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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty The path

Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:25 am
It was a chilly morning, the sun was smiling so the bright in the sky. Sakuragi woke up on the  good side of the bed. He was lying down on the floor when he woke. The last time he checked, he was lying on the bed. He ate too much ramen last night, his belly was so full that he could barely walk, he had to stagger to his bed. Perhaps, it was during his sleep that he fell from the bed to the ground.  He got up and sat on the bed “how's today gonna go anyway ” he said to himself as he adjusted his hair. 
Sakuragi’s usual  practise was to leave home early in the morning for training and come back late or in the afternoon, depending on how tough the was. He had mastered many jutsu by doing this.  Time and dedication are needed to make a strong shinobi. Sakuragi wanted a time when he would stay away from his parent he wanted to stay away from everyone and focus on training. He has a vision he pursue. This may seem like the perfect time for that. The entire family was around. His father, his mother and his elder brother who returned from a business trip last week. His elder brother wasn't really a ninja. He was more of a farmer than a ninja, though he had some skills in his clan element, Ice release and could also use the elements that formed them.  The entire family had woken up before sakuragi did. They were in the living  room discussing some vital matters. The living room was 3 metres long and wide. Most times, when such family issues are being discussed, they don't call the attention of sakuragi to it and even he doesn't bother because he had no interest in such matters. After taking his bath, he got dressed in his shinobi attire and had breakfast,  he greeted his family and told them he would be  away from home for about five days, to which father first refused but later allow him.  He had packed some  food he would eat during the training days. He was gonna on a intense training, it was nothing compared to what he had been doing . It would  be nothing compared to anything he had ever done ever since he had become a ninja. He had written things he planned to do during the training. After five days he would come back home. The food he packed was enough to sustain him for five days. They aren't not spoilage foods, but snack and some other imperishable food.  He filled a large water bottle too  with water should in case there was no water where he would be training . He had no specific place in mind yet, but he know that the moment he leaves the house, he would know where to train.

His father who was a jounin didn't train this much during his time as a Chunin . It so much baffled him why sakuragi would be do so much intense training at his small age. It made him curious but he never asked why. He waved good bye to his son as he stepped out of the house. 
Sakuragi had all his plans but fortunately or unfortunately he wasn't able to come up with where to use for training. After the five days he would spend in training, he knew he would never be the same. He may even use more but he can only go a day or two without food and water. So as long as there water and food his training cannot be disturbed. He was stepped out the house and headed for his training spot. The streets of kirigakure was wet and wide. A village known for his the element of life, water release.  Ninjas from this village are bloody ass, only seeking blood and battle. It seems the blood of war and fight lingers in their  veins. It would seem this trait is in sakuragi too, tho he has never killed anyone. But obviously that would be the reason why he is training so hard. He would plan on how to kill someone soon . Thus, he had to prepare well for his opponent, it may seem that five days may not be five days. It may be up to a month.

However, sakuragi mind was at rest because he told his parent that they should bother looking for him if he didn't come back after five days, that would mean that he wasn't satisfied with himself.  if he hadn't told his parent this, he would be worried that they would be worried about him. however, telling them beforehand they may come back after five day or may not leaves peace on his mind. he would have to quit his training after five days so that his parent would be worried. He's free to come back anytime. However, the food he packed Would only last five days so he would need to be careful to not starve himself.  He was eager to get things started, he walked through the fine street of kiri, little children were playing in the street, the market women gathering their things and preparing to go market. Sakuragi thought of where to use for his training. He may be might be meeting  his  summons today , the white Polar bear. But first he plan on training. This is the more reason why felt he might not come home after five days. Sakuragi was interested in a particular fellow that lived in outsketch of Kiri who he intended meet, he had never meet this ninja but he had heard rumours about this ninja, about his skills and prowness. He couldn't remember if he had ever travelled outside of Kiri, but after this training he may travel to either konoha or hoshigakure, where he was gonna meet this new guy he was interested in.  He was seeking more powers before meeting this new guy.

Sakuragi finally decide to go the sea bank, since he would be meeting the Polar bears, he felt it was best if he use a cool place. Since Polar bears love cool areas. Since the sea bank is near to the forest of wind,  when night comes , he could get some trees  to make a small Hut, where he would down in the forest. He passed through the forest of wind  and finally reaches the Sea bank. The sea waves overflow heavily this time, sakuragi thought of not even moving near, he didn't want the waves to overflow on him. It would be better to stay a far off the sea edge.  This sea itself is thousand of metres deep, it depth seem to be immeasurable. Anyone caught in the waves that overflows could be dragged into the sea and could drown. Apart from that the sea is home various wild  aquatics of varying sizes.  Sakuragi stood few meters away from the waves before finally sitting  down the sea bank which is covered in fine sand.

WC: 1182
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty Re: The path

Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:55 pm
Sitting down on the fine sand , he thought of what he would do first. He thought  about what would be going on at home right now. His family may be in a merry mood right now, eating fried pork and ramen for breakfast while he was here training. He had learn a long time ago that strength doesn't come easy, strength and power in the shinobi world doesn't come easy, you have to work for it. Many high ranking ninjas and missing ninjas had spent several years of training in hidden caves and Forest, training alone while others gets busy with other stuff.  He had read about the story of the legendary uzumaki naruto, an ancestor of konohagakure, how weak he  was and how his classmate mocked him. Despite all the mockery, he didn't  let it get into him. He failed the genin exam several times infact he didn't pass the gennin  exam.  Naruto spent years of training in Mount myoboku training sage mode, sakuragi was about to do the same. However before meeting  the bears, he wanted to  do some nature chakra manipulation Control. This would really improve his skills and make him have better control over his chakra . He could feel the breeze blowing . The ground in fine sand seem to be cold.  The branches of tree dancing left and right. He felt he needed company, so I he created perform a series of hand seals, instantly ice grew out of his body  to form two clones on his right and left side. Once the clones are formed he decided to begin his training. Ordinarily, on a normal day, sakuragi would have brought out a jutsu book to study, most times he would spent hours studying  the jutsu. His dad would have explained to him the nature of the jutsu, which sakuragi would carefully detail into his ninja book. This ninja book is often in his small ninja bag. This time, he wasn't studying any jutsu book and he wasn't carrying any small ninja bag, rather it was a big ninja bag, which look like a scroll. The bag contains all the his items, which include food and the likes. Sakuragi had carefully drop the car beside a nearby tree.  .
He was sitted on the ground, he clapped his hands together. He started focus into the chakra in his palm. He was gonna discover himself, what he is truly made of.  He was very certain that after this training he would be able to beat his dad. He was careful not to eat any snacks or food for now as he wanted to preserve the food as much as possible so it could sustain him. 
His palm was still clapped together. There was a visible aura of chakra around his palm, the chakra began to spread to his entire body. The surrounding temperature around him  seems to be getting cooler. 
He performed a series of handseals and slammed  his palm of the ground to ground. The aura glowed even brighter. There was a bright blue aura that encase him, it was very blue bright. In this form, he held the tiger handseal, he inhaled all the breath he could and exhaled a huge burst of ice release chakra. It looked like he emitted a burst of frost from his mouth, the ice chakra was sort of couoress like a cool steam. This chakra travelled several distance and even reached the edge since sakuragi was facing the sea direction. The chakra freezed everything on its path and even the Sea. About forty-five metres of the sea away from the sea bank became frozen. This power of this jutsu did not really baffled sakuragi , as this was a jutsu he had learned before. The ground of  fine sand soon became covered in ice.

Sakuragi still had this bright blue aura around him, it seems it was some kind of power enhancer that gave him powers.  It would seem it made his ice release jutsu stronger and faster. He was discovering his powers, he was using the jutsu he had learned before. 
He wanted to master them,  he was still gonna meet the bears but he doesn't think it's time yet. He ran a series of handseals, and exhaled up to ten bullets of wind. The wind spreads out in a cone and flew at the sea direction, the wind release wind bullets collides with the ice that was performed, it almost drilled into the ice, but the ice was just too strong. There was a period of collision before the wind bullets dispersion.  Sakuragi doesn't really know what he is doing, he was just using jutsu randomly to see what he could come up with. Meanwhile, the two ice clones created by sakuragi stood few distance away washing what their real one doing, they were not sure if they could call this training or madness. To sakuragi, it was no madness but a path to discovery.  It Is during mistakes that great ideas have been invented, he believes he would be able to come up with something new this time and if not something new,  he would be able to improve the ones he already had. Upon dispersion of the wind bullets, he ran a series of handseals, and exhale a large compressed wind bomb. The wind bomb travelled very fast, upon colliding with the ice in the sea bank, sakuragi exploded it. The wind bomb shattered the already damaged ice, scattering the ice and and fine sand beneath it. The explosion reached the sea bank, the ice at the edge of the was scattered all over  too . The clones watched their real one as he demonstrated power. It would probably be the first they are witnessing him do this, it was the first time sakuragi every did this type of training. Sakuragi did the seal of  confrontation and the aura of chakra around him was dispersed.  The field with fine sand particles is now covered with scatted and cracker ice.  Though not all the fireld was completely  covered in ice  because the jutsu had range and cannot exceed it range. Sakuragi doesn't seem to be tired, he was just hell bent. Despite the powerful jutsu he had used today, he still had enough reserve and stamina. Any ordinary ninja that use these jutsu sakuragi use will  soon become exhausted. Sakuragi wasn't an ordinary ninja, he was extraordinary in everything, right from the day he was born, he had been extra ordinary.

TWC: 2264
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty Re: The path

Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:12 pm
Sakuragi had used two powerful jutsu,  it could have worned  out an ordinary ninja, but it didn't worn him out. His attention was on the shattered ice and explosive wind bullet, the impact was so great that the wind bullet drilled few metres  into the ground. All the while the clones were still watching their original as he performed the jutsu. One of the clones asked, “ what are you doing?. You called us out just to watch this?.”. “No, I called you out so we could get stronger, so we could create more collaboration jutsu, there is this guy that i wanna kill and we are gonna do it together, together we can ”. Sakuragi replied with a serious look. 
A serious look appeared on the face of the ice clones having realised what and why their original had summoned them, they walked closer to the original “let's do this”.  Sakuragi and his clones got into a stance, with sakuragi facing the two clones. The clones knew what their original wanted, he wanted them to attack. Since the clones have almost the same abilities as sakuragi, it would be like sakuragi was battling his own self.  The only way to get stronger is to be stronger than the you of yesterday, the progress might be slow, but no matter how slow, as long as there's a progress,  he has to keep getting stronger. He could vividly remember the story his dad told him about rock Lee an ancestor of konoha, who fought alongside the legendary uzumaki naruto during the ninja war. Rock Lee while at the academy and gennin rank was someone who had no skills for ninjutsu, he would be one of the weakest in his class, he had a rival Hyugua neji ( a ninja whom sakuragi loved his appearance and attributes and wanted to be like him. This made him dressed like Hyugua Neji) who often beat him whenever they battle.   With the help of Guy sensei, rock Lee was able to learn taijutsu and he grew really strong in it, he mastered the art of taijutsu . Able to stand toe to toe with Gaara, a user of sand. Though he lost the battle and broke a lot of bones, gaara regarded him as a strong opponent who 
seriously  dealt with him. 
During a mission to retrieve the kazekage ( gaara, the one rock Lee fought with),  rock Lee and his mates had to fight the exact copies of themselves. That was where the motto came from, be stronger than the you of yesterday was a motto sakuragi’s dad was fond of saying.  Sakuragi was fond of saying Uzumaki naruto’s nindo.  I will never give up. There's a saying that if one doesn't give up on something, sooner or later, the person will get that stuff he or she wants. Sakuragi will not give up because he failed to grow yesterday or because he lost a battle. As a matter of fact, he had never lost a battle to anyone except his dad. Though would probably be because he hasn't faced stronger opponent, he wished to, someday.  Though most of the people he had battled in his life time were his teammate, so it's a reasonable reason as to why he hasn't lost a battle to anyone except his dad. This shows that he was intelligent...

Regardless of what was going, he was to battle his ice clones  right now and he must win. This clones need to be dealt a killing blow to disperse them, they are not like the normal Clones that disperse upon a single hit. He may be outnumbered, yet, he wouldn't like it if he lost to his own clones. This may not make sense to some, but to him if does.  The way Rock Lee and his teammate beat their copies was that they got stronger, stronger than  those copies, stronger than when they were formed. If this ice clones have the same abilities as sakuragi, then he must grow stronger than them. He was faced with two of them. He could create more he wants to, but starting with two would be reasonable. He await his clones to attack, the two Clones dashed towards him with intense speed, clone 1 attacked from the right aiming  a punch to his face and clone 2 attacked from the left by swinging a kick at his abdomen. This didn't come unnoticed. Sakuragi simply sommersaulted backwards.  It wasn't that he could read their moves,  he had no ability to do such. Also, he wasn't able to dodge because he summon them. He could dodged because he was skilled enough to. That was a simple attack from the clones and sakuragi simply dodged it and landed on his feet, he decided not to attack yet, he wanted to enjoy this fight and wear out his clones, he wanted to get stronger. He must however be careful not to wear  himself out in the process of having fun. The clones got more desperate to beat their original, or if they couldn't beat him directly they could at least  pressure him to give up. The two clones pulled out a kunai each and dashed at sakuragi thrust forward their arms in an attempt to pierce through. Sakuragi harden his fist, seeing that the clones were approaching with a killing intent, that was what he wanted after all. he wanted them to go hard on him. It wouldn't do any good if they go easy on him. When the clones were range, sakuragi grabbed both clones by the wrist with each of his hand, preventing the clones from piercing through. It was no joke, if sakuragi couldn't stop that attack, he would be badly injured, his clones were aware of his medical abilities, so they have no worries about  Injuring him.  As Sakuragi grabbed both clones by the wrist, the clones would send a punch with their other hand to his chest, to which he couldn't dodged or stop. The punches from the clones was so strong that it push him backward, letting go of the clones hand. For a while, he held his chest with his right hand, he was surprised by the power of his clones, it was as if a block of ice was thrown at his chest. The impact was great, he needed to be careful to secure a victory against his clones.

TWC : 3335
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty Re: The path

Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:54 pm
Sakuragi didn't  forgot what he came to do here.  To get stronger and discover himself. He has to use his time wisely or he wouldn't gain anything. It was already noon and he is having a battle with himself, his ice clones. The clones made completely of ice were able to push back sakuragi a considerable distance with their punches . Sakuragi decided thaty it wasn't time to attack yet, he got to his stance and await what the clones would do next. The clones were really giving him a hard time, they weren't  as easy to deal with  as he thought they would. This time, clone 1 jumps up above sakuragi and aimed a kick to his head, the speed at which the clone moved was fast, sakuragi was carried away by the clone that's in the air that he didn't notice when the second clone moved and gave him a punch to the face. The punch and the kick from the clones landed, which only pushed him back a bit . The two clones attacked again, this time, sakuragi tried to punch clone 1, which the clone blocked with his right hand and quickly tried to counter attack by punching him in the chest. Sakuragi was able to dodge by dashing to the right , however, clone 2 used a flying kick to send flying  across several distance. Thanks to bandages on his right arm, he wasn't able to sustain much damage. Though, the bandages got dirty since it was white. Sakuragi got serious with the assault of the  clones, he realised he's been up since he woke up today as his body was starting to get tired and that he needed to end this battle so he can rest and continue training later.  He dashed towards the clones, the clones got surprised at first that their original dashed at them. Since the beginning of the fight, they have been the ones on attack, he was on defense, so they thought something might he fishy and that he was up to something.  As sakuragi dash towards the clones, he pulled out two kunai, his hands were behind him as he ran,  when he got to close range, he kicked the dust up to block their vision and simultaneously attempting to stab them with the kunai. Clone 1 couldn't see the attack coming, because more the sand were in his face,  the kunai passed through his through and he crumbled into Ice. Clone 2 was however able to block the kunai with his hand. There kunai pierce his right hand and stuck to it . Blood drips from his palm to the ground. The clone was losing blood as the ground beneath him soon became red. The clone realised that his other mate had been dispersed, he attempted to punch sakuragi with his left hand, the punche was easy this time and sakuragi was able to hold it with his right arm and immediately crushing the clone’s throat with his left arm. The clone grew weak as a result of loss of blood, which made his punch weak enough for sakuragi to hold it. Immediately the clone’s throat  was dispersed,  it crumbled into a pile of ice. 
He wasn't sure if he gained anything from battling clones, but he sure had fun. He was getting tired and it was the more reason why he had to end the fight as soon as he could. With the clones gone, he headed for where he dropped his bag,  he brought out some snacks, hamburger. They are one of his favourite, as he ate, he thought of how he would Make a shelter for the night.  It was pretty much late to start cutting down trees to make shelter. If he would do that he may not finish in a week. Several thoughts flashed through his mind in a bid to decide where and how he would spend the night.

Suddenly, he remembered the last time he went to the mountain, he saw a cave beside it, it would be an old cave, but that should serve as shelter. it wasn't too far from here, probably an hour walk. So he decided that if he could get a shelter there, that would be his house as long as he was here .  he would come early in the morning to train here and leave late at night. That would be the best way to utilize  the distance.  it would seem there was still time and it's the first day. He still had a lot to eat, he must be careful not to overeat though, or he would starve. Sakuragi lied down to rest on the ground covered with fine sand.  He had finish eating the hamburger he was holding a while ago. His eyes were gazed to the sky, several birds were flying and chirping all kinds of sound. The sea bank was close to the  forest of wind, there were a lot of trees there, so there were more birds in that direction. The wind blew and water waves flowed,  the branches of trees shaking. Sakuragi was enjoying the atmosphere, if there was anything he wanted at this point in time , this was it. 
What did he the know?, he was a boy twelve, who was too brilliant for his age.  Those who see him sees a future god shinobi. Sakuragi’s plans for the shinobi world might not be as pure as it would appear. Hopefully, he wouldn't get on the dark side.  The thirst for power should not overwhelm him. Sakuragi would go anywhere and any length to get strong.  Though one of the things he wanted to do the most was to protect his village, kirigakure, he silently chased his dream in this quiet Land. 
The boy lay down, it would seem sleep would start to fall on  him, it was a good thing that he could finally rest and sleep.  It would calm his eyes and relieved him of the stress. The sleep fell on him and he slept off. Below his head was his bag which he used as a pillow. He is sensitive, even anyone should attempt to seal something from him or attack him, he would know. He's very skilled in sensory. Even though he wasn't asleep, his sensory skills are not.  The sleep was soothing, it would be like he got to his sleep land. Everything in his surroundings worked together to initiate  a long sleep, by the the time he would wake up, it was almost evening. He couldn't believe his eyes, how could he sleep that long, almost seven hours. He came here to train, not to sleep. Sakuragi got pissed off, he rose up in a flash nor knowing what to do. It's pointless to Start training now. Night would soon fall and the cave where he was to spend the night is an  hour walk. He doesn't want to get the cave late. He might have slept for a long time, he believes his day isn't wasted. Also, since he already slept for almost seven hours, it would be difficult for him to sleep again tonight. The entire night may be spent on meditations and mastering handseals. Sakuragi packed all his items into his bag, and headed for the cave where he was to spend the night. No matter what happens he was to get there before night falls, not because he scared of the danger of the night , but because he saw it's a proper thing to not walk late at night.

TWC: 4600
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty Re: The path

Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:33 pm
Sakuragi would walk through the forest of wind before he reaches the cave at the mountains. He thought about his day as he walked, he wasn't sure he made the most use of the time. But he was knew tomorrow would pretty much be better than today, he would train alone without his clones . As he walked, his mind had gone fast than he walked to the cave at the mountains.  The forest of wind was a big forest with large trees, it was a home of wild animals and several deadly creatures. It still baffles his dad that his son could walk the forest fearlessly. Rarely  do people walk through this forest except for those who would get wood to cook. Those who would come  get woods to cook would stand at the edge of the  forest , not go deep. Sakuragi had chosen the forest of wind as his training spot, as he would often train at its centre core. Only once had he been attacked by hungry pack of wolves. This was when he was training for his ice release ice armour jutsu. The wolves attacked him and tried to bite him. His body harden into Ice. The teeth of the wolves couldn't pierce, sakuragi left the forest of wind unscratched that day, he even broke the hind leg of one of them. That was the first and last time he ever got attacked in the forest. 
The young boy journeyed on and on, it was a really long walk. Alas, he got past the forest of wind and reached the mountain. He had walked for over an hour,  he looked around to locate where the cave was. He could see something that looks like a tunnel beside the mountain. That could be the cave, several thoughts flood his mind as the area was too quiet. He was there alone perhaps, so he would enjoy the waves of being alone. Sakuragi got to the cave and gave it a through look. It was a really old cave, he couldn't tell if anyone had used this cave for a lot of years. Cobwebs, short root of plants,  insects all filled the place. This was sakuragi ’s last hope, the only place he knows where he could  spend the night. This pile of  junks  wouldn't stop him, he performed a series of hand seals and a jet of water stream came from his mouth that flooded the area, the water didn't really have a cutting or damaging impact, else the cave might have collapse. The water flood all the junkies away. The ground became wet. It would seem things are going out the way he planned it. He couldn't possibly sleep on a ground like this that was extremely wet. He thought of what to do. An idea flashed to his mind. He flashed several hand seals. Instantly, the water on the ground harden into a thick layer of ice. Everywhere was covers in ice both the top of the cave and the ground,  everywhere for covered in ice.  This would be his bed, where he would lay down. This may be so absurd to an ordinary ninja , but it wasn't to him. The body of yuki clan members can withstand the most adverse cold weather temperature. The extreme weather does not affect them. Sleep on a bed made of ice wouldn't affect the young chunin. His body was already cold, the bed made of ice would compliment his body.  Sakuragi sat on the ice, he watched as time flies by. The night was getting darker. He brought out another hamburger and would start eating it. The hamburger Was The only perishable food he brought only and that was why he eat it first to prevent spoilage, the other food are non perishable.  This was the last hamburger and he ate it all.

Just when he ate this hamburger did he realized that he hadn't drank water since yesterday though he had water in his water bottle. The yuki have a cool body, so there body do not always require water unlike ninjas from other clans. They could  go days without without, at most a week, after which they may begin to starve. Sakuragi brought out the water bottle and drank some water.  He had eaten to his satisfaction and had drank water too. After eating, it would seem he got lost in thought. He would look at the stars in the sky. How beautiful they were, how glorious the embodiment.  He thought about his family at home, his dad would had probably gone to bed by now, his mother too may have gone to bed. His elder brother may come home, he may hangout with his friends and stay out late, but he know he will come home, he always come, even if he will be late, he will surely come. His elder brother wasn't really a ninja, though he had some ninja skills.  He had no interest in fighting like sakuragi. His only interest is  making money, becoming rich and investing. He has great interest in agriculture, that's the field he invest in. So far so good, he has been seeing the good result of his investment. It would only be a matter of time before he blossom and become the village's richeest farmer. Sakuragi thought about how he once had his first battle with an aburame ninja from konoha . The guy controlls a huge number of insect. One advantage sakuragi had over him was that he was faster than him, he was intact faster than most of his jutsu, it was easy for him to evade them. Despite his speed, sakuragi let his guard down and the aburame ninja almost won the battle. However, he quick enough to react to the guy's trick and defeated him in the end.  This wasn't he only time he let down his guard. In a spar with his father, he beaten in less than ten seconds. Sakuragi had thrown several shuriken at his hand. Knowing full well that the shuriken attack was nothing for his dad,  he did this to distract him. What he did didn't know was that his father had used ice armour jutsu. He was stun when the shuriken approach his dad and hit him, without his dad dodging, the shuriken simply fell to the ground. He was so stunned by this scenario that he didn't know when his father body flickered behind him and put a knife to his throat, making sakuragi to give up the battle. It was his shortest battle in history. This made sakuragi dedicate himself to learning the ice release ice armour jutsu. The night was getting darker, several thoughts floods the mind of the young boy, he wish he could continue, it would seem he was enjoying his own thoughts. He knew he had to start training very early tomorrow, so he decided to sleep. He had already slept for over seven hours during the day, something that had  never happened to him before. He wasn't sure if he would be able to sleep but he had to try.  Night are for sleep, days are for work. Work is for day, sleep for the night.  The young boy lay on his bed of ice and closed eyes seeking to be sleep off till the next day.

TWC : 5828
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty Re: The path

Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:11 am
The eyes of the boy were closed to find some sleep, but it would seem that sleep hid his face from him. How could he possibly sleep  almost for seven hours and still thought he would be able to sleep again at night. Sakuragi wasn't s sleep freak, he doesn't didn't know what could have caused that. Each time he tried to shut his eyes to find sleep, they would become wide open again.  It got tired of trying to sleep . He sat up on his bed made of ice wondering what he could do. He didn't want to do anything that would invoke noise. It was later and every where was already quiet. He got out of the cave and stood in front of the cave. He would urinate at a corner around the cave and come back to his original position.. He wasn't sure what he was gonna do. Suddenly, he started hearing certain movement, at first he thought it was the trees and branches branches of trees. However, the movement became clear.  He stood still trying to figure out what that could be, the sound got closer. The mountain was close to the forest of wind, same as the sea banks. It was as if the forest of wind was in between the mountain and the sea. The forest of wind was known to be inhabitated by several deadly creatures . Sakuragi might just be so unlucky to encounter one of these creatures tonight.  The sound closer and closer and more rusty and faster. A serious look appeared on sakuragi’s face, wondering exactly what was gonna on. From no where, a very huge snake would appear, lifting it head up and attempt to strike downtail on sakuragi. Sakuragi was  fast enough to be able to react to the  attack, he dodged by rolling to the side. The impact of the snake’s attack caused huge dust  to spread over where sakuragi was. By the time it would clear, the snake had disappeared, his eyes was wide open, one attack from this snake could mean death. He didn't really see the snake when it attacked, what he saw was it shadows.  Sakuragi looking around like someone who lost something . He knew the snake was nearby. It was no rumour how deadly the forest of wind was, the creatures in it often comes out to the mountain or sea areas or other hidden places in the village in search of food . Sakuragi had never encountered this kind of animal, as a matter of fact, he hadn't seen a snake that huge and long. The head of the snake would be twice his own head, standing on its tail, the snake thrice the height of sakuragi. Sakuragi pulled out two kunais, this was no time to joke.  He couldn't run away, he may run into the snake, the best option was to fight, he thought. With the two kunais in his hands, he would walk slowly in front of the cave, trying to see if there's anything fishing . Suddenly the sound cane again  leaves and tree rubbed together as the snake moved .  The reason for the rumbling noise was because the snake was too big to pass over the trees. Sakuragi sensed the directuon from which the snake appeared quickly faced that direction. He was however surprised and somehow caught off guard when the snake attacked with a killing intent from the side. Sakuragi bent down making the assault pass over his head.

He had gotten tired of the hide and seek game . The moment the snake’s head  would pass over him which assaulted him. Sakuragi would lift his hand up to the belly of the snake. There was a kunai in his hand and the kunai would cut the snake belly.  The skin of the snake was thick, the kunai couldn't cause a serious damage, only a slight scar . Angered by what the boy did, the snark dash at insane. Sakuragi threw the kunais in  hands aiming for the snake’s head.  The snake was fast, dodging both kunai he attempted to  sakuragi down sakuragi, Sakuragi jumped  a few metres backwards to keep his distance from the snake.  The stop wouldn't stop, as it continued its attack. Sakuragi wanted to end this snake battle sooner, he doesn't want to be eaten by the snake, nobody likes or want to be eaten by a snake. He wasn't sure the reason why the snake attacked,  but whatever it was, he have to kill this mighty snake. He already gave the snake a slight scar on its belly, that should give him some morale that he could kill this snake. If he lost to the snake, he would be eaten and his dreams would go unfullfilled. The snake would continue to dash forward and sakuragi had covered himself in a thick layer of ice. This would be to protect him from the snake attack. If he got  beaten, he would be poisoned  by the snake's venom and would be forced to go back home, unable to complete his training, which wouldn't favour him a bit. Sakuragi ran towards the snake , held a kunai to which he had attached explosive tag. The snake would open it mouth to strike the the snake, sakuragi figured out that if the snake  had such a hard skin, the best way to kill way it would be to use an attack that would deal damage from inside.  The snake opened its mouth to strike, sakuragi would wait for it to get closer . At close range with the snake, he threw the kunai with explosive tag into its mouth . The snake couldn't see the attack, it would have thought sakuragi had given up because he didn't evade it's own attack, not knowing that he had his own motive. The snake's strike couldn't pierce sakuragi's armour,  so sakuragi was uninjured. However the kunai in the snake's head exploded, blowing away it head and killing it in the process. It wasn't an easy victory. He watched as the snake which was now dead, laid to the ground . Sakuragi could have summon the Polar bears to help him fight, that was his first thought when the snake appeared, but he reconsidered that and felt it might make him appear weak to the bears. So he decided he was gonna fight this snake off himself,  he won anyway. He now have stories to tell his family when he gets back  home.  It was still very dark. The scene of what just happened won't let sakuragi sleep even if he wanted to. He wasn't afraid, the sleep won't just come, he want to be at alert too, besides he already slept for over seven hours during the day, so it's OK if he didn't sleep till daybreak. Sakuragi saw on his bed on ice, several thoughts would flood his mind, Just how many deadly creature are here anyway. He still stares at the size of the snake, probably the biggest he had seen in his life time. He was lucky he was not bitten by the snake. That could have ended his life and his dream. He sat on his bed of ice, knowing not what to do, he decide he would stay awake till morning, meditating about life while he await the day to break.

TWC : 7059
Sakuragi Yuki
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Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty Re: The path

Sat Jul 13, 2019 1:35 pm
His eyes were wide open till day break, sakuragi would start to prepare for the day . It was the second day of his training, he had three more days to train after today. Three more days to meet his summons, the white Polar bear race. He did some training yesterday, he wasn't satisfied, he over slept for over seven hours which made him unable to sleep during the night. His encounter with the giant snake was unexpected, he never thought he'd come across such wild animal. He was able to kill the giant snake. Today looks promising, sakuragi would take along with him only those things which he needed, some snack and water to refresh himself.  He wanted to arrive at the sea bank as  early as he could. He couldn't tell if he'd encounter any strange creature again today. He doesn't  seem to care anyway, he was a fearless ninja. Sakuragi was set, he headed for the sea bank. He got past the forest of wind as soon as he could. Perhaps the reason he walked so fast was that he feared he might have an encounter with another creature. The snake he killed last night was still around the cave area. It was so weighty and fleshy, sakuragi could use its meat 
for food  when he gets back to the cave in the evening,  so he abandoned the snake till when he returned. He finally got to his training spot. He dropped his bag which contains all his ninja tools, and snacks. He would swift into action immediately. He brought out his jutsu book. He had it with him all this while, he just didn't see a need for it yesterday. There are tons of ice techniques he needed to learn. His father had explained to him, the nature of  one of his favourite jutsu. It wasn't his dad’s strongest technique,  it was pretty much his favorite. There's a big difference between favourite and strongest. The snowhawk routing jutsu , developed by yuki clan members  as a substitute for Fire dragon flame bullet . Sakuragi had carefully detailed everything into his jutsu book ; the hand seals, chakra manipulation, range and other informations about the jutsu. He studied the jutsu carefully, when he was saturated, he decided to begin its mastery.   Learning this jutsu would add to sakuragi’s arsenal, having varieties of jutsu is one of the attributes of a strong ninja. After the war, he would travel to hoshigakure to meet someone, there may be possibility that he would be attacked. He was gonna prepare for the worst, in case anything comes up during his travel.
 After a thorough study of the jutsu , he returned the jutsu book into his bag. He performed the tiger handseal , the number one thing he would wanna do was to learn the chakra manipulation of the technique.  Chakra began to form around his palm, he was gathering as much chakra as he could. He wouldn't let anything distract him, his attention was on his palm. It would seem that the chakra control for the jutsu wasn't too hard. However, sakuragi wasn't finding it easy to learn the jutsu. Just like his dad,  the snow hawk route may become his favourite too. It was only a matter of time before he mastered it.  He performed a series of hand seals, he tried to exhale the jutsu as it was written in his jutsu book. Nothing came out except for his spit. He was so disappointed in his effort. He thought learning this jutsu would be pretty much easier. Now he realised that he needed to give it a more serious approach.

Sakuragi sat on his feet, the ground was covered with fine sand, bird was flying around the sky as always, it was still very early, most people at this time would still be on bed, sakuragi skipped fun time for training, at the end of this five days training, he want to obtain something tangible from it. He clapped his palm together and closed his eyes. He wanted more focus on the jutsu. For more than an hour,  he remained sitted on his feet with both palms clapped together.  He was gathering as much chakra as he could. This was a jutsu  that most yuki clan members couldn't learn and if they did, it would take weeks or months to learn. Sakuragi had never spent up to a month learning any jutsu, he wasn't sure if he even spent a week learning any jutsu, not even his strongest jutsu absolute zero, though he had spent days learning some jutsu. He was a very skilled ninja, always doing extremely extraordinary things. He would learn this jutsu today no matter what happens. 
Time was flying by, one simple ice release jutsu would seem to give sakuragi a tough time.  After much chakra manipulation training, he got up and walked closer to the edge of the sea, such that he was standing few inches away from the sea bank . He ran a series of hand seals and ended with the tiger hand seal,  “Snow hawk routing ” he yelled and exhale with all his might.  A dragon like ice creature rushed out of his mouth that flew several meters across the sea, it size was huge. The ice creature would freeze everything on it path. It would seem that he finally learned the jutsu. He was satisfied with his result so far, he would believed he had mastered the jutsu, there are still a lot of things he wanted to do. Several thoughts flood the boy's mind, he would now seek to train another jutsu.

TWC : 8004
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty Re: The path

Sat Jul 13, 2019 1:41 pm
Claiming 40 stat point worth of 8000

1500 WC to Snowhawk Routing
2750WC  to Water beast 

1500WC to Flower scattering dance

storing 2254 WC into my WC bank
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

The path  Empty Re: The path

Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:19 pm
Wordcount cannot be stored from threads. You will have to use the 2254 or throw it away.
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

The path  Empty Re: The path

Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:31 pm
OK, I'll use it then
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