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My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Sun May 26, 2019 12:36 am
86 SPRING, 419AV

Kudo woke up as if nothing happened, it was early dawn and rise. He thought of having his parents waking him up, but not for a young man like him, he had to figure out the shinobi world won't count on him. A lot was to come for him, but this time it was about making the right decisions and getting them right. Kudo put on a different set of clothing, his most favorite of them all. He took off his clothes and leaving only his pants. He would look at the mirror, flexing his muscles. Kudo standing five feet and nine was looking skinny for his weight, but that didn't bother Kudo one bit. He put on his ninja black straw hat it was looking superb and the color matched perfectly.  Kudo put on his brown leather jacket and underneath was a fine white shirt. The trousers were plain white shorts and simple sandals. 

He would touch his face, snickering a little. Since losing his best friend, his attitude starting to go downfall. It was acceptable for Kudo, whilst loading up his bags he was ready to take off and find something to satisfy him. Kudo made his way to the land of wind. He was ready for a new opportunity at the same moment inspired by motivation.  His left pocket he maintained a menacing weapon. A weapon passed down from his father it impresses him. It was a primary weapon, but it's an uncommon weapon to Kudo since it meant a lot to him. He witnessed already losing his finest friend and wants to find his family. Kudo hoped to find a new home without a doubt.  Kudo said few things when he made his way, his tone it was with passion. " I'll find you, mama." Kudo nodded with a huge smile across his face and continued to move, heading to the land of wind.

Once reaching his destination, Kudo made sure he was safe and sound. He needed to head to Sunagakure to find his family that was his only goal. Whether alive or dead he just needed to know and proceeded. Kudo reached the gates, waiting to see what would happen next.

WC: 362

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My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Sat Jun 01, 2019 5:41 am
As per usual a shade of The Ragdoll could be seen seated among the sea of now desiccated corpses that adorned the grand staircase of Sunagakure, the almost unnaturally pale creature blending in almost seamlessly with the remains of the villages former shinobi. The original had one of its brother posted near the not-so-secret entrance/exit of the village that had been known to most of the shinobi of Sunagakure, something that he had discovered thanks to old reports of drunken shinobi returning from their guard duty in the surrounding area. After this discovery the original had scoured the records and the walls for any other ways into the village, and in the end he had come back with nothing save from that one well concealed passage. At the very least the former Kazekage had been competent enough to keep the only true hole in his villages defenses watched closely. The true Kenshin had decided to follow the mans example, stationing clones to guard it rather than patching it up due to the abundance of Sunagakure shinobi in Kumo… a trap for any foolish enough to believe that he wouldn’t have discovered these hidden entrances.

The black clad shade would allow its silver eyes to travel over the dune sea that stood before the village, and while it did note at least one approaching figure in the distance, they were quite some ways away. And besides, it wasn’t all that strange for travelers or traders to come to Sunagakure, a great many of the vultures knowing of the dire straits that the people been suffering under the empire of Kumogakure and using that to their own advantage. So far Alice and her little minions had been behaving themselves, either that or they had been extremely cautious and somehow managed to misbehave under his scrutiny without him noticing. If this was indeed the case, and the original didn’t believe it to be, it would be more impressive than anything and he would do nothing to stop it. The true Kenshin wasn’t exactly trying to keep them reigned in because he cared about the common folk of Sunagakure, nor was he keeping them in line because he disagreed with what he suspected they may get up to. The only reason that the original was attempting to keep his minions from antagonizing the commoners was because he knew that he would need their support if he wished for his future empire to truly thrive.

As the figure in the distance got closer to the walls the shade would stand from its position and walk forward, only stopping when it reached the edge of the ‘stair’ that it was stood upon. When the somewhat shorter figure got within 10m of the walls the pale shade would begin to speak

“Halt there stranger. If you wish to enter Sunagakure I will need to know both your name and your reason for coming here.” The clone would call, not asking form of identification or travel papers. In the originals experience not everybody possessed such papers, nor did they actually mean much due to how easy they were to forge. And besides… all that entered the great walls of his village were being watched rather closely by the original, its brothers, and the commoners who had grown quite distrustful of outsiders.

The clone didn’t feel the need to explain that it had ways of detecting any lies that were spoken, nor did it feel the need to explain exactly what would happen to him should he indeed attempt to lie… the hundreds of desiccated corpses that had been staked in front of the villages entrance would likely tell that story well enough. It couldn’t be too careful after-all, Kumogakure had been surprisingly quiet since the original had taken the crown jewel of their empire… and that only served to make the original suspicious about what they could be planning.

Any and all potential threats would be disposed of, any that he suspected of being spies would share the same fate, and any that he knew to be spies would be left alone and fed misinformation... at least until they lose their use to him, and then they too would be removed.

Only time would tell what happened to the little spider that had unwittingly skittered into the den of the monster.

WC: 724

My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Tue Jun 04, 2019 7:00 am
It was finally here the moment of truth has arrived. He never knew his parent's face but was keen to find out. They were originated in sunagakure and was sent away before becoming a young missing Nin. A smile occurred from the youthful kid, blissful knowing it was near. Before heading he would enter the village, a voice was heard around the corner. It wasn’t a voice, but it was him being a little delusional. An old man touched his shoulder letting him know that everything would be fine. That the moment he wanted has truly arrived and with his eyes closed the young kid would clinch his fist. He looked back at the old man, but he disappeared back to wonderland. Kudo laughed a little knowing he was losing it, and his cause of coming here was for his parents and family. He would have a moment of himself re-calling mostly his childhood and especially his family.  With a simple nod he cut the flash of him having doubts and dreams, moving on to the gates. It felt different and most likely wasn't the same heading to Sunagakure. Kudo pulling out his weapon passed out from his father, touching it then pockets into his left pocket.

He was few metres away from the village, and whilst heading there his feeling was unusual. He would look up and see a clone standing on the stairs. Who was he and what was his cause? He nodded, but then the clone spoke to Kudo and he felt something wasn’t right.  Before even entering it someone asked him about his name and his reason. He clenched his fist knowing his reason, but why would he give his answer to an unknown man? It was like he was up to something, and maybe it could have been a trap. When asked about his name he would reply in a tone of respect. 

“Kudo Kazuhiko.”  He said it finally, but his voice changed a little it was him being nervous. Besides that whoever he was he had to make sure he was ready at all costs. He pulled out his Uyukudo Kami placing it into his left hand, prepared for anything at all costs.  It was sharp and a small blade, gifted from his father. He was pleased and honoured, but that was about to change. Kudo took his stance with his left leg forward, whilst the right leg would be behind his back. He would be 5 metres away from the clone and with that Kudo spoke up with a calm voice. 

“My reason is nothing for you to know, but if you truly want to know I am looking for my family and since I haven’t seen them for a very long time. So I need to find my answer if they are alive or dead.  What happened and why is this place looking like a huge mess, but seriously who are you and what are you doing at the gates?” 

The clone asked him about his reason of heading to this village, Kudo didn’t know the man, but whatever he wanted he got it. The village wasn’t the same as before as corpses were laying down on the ground as it meant one answer could have it been that this guy was the fool who killed Kudo’s parents?


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My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:44 am
The wind country weather that Kutari had willingly subjugated himself to for the past few months was as harsh and unrelenting as ever; Upon arriving in Sunagakure the atmosphere and layout of the land was nothing more than an unpleasant bore, the unyielding pool of sand ranging out to conquer the entire world. His time during the span of his welcomed visit mainly occupied idleness or training in some regard as the assassin’s services weren’t yet requested or mobilized with a hearty intention, it seemed as if Kenshin for the time being wished to muster his forces and grow the influence of his domination as they’ve recently been receiving quite a few visits from outsiders wishing to obtain the conqueror’s grace, though Kutari all but refrained from communicating with such people sticking to himself and only acting in a group when asked upon by his ally. From his own perception, Kutari sought and made friends with Kenshin specifically, this pact of sorts in no manner extended out to whoever may wish to associate himself with Kenshin, and Kutari had no intention of seeking out their approval or companionship. He was nothing more than a spiteful weapon that lent its power to those curious to reap its benefits once offering something of noteworthy equivalence.

Still, the Uchiha had to admit, he may have made a deal that was in over his head and unfair in multiple regards - the village life praised and supported by so many Shinobi and Villagers alike was a dull excuse for a spacious prison. Though fully aware part of his pact with Kenshin including residing in Kenshin’s company unless asked to carry out a task requiring his skillset, he hadn’t figured the life inside village walls would be so undesirable and bland to the point he felt physically ill: the unbearable heat of the terrain was an atmosphere he hadn’t experienced in quite some time and needed to adjust to once more, the survivors of the Sunagakure siege all but feared Kutari and avoided him at all cost unlike most of his other accomplices, albeit due to the showing he displayed as his introduction to the population of the village, he couldn’t even replicate some of the old fun he outgrew as Kenshin forbade harassing any of the remaining villagers of Sunagakure, though he didn’t have any involuntary necessity to do as such in the first place. Kutari all but couldn’t wait to leave these desolate lands, hopefully soon at the order of Kenshin as he had little to no plans of leaving otherwise, the teen had but nowhere to go and was a lost soul cast adrift waiting for something to latch onto to keep everything centered and together, by some miracle happening upon this scene with Kenshin and his entourage and choosing the proper side and sewing the roots for a respectable bond with his ally. Alas, life inside walls and protected from the outside world simply wasn’t the life for Kutari, his presence needing some room to roam and prevail with his actions and tactics without worrying about offending meaningful observers and people of importance. The villagers were all but frightful of the man, resenting his present and typically wishing to do little with his presence known, the excitement for life was drawing thin and there was no replacement material for him to salvage and rely on to get by these dreadful days.

Thus, his direction and interest lied to roaming the area and going about random business that could fulfill some sort of peace of mind and content, though such an existence seemed impossible and unlikely to be for a person of his caliber. The hell he was residing in remained ongoing as he effectively isolated himself from those around save for Kenshin, and had little to nothing to do outside of explore the wasteland surrounding them while he was left with his mental state. The dread he faced the moment he entered this hell would continue to haunt him and it’s presence has only remained ever more clear during his lack of deployment in the village, needing to find something to do to at least numb the pain that overwhelms him so easily. These series of thoughts and events would guide the boy to begin walking to the exits of the village, walking along the grand walls of Sunagakure as he witnessed the gleam of his new armor forged during his time in the village, at least one saving grace he was able to find during his time in the village, having grown accustomed to the Suna weather at the very least. His cold ambar eyes would seemingly match the complexion of the sand he silently traversed the ground around, it’s new effects working full throttle as he was more prepared and geared towards battle. Though his previous teachings would suggest he’d be fine in that regard even without the armor in and of itself for that realm, alas that was for another time and place to properly discuss. His chestnut hair and umbar skin tone would shine resiliently in the sun, gleaming as it reflected it’s somehow pure and well kept quality. As Kutari began down the tight space in comparison to the spacious village to make it to the village entrance, he’d hope to find some form of entertainment to raise this bore of a day.

Coming to the opening that distinguished the village and it’s outer domain, Kutari would see one of the clones Kenshin positioned for guard duty long ago bearing witness to the sea presented before them. The shade seemed clearly set and dedicated to his job having no interest to buckle or anything of the sort, though Kutari was sure it was aware of his presence, not as if he was attempting to hide it and sneak around. Kenshin’s clone seemed as if it was intently focused on something in particular, not even reacting to Kutari being beside him as he gleamed at the shade with interest before following his eyes to see what was so interesting far off in the distance, before resting his eyes upon a figure in the distance. An interesting sight to behold, he hadn’t recalled being around when visitors would come to the village in quite some time, presuming they’d either be idiotic enough to not hear of the disaster which befell this land and likely get killed at the gates, or some foolish merchants that wished to sell cheap items. Regardless, at this point Kutari openly welcomed this change of pace as he hoped to gain some sort of fun from the unexpected encounter.

The wraith would decide to take no part in the conversation that would soon be to come as it was not his place at the moment to intercept the one wishing to be received, as Kenshin rose from his position and stepped forward to greet this traveler in the only way he knew how. An awkward silence would follow as the two sides would rest in limbo attempting to comprehend the situation from each others perspective as Kutari stood on the side to interpret the struggle to be had. Shortly after, the boy who made his transit in a leather jacket of all things would recite his name in an almost defeated expression, his voice clambered up and seeming to fall short of comprehending their common tongue. He would look the youth over in awe, utterly shocked at someone his age traveling in such attire, seeming to care little about the weather or the terrain he had to take of to get here, unless somehow he resided nearby which was highly unlikely. The boy came off as shy, though maybe he was some sort of messenger or uncover agent wishing to fly under the radar and be perceived as a silly young boy, an envoy at the discretion of Kumogakure sending word that the massive army just over the horizon would be waging war and present themselves in moments. The first act he’d take in this scenario would be taking the boy hostage and beginning to torture him, seeing the child as nothing more than a tool to gain knowledge and information of what was to come and the amount of people to soon swarm them. Kutari stood readily in anticipation for the coming words.

The boy definitely had some heart to him, flailing around speaking as if he had the authority to dictate what we were allowed to know after traveling so far to gain entry into our new village, if anything it was utterly laughable. What made it even more of a comedy would be when he took out a pair of knuckle blades and began to equip himself with them, the time it took to do as such Kutari could’ve easily closed the distance and grabbed the blade in his hand and been done with it, but instead he could only obtain a small smirk of entertainment, it seemed Kutari got just what he asked for without even realizing obtaining quite the handful, this was some joke. But he very well could be leading the two on, his earlier hypothesis completely possible as a Shinobi’s code had little honor to its name.

Though he soon continued on contradicting himself, talking about his family and a desire to see them, so much so that a young child of his age would travel this far without some sort of guardian, the animals of this world were vast in amount and took several forms, including the ferocious members of humanity. Despite being quite tall for his age, he carried boyish features and an undeveloped pitch to his voice that the cruel of this realm would take advantage of happily, Kutari could only imagine the field day his old captors would have upon resting their eyes on this Kudo character, the pain and agony he’d have to endure until he finally dropped dead and was allowed passage through this nightmare.

He went on to consult them about the nature of their condition and whether they were alive and dead, in which case  Kutari viewed the boy as an utter buffoon, his folded arms tightening as he gestured over to the boy in utter shock looking down on him as if he magically didn’t see the abundance of spiked bodies that decorated the walls of Sunagakure and near them. A child’s mind truly was something to behold and held the proper conditions in place to believe just about anything and govern a vast amount of hope, Mr. Yomo becoming overwashed with instinctive pleasure witnessing this child, surely thinking until the very end he’d have some chance at survival and escape, Kutari figured he’d barely last a week in the environment he escaped. The likelihood of their lives being well and secured was reminiscent of finding a needle within a haystack after the damage they did on the village a few months ago, for all he knew only Kutari and Kenshin remained still breathing within these walls. He continued on demanding answers and questioning the two’s existence at the gates, at the very least he was a skeptic and deducing the missing ninja weren’t properly affiliated with the village they currently protected, though he already messed up taking on a battle ready stance, which he was pleased to see had some merit and technique to it, having some training at his disposal.

The kid was an anomaly that was beginning to liven the day, though he could the actions and tone the boy began to take would likely set off Kenshin and make him begin to act voluntarily, the boy was beginning to please Kutari so at the very least he wished to extend the longevity of the child before Kenshin potentially ended his life, having little time to bicker and waste on this child before him. Before Kenshin had a chance to speak and say anything, Kutari would intervene to ridicule in his own manner and methodology in hopes of inspiring Kenshin to soften his own blow, though he knew it likely wouldn’t happen and simply wanted to speak his mind, “It seems you don’t have much critical thinking skills if you’re even considering the idea that your family is still breathing. Look around you, all of these bodies that wrap around Sunagakure. Do you think we’ve acquired this vast amount of corpses from bandits in such a small amount of time in similar progressions of decomposition? I’d reckon you have a better chance of guessing the cause of death for these worthless souls blindfolded then discovering your family within this village. Regardless, I don't think you’re in the position to order or demand anything from us, especially if you don’t know what exactly we’re capable of, and this one behind me I’m sure wouldn’t find you pulling out that knuckle blade amusing in the same manner I do. You better watch your tone if you know what’s good for you.” Kutari would finish after gesturing over to Kenshin, waiting for his call on what to do about this particular predicament and how he intended to handle this child before them. It was clear he wasn’t much of a threat based on his chakra levels unless he was suppressing, though it was up to Kenshin at the end of the day, regardless of what Kutari said or how the boy rebelled to his harsh but true words. He waited to see what would come next and how he’d handle this situation, completely ignoring Kudo’s presence and focusing on Kenshin himself, a vague and bored expression after speaking in a spiteful tone.

WC- 2274
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My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:48 am
At first it seemed the person was wise, as their voice was quite nervous while giving their names, something that the pale shade felt was quite understandable given the hundreds of corpses that were staked along the grand ‘staircase’ and in the sands below. But when he began to pull a blade free from its holster the clone would resist the urge to simply eviscerate the fool, even his loyal ally Kutari could obviously not believe the stupidity that this traveler was showing by doing so. Did he truly think that he could handle the two of them, or even one of them, with surroundings like thing? Did someone with a chakra signature so pathetic truly believe that he could halt the unstoppable force that was the original? When the fool dared to question who they were the phantom was rendered speechless… just how stupid could one person be… he hadn’t met someone so blind to reality since the buffoon known as Kyousuke. He truly seemed to believe that he was in a position that would allow him to demand answers from Kenshin Uzumaki, The Ragdoll that had almost single handedly taken the crown jewel of Kumogakure’s empire by slaughtering everyone that stood in his way.

As Kutari spoke the shade of The Immortal would simply watch and wait, allowing his ally to finish his little speech before it acted… and what an act it was. The first thing that the fool would take notice of was the aura of purple flecked with black that erupted from the body of the shade, and even for one without the ability to feel chakra it would be feel almost unnatural and foul. The clone of the silver haired reapers had enhanced its chakra to truly monstrous levels with its Cell Enhancement, the Sharingan in it’s left eye blazing in what appeared to be fury while the veins around his left popped out and the Byakugan activated. The killing intent that flooded the surrounding area would be even more potent than it usually was due to the enhanced state of the shades chakra, and visions of his own increasingly gruesome deaths would begin to play through the mind of the foolish stranger, Kutari being shielded as Kenshin directed all of his monstrous killing intent on the fool that stood before the pair (228 stats to resist this effect). After what would feel like an eternity for the stranger, and was closer to a minute for the clone of Kenshin and his companion, The Ragdoll’s shade would cease the projection of his power. The mans mismatched and now ominously glowing eyes would simply focus on the man, not a trace of anger nor joy able to be found within them… they were simply blank.

“The only reason you still breathe is because of how insignificant you truly are… and even that may not be enough to save you. Kutari, handle this fool however you please… If you kill him be sure to bring his corpse for the original, it may have some value and you know that he will reward you rather handsomely for it.” The clone would say, addressing the scum that stood before them at first, before turning its attention towards the originals ally.

It was then that the clone would dispel, allowing its memories to flow back to the original who could do little more than chuckle as he wondered how much he would be paying for that corpse.

WC: 578


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1302 words towards Corrupted Sage Mode, 2390 words remaining
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Village : Hoshigakure
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My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:58 am
Approved @Kenshin
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My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:49 am
[Mid claim thread putting 1400 into Yomo's Motto and 874 into Minds eye of the kagura, claiming 22 AP]

My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:05 am
It was about to happen as one of the gate guard started to speak. Before that a man appeared, Kudo didn't know who he was but something was going on. He spoke finally in a manner where it was understandable. Kudo didn't know what would happen, but he followed his lips and heard to what he stated. He was a young man who makes mistakes mostly every day. He was calm and collected as he only needed information on his family. A humble individual he was but sometimes he could lose the attitude and disrespect anyone on sight. It couldn't be that his family was even alive, more of the less dead is what it could of have sounded. He nodded to what the man stated with respectfully as he can.  He mentioned about family stating that his family couldn't be alive. The man couldn't be right.. maybe he was.

"I demand nothing..I mean no harm." 

He would watch his tone as the man told him, and making sure he was respectful throughout the course, losing his friends, and family really hit him. But he understood one thing it will strengthen him, but the truth was what he needed. And with all the respect Kudo pockets his weapon back into his left pocket. And with that moment the original gate keeper who he spoke to placed him into a dark scene where he would see terrific deaths throughout the motion. It was like no other than anything, but innocents dieing. He fell down to his knees, his eyes would continually look at it. As tears would drop the young man didn't know what to do. 

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My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:55 am
The spectre would resign himself from the encounter as he finished his spill on the random traveler claiming to have family ties in the village the band of criminals finished conquering months ago. Kutari had been moved in a certain light by the boy, not emotionally or out of care for his situation and impending demise, though by the sheer amount of foolishness and idiocy the child embodied, feeling as if his insignificant presence could be a humorous one to welcome into the village. He seemed to possess little skill or power of vast quantity, and his suspicious and poorly crafted attempt to gain entry into the village was would make any legitimate village gatekeeper question it’s validity. Though Kutari genuinely cared little for the boy’s life and to see him prevail against the odds, discovering a reunion with this apparent “family” that he seemed so hellbent to find, at the very least his misery and difficulty bearing witness to the unsightly attractions inside the village would summon a gush of fresh air into the dry sand biome that Kutari inhabited for months now. Simply put, the village was at an all time low of interest for him as the locals had come to terms with their situation and accepted their captors, no longer lashing out on Kenshin and his crew with aggression to where Kutari or others were called in to handle the task at hand. They would bend to their decree and whims without worry, and accepted their pitiful and superficial terms of peace in exchange for another day to breathe the already short supply air that decorated the desert. They were nothing more than your average bunch of sheep waiting to be culled, though at the very least this new black sheep would stick out amongst the rest of them to give Kutari something to do, before bleaching it’s own pelt and falling in line with the rest of them.

Alas, it seemed his partner didn’t take the boy’s actions as lightheartedly and in good fun as Kutari’s twisted nature would do, in fact it could be believed he was overwhelmed with rage and a lack of patience with the young buffoon right after he took on a hostile stance, Kenshin’s shade going through the formalities of waiting before Kutari ended his words before taking upon his own uncounseled actions, determined to carry out his initial intent as Kutari’s reasoning went through one ear and out the other of the albino monstrosity. 

The play would begin with Kutari instantly catching on to the technique he was a witness of before when they initially met, an agitated and sinister aura rising from the clone’s body with gloomy color schemes aimed directly at the boy before them, glancing over at Kenshin the Uchiha would see the riled face of the man letting loose his utmost strength as he bolstered his capabilities to showcase the power he was hiding. Though it was in fact aimed at the child, Kutari could clearly imagine what he was experiencing while at the mercy of such an aura, having derived memories of his own experiences from his mind as he recalled their encounters prior and the power he displayed, knowing fully the vast amount of reserves he held wasn’t for show. Kutari would witness the sharingan implanted in Kenshin’s eye, alongside the veins that popped and bulged around his other as it signaled the anomaly of bloodlines which resided within his body, truly being the coordinate of power he led himself on to be, experimenting on his own body to acquire the fruit that so many of his accomplices had a taste of, likely dwarfing them in sheer quantity. Still however, Kutari would wonder about the Sharingan he possessed in question, where he got it and which clans member of his fell to Kenshin’s resolve, he struggled to truly decipher his feelings towards the sight as he still held some form of pride and joy towards his clan heritage, though such means of unison and teamwork had escaped his bodily essence long ago. At the very least he was glad the eye fell in the hands of such an ally rather than an unknown enemy of his, fully aware of the capabilities of his own eyes, Kutari would feel at peace knowing his partner held such power in his hands. At one point he would need to inform Kenshin of his heritage, though such a point in history would have to wait until later, the two trusted one another sure however such knowledge wouldn’t be important at this moment, there being a time and place for everything, and surely there were secrets about Kenshin’s own body he’d have to share due to its complexity. Kutari couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment towards the youth, lightly saying ‘you’ve done it now’ under his breath in response to the humanoid nuke that he decided to trigger so intensely.

Kutari half expected the Kudo child to be dead within a second as this fiasco raged on, Kenshin walking up and ending the boy as he would grovel on the ground with streams of tears watering the desolate sand, fully aware of his nearing end thanks to his previous mistakes, the actions he took to try and fix it all meant nothing in the end after raising a hand to Kenshin. However, instantly the aura fizzled out and faded away, the once aloof and disconnected Kutari looking somewhere out in the distance to survey the land as the punishment continued long after his interest for it faded away, would suddenly look towards Kenshin who now carried a blank and apathetic expression, his face and motives unreadable. He’d begin to speak, in which Kutari would agree with him along the insignificant presence which the boy occupied, it being a stain on the speck of their eyesight and collective memory until they finally passed on, however Kenshin would carry out an interesting move by stating it was up to the Uchiha to decide what to do with the boy, almost egging him on to kill the child as he stated there’d be a hefty reward for the boy’s body later on if he so chose to carry out said intent. Kutari would look into the departed eyes of the clone before it dispersed in a cloud of smoke, leaving only the executioner and his target to play along with one another.

After the clone dispelled, the wraith could feel nothing more than glee and a warm feeling inside at how supportive Kenshin was acting, it was excruciatingly clear he could’ve killed the boy and likely obtained his own pleasure from it as Kutari has experienced in the past, though instead he chose to let Kutari decide his fate, and be willing to pay him for his services of handling such a weak and feeble foe. What a wonderful deal the two made with one another, and how gracious Kenshin was to support Kutari in his time of need, amassing wealth to continue his work with the armory that continued to grow as his research finances blossomed. 

He’d let out a tuckered and forced chuckle, aimed to remind the boy of his position and facilitate the damage that was soon to come of his own mistakes and foolish adventures, looking directly at the child with his ambar glare, “How unfortunate for you, Kudo. To be perfectly honest, I would’ve been content to allow you to continue drawing breathe in this world due to the amusing circus act you pulled earlier. Challenging someone you barely know when you already possess little to no combative leverage is a laughable yet respectable acceptance to arrive at death’s door sooner than expected. Alas, my accomplice here made it quite apparent your corpse is worth much more to me than a living nuisance that would surely become a bore after the first two days witnessing your clownish behavior. Quite frankly, I don’t see how you’ll weasel your way out of this one, and barely have the time to spare in order to figure it out.” As Kutari neared the end of his speech, he would begin to dash towards Kudo, arriving right behind the child as he began to retrieve his katana by his side, now occupying his right hand as he placed the flat side of the blade to Kudo’s neck, pushing with force to cause him to hang his head outstretched and down to provide a proper execution. He’d speak again, raising the blade above him with both hands as he prepared to deal the final blow, “Though I will admit, the show you conducted was fresh and stimulating to my boredom as the remaining inhabitants of the village no longer bestow any unexpected events or try to fight for their freedom any longer. Therefore, I won’t drag this out for you as I’ve done for many others, and will make it a quick death. I will leave you with this however, since you seem so adamant about your family: A group of Rogue Shinobi laid siege to this village quite some time ago, and have taken this place as our base of operations for the time being, and many perished during our attack. Said heads and what remains are staked around the village walls, the likelihood of your family being dead or alive is a subject of chance of whether they were good runners, hiders or able to talk their way out of demise. Hopefully they had more wits then yourself however, otherwise it’s likely you’ll be reunited with them shortly. Thank you very much for your patronage in coming here, my research can continue with the sack of ryo I’m sure to receive very shortly with your body’s transport.” With that, Kutari would aim to swing his katana down with all his might to sever the boys head, all the while ignoring any pleas or cries for help that came from him as he went about his own business, of course taking note of his surroundings and what not with his utmost precision all throughout this time. He was still on guard duty after all over the gates now.

WC: 1699

My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari) Empty Re: My Family (P, Kenshin, Kutari)

Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:59 am
This was the end of Kudo Kazuhiko. 

[Kutari claiming kill and my body]
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