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Tanjiro Nazar
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Sugimoto doing a D rank mission  Empty Sugimoto doing a D rank mission

Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:17 pm
Mission Name: Thief in the village.
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Kumogakure, Village.
Word Count Requirements:2000
Reward:1000 ryo.

Multiple villagers have reported their belongings stolen. Multiple villagers had reported being a target of a thief, mostly at the same time. Your job is to find the thief or thieves and capture them.

link to mission

The new ninja Sugimoto got up early in the morning. It was harder than normal to find the will to get out of bed, they were just so comfy and warm that he just wanted to sleep for a little while longer. But he knew he need to get up and earn some money. So with some internal coaxing I finally managed to get up to face the day. Walking through the kids room was much easier with the newly built bunk beds, there was no more walking over sleeping kids. But I  activated Wind style Quite Footsteps so as to not wake the still sleeping orphans around him. While walking to the kitchen, Sugimoto took a mental note that the whole of the orphanage felt warmer due to the new roof with insulation that they just installed. A feeling of pride welled up in side as I walked into the kitchen, standing there cooking food like normal was Mother Abigail. “Good morning Sugimoto, how was sleeping in those new beds?” Moving in and taking at the kitchen table, “I slept great! You and the kids did a great job making the hay mattresses.” Sugimoto answered. Mother Abigail would pour the contents of her pot into a bowl and grabbed another bowl and filled it with rice then placed them both in front of Sugimoto. “Have some Miso soup and rice.” Bowing his head in thanks before digging into the food, it was delicious like all of her cooking. After cleaning both bowls of all food and drinking a cup of hot tea, Sugimoto was ready to head out for the day. “Mother Abigail I think I am going to take up a mission to earn some money today any suggestions.” She would think about it for a moment and then say “Ok, I believe there is a mission board, that would be the best place to find a mission. Now with a destination in mind Sugimoto would thank Mother Abigail and head out into the village.

The walk to the mission board was uneventful but a cold walk, Sugimoto took sometime to look over the the missions listed on the board. The C rank mission and up looked a bit out of his expertise for the moment, so he focused on the D and lower missions. He saw stuff like missing pet, helping out at the academy and etc, nothing peaked his interest until his eyes fell upon a mission for finding a thief in the village. Pulling the notice off the mission board he would go to the information desk and talk to the clerk, “Hello, I am a new gennin and I would like to take up this mission.” punctuating the statement by handing the mission notice to the clerk. “Is there any Information you could give me? Like the names of the people who had their stuff stolen, how long has the thief been active, etc.” The clerk seemed to be a nice woman, she took the notice and said “sure I have the list of names for the people who got there stuff stolen. And in regard to the time frame for the thefts, I believe it started a week ago. Give me a sec let me grab the list.” The clerk would turn around from the counter and then head into a back room, after a few moments she would return with a list. “Here is the list of people who were robbed and where to find them. Good luck with the mission.” the clerk said with a smile on her face. Sugimoto left the information desk with a nod of thanks and then headed to the first person on the list.

The entire list had about four people, each one was located around the same area, so most of the morning was spent traveling around this area and interviewing these people. The first person on the list was a nice old lady, when Sugimoto walked up to her door she let him inside and offered some sweets and was very willing to tell her story to anyone who would listen. She told Sugimoto that she fell asleep on her porch for no more than thirty minutes and when she woke up to find that her silver necklace was stolen. The second person on the list was actually a pair of siblings, they said they were playing outside of their house at a park that was nearby with their own arts and crafts and someone stole their bag shiny paper confetti. This one was odd since it has no real value, so why steal it? The third person on the list was a young man who while out working ame home to find the window on the second floor of his was open. The man did say that this is happen from time to time, but on this occasion he came home to find his silver bracelet was stolen. The final person on the list was a lady who took her gold ring off while she cleaned a rug outside, but when she went to pick her gold ring back up after finishing up, it was gone. This mission did not seem to have a clear cut answer, and after spending the morning interviewing the victims he felt more confused then he started. Four of the items had value but one of them was just shiny paper at best, so want linked these thefts?

So Sugimoto Decided to go back to the victims who had their stuff stolen from their home to look around for evidence. Walking around the outside of the third victims house looking for something that could help him figure out this case? Walking around the front of the house and up to the wall of the victims house there was no footprints. The house had no scuff marks from a ladder being laid on it, so using his ability surface walking, Sugimoto would climb up to the window in questions. There seemed to be nothing out of note other than what seemed to be footprints on the windowsill that looked to be from a bird. There seemed to be nothing in the room that would suggest that someone snuck in and stole something. With a lack of clear evidence this spot seemed to be a bust, so Sugimoto headed to victim ones house, Hopefully he will find a break in the case there. The old lady was happy to see Sugimoto again and asked “if there was any new information.” “Sadly no, still locking into it. Do you mind if I look around?”  She nodded and said “ Sure feel free to look around and I will go inside and make you some tea and snacks.” Sugimoto thanked her and got back into the investigation. Looking around the the ground that preceded the porch for anything that would indicate someone else walked up to it, but found nothing. Then he would explore the porch, searching the floor found nothing, searching the porches railing found nothing. Seeming to be another bust Sugimoto would check the chair the old lady slept on, looking at it from front to back searching for anything out of the ordinary lead to something that at first glance seems normal but may mean something more. On the back of the chair there seemed to be some bird poop, this would seem normal for an outside chair but with the bird prints at the previous location. This could mean that someone was using a bird to steal these items, but the fact that it also stole the shiny paper confetti made him believe it could mean something else.

While Sugimoto was putting his thoughts together the old lady came back out and saw him looking at the back of the chair, “young man, did you find something?” Sugimoto was pulled from his thoughts by the old lady's voice, causing him to look up and respond to her question. “Ya I found some bird droppings on the back of your chair and at the last place I investigated, so I believe this to be a connection somehow.”  The old lady had a slight face of disgust at the mention of poop on her chair but that quickly turned to relief when she realized that this may lead to her gaining back the lost necklace. “I will have to clean that up later but here have this tea and cookies I made you.”  they would sit down together both avoiding the chair with the poop on it and enjoy the snacks she made for the second time that day. The talkative old lady would be giving him her thoughts on the investigation. “Now that I think about it, normally during spring there are crows that live in the park nearby that steal shiny things. But it is so late into winter that they should have moved on by now.” Something the  old lady said made the gears in Sugimoto’s mind start to move. “You said these thieving crows lived in a park nearby correct?” the old lady would nod and say “Yes, the park is just a few blocks in that directions.”  she would point with her hand to show Sugimoto the direction she was indicating. It was like everything came together in his mind at once, she was pointing to the park that the two sibling said their shiny paper confetti was stolen at. Everything was coming together and it seemed the mission was almost complete. He would get up and thank the old lady for the snacks and her aid and would rush over to park to hopefully finish this mission and get back to training.

It did not take long for Sugimoto to make the trip all the way to the park running as fast as he was. Once there he would start to search the trees, it was his theory that if the bird was acting on its own instincts its nest should somewhere hidden in the trees. In the unfortunate circumstances that his theory was wrong, it could mean that the bird was being control by someone and that would make this mission a whole lot harder. The first few trees he searched were empty of any nests or other indications of a bird living there. Sugimoto could tell these trees have seen better days but where still alive and some of the trees were quite big and would take time to search. After ten minutes of searching and five trees searched from top to bottom, Sugimoto finally found what he was looking for. In the tree he was currently searching, Sugimoto found a birds nest well hidden in a deep nook that looked very shiny. The nest was filled with the silver necklace, the golden ring and the silver bracelet that he was looking for all were interwoven between hay and the shiny paper confetti that was stolen from the siblings. But the bird was nowhere to be seen. So Sugimoto would use Chakra Suppression and then make the hand seals for Ram, Horse and Ox to active Quiet Footsteps Jutsu, then he would find a comfortable position in the tree and sit completely still. He was like a cobra, waiting to strike once the crow came home to roost. He surprising did not have to wait long for the crow to come back, it was about fifteen minutes. The crow seemed to fly by with some food in its beak, coming home to eat in the relative warmth and safety of its nest, little did it know that the trap was already set. Moving quickly, Sugimoto would block the exit of the nook and stick its hand in there with lighting speed to grasp the crow before it could peck at his hand. It squirmed and cawed loudly trying to be freed of its would be attacker. But it was no match for Sugimoto strength, “Caught ya, you little Thief.” Sugimoto was proud, he found all of the stolen items and even managed  to catch the thief all before dinner.

WIth the whole jumbled nest and the culprit in his hands, Sugimoto would head over to the mission information desk that he was at earlier to turn in his hard work. It did not take long to get there but it did felt like to took much longer due to the crow trying so hard to rench itself free from Sugimoto’s grasp. The same person from the morning sat at the mission information desk, walking up to her Sugimoto would place the nest before her and then hold out the crow. “I have found the stolen goods and the mastermind of all the evil deeds.” lifting up the crow to show here who he was referring to. “Good job, I'll take those from you.” the lady would take the nest and place it somewhere underneath her desk and then reach out for the crow. Once she had the crow she would with one fluid motion clasp her hand around its neck and with a pop snap it like a twig. “Geez, why did you have to kill it?” Sugimoto was taken aback by the casual nature in which she took its life, as if it was just and after thought.  “We can not have it stay around and steal more thing. This way the problem is solved.” she responded as if that was the simplest of things to comprehend. It hit Sugimoto that he was a shinobi now, the act of taking a life is just part of the job and in the future he would have to take someones life. He was spacing out while thinking about this revelation when the ladies voice would bring him back to here and now. She was trying to hand him a sack with his reward, “Here is you payment for completion, we will return the items to their owns.” Sugimoto would grab the sack and thanked her for all the help before walking away, this mission may have been easy but it did make Sugimoto realize that he had entered a whole new world where death was commonplace. Even to something as innocent as a crow just going about its life.         

TWC 2375

Rune of Movement Sealing (1100/2600) to finish the mastery [url= Tamaki]link to post of other WC[/url]  other link

Hidden Arms Technique (1000/1000) 

Fuinjutsu Breaking C adding 275WC to my already 442 WC for total of 717

1000 ryo.  3 ap

Last edited by Sugimoto Tamaki on Fri Mar 08, 2019 3:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
Madrigal Kaguya
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Sugimoto doing a D rank mission  Empty Re: Sugimoto doing a D rank mission

Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:51 pm
Approved for your claims, and for 3 AP as well, you get that from every D rank mission
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Sugimoto doing a D rank mission  Empty Re: Sugimoto doing a D rank mission

Fri Mar 08, 2019 3:09 pm
:edit added the 3 ap to claims
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