoto would respond to the man’s question. He looked to be a worker for the household and would lead the young shinobi through the manson and to what looked like a study. The man would open up and lead him into the room and wow it was ornate, the room was lined with mounted weapons, paintings, tapestries and ornate art fixtures. The place seem lavish and it made complete sense someone would come here to steal something of value.

A man sat in a chair with his back turned to the open door and would not even look around as the servant led Sugimoto into the study. “Are you the shinobi Kumo sent to recover my art? You don’t look like much.” the victim would say without even turning. Sugimoto would grimace under his mask, the sitting man dismissive remark was certainly unwarranted but he had a duty, so he would ignore him. Sugimoto would respond in a hollow tone  “Yes I am here to investigate the art theft and if you would not mind, I would like to get started.” The man in the chair would stand up and walk over to Sugimoto. The man stood head and shoulders over the young Yamato, he had pitch black hair with some gray around his temples. The man looked like he could have been a shinobi back in the day, with his strong shoulders, athletic build and height the man was physically intimidating. Getting close the mad would lean slightly over the masked shinobi and say “I do hope you are capable of finding this low life thief, who dared step into my home and take what rightfully belongs to me.”  The man would sharply turn from the young shinobi and proceed to walk around his study, he would glance around at the objects that lined the walls. Then his would eyes fixate on a sword that was mounted on the wall in a gilded sheath, he would pick up it up unsheathe about an inch. “My serf here will aid you in whatever you need, just make sure you capture the bastard.” The victim would wave his hand and the servant would lead Sugimoto to the room of the theft.

The serf would show Sugimoto through the long halls of the manson, he would turn to the young shinobi and say in a soft tone “Sorry for lord Hoshinori, he is just upset from the thievery.” Sugimoto would give a small nod and say in a hollow tone “I am just here to do my job.  It doesn't matter to me if my client is rude or not, I will find his lost art regardless. So where was the art stolen?”  The serf would bow his head low and say in a tone that seemed like he was apologizing anyway “It is just a little further ahead. It would seem someone snuck in when the lord was away and when the serfs were asleep and stole a bowl of immense value. No one knows how the thief got in or how he left, so I am not sure how much help any of the other serfs will be able to give you.” Sugimoto would just nod for a response, the manson was like a maze with all the long halls and sharp turns. That would indicate that if someone managed to get inside of the manson they would have to ether know they place well or they would have had to come in at a location that was close to the theft like a window or something.

It was not long until they managed to find the crime scene, it seemed to be a corner room on the third floor. It was a sunroom were people would most likely take morning tea, Sugimoto would look to the windows and open them up. He would check to see any scuff marks or smudges left by someone climbing up the outside wall and there were no trees that could be used to climb up. So if someone used the windows to gain access they would have to have some shinobi training and have the ability to use the surface walking technique. There were no shinobi who were not loyal to Kumo in the village so that would be highly unlikely. That would mean it was most likely an inside job, so Sugimoto would step away and close the window before addressing the serf. “Could you tell me all of the people who were in the manson at the time of the burglary?” The man would take a moment to think, putting his hand on his chin the man's eyes would flutter like he was scanning his thoughts for the information. “Hmmm, if I remember correctly it happened yesterday deep into the night. So the only people that should of been here were two other serfs named Joseph and Natalie, the lord’s son Fumihiro and myself. I am head serf Jenkins by the way, I run the houses and the every necessities.”  Jenkins said the last statement with a clear sense of pride.

“Hmmm” Sugimoto would think to himself “haven’t I heard that name before?" he would turn to Jenkins and asked “Would you be able to bring them to me now? I would like to ask them some questions.” Jenkins would give him an affirming nod while saying “I should be able to bring you both of the serfs but I do believe the young lord Fumihiro is out drinking at the moment so I will have to send someone for him.” after hearing that last statement it dawned on him where he heard that name before, it was the name of the blacksmith Ken’s assistant. But didn't Mother Abigail say that was her nephew? So it seemed there was a lot he did not know about Mother Abigail and her family. Sugimoto give short wave of his hand to signal Jenkins listen for a moment “It is ok, you just gather up the other two serfs while I go get Fumihiro from the bar. By the way, what bar does he normally frequent and were would I go to find it?” Jenkins would  agree to the masked shinobi’s request and give him the location of the bar. Then leading him back to the lord’s study, Jenkin’s would explain that they would have to let the lord know that the shinobi was leaving the manson. Sugimoto would roll his eyes behind his mask and follow Jenken, the lord seemed to be a controlling man use to using his power to make people do what he wanted.

So Sugimoto would let Jenkins lead him down more long halls until he found the duo back at the lord’s study. Once there Jenkins would knock on the large solid wood doors and wait for a “Enter” from the lord before opening it up and heading inside. Jenkins would explain to lord Hoshinori that the shinobi was leaving and he would be gathering the other serfs to be questioned. Lord Hoshinoi would get up from his chair once again and continue a similar condescending rant, asking the shinobi things like bring the culprit to him for punishment and that he must keep him updated on the investigations progress. Sugimoto would tune him out and just let his eyes explore the rooms decorations, there were a lot of swords lining the walls. All of them mounted on decorative wooden stands that either let the blades hang down by their cross guard or parallel to the floor the more kantana like blades. Sugimoto could see that these were not just decorative bades, some were ornate but most seemed to be real weapons crafted for fighting. His eye would pan around the room using the swords as a distraction from the lords tedious words when something caught his eye. One of the swords on a ornate and elaborate stand seemed particularly practical in blade shape and function. It looked out of place almost as if the simple blade had more of a personal value then a material one, but as he studied the blade he noticed something etched into the hilt. It looked almost like a Rune, but none like he has ever scene before. How could that have gotten here?

Sugimoto was glad he was wearing his mask, it would hide the look of shock on his face as he contemplated the implications of a Yamato blade being here. Sugimoto would consciously make his voices tone keep the hollow sound he maintained earlier. “I will think upon your requests. Now if you would excuse me, I have a investigation to continue.”  He would turn to leave and Jenkins would bow to his lord and say “With your leave lord.” and suit to lead Sugimoto to the serfs. Sugimoto questioned Joseph and Natalie, both seemed innocent enough and clearly too scared of lord Hoshinori to steal anything from him. Sugimoto would have to go with his gut a suspect Fumihiro, so he would ask them about any gossip with Fumihiro. It took a little coaxing but he managed to find out that before the lord left, the lord's younger brother came to complain about Fumihiro missing work. So the lord cut off his allowance so that he would have to earn all his money. This sounded more and more like the Fumihiro he knew and if that was the case, Ken was related to this house. Plus this information gave Fumihiro a clear motive for stealing the bowl. So he would thank the two serfs for their help and have Jenkins lead him back to the front door.

Once he was out of the maze house, Sugimoto would would make his way the the bar Jenkins informed him about. Normally they would not allow him into one, him being sixteen and all but with his mask, shinobi armband and by lowering his vocal tones he would gain easy access to the bar. As soon as Sugimoto walked into the bar it was easy enough to find Fumihiro, he as slightly slumped at the bar with two empty bottles of sake and sloshing down a third one. Sugimoto did confirm that this was the same Fumihiro that was there when he fixed up the orphanage. So that meant Ken and Mother Abigail where related to this lord Hoshinori, and lord Hoshinori may be connected to Sugimoto’s clans nemesis. He had to put this line of reasoning on pause and confirm that was a Yamato clan blade. Sugimoto would sit at the bar three rows down and think of how he was going to approach Fumihiro. After a few moments the bartender would walk over and ask “Hey shinobi, what are you having this morning? something to drink?” Sugimoto would nod and point to Fumihiro and say in the same low voice “I will have what the young lord Fumihiro here is having.” And at the sound of his name, Fumihiro would turn from his stupor to look at what shinobi would be talking about him.

Fumihiro was having trouble putting his words together but eventually slurred out “How do you know my name?” Sugimoto would smile under his mask, he planned on playing this drunk fool like a fiddle. Sugimoto would respond in a serious tone while still using his adult voice. “Your father is pissed that you stole that bowl and has sent me to pick you up. He looked mighty pissed off, swinging around that sword in his study.” Fumihiro face of shock and horror as he slurred out “Shit!, how did he find out that I pawned that stupid bowl of his.” Sugimoto would now really smile under his mask, with Fumihiro’s admission of guilt he could extort him for a opportunity.

Sliding over the bottle of sake and moving over to the chair next to the drunk fool, Sugimoto would say in a slightly condescending tone. “Well, lucky for you father doesn't  know yet. But you just admitted to theft, right in front of the shinobi sent to catch the thief.” Sugimoto would take time to let it sink into Fumihiro’s drunk head the trap he just fell into and it did take some time.  Sugimoto would strike while Fumihiro was imagining all the thing his father was going to punish him with “Well I would not mind not letting your father know who stole the bowl, but it will cost you.” Fumihiro would leap at the chance of covering up his tracks and would repeat a few times “Yes, ok, I will agree. What do you need?”  Sugimoto passed him the bottle of sake and reassured him it would be easy, all he needed was get the bowl back regardless of how he did it.  And once Sugimoto had the bowl he could tell his father that he kill the culprit and recovered the bowl. So In return for covering up his mess Fumihiro would owe the masked shinobi a favor, no questions asked.

Fumihiro liked the idea and went off to get the bowl, it took him about an hour to come back with the bowl. Turns out he had to go home and get some gold jewelry he owned, Fumihiro promised him that they wear gifts from his mother and had to pawn them to return the bowl. Fumihiro would place the bowl on the bars countertop, Sugimoto could not see the bowl since Fumihiro had it wrapped in a cloth. “Are you sure that is the bowl?” Sugimoto would ask. Fumihiro would insist that it was and slide it over. With a shrug Sugimoto would head out and return the bowl the mansion. Apparently Lord Hoshinori loved the story Sugimoto spun about the thief who ran away from him and died due to the monsters who guard Kumos outskirts. He was able to leave the Manson with a mission complete, but now he had another investigation to plan and this one was more personal.

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Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:10 pm
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