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A New Path Empty A New Path

Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:00 am
Kenshin was walking down the road towards the bustling gates of Hoshigakure with a large smirk on his face, he had arrived in Haven Country a few days ago and the first thing he had done was try to find out some information on the country and the village known as Hoshi from a couple of a group of travelling monks, although that did not go according to plan when the men actually turned to face him. The group of monks took one look at him before declaring him to be an evil heretic and an abomination to their god, something that the silver haired heart stealer did not take very well, he had not killed or maimed the men, but he had knocked them out and hid their bodies in a nearby group of bushes. After that less than friendly exchange Kenshin decided that a change of attire was in order, and he began looking for some clothes that he could use to hide all of his abnormalities from the local populous, something that proved to be much easier said than done, but eventually after breaking into a little known clothing store in a remote part of Haven Country he found something that worked well in hiding some of his more...unique features. His new outfit consisted of a pair of pitch black pants, a black belt which had his two weapon pouches clipped to it, a pair of grey sandals and a sleeveless black vest, but that alone would not be anywhere near enough to hide his stitched cuts and heavy scarring from the prying eyes of the populous, because while his arms may not be as bad as his torso in terms of scars and stitches they were still extremely prominent and easy to see, especially on his snow white complexion. Over that new outfit Kenshin had started wearing a long sleeved black robe, one that covered the rest of his body from sight, and just to ensure that the robe could not be opened by accident he had a grey sash going over his chest and shoulder, with a knot tying it shut on his hip. The final piece of his new outfit was a top hat, which he only wore because it allowed him to style his hair in a way that completely covered his eyes from view, and he did not want anybody seeing his eyes because they were the his most unique features

In his new outfit only 2 of his stitched cuts were visible, one that went completely around his neck, almost making it look like that was the only thing keeping his head attached to his body, while the other was the scar that went across his face, something which he was easily able to play off as having gained when bandits robbed him. Using the new outfit the silver haired teen was able to pass himself off as a wandering monk and began to gather a great deal of information on Haven Country as a whole and the village of Hoshigakure, and by the end he was certain of his next course of action, he was going to attempt to join Hoshigakure, he truly did not think that he would ever join a village after he left Konoha, but then again he didn’t know that a village like Hoshi existed, a village that was not run by a kage but instead by the ruler of the whole Country, meaning that it was a village and city first, and shinobi village second. The pale skinned teen continued his walk towards the extremely busy village gates, as of now he was only 50 meters from them and he began to truly see just how many people were there, looks like that monk wasn't exaggerating when he said that the gates were always packed to the brim. When he finally reached the gates he patiently stepped into one of the lines of people waiting to see a guard about entering the village, he could feel the eyes of some people in the lines on him, something that he assumed was either due to the stitched scar that ran across his face or his odd of clothing, he wasn't certain just why their eyes were on him nor did he really care, all he did was allow a large smile to work its way onto his face, something that came across as rather creepy and caused most of the people looking at him to turn their heads away, something that got a small chuckle from Kenshin, who would do so in such a way that it would seem to the people in the lines like he was coughing

Once he had finished chuckling the silver haired youth would begin humming lightly to himself, waiting patiently for one of the shinobi that was guarding the gates to call him forth

WC: 814
Castiel Yuhi
Castiel Yuhi
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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:13 am
The brown haired boy had no actual ninja duties that he cared to do on this fine day, instead looking for a comfortable place to lie down and sleep.  Sleeping was so much easier than work.  Castiel of the Yuhi clan, holders of the Genso-me dojutsu, the illusory eyes truly enjoyed sleeping, more than anything in the world.  So when he found no place to rest within the village without being captured by the eyes of a guard or worse, an elder shinobi, he would have to find some place outside the village to sleep.
There was an apple tre about 20 meters east of the gate that held an arch that was perfect for sleeping, and he could grab an apple when he became hungry, it was as close to heaven as he imagined one could find in life.  So the boy would stealthily slide through the allies ducking back and forth trying to avoid prying eyes.  As the boy approached the gate he noticed a great ruckus, crowds of people surrounding it.  Ugh, the last thing Cas needed was to get caught up in that great mess, it would seem he would have to find another way to the tree.
Activating the wall climbing jutsu he would walk up the wall and climb over the top of it, and leap over the other side landing on the ground in front of the gate.  He saw his favorite tree not too far off, but as he started walking in that direction another sight managed to draw his attention away from his sloth.  That hat, what the hell was that thing?  He had never seen such a thing, it was too much, in this case curiosity far outweighed laziness.
Instead of wandering over to his favorite tree he would instead swagger over to the group of immigrants and pilgrims piling up behind the gate and standing behind the top hat.  Castiel was still wearing his normal attire which included a grungy tank top and a pair of jeans.  His family pendant was dangling from his neck.  The tattoo on his left arm showing openly despite the religious background of everyone in the village.  He now stood behind the top hat wearing guy in line, now close enough to actually see features of the boy.  Wow what a scar, that must have been painful as hell, Cas thought to himself.
"So umm, I gotta ask.  What is that thing on your head?  Is that some sort of religious ornament? It's really weird."  Cas would ask in repetition from where he stood behind Kenshin.  His hands in his pocket investigating the hat.

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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:54 am
Kenshin was still humming lightly to himself but his mind was starting to wander, the main reason for this being the mind numbing boredom that had came naturally from standing in line like he had been for the past ten minutes. In a desperate attempt to alleviate his boredom the silver haired youth began focussing his chakra sensory ability and started feeling for any nearby chakra signatures, deciding to play a little game that he had just invented, a game that he called spot the shinobi, and just as the name suggested the aim of the game was to identify any and all shinobi and kunoichi that were in the area, and maybe have a guess at their ranks. Hmm, well the largest chakra signature in the area was without a doubt one of the women guarding the gate, he had actually detected her the second he got within 100 meters of her position, and he hadn’t even activated the ability by that point, based on the amount of chakra that she possessed Kenshin would assume her to be of, at the very least, Jounin rank. The person with the second largest chakra signature in the area was the second guard at the gate, unlike her partner the silver haired teen had been unable to detect her chakra signature until he actually activated the ability, but she did possess a rather large amount of chakra, almost as much as his own reserves actually, and based on that, and the fact that she had been charged with guarding the gates, he would assume her rank to be Chunin. Kenshin continued to do this with shinobi that passed by the gates, but so far none of them had managed to surpass the first guard, there was someone who had surpassed the second but they were gone almost as soon as he sensed them, but even this game was beginning to bore him.

Right as he was about to deactivate his chakra sensory he felt a rather small signature heading his way, the signature was quite a bit larger than Keito’s, but still a ways off from his own, he continued tracking the signature until it came to a stop right behind him. He continued humming to himself when he heard what he assumed was the voice of the person who’s chakra he had detected coming from right behind him “So umm, I gotta ask. What is that thing on your head? Is it some sort of Religious Ornament? It’s really weird” the owner of the voice would ask in a rather repetitive way, but his words would confirm that the owner of the voice was indeed talking to him, since he was unable to see anybody else wearing something as odd as his top hat on their heads, he was still unsure of whether or not this was indeed the person who’s chakra he had detected he was sure of it, mainly because the voice came from the same place where he could feel the person's chakra signature. The silver haired youth would allow a grin to come to his face as he turned to face the owner of the voice, the grin on his face looking quite natural as he took in the appearance of the man behind him, the very first thing that came into mind was how much taller than him this person was, with Kenshin himself standing at a modest 5’4, he assumed that this person was at the very least 6ft tall. Kenshin then took in the guys muscular structure, and the first word that came to mind was wiry, because while the guy may not have a lot of muscle he was able to tell that the ones he did have were strong and refined. From the Kenshin began to take in the rest of his appearance, such as the dragon tattoo visible on his arm, something that he imagined some of the more religious people in the village did not look upon in favour, he then looked at the guy's clothes, a rather grungy tank top and pair of jeans, and finally he took in the fact that the guy had his hands in his pockets. He had taken all of this information on the guy in within the span of a few seconds, so as to ensure that it did not seem that he was just staring at him, something that he thought would make the guy feel rather uncomfortable

“Why it’s a top hat of course, other than that I have no clue about it, you see I’m not a particularly religious person so I don’t really know what sort of items that religious people would believe to be important or sacred” Kenshin would say in a rather cheerful tone, he was truly glad that there was somebody for him to speak to as he waited in line, he was seriously bored. “And I suppose that wearing a top hat is a little weird, but that's one of the reasons I like it, it’s not something that you would find a lot of people wearing, it helps me stand out in a crowd, more than these do anyway” the silver haired youth would with a small chuckle as he gestured to the two stitched scars visible on his face and his neck. It was at this point the scarred teen would realise that he had yet to introduce himself to the older looking man, something that he considered to be quite rude on his part “Oh forgive me, I never introduced myself, my name is Kenshin, pleased to meet you…” Kenshin would say before trailing off, letting Castiel know that Kenshin wanted him to introduce himself before anything else.

WC: 956
Castiel Yuhi
Castiel Yuhi
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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:22 am
The strange individual stared at him and looked him up and down, it was obvious to Castiel that he was being sized up.  Cas was not ignorant by any stretch instead favoring the appearance of a slob and the actions of a sloth, he was still born into a powerful shinobi family and had keen ninja senses.  Though, in truth it would be a lie if someone were to state that his clumsy actions and lazy attitude was all an act.  In response to the examination Castiel would take a step back and hold his hands up in front of him. 
"Woah, I definitely like ladies so you can stop looking at me like that."  Trying to disarm the boy using his words, "And I spose people can wear whatever hats that they would like to wear, im just so used to seeing the tall hats of religious folks, and figured you were a pilgrim."  Castiel would reply afterwards to Kenshin's statements in regards to the hat.  He could see how for a boy with a big nasty scar on his face why such a thing would be nice, but Castiel didn't see himself wearing anything like that preferring to just wear for comfort.
Castiel would realize then that his shirt was dirty and would reminisce as to why it was.  It was his constant training with genjutsu, he would practice until he was completely crashed, sleep wherever he could and wanke back up and go at it.  It just so happened to be a day off for him.
The red haired boy would then take his hands and ruffle his mohawk and pull on his earring,  "So Kenshin is it?  My name is Castiel Yuhi, but everyone just calls me Cas.  What brings you to Hoshi?  Since it's not a pilgrimage.  And you don't look like no basic villager."

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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Sat Apr 23, 2016 3:17 am
The silver haired youth could only smirk as he watched the young man take a step back and raise his hands in front of him, this action telling Kenshin that the other guy was aware that he was sizing him up, and while the scarred teen was putting his all into being subtle about it he was being subtle enough to fool most untrained people. That left two options, either this guy was just an extremely observant person, or he was a trained shinobi, and based on the chakra reserves that he possessed Kenshin was almost certain that he was a shinobi. “Woah, I definitely like ladies so you can stop looking at me like that” Castiel would say in what Kenshin took to be a tone of nervousness, the words themselves managing to take the silver haired teen by surprise He doesn’t really think I swing that way does he?’ he would think to himself, the shock that he was feeling at Castiel's statement clear on his face. “And I spose people can wear whatever hats that they would like to wear, I’m just so used to seeing the tall hats of religious folks, and figured you were a pilgrim” Castiel would then say, something that caused the shocked expression on Kenshin’s scarred face to fade away, and instead that look of shock was replaced by a slowly growing grin. Honestly grabbing the hat had been a split second decision he made as he was walking out of the store, and the only reason that he had taken it was it allowed him to style his hair in a way that hid his strange and unique eyes from the extremely religious people of Haven Country, but despite that he was actually beginning to like the hat, he truly had no idea why he liked it because while it did allow him to hide his eyes it also drew unnecessary attention to him, but regardless of that he did like it

Kenshin would watch in slight amusement as the older teen ruffled his mohawk and gave his earring a slight tug, he had never really met anybody who wore their hair in a mohawk and actually managed to pull the look off, but for some reason this guy, Castiel as he called himself, had managed to pull it off. “So Kenshin is it? My name is Castiel Yuhi, but everyone just calls me Cas. What brings you to Hoshi? Since it’s not a pilgrimage. And you don’t look like no basic villager.” Castiel would ask in what Kenshin took as a nonchalant tone, the question itself causing the grin on his scarred face to grow even further, until it looked to be splitting his face. “Well, first let me start off by apologising for making you feel uncomfortable, I will admit I was sizing you up but it was to get a feel of whether or not you were a shinobi, not because I found you attractive, trust me you have nothing to worry about from me in that regard, just like you I prefer women, I just felt the need to clear that up” the silver haired youth would say with a slight chuckle, it had nothing to do with Castiel's question but he truly felt the need to clear that up, he had nothing against people who did swing that way but he didn’t want there to be any confusion in the future because of a simple misunderstanding. “Now, as to why I’m here, you’re correct I’m not here on a pilgrimage, nor am I the average civilian awaiting entrance to the village, in fact I am willing to wager that I am in the same line of work as you are Castiel” Kenshin would say in a rather sly tone, his grin having turned itself into a rather cunning and smug smirk. He had just all but told Castiel that he was also a shinobi, the reason behind him letting Castiel know like that rather than actually telling him was because of the large crowds that surrounded the two of them, large crowds filled with extremely zealous and religious people from all over Haven Country, most of which he knew still regarded shinobi with suspicion, and he had no doubt there were even a couple of people who downright hated shinobi, as he had met more than a few people with that line of thought whist he was gathering info on Hoshigakure.

It was only at this point that Kenshin would realise that he hadn’t explained to Castiel just how he had figured out that he was a shinobi, something that he had no doubt the boy would be wondering. “Oh, and if you’re wondering just how I knew that you and I are in the same line of work I possess a rather useful ability, I suppose the best thing to call it would be a sixth sense, with this ability I can feel whenever somebody in our line of work is in the area, it’s almost like I can sense their...essence” the silver haired teen would say, his voice lowered to barely a whisper, but still speaking in riddles and half truths just in case someone in the surrounding crowd could hear his voice. He was hoping that Castiel was intelligent enough to realise that he was talking about the ability to sense chakra, he also hoped that Castiel realised that he didn’t want the people in the crowd to realise he was a shinobi, naturally he felt rather uncomfortable while stuck in the middle of a giant crowd of people who disliked shinobi, and that was while said people didn’t even know he was a shinobi

WC: 952
Castiel Yuhi
Castiel Yuhi
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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:48 am
The silver haired boy spoke to Castiel in response to his questions. Something about the strange individual made him uncomfortable he couldn't put his finger on it.  Whether it was the formality in his voice or the odd appearance the guy had Cas put back.  The brown haired Yuhi somewhat regretted having walked over to discuss the hat, having realized what he got himself into.
"Whew was this guy long winded," Castiel would think to himself after the strange shinobi had finally finished talking.  “Oh, and if you’re wondering just how I knew that you and I are in the same line of work I possess a rather useful ability, I suppose the best thing to call it would be a sixth sense, with this ability I can feel whenever somebody in our line of work is in the area, it’s almost like I can sense their...essence”  
Cas wore the shinobi headband looped around his belt letting it dangle at his waist, and until Kenshin stated that he could sense whether Cas was a shinobi, Cas just simply assumed that Kenshin saw his headband.  It was however impressive to Castiel that Kenshin could sense chakra as that was usually an ability used by more advanced shinobi, and something that he himself wasn't even capable of. 
This lead Castiel's train of thought to the conclusion, that he had a long way to go before he was ready to go on missions and fight in the village.  His physical capabilities lacking and not having any entirely complete genjutsu to aid him, he was simply a member of the village who could do a few ninja tricks.  For a moment his mind flashed back to his first teachings with his father.  The genjutsu Shibari, an illusory jutsu that would be utulized from the eyes to hold his enemy in place.
"Well, man. I'm not gonna lie, that is impressive.  You should've just said you were a shinobi to begin with.  I could've gotten you in.  But, I do gotta ask, are you wanting to join the shinobi forces of Hoshi or are you just trying to enter the village?"  Castiel would ask, he stood in such a way that he did not seem offensive, but with the constant rogue ninja attacks that The City Blessed byt The Stars often underwent he had to remain cautious.  So even though his right hand was in his pocket and his body was in a non offensive stance he would be clutching a kunai, it was truly better to be safe than sorry.
If the strange boy with the strange hat would imply that he was only here  to join Castiel would let go of it.  He hated to fight and always wanted to take the path of least resistance.
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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:11 am
"Well, man. I'm not gonna lie, that is impressive.  You should've just said you were a shinobi to begin with.  I could've gotten you in.  But, I do gotta ask, are you wanting to join the shinobi forces of Hoshi or are you just trying to enter the village?" Castiel would say in response to his rather cryptic way of letting him know that he was also a shinobi, something that made the scarred teen release a small yet slightly annoyed sigh. “Well, there goes my cover, I was trying not to outright say I was a shinobi for a reason Castiel, look at just where we are right now, and more importantly take a look at the people that we are surrounded by” Kenshin would say, a small hint of annoyance in his voice as he looked at the large crowd of religious people in the crowd, and based on the fact that quite a few of the people in the crowd were now giving both him and Castiel badly concealed looks of suspicion and anger he would be willing to bet that they had heard exactly what Castiel had just said. “But there’s no use in complaining about it, what’s done is done and no amount of bitching and moaning will change that, so yes, I am a shinobi, and I am here in the hopes that I can sign up to the shinobi force here” Kenshin would say with a small smirk on his face, letting Castiel know exactly why he was here and also informing the people in the crowd of exactly what he was, he didn’t really care whether or not the people knew, he would’ve just preferred the info come out later, when he was not surrounded by a large crowd of people that dislike shinobi

“But on another note please let me apologise if I came across as a bit of an ass before Cas, I know it’s not really an excuse for it but I really don’t deal well with large groups of people, they tend to make me very anxious and even more paranoid, and that’s just crowds in general, this is a crowd of people who I've heard don’t exactly like shinobi, so it’s making me quite a bit more paranoid and anxious than usual” Kenshin would say, his eyes darting all around the crowd, but doing so behind his hair so that neither Castiel nor the people in the crowd could see. The silver haired youth was not lying to Castiel when he told the man that he was starting to get very anxious and paranoid in this crowd he was not lying when he said that he was getting very paranoid and anxious about being here, and he was honestly hoping that Castiel would do exactly what he said he could’ve done before and get him into the village and out of this crowd as soon as possible. Beneath his skin he was able to feel his threads going wild, and because of that he could feel his skin itself moving with it, producing an effect that made it seem like there were thousands of creatures squirming beneath his skin, which in a way was true. The threads were squirming and writhing wildly , almost as if they possessed a mind of their own own and were seeking a way out of his body, but at the same time like they were unable to leave the confines of his skin, he wasn’t sure if the threads were doing this in response to his severe anxiousness or the fact that he was surrounded by a veritable sea of hearts, but he suspected it was the latter, as the only time that he had ever felt like the threads possessed a mind of their own was when he assimilated his Water element heart back in the jungles of Waterfall Country

Thankfully all of this would be completely unnoticed by all of the people within the crowd and most likely unnoticed by Castiel himself, all of this thanks to the new outfit that he was wearing, which covered almost every inch of his skin from view, and the few parts of his body that were still visible, such as his hands and face, were not as affected by this sensation as the rest of his body, specifically his torso, the arms and legs were still squirming a bit but nowhere near as much as his torso, something that he felt was most likely due to his heart's being located within his torso. Theoretically he could store the hearts within any part of his body, hell he could even remove them from his body entirely so long as they were still connected to his threads, but so far he preferred to keep things simple and just store them in his torso, but just because they were in his torso that did not mean that they were located anywhere near where his heart should have been. He stored his original heart in the space that on a regular person would be occupied by the stomach, and he stored his water element heart in the space that on a regular person would be occupied by the small intestine. Unlike Castiel the heavily scarred teen was unable to access even a single one of the weapons in he had on him, the reason for this being simply because he was wearing his robes over his actual combat outfit, including the weapon pouches, something that he had done to make his disguise even more convincing, but the inability to access his kunai and shuriken meant little to him, the silver haired teen was not in need of even a single weapon as his body itself was his greatest weapon

Not once since he stepped foot into Haven Country had he let his guard down, the simple reason for this being that he was a rogue ninja in a country with an active and thriving shinobi village, and if anything his guard had only been raised even further when he stepped into line to enter the village, because he was unsure of the villages policies when it came to rogues like him. There was indeed a chance that they would actually end up being kind to rogues and allow him to join them, but there is also the chance that they would be hostile to rogues and attack him, and Kenshin was most definitely not willing to take a chance like that and not have a backup plan. This whole time he had been like a coiled snake, ready to strike whenever the situation called for it, he had of course been careful so as to not show this in his body language because he honestly hoped that it would not come to that point, but if for any reason Castiel or anybody else attempted to attack him he would be prepared to act. Of course his guard was only up in case Castiel or anybody else attempted to attack him, he was not planning to attack anybody first and was actually planning to go along with what Castiel wanted him to do, as it was only polite to follow the man's orders as a shinobi of Hoshigakure while attempting to enter the village. Plus the scar faced youth was smart enough to realise that trying to attack or fight Castiel in his home would be like kicking a hornets nest, except these hornets would have been trained from a young age to kill people and manipulate a supernatural energy, in other words, something that would most likely end in his death, something that he quite was eager to avoid

WC: 1283
Castiel Yuhi
Castiel Yuhi
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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:32 am
"Kenshin, man, just chill," Castiel would say calm and unbothered.  Despite the fact that there were dozens of prospective villagers and refugees over hearing the conversation, and they didn't seem pleased, Castiel knew the way that it worked in the village.  These people, relied on the shinobi for defense of the great city, so even though they didn't trust or welcome the chakra wielding warriors, they had no issues with accepting their help in times of strife.  In fact the irony was that there was a chuunin sitting by the gate allowing the immigrants into the city, so not a single one of these commoners would dare speak out openly against either Kenshin or Castiel.
"These dweebs won't do or say anything here, they want in the village too bad, and know that riling up the gates would be a bad idea.  And if you're worried about them giving you any shit within then you may not want to enter the village.  It's a hard life, but nothing to be ashamed of."  Castiel would say at Kenshin, walking past him toward the gate, giving the villagers a scowl, preparing to show them some Taijutsu if any of them tried anything.   He would assume Kenshin would follow him further up to the gate. 
When reaching the gate Castiel would wave at the woman and point at his headband on his belt,  the woman would allow them to enter.  "He's your responsibility, until he sees Shina,"  the obviously busy woman would say.
Castiel would simply lead the boy through the town until they reached the academy.  If the boy would try and start a conversation on the walk Castiel would respond otherwise he would walk with his head down leading Kenshin in.
1503 TWC all of it going toward Gen Shibari
completing Meet and Greet

Last edited by Castiel Yuhi on Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:37 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:22 am

(Mako, can't do it as both training and mission, pick one. <3)
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A New Path Empty Re: A New Path

Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:44 am
"Kenshin, man, just chill" Castiel would say in what Kenshin took to be a nonchalant tone "These dweebs won't do or say anything here, they want in the village too bad, and know that riling up the gates would be a bad idea.  And if you're worried about them giving you any shit within then you may not want to enter the village.  It's a hard life, but nothing to be ashamed of" he would continue saying as he walked right past Kenshin and continued on towards the gates. The silver haired teen assumed that Castiel was leading him somewhere and began following him, he watched Castiel’s interaction with the one of the gate guards "He's your responsibility, until he sees Shina" the Chunin would say, informing Kenshin that he was indeed being led to see someone, and hopefully this Shina would be able to allow him to join the village


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2000 words towards memorising Castiels chakra signature
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